《Black God of Lightning.》55. Test 3 (6)


From the Colosseum, everyone teleported to the Reckwerth's teleportation channel. The students stood in their groups. Which meant Lucas walked to the E rank's group. When Lucas got there he wanted to stand at the back of the line. But when he stood at the back. The person in front of him stood behind him. So Lucas took a step forward closing the space between him and the person in front of him. He wondered why this guy wanted to be behind Lucas. But as long as he kept his guard up he wasn't afraid. Once Lucas closed the gap the same thing happened. The person in front of him stood at the back of the line. Lucas just shook his head and took a step forward, to close the gap. But when he did it happened again, again and again. Until he was standing in front of the line. By the third time Lucas had realized this cycle would continue till he was first in line. When he got there he looked at the person second in line with a questioning gaze. Who then replied, " You are the only E ranker still in the tournament. So who else should stand first but you?"

When Lucas saw what they based their actions on he acknowledged it. Even though he wanted to be at the back. Once everyone had found their places the officials lead them to their dorms. All of the E rankers were now in their dorms sitting in the Cafeteria waiting for their food. Lucas sat on a single seat. Once the food was prepared a lady in the kitchen called out to the students to get their food. But everyone stayed seated. 1 minute had passed and nobody was standing up. So the lady called again but still, no one stood up. So Lucas thought to himself, "Okay if no one is going to stand up. I am going to. I am hungry!" Once Lucas stood up and walked into line everyone else stood up and got into line behind him. It was then that Lucas realized it's the same as in the lines before. They were waiting for him to be first. Lucas got his food and he ate it. After that, he went to go take a shower. He was alone in the shower. But he did not shower long. Once Lucas came out of the shower he saw a long line of boys waiting to go inside. So once he got out the other boys went in. However, by this time this didn't surprise Lucas anymore. It seemed that he gained some respect. Lucas thought to himself, " the influence of strength." Then Lucas went to his dorm room and he slept.


The next morning, Lucas woke up to someone touching his clothes. When Lucas opened his eyes he saw it was an official of the dorm. Who was trying to wake him up. So he climbed out of bed still tired and rubbing his eyes. Lucas was sleeping on the bottom of the bunk bed this time. His roommates allowed him to choose where he wanted to sleep last night. Once Lucas was up, the official whispered in his ears saying, " It's time to wake up. You need to get ready for the quarterfinals." But when Lucas looked outside the window it was still dark... So Lucas asked the official why were they waking him up so early. He said, " You need to warm up. Everyone who is taking part in the Quarterfinals is waking up now and about to go and warm up, re-strategize and so forth. The tournament begins in two hours. So make use of the time you have." When the official said that Lucas understood and then he walked outside his room to the cafeteria where his food was apparently waiting for him.

When Lucas got to the cafeteria he saw that there was a table that was set. When he got closer he saw that on the table was a white jade bowl with a golden rim and a white jade plate with a golden rim. The cutlery was golden and it was shining in all its glory. Obviously, this was set up for him. So Lucas sat down at the table. When he did a chef dressed in white came out of the kitchen and towards Lucas. He looked at Lucas then he nodded and said, " Good morning sir, I am your chef this morning. Please look at the menu beneath you and place your order when you are ready." After saying that the chef disappeared. Lucas looked at the menu and pondered as to what he wanted for breakfast. He saw they were meaty breakfasts. This intrigued him because his stomach was still used to having meat for breakfast. So Lucas called the chef and ordered his meal. Once he was done eating. He thanked the chef as the food was so far the best he had in this world. It wasn't near the level of the food he ate on Earth. But it towered above the food he had eaten in the inn and the food he got at this academy so far. Clearly, this was a trained chef which they hired for Lucas to ensure he gets a good meal for the tournament.


After eating he went to the training area. Where he was supposed to practice his spells. He went to a simulation booth and trained then he went to the target practice booth to practice accuracy. Lucas did not activate combat mode he was using his own skills. Lucas could train for as long as he wanted because he was the only person in the training area. Normally it was open 24/7 and had people in it all the time. But because Lucas needed to practice it was reserved just for him.

After practising his spells and strategies in the appointed time he had. Lucas drank a mana replenishing potion to fill him up back to full. He drank another High and low one. Netting him 1300 mana points. Now he only had the one left from the Arena and the rest he took from the goblins back in Zulras. After drinking his mana replenishments an official came to find Lucas and took him to the teleportation array. By now the sun had risen so the paths were well lit. Once Lucas got there he saw that his fellow participants already there. They eyed him as he approached. All well aware of the threat he posed. Lucas just ignored their strong gazes and looked at Ivys Vinnay who was looking at him. He did look for Yura Ironswerth who seemed to have a grudge on him. But he couldn't find him. Lucas deduced that he had already been kicked out as there were eight students here including him. This wasn't good news because this meant that Yura Ironswerth would seek revenge in another way. If Lucas could take him out in the tournament. He could instil fear in him that would cripple him from ever wanting to make a move on Lucas. But now he can't "It is what is," Lucas thought.

Ivys Vinnay looked at Lucas and saw he was not rattled by the scowls his opponents were giving him. Because of that, she smiled for a moment. At that moment, rainbows painted the sky in beautiful colours as the birds chirped. As if her smile had the power to bring life to everything. Then she returned her facial expression to her normal authoritative one and began speaking, " I trust you all had a good nights sleep. Because today is one of the biggest days of your lives. You have made it to the best 8. So each one of you has a chance to be named the King or Queen of the first years. I will tell you exactly what that entails later but it's amazing. I just want to say well done for making it this far. As the sad truth is, this is as far as 4 of you are going to make it. Nonetheless, hold your spirits high and make your loved ones proud. Fight fair and square and let's have a good one."

After her speech, everyone clapped their hands and then they were teleported to the arena.

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