《One Piece: The legend of Johnny Silverhand》chapter 12


"Now you're talking my language," I replied with a smirk. "But let me hear what you want me to do and how much you're willing to offer first," I added.

"There is a marine ship on its way to west blue with a marine vice admiral guarding it," Sabo with a smile. "I need you to attack and sink that ship if you can," he added, still smiling.

"Now listen here, blondie," I remarked with a scowling expression. "You can't just suddenly open your mouth and ask someone to attack a fucking vice-admiral without at least giving a warning at least," I said, pushing down the urge to throw the blonde into the sea right here and now.

"Why not?" Sabo asked with a smile. "You've shown that you have no qualms about breaking the law, and you do not lack the strength to fight a vice-admiral," he added with a smug smile.

"You did fight Don, Chinjao, and beat him, after all," he concluded, causing me to reconsider indulging in the urge I had earlier.

"In the first place, why do you want me to attack this ship, and why don't you and your people do it yourselves? I asked, not bothering to comment on his earlier words.

"We have plans in motion in this area of the sea, and a vice-admiral appearing out of nowhere is bound to mess some of them up," Sabo explained. "We don't want to do it ourselves because we can't oppose the marines directly, not yet anyway," he added with a complicated expression, heaving a sigh.

"So my superiors are hoping that sinking their ship will delay them long enough for us to complete our plans," he concluded, shaking his head and smiling again.

"I've almost forgotten how passive you people can be," I said while shaking my head. "Still, what you're asking is very difficult," I concluded with a blank expression.

"I didn't hear you say no," Sabo replied with a smug expression.

In truth, I have been thinking of attacking this ship since I heard about it coming to west blue from Laffite. It's about time for us to raise a black flag and turn into full-fledged pirates. And what better way to make it official than taking down a ship guarded by a vice-admiral as our first prey?

The ship will most likely have many supplies that we might need in the grand line, like log poses, eternal poses, maps, and even sea stones. A proper fight with a marine vice admiral is precisely what Wilson and Laffite need to awaken their hardening Haki as well, and now the revolutionary army is even offering me money to do it.

"No, you didn't," I said with a sigh, turning around to look at my companions. "What do you guys think?" I asked my companions with a smile.

My companions showed different reactions to my question. Wilson and Laffite were eagerly showing their approval, while Kozue and Bob didn't seem to care either way.

Byron and Elly, on the other hand, smiled while nodding, telling me that they would follow whatever I thought was the best course of action.

"You heard my friends. Now tell me how much you're willing to offer," I said with a smile as I turned to look at Sabo again.

"Fifty million Berries," Sabo stated in a confident tone as he raised five fingers in front of his face. "I say, blondie, do I look like a beggar or an idiot to you?" I asked with a bemused expression, raising an eyebrow at his first offer.


"A pirate with the same strength as a vice admiral will at least be worth three hundred million, and you're offering me fifty," I added with a scowl, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"That's right, but he isn't a pirate, and there aren't other people offering you money to fight him, is there?" He asked with a smile.

"Even if there aren't other people offering bounties for fighting vice admirals, that doesn't mean you can rip me off like that," I replied, shaking my head. "Two hundred and fifty million, or do it you self,"

I kept going back and forth with Sabo for the next thirty minutes, only stopping when we agreed on the final price of one hundred and twenty-five million berries, with sixty million paid upfront.

"This all the information we have on the vice-admiral and the course his ship will take," Sabo stated, handing me a piece of paper. "I'll come back tomorrow with your upfront payment," he added as he turned around, jumping into the docks and disappearing within the crowds.

"Laffite, take these and make sure they're accurate," I said with a smile as I turned to look at my navigator. "I'll also be counting on you to set up the best course for us to intercept the marine ship," I added as I handed him the papers Sabo gave me.

"Consider it done, captain," Laffite replied with a smile of his own, tipping hat as he began looking through the paper.

"You and Wilson will take care of the vice-admiral while the rest of the crew of everyone else, when the time comes," I added, causing him to look up from the papers shooting me a confused look.

"A fight with a strong Haki user like a vice admiral is precisely what you and Wilson need right now to awaken your Haki," I explained with a smirk. "So I'll leave it to you two and watch from the sidelines unless there's a need for me to act, of course," I added.

"But I don't think there will be a need for me to act," I concluded with a confident smirk, causing Laffite to smile, nodding his head.

"Of course you won't, Johnny. Who the hell do you think we are!" Wilson exclaimed from the side with a smirk. "If anyone is going to be needing help, then it will definitely be that vice admiral," he added while flexing his biceps with a predatory smile on his face.


Another day had passed, and I was in my favorite spot on the black pearl's deck, sipping whisky while gazing at the night skies, deep in thought.

'One of the best things about coming to this world is definitely gazing at the stars,' I think while looking at the countless glowing stars lighting up the night skies.

'I have never seen a sky so clear and filled with stars in my past life, because of the artificial lights and ungodly amount of pollution. Even the air here is at least ten times more pure and refreshing than it was back there,'

"Laffite is back, captain," comes Elly's voice from the side, causing me to stop thinking about my past life as I turn to look at her, nodding with a smile and making my way towards Laffite.

"How did it go, Laffite?" I ask, still smiling as soon as I reach my navigator. "The information the revolutionary army provided us is mostly accurate," he replied with a frown.


"But there are some things they might have missed or purposefully left out of their report," he added while shaking his head.

"Oh, do explain?" I remarked with a raised eyebrow. "A vice-admiral called Momonga is guarding the ship, along with several more marine officers, the highest-ranked of them being a rear admiral," Laffite explained, causing me to nod, urging him to continue.

"The revolutionaries mentioned in all of this in their report, but they failed to mention that the rear admiral, rear admiral Bastille, is due for a promotion soon," Laffite stated, his frown becoming more pronounced.

"This means that he is qualified to become a vice admiral in both strength and merit. So we'll be fighting two individuals with the strength of vice admirals since Bastille is merely tagging along with Momonga to gain experience," my navigator concluded while shaking his head.

"Whether they didn't know or hid this information doesn't matter. I will remember this," I replied with a blank expression. "At any rate, this doesn't change our plans. I will take care of this rear admiral when the time comes, and you guys can take care of the rest," I concluded.

"As you wish, captain," Laffite replied. "Now, I only need to plan the best place to ambush them, and we can go after them tomorrow," he added with an eager smile.

"You do that, Laffite," I replied with a smile. 'I'll give that shameless yellow turd, Sabo, a piece of my mind later,' I think to myself as I return to my favorite spot at the black pearl's prow.


The time to attack the marine ship has finally come, and currently, all of us, my crew, and I are standing on the black pearl's deck, listening to Laffite briefing us about the plan he came up with to fight the marines.

"As you all know, the marines will arrive in west blue by crossing the calm belt," Laffite remarked while pointing at a map placed on a barrel in front of him.

"They will enter west blue from this point, to be specific, so they pass by this deserted island," he added, pointing at a small island on the map.

"The marines will be tired because of their long voyage across the calm belt, as the marines rarely stop to rest at islands located inside the calm belt because they lack information about that area," he stated again with a confident tone.

"What that all means is that the marine ship will most likely stop at the deserted island I mentioned earlier to rest and give the soldiers some breathing room away from the water," the navigator said, causing the rest of us to nod.

"Unfortunately, we don't have enough time to go there before them to prepare an ambush, so that only leaves us with entering the island from the other side to sneak up on them or attacking them head-on," Laffite concluded as he turned to look at me.

"If we land on the other side of the map, we might tire ourselves out trying to reach them by fighting the wild beasts native to that island, or we might even take too long, and they end up leaving," I remarked with a thoughtful expression.

"And there isn't any guarantee that they haven't set up watch points on all sides of the island, so gaining the element of surprise isn't guaranteed," I added while shaking my head.

"So, we might as well attack them head-on and be done with it, as that would be faster and more efficient," I concluded with a firm nod.

"The black pearl might suffer some damage in the process, but there is nothing we can do about that, other than try to protect her with all we've got," I remarked with a smirk. "We need to incapacitate their ship first as that is what we're getting paid for," I instructed, and everyone nodded.

"That will be up to you, Byron," I said as I turned to look at the blonde musicians. "I will take care of that rear admiral Bastille while Wilson and Laffite take care of vice-admiral Momonga," I explained.

"Elly and Kozue will take care of everyone else, and Bob will stay on the ship to guard it and step in to help anyone who he thinks needs the help," I added while looking at Bob, who was twirling his mustache, receiving only a nod.

"While everyone is busy, you will take the opportunity to break their ship's masts, Byron. But don't damage the ship too much, as we need to loot it after the fight," I concluded.

"Leave it to me, captain," Byron said confidently, smirking as he did. "But what should I do after breaking the masts?" he asked after a second of silence.

"You help Kozue and Elly fight off the rest of the marines. And if you Bob makes a move, you go take his place in guarding the ship," I remarked with a smile. "Does anyone else have any more questions?" I asked after seeing that no one asked anything.

"Good, then we set sail immediately," I exclaimed after seeing that no one asked anything, even after I urged them to do so, causing everyone to cheer.


It has been approximately eight hours since we finished our briefing session and set sail for the deserted island that the marines were supposed to stop. And I can now finally see the island's silhouette on the horizon along with the rough shape of the marine ship, docked a little distance away.

It takes us roughly ten more minutes to be within the marine ship's canon range, and the marines quickly act, addressing us with some speaker device. "You are approaching a marine ship on official duty. We are currently occupying this island for work-related reasons. Civilian entry this island is thus prohibited," the marine, an officer who seemed to be at least of ensign rank considering his coat, stated.

"Steer clear, or we will sink your ship," he added with an authoritative tone of voice, the marine ship firing a warning cannon shot at us as he spoke.

"Don't bother returning fire or dodging their cannons. Keep advancing at full speed." I instructed with a smirk. " I will take care of whatever they throw at us," I added, unsheathing Satori and causing Laffite to nod as he steered the wheel.

"This is your last warning. Steer clear of the island now!" the marine officer ordered again after noticing our lack of reply, and the marine ship began firing all of their cannons at the black pearl after a minute of waiting.

Looking at the incoming projectiles, I merely smirked again as I launched myself into the air with Geppo, launching a massive flying sword slash that bisected most of the incoming cannonballs, causing them to explode midair. The rest hit nothing but the water next to my ship.


Third person's point of view:

On the deserted island, inside a roughly built shed, sat vice-admiral Momonga with rear admiral Bastille in comfortable silence as Momonga meditated quietly while the latter was enjoying a hot cup of tea.

A marine soldier who hastily made his way inside suddenly broke the silence. "Sirs, there is an unknown civilian ship approaching the island," the marine soldier reported while saluting his commanding officers.

"Did you warn them not to come any closer?" The vice admiral asked as he opened his eyes to look at the marine soldier.

"Yes, sir, we did." Replied the soldier with a hesitant tone. "Then sink them. We can fish out and detain the survivors later," the vice-admiral instructed with a sigh, shaking his head.

"About that, sir...," the marine soldier trailed off, his tone still hesitant. "What is it, soldier? Speak clearly -Dara!" rear admiral Bastille said with an annoyed tone after noticing the soldier's hesitance as he put down his teacup.

"We are firing our cannons at the ship, but we can't seem to manage sinking them, sir," the marine soldier explained in a nervous tone of voice.

"What do you mean, you can't sink the ship -Dara?" the rear admiral asked in an impatient tone, seemingly annoyed. "Are you telling me that trained marine soldiers can't even hit a ship?" he asked again while sending the marine soldier a dirty look.

"Calm yourself, Bastille," Vice-admiral Momonga said in a calm voice as he got and put a hand on Bastille's shoulder. "Explain, soldier," he ordered after making sure that the rear admiral wouldn't snap at the poor marine again.

"We are firing at them, but someone on their ship is destroying our cannonballs before they reach their target, sir." The marine soldier explained after gathering his wits that the rear admiral's stink eye scattered.

"It is unusual to find someone with such abilities in this area of the sea. Perhaps I should personally go there to see what is happening," Vice-admiral Momonga said thoughtfully.

"There is no need for you to go personally, vice-admiral -Dara," Bastille said as he stood up, gesturing with hand assuringly. "I will take care of it," he concluded as he began making his way towards the island's beach.

"Very well, Bastille. I will leave this matter in your capable hands," the vice-admiral replied in a calm tone as he sat down again, resuming his meditation.


Johnny's point of view:

"It looks like the vice and rear admirals aren't on the ship," I remarked after destroying another wave of cannonballs. "I'll go and quickly smash the masses myself since the ship is unguarded right now," I added while floating in the air.

"Leave the ship here with Bob guarding it, and everyone else make your way to the island," I quickly instructed. "I'll catch up to you once I incapacitate the ship," I concluded, launching myself towards the ship with Geppo.

It didn't take me long to reach the ship, and I acted quickly, swinging my sword towards the mainmast, sending a Haki-infuse flying sword slash in its direction.

Looking at this scene, many of the marine officers on the ship tried to stop my sword slash by using Rankyaku, sword slashed of their own, and even cannonballs, but it was all to no avail as it swallowed everything in its path, not slowing down at all.

Just as the slash was about to hit the mainmast, however, the rear admiral came rushing into the ship, blocking it with his sword and sending it flying into the sea.

"You guys step aside -Dara. You're no match for this person -Dara," Vice-admiral Bastille said after blocking my slash, waving his left hand dismissively as he held his gigantic sword above his shoulder with his left.

"And you're supposed to be my match then?" I asked with a provocative smirk as I launched myself towards the rear admiral.


"And you're supposed to be my match then?" I asked with a provocative smirk as I launched myself towards the rear admiral.

I quickly coated my blade with Haki again before meeting the rear admiral's own gigantic sword that similarly Haki-coated as well.

"Who the hell are you -Dara?" Bastille asked with a scowling expression, looking me in the eye as our blades met, pushing one another. "Why are you attacking us -Dara?" he added as we both began putting more strength into our swords, trying to break the stalemate.

"Some cp9 agents attacked my companions simply because they are related to me," I replied as I purposefully let his sword push mine back, using Kami-e to dodge his swing.

"So I'm venting my anger on you marines, simply because you're related to the cp9 agents as well since I couldn't find them," I lied shamelessly, trying to cover for Kumadori and Fukurou, successfully dodging his attack and retaliating with a diagonal slash from below.

"Are you trying to challenge the world government, you crazy bastard - Dara?" the rear admiral asked with a scowling expression as he hastily dodged my attack by taking a step backward.

"I'm not challenging the world government," I replied with a smirk as I jumped backward as well, retrieving my gun and firing three Haki-coated bullets in bastille's direction.

The rear admiral reacted quickly, putting his gigantic sword in front of him to shield his body from the bullets. Still, the shots were merely a distraction as I used Soru, arriving behind him, the sword in my hand already in a swinging motion, aiming at his side.

"The world's government is challenging me, and I'm only responding in kind," I concluded, a smirk still on my face as I swung my sword.

The rear admiral reacted just as fast this time as well, turning around and slashing his sword at me sideways thanks to his Observation Haki, causing me to have no choice but to use Kami-e to dodge again.

Still, the forceful way the rear admiral had turned around to swing his sword at me, combined with the centrifugal force generated by the weight of his sword, left his sides wide open for me to counter-attack.

I swing my sword at the Bastille's Haki-coated side at incredible speed, trying to cleave him in two, but his hardening Haki was strong enough to stop that, so I only ended up cutting deep enough to nick one of his kidneys.

To his credit, the masked vice-admiral merely grunted in pain as he swung his sword at me again, but I didn't dodge because I noticed something from the corner of my eye.

I Hastily met his sword with mine, taking a step backward to ease some of the pressure generated by my unsteady posture, resuming the stalemate as I looked the vice admiral in the eye, or mask hole in this case.

Suddenly, the rear admiral turned to the side with gritted teeth as Byron came soaring through the sky in his hybrid form, aiming straight for the marine ship's mainmast.

"Where the hell do you think you're looking?" I asked with a scowl as I removed one of my hands from Satori's hilt and took a step forward, channeling my impact fist through it and burying it in the rear admiral's stomach.

I quickly unleashed my Conquerors Haki, knocking out most of the marines on the ship that we're trying to shoot down Byron. Still, some of them remained standing, but they weren't enough to stop the blonde musician.

Watching as Byron cleanly cleaved through the marine ship's main mast with his flaming wings, I smirked as I charged towards the rear admiral, who steadied himself with blood leaking from his metallic mask.

"It seems that I have been too careless -Dara," the rear admiral remarked, wiping the blood leaking from his mask. "But now the ship is already crippled. There's no longer a need for me to hold back -Dara," he concluded, swinging his blade in Bryon's direction.

The air pressure from his swing alone created a transparent sword slash, heading directly towards the blonde musician, causing me to launch myself into the air, towards Byron, gripping his shoulder and tossing him away for the slash's trajectory.

"Go and guard the ship now, and tell Bob to make his way towards the island, just in case," I stated as I swung my blase at the flying sword slash. "It looks like I'll have to end this fight quicker than I'd liked," I concluded with a smirk as I pushed back the sword slash, sending it towards one of the ship's masts.

"Understood, captain," Byron replied with no hesitation as he turned around and began flying towards the black pearl.

"Now then," I remarked as I turned to look down at the vice-admiral standing on the marine ship's deck. "I can't have you destroy this ship since I intend to loot it after the fight," I said, activating berserk, my skin turned red, with steam coming out of my pores.

"So it looks like I'll have to cut this fight short," I concluded as I launched myself towards the masked rear admiral.

"I don't know what kind of trick you just used, but it won't do you any good -Dara," the rear admiral replied, launching himself into the air, gigantic sword in hand.

It only took us a couple of seconds to be within striking range of each other, and we both swung our blades at the same time, pushing ourselves forward with geppo.

The rear admiral lived up to both his soon-to-be rank and his size, managing to keep up with me in terms of brute strength despite his disadvantageous position.

Still, he did not last long as I began to rapidly increase the pace of my Geppo steps while putting more and more strength into my arms, sending him flying towards the ship's deck.

I quickly used a mixture of Soru and Geppo to appear on the ship's deck before the rear admiral crashed into it. I then channeled my impact fist through my hand, striking him squarely in the back before he impacted the ship's deck while holding him in place with the other hand.

The rear admiral grunted in pain as several of his back bones cracked with a sickening crunch, but he gritted his teeth and spun himself in the air to get rid of my grip and turned around to face, sending his a huge fist directly at my chest.

Looking at his approaching fists, I smirked, activating Tekkai and coating my chest with Haki to tank the incoming attack. The rear admiral's fist landed on my chest with the force of a truck, sending me sliding backward while driving out the air in my lungs.

Still, the force of his punch and the forceful way he spun himself in the air seemed to have put a lot of strain on his cracked back bones, causing him to stagger.

I took advantage of that, quickly appearing in front of him by using Soru, my hand shooting towards his face at incredible speeds, gripping his mask, and unleashing a Haki-infused impact wave.

The shock wave shot through the rear admiral's head, emerging from the other side and hitting the marine ship's last mast, causing it to collapse as well.

The force of the shock wave also injured the rear admiral, causing him to bleed from all of the orifices on his head and disorienting him, which left him open to further attacks.

I capitalized on that, hammering him with more Haki-infused shock waves until he ended up laying unconsciously on the crippled marine ship's deck.

The few remaining marine officers, who weren't knocked unconscious by my Haki earlier, threw themselves at me as well, trying to take advantage of an opening that honestly didn't exist.

I, of course, proceeded to beat them within an inch of their lives and then broke the marine ship's galver (steering wheel), just in case.

'I should go and check on how the others are doing on the island now,' I thought to myself after destroying the galver, picking up the unconscious rear admiral, and making my way towards the deserted island.


Third person's point of view:


As Johnny began attacking the marine ship, Wilson, Laffite, and the rest were making their way towards the island. They suddenly slowed down as a massive figure rushed out of the island, heading straight to the marine ship.

"That should be rear admiral Bastille," Laffite said while looking at the rear admiral rushing towards the marine ship. "He definitely matches the description," he added, preparing himself for a fight.

"He doesn't seem interested in us," Wilson said as he made eye contact with the rear admiral, who resolutely ignored them, keeping his eyes on the ship.

"Johnny will take care of it," Wilson remarked. "Byron, go back to the ship and see if you can crush their main mast while Johnny is keeping the rear admiral busy," he instructed while looking at Byron, who was in his hybrid form.

Byron did not reply, merely nodding as he turned around, waiting for the rear admiral to gain some distance to follow after him.

"Let's go," Wilson said as he turned to look at the deserted island again, rushing towards with the others following him.

It didn't take long for them to reach the island's shore, and the marines received them rather warmly with a barrage of gunfire. "Fly behind me," Wilson said while looking at the incoming bullets, transforming into his hybrid form.

Laffite, who was carrying Kozue on his back, and Elly quickly obliged, lining themselves behind Wilson as the bullets impacted Wilson's thick hide, bouncing off harmlessly.

Wilson, of course, was the first to arrive at the shore, landing in the middle of a group of marine soldiers, and proceeded to send them flying in all directions.

Laffite was right after him, landing and getting Kozue off his back as he began whacking people with his red cane while stopping to spin it strangely, causing the surrounding marines to attack each other.

Kozue also began her assault as soon as she was off Laffite's back, moving at incredible speeds between the marines, cutting everything in front of her with her new sword.

Elly arrived after everyone else and began acting just as fast as Kozue, shooting everything that moved with her rifle while kicking anyone who got close to her.


Inside the improvised shack where Momonga was resting, the vice-admiral suddenly opened his eyes, frowning at the sounds of gunfire and screaming that interrupted his meditations.

"We are under attack, sir," the same marine soldier who reported to him earlier came rushing inside the shack, too flustered to perform even a salute. "The attackers have made their way onto the island," he added with a nervous tone.

"Didn't Bastille already go to take care of the attackers? How did they reach the island?" Momonga asked in a calm tone, still frowning.

"It seems the attacker have split their forces. Some of them are attacking the ship while the others are attacking the island's shore," the marine soldier hurriedly explained. "There's nothing we can do about them, sir. They're too strong," he added with a sheepish look on his face.

"So be it," the vice-admiral replied with a sigh. "I will take care of it," Momonga concluded as he stood up, retrieving his sword and unsheathing it as he began rushing towards the island's shore.

It didn't take the vice-admiral long to reach the shore, where Johnny's crew was decimating the marines, so he reacted quickly, shooting in Elly's direction at incredible speed since she was the closest to him.

Momonga was right behind her in an instant, preparing to slash her with the sword in his hand. Still, Elly's eyes suddenly flashed as she hastily turned around, drawing her coach gun and blasting the vice admiral in the torso, sending him sliding backward.

"Your opponent isn't me," Elly said with a smile as she gave the vice-admiral a once over. "Is that so? Then who is?" Momonga replied with a question, frowning as he did.

"That would be me!" came Wilson's voice from behind the vice-admiral as he appeared there with a savage grin on his face, shooting his massive fist towards Momonga's back.

The vice admiral didn't have time to block or dodge because his Observation Haki failed to sense Wilson approaching thanks to the latter's animalistic intent, which differs from humans.

(Author's note: So basically, how Observation Haki works (Based on the one-piece Wiki) is that the user will sense his opponent's intent and predict his attack based on it. That is why Momonga couldn't sense Wilson coming at him because even though he looks like a human, he is still a gorilla.)

Wilson's fist hit the vice admiral's back with all the force he could muster, and the latter could do nothing but cover his back in Haki with gritted teeth as Wilson's fist sent him flying backward, crashing into a tree.

The vice admiral quickly got up, raising his sword, preparing to clash with Wilson, who was charging towards him again. Still, he did not get the chance to do that as Laffite suddenly appeared behind, seemingly from nowhere.

The navigator had a maniacal smile on his face as he thrust his cane at the back of the unsuspecting vice admiral's knee, causing him to stagger.

(Author's note: if someone like Squard can hide his intent to get over white beard's observation to stab him (That's how he did it based on the one-piece Wiki), then I can only assume that Laffite can do the same to Momonga.)

Laffite didn't intend to give him any breathing space, releasing a rankyaku slash at the vice admiral's back that was now covered in Haki, sending flying towards Wilson.

Wilson merely grinned as he buried his fist in Momonga's stomach, redirecting his trajectory and smashing him into the ground.

Wilson, and Laffite, still didn't let up, acting quickly and charging towards the crater Wilson's fist buried the vice-admiral inside. Still, they found nothing as Momonga reacted even more quickly, getting out of the hole and launching himself into the sky with Geppo.

Wilson was the first to spot the vice-admiral as he began descending on them, sword in hand. Wilson transformed into his hybrid form, rushing upwards with Geppo to meet the latter as he began releasing compressed air bullets in the latter's direction with all of his hands.

Laffite followed suit, choosing to flank the vice-admiral instead of attacking him directly as Wilson did.

Momonga noticed this, but he did not show any reaction as he kept calmly charging towards Wilson, using his sword to deflect the hail of compressed air bullets fired at him while using Kami-e to dodge the one he couldn't block.

Wilson and vice-admiral were soon within striking distance of each other, and Wilson's fist met the latter's sword with a thundering boom that reverberated throughout the island.

Momonga and Wilson seemed to be equal in brute strength as they kept pushing each other while midair. Still, the vice Haki-coated sword began slowly cutting into the latter's fist, who merely smiled as he kept thrusting himself upwards with Geppo.

Suddenly, Laffite appeared by the vice admiral's side, aiming his cane at Momonga's face, causing the latter to frown as he redirected Wilson's punch to the side, turning around and kicking Laffite away.

The vice admiral then appeared behind Wilson, gripping one of his arms, spinning him in the air, throwing him to the ground as the vice-admiral turned around and charged towards Laffite, who was still in the air.


Johnny's point of view:

I arrive at the island while carrying the unconscious rear admiral and land next to Bob while greeting him with a smile.

"What's that thing in your hand, captain?" Bob asked while looking at the rear admiral. "I brought him just in case we ended up needing a hostage or something," I explained while shrugging my shoulders.

"I Know that Wilson and Laffite will manage somehow, but I don't want to leave anything to chance," I concluded, causing Bob to nod as I turned to watch the fight as the vice-admiral threw Wilson into the ground and rushed towards Laffite.

Laffite looked at the approaching vice-admiral calmly while calmly smiling as he drew a gun and began shooting in his direction. Still, the bullets did not seem to slow down Momonga as he deflected them all without batting an eye.

The vice admiral reached Laffite with no trouble, promptly swinging his blade at Laffite's chest. Laffite, knowing blocking the Haki-coated sword with his cane would be useless, merely moved backward.

The sword hit nothing but air, and Laffite acted immediately, swinging his cane and hitting the back of the vice admiral's sword, pushing it further down, and messing up Momonga's stance.

Laffite's hand moved at incredible speed, gripping the vice admiral's wrist as he moved forward, crashing into Momonga's chest with his shoulder, turning around, and throwing him into the ground with an over-shoulder throw.

The vice admiral tried to correct his posture in the air to stop his momentum and charge at Laffite again, but he had to stop and turn around to stop a gigantic fist aimed towards him as Wilson was upon him once again.

Sword met fist again, with a thundering thud, as Laffite made his move, appearing behind the vice-admiral with the butt of his cane, pointed at Momonga's back, preparing to strike him at the center of his spine.

Still, the vice-admiral quickly reacted by removing one of his hands from the sword, hitting Wilson's fist, and pushing it away from his sword while using the force of the attack to spin around and meet Laffite's cane with his foot.

The force of the vice admiral's kick sent Laffite reeling backward as he turned around, slashing Wilson's chest and drawing a long, thin, red line across it.

Wilson did even so much as grunt in pain as he reached with his four arms, hugging Momonga with a savage grin as Laffite began charging towards them with Geppo, with the tip of his cane that was radiating a flaming hue, aimed at Momonga's back again.

The vice admiral noticed Laffite charging towards him from the corner of his eye and began violently struggling. Still, Wilson tightened his grip on him further by transforming into his original gorilla form, which was now at least two meters taller than what it used to be. (Five meters, originally.)

Upon realizing that he couldn't free himself, Momonga coated the fingers of his hand in Haki as he began repeatedly thrusting them into Wilson's body while using Shigan.

Wilson responded by cocking his head backward and slamming it into the vice admiral's head, which disoriented the latter. Still, that didn't cause him to stop his actions as blood began to leak from Wilson's body and Momonga's forehead.

Laffite arrived a second later, thrusting the tip of his cane at the vice admiral's Haki-protected back with a fiery explosion. That, however, still didn't stop the vice-admiral, as he continuously kept thrusting his fingers into Wilson's thick hide, even as Laffite hammered him with the red cane.

The stalemate continued for several seconds until the Momonga managed to free loosen Wilson's grip on him thanks to his constant struggle, wriggling out of Wilson's hold with Kami-e.

Momonga ignored Laffite, who kept hammering his back as he swung his sword at Wilson's neck. Still, just as Bob and I were getting ready to jump in and save Wilson, the four-armed gorilla suddenly raised his head to the sky, roaring loudly enough to send the birds in the vicinity into a frenzy as they began flying in all directions.

Wilson's eyes glinted as he lowered his head and met the vice admiral's sword with his forehead, causing sparks to fly in the air with a loud metallic sound.

The vice admiral's eyes widened as Wilson moved his head back, revealing his forehead covered by a black, metal-like coat of Armament Haki.

Wilson roared again, quickly holding the vice admiral, head-butting him with his Haki-covered forehead and sending him crashing into the ground.

"You can take care of the rest, Laffite," Wilson said while cracking his neck with a smirk as he turned around and made his way towards Bob and me.

Laffite merely shrugged with his usual amiable smile drawn on his face as he looked down on the vice-admiral, as the latter got up from the crater he created after crashing into the ground while holding his head.

It was also this time that Elly and Kozue finished dealing with the remaining marine soldiers. So they made their way towards me to spectate the rest of the fight with us.

"I see what's happening here," vice admiral Momomnga said in a calm tone as he turned to look at the unconscious rear admiral lying in front of me.

"You people want to use me, a marine vice admiral, as a stepping stone," he remarked while chuckling calmly, but there was a vein bulging on his forehead.

"However, I refuse to be a part of this farce any longer," the vice-admiral said, promptly sheathing his blade. "Kill me if you wish, but mark my words, no matter what happens today, you will regret it sooner or later," he stated as he sat down cross-legged, putting his sword in front of him.

"Justice will always find its way," he concluded, closing his eyes and ignoring us. "Rehahahaha, tough luck, Laffite. It looks like the vice-admiral has had enough of us already," I said while laughing loudly as I looked at Momonga, who was meditating peacefully as if we no longer existed.

"We'll find you something else, so let's get out of here," I said while shaking my head with a smile. "We have a ship to loot after all," I concluded as I turned around and launched myself into the air with Geppo, making my way towards the marine ship.


We quickly made our way back to the marine ship and began looting it immediately after anchoring the black pearl next to close by. As expected, the marine ship had numerous log poses, eternal posses, maps, and weapons.

It also had the necessities like food and drink, along with approximately fifty million berries. I imagine that money was supposed to be the salary for west blue's marine branch soldiers, but I didn't care.

We also took enough cannons to fill the black pearl. We didn't exactly need them, but they were there, so why not?

"Why did we leave them there, captain?" Byron asked as the entire crew was gathered on the black pearl's deck, watching the marine ship sink into the sea after we took everything we could take from it.

"The vice and rear admirals," Byron added after I sent him a questioning look. "The poor marines were minding their business, and we attacked them first. There's no point in killing them or harming them any more than we did," I replied with a smile, shaking my head.

"Besides, if we kill them, we'd end up with a large target on our back, and there will be a marine admiral on our asses before we know it," I concluded.

"That's not what I meant, captain," Byron replied while shaking his head. "I meant we could have taken them hostage and asked for a ransom or something," Byron explained with a curious look.

"That, huh? Well, we've already defeated two people with vice admiral's strength, so I won't put past the marines to sacrifice them to get rid of us," I replied while looking at the sinking marine ship.

"For all I know, we could have gone to receive the ransom and found ourselves surrounded by an entire marine fleet, or worse, an admiral," I added in a grave tone. "It isn't worth it," I concluded, shaking my head firmly.

"Alright, you guys, we're already pirates, so take out the flag and hang it on the top of the black pearl's main mast," I ordered with an eager smirk as I watched Elly go inside the captain's quarters to retrieve a black flag, with the samurai band logo drawn on it. (Autor note: It's the logo printed on the back of Johnny's coat in the story's cover picture)

Elly thus quickly made her way to the top of the main mast, hanging the flag and causing us all to cheer. "Now we only need to receive our payment from that yellow turd, beat the crap out of him, and do one last thing on Kano country before making our way to reverse mountain," I exclaimed while watching my Jolly Roger flap in the air with a smirk.


A couple of days have passed since our fight with the marines, and the revolutionary army's people have delivered payment the same day.

But, to my frustration, Sabo didn't deliver the payment himself, leaving me unable to vent my anger for the lacking information.

The payment was delivered to us by some low-ranked grunt we found waiting for us at the docks when we got back to Kano country instead.

Unable to vent my anger on the yellow turd that was Sabo, I did the only reasonable thing I could do in this situation (I'm not an unreasonable person, after all.) Which was picking the guy bringing us the payment, tossing him into the sea as far as I could, and calling it a day.

The rest of the crew and I spent the next couple of days relaxing and lazing around without training to celebrate our victory and get some much-needed rest.

And now it was finally the time for us to leave for reverse mountain today, but first, there was still one thing I needed to do before we could depart, which brought my crew and me here.

We were sitting in a luxuriously decorated room while chatting with each other about many different topics until the room's door opened, revealing Don Chinjao's massive figure towering over it.

"There you are, brat," the old pirate as he lowered his head to get past the door. "You still have an hour, so I thought you might want to see this," he concluded, handing me a stack of yellow papers.

"Oh? It's finally here!" I said with an eager smirk. "I thought the bastards at the world government were too scared to give me a bounty or something, Rehahahaha," I added while laughing loudly, causing the old pirate to snort in disdain.

"Gather up, you guys. Our bounties are finally out!" I exclaimed, and everyone hastily came rushing towards me.

"Byron's first," I remarked with a smile. "Firebird, Byron wanted dead or alive. Bounty: 25,000,000 Berry," I added, causing the blond musician to grin while flexing his biceps.

Byron's wanted poster had a picture of him in his hybrid form, soaring through the sky.

"Deadlock, Elizabeth, wanted dead or alive. Bounty: 20,000,000 berry," I said as I turned to look at Elly. "Why is Byron's bounty higher than mine? I joined before him," Elly remarked with a pout while glaring at Byron.

Elly's wanted poster had a picture of her calmly aiming through the sights of her rifle.

"Instant death, Kozue, wanted dead or alive. Bounty: 40,000,000 Berry," I said as I turned to look at Kozue. "It looks like they named you after your new sword," I added with an amused smirk, causing her to do the same.

Kozue's wanted poster had a picture of her sheathing her sword, with several marine soldiers collapsed on the ground behind her.

"Demon Sherif, Laffite, wanted dead or alive. Bounty: 60,000,000 berry," I said as I turned to look at my navigator with a smirk.

"Oh, look, captain. They even got my good side on the picture," Laffite said in a joking manner with a smile on his face, causing me to chuckle.

Laffite's wanted poster had a picture of him bowing while raising his top hat, smiling cheerfully like he always does.

"White ape, Wilson, wanted dead or alive. Bounty: 80,000,000 berry," I said while looking at Wilson with twitching eyes, barely holding my laughter.

"Nooooo," Wilson said in a whiney tone. "I'm not a white ape! I'm a silver gorilla," he added as he slumped into a chair with a depressed look on his face, causing everyone to laugh at his misery.

Wilson's wanted poster had a picture of him in his hybrid form, holding two marine soldiers and banging their heads against each other with a savage grin.

"Johnny silver hand wanted alive. Bounty: 99,000,000 berry," I said with a raised eyebrow. "They sure know how to make a guy feel special," I added with an amused smirk while shaking my head.

My wanted poster had a picture of me relaxing on a chair with my feet raised on a table in front of me as I played my guitar.

"That's all, I'm afraid, bob. They didn't give you a bounty," I remarked as I turned to look at Bob. "It doesn't matter," Bob replied in a careless tone as he causally twirled his mustache.

"There you have it, brat," Don Chinjao said while caressing his beard. "You still have some time, so I'll leave you be, for now," he said as he turned around and left.

"Sai and Boo will come to get you when it's time," he concluded before leaving the room and closing the door behind him.

We watched the old pirate leave and resumed chatting between us with smiles on our faces, causing the time to go by quickly, and before we knew it, the door was opened again, revealing the old pirate's grand grandsons, Sai and Boo.

"It's time," Sai said with a smile on his face, causing us all to stand up, with Byron and me following behind him, guitar in hand while the rest followed Boo.

We walked through several corridors while following Sai until he stopped beside a door that led to a dark room with no light, gesturing for us to go in.

I smiled at him while nodding my head as I went inside, with Byron following behind me. The room suddenly lit up, revealing that it was not a room but a stage instead, and I was standing in its center, looking at the countless people who began to cheer in front of me.

"Do you like parties, Kano country?" I asked in a loud voice as I raised my fist high, causing the crowds below to cheer even more intensely. "That's all I needed to hear," I added with a satisfied smirk on my face at their cheering, giving the signal to the people behind me.

I began playing my guitar, and Byron started playing his drums shortly after as people appeared on the stage while holding different musical instruments. (AC/DC - Highway to Hell)

"Livin' easy, lovin' free, season ticket on a one-way ride," I sang as I leaned my head into the mic in front of me. "Askin' Nothin', Leave me be takin' everything in my stride,"

"Don't need reason, Don't need rhyme, Ain't nothin' that I'd rather do," kept singing as I turned to look at my crew, who were sitting on a VIP booth. "Goin' down, Party time. My friends are gonna be there too," I grinned while pointing at my companions, causing them to cheer along with the rest of the crowd.

"I'm on the highway to hell. On the highway to hell. Highway to hell. I'm on the highway to hell," I sang, the coir behind me chanting with me from behind, causing the crowd to go wild as they began dancing and popping their heads.

No stop signs

Speed limit

Nobody's gonna slow me down

Like a wheel,

Gonna spin it

Nobody's gonna mess me around

Hey Satan

Payin' my dues

Playin' in a rockin' band

Hey Mumma,

Look at me

I'm on the way to the promised land...,


I was back in the waiting room I was in before the concert, relaxing and waiting for my companions to come back along with Byron, who had a giddy smile on his face.

"That was great, captain!" Byron said with an excited look on his face. "It sure was," I replied with a smile as the door opened, revealing the rest of the crew.

"Alright, we've had our fun, but now It's time to continue our journey," I said with a grin as they made their way inside.

"But, captain, what about your share from this concert?" Elly asked. "Shouldn't we wait for Chinjao to give it to you?" she added while tilting her head to the side.

"I'm giving it to him," I said while shrugging my shoulders. "That should be enough to soften the feathers I ruffled when I rubbed the devil fruit matter in his face," I added with a smirk.

"Besides, we have too much money to spend as it is," I remarked, standing up as I did. "Set a course for us towards the reverse mountain, Laffite," I instructed as I turned to look at my navigator.

"It's already done, captain," Laffite replied, smiling cheerfully.

"Then what the hell are we waiting for?"


Third person's point of view:

Elsewhere. In the grand line, on an unnamed island inside a seedy-looking bar.

A man with heavy black clothes can be seen sitting alone on a table, drinking leisurely. The man's head turns as his eyes survey the bar, his gaze stopping on a wooden billboard.

He grins as he spots a new set of wanted posters reaching with his hands into the air, causing a purple rift to open in front of him. The man extends his hand into it, causing another portal to open in front of the billboard.

The man's hand emerges from the second rift, moving to grab the newly posted wanted posters as he draws it back, causing the portals to disappear.

"Johnny silver hand, eh? Interesting!" the man said with a grin on his face, crumpling the wanted posters and throwing them on the floor as he turned his attention to the drinks in front of him.


Johnny's point of view:

It has been a day since we departed from Kano country after my first concert. The trip has not been uneventful, but it was still peaceful nonetheless.

We, of course, came across one storm and the occasional sea monster, but that much is still peaceful if you look at my crew's strength.

Luckily, Kano country wasn't far from the reverse mountain, so it would only take us another day or so at sea to reach our destination.

Everyone did what they usually did when we were on the sea, and I used my captain's privileges to laze around while leaving, steering the ship to my companions.

The only thing that changed this time around was Kozue occasionally joining me when I did my daily practice swings, which I was doing right now.

"There's something up ahead, captain," came Elly's voice from the crow's nest, causing me to stop swinging my sword as I made my way to black pearl's prow to see what was happening.

Whatever is up ahead, it's enormous as I can't see it from this distance, but I could still see the splashes it's causing in the water.

I use my zooming function and smile at the sight in front of me. Even though I could only see the rough shapes of what was making the splashed up ahead, I still recognized what they were.

It doesn't take the black pearl long to reach the spot where the splashed were coming from, and everyone stops what they were doing to look at the pod of island whales swimming around us.

"What are those things?" Wilson asks while looking at the whales. "Do they taste good?" he adds, earning a whack on the head from yours truly.

"These are island whales," I explain with a smile. "They're mostly harmless, so leave them be," I added as I kept looking at the gigantic whales swimming around and below us.

"Gather up all the of the crew. It's time to ship out Bink's brew," I hum while looking at the whales as I lean on the railings, and it seems that the whales heard me as they began whistling along.


Another day passes, and I find myself staring at the reverse mountain's waterway with a smile on my face. That smile quickly turns into a frown as a large ship comes through, entering west blue.

The ship was enormous, even broader than my black pearl, and it had red lines decorating the sides of its hull. I also noticed that it was a pirate ship, evidenced by the skull drawn on its sails.

However, I ignore all of that as I find myself focusing on the man standing on the pirate ship's prow with a stoic expression on his face. He was a tall man (just under two meters), well built, and hand tanned complexion.

His hair was red, and he had a triple set of parallel, linear scars that pass vertically at an angle over his left (untouched) eye.

'Red-haired shanks,' I think to myself as I firmly turn my gaze away to the reverse mountain's waterway. 'I want nothing to do with this guy right now,' I conclude, pretending that Shanks, and his ship, the red force, no longer exist.

Our ships pass by each other, and I keep my eyes forward while Shanks merely takes a sideways glance at me and turns around, seemingly uninterested.

'Good riddance,' I think, sardonically, as the black pearl began riding the reverse stream. "Everyone hold on to something," Laffite exclaims from his spot in front of the black pearl's wheel.

I grin as the black pearl begins speeding through the waterway, with Laffite behind the wheel, expertly avoiding any obstacles in its path with a smile on his face.

It doesn't take us long to reach the crossroads at the top or reverse mountain, with five paths surrounding us, the path we came from, which leads back to west blue, the three pathways leading to the other blue, and the path leading towards the grand line.

I was just about to open my mouth to say something with a smile on my face as a ship appeared from the south blue waterway in course to ram the black pearl's side.

"I, Richard the axe, captain of the axe pirates, am finally about to enter the grand-line," exclaimed a man in pirate clothes as he stood on the ship's prow. "Look, we even found a victim before even reaching there," he adds with a loud laugh while pointing his hand at the black pearl.

"Open fire, drown these fools as a celebration to us getting out of south blue," he orders, and his subordinates quickly oblige, firing their cannons at the black pearl.

Looking at this scene, I merely sigh in exasperation as I launch myself into the air, chanting inside my head and deflecting the incoming cannonballs as I do.

"Satori no Kakyoko (song of sudden enlightenment,)" I murmur as I stop myself above the pirate ship, swinging my sword and releasing a giant sword slash that cleaved it cleanly in half.

"Tough luck Richard or whatever your name is," I remark with a smirk while watching the ship sink as pirates begin jumping into the seawater.

Did I doom several dozen people to death by drowning? Yes. Do I care? Not particularly. They were pirates heading into the grand line, so they should have been prepared to face such a fate, not to mention they attacked first, but I digress.

I remove my gaze from the drowning pirates, who were screaming and begging for me to save them, and make my way back to the black pearl, landing with a careless expression on my face.

"Alright, now that's taken care of...," I say, trailing off as the world freezes around me. "The hell?" I remark while looking at a droplet of water floating in the air.

"Are you guys alright?" I ask as I turn to look at my companions, who were motionless on the black pearl's deck with their expressions frozen on their faces.

I Walk towards Wilson, who was the nearest to me, trying to nudge him, but the world suddenly turns dark, and I feel weightless as I find myself floating in a familiar yet unfamiliar darkness.



The darkness vanishes again in a show of blinding light, and I can feel my own weight again as a room begins materializing around me.

The materialization process ends in an instant, and I find myself sitting on a comfortable leather sofa, looking at a beautiful, black-haired woman who was sitting behind a mahogany desk.

"Well, this is new," I remark, raising my eyebrow in suspicion while looking at the woman behind the desk.

"Welcome back, Mr. T-" the woman greets me, trying to use my old name, and I quickly interrupt her. "That's not my name anymore," I replied while shaking my head.

"Of course, my apologies," the woman says without a change in her expression. "Then welcome back, Mr. Linder," she continues in a professional tone.

"That's even worse," I say with an exasperated sigh," I replied while shaking my head. "So, why am I here? Did I die again or something?" I ask, my tone turning serious.

"Not at all. The reason you are here is that you've reached a checkpoint," the woman replies. "Other than that, we have also updated the system based on your interactions with the perks and traits you've purchased," she explains as she adjusts her glasses.

"So, we will adjust some of the things you've purchased and give you the chance to purchase new things," she added, snapping her fingers. "Let's start with the checkpoint first," she concluded.

[Congratulations on reaching the reverse mountain as in doing so, not only did you cross a vital milestone, but you are also entitled to a reward.]

[Your reward will be a devil fruit chosen randomly from three categories, bronze, silver, and gold.]

[Randomization begins.]

[Randomization complete; you have received the golden paramecia devil fruit, Mishu-Mishu (Dense-dense)]

[Mishu-Mishu devil fruit: a paramecia type devil fruit that allows the user to control the density of his own body along with anything he comes in contact with.]

The cold, robotic voice explains, causing a golden box to materialize in front of me with its lid open, revealing a golden, watermelon-like fruit with silver swirls going through its body and golden stem.

Looking at the fruit in front of me, I barely push down the urge to gobble right here and now as I reluctantly turn to look at the woman behind the desk.

"Ok, what's the catch?" I ask as I look her in the eye, my expression failing to hide my suspicion. "There is no catch," the woman replies, causing me to look even more suspicious.

"Allow me to rephrase," she remarks, adjusting her glasses. "If there is a catch, then it's the fact that you're the first person to try our reincarnation experience," she explains.

"I'm sure you must have noticed some of the things you've purchased not working as intended or not working at all," she added, snapping her finger again, causing a floating screen to appear in front of me.

[Talent scout: able to instinctively sense the potential of all individuals within your line of sight]

"The talent scout perk, for example, is not working at all, along with other things," she stated, snapping her finger again and causing the floating screen to disappear.

"So you're here not only to receive your reward but also for us to install the new updates we've been working on," she concluded.

[scanning perks and traits.]

[Talent scout perk found defective. Perk removed and refunded.]

[You have received 300 CP as a refund and an extra 100 for the inconvenience.]

[Cyber ware malfunction detected.]

[Detoxifier: Grants complete immunity against poison effects].

[Metabolic Editor: poison now acts as a stimulant that increases your body's healing rate].

[I detect that the previously mentioned cyber wares do not affect nicotine and alcohol.]

[Updating cyber wares.]

[Cyber wares updated: from now on, nicotine and alcohol will not affect the user.]

[You have been rewarded 100 CP for the inconvenience.]

"Now wait just one goddamn second," I say hurriedly, standing up and pointing an accusing finger at the white-haired woman. "You can't just make me immune to alcohol without asking for my permission first," I stated while glaring at the woman, causing her to roll her eyes.

[User dissatisfaction, detected, calculating.]

[Solution found. From now on, there will be stimulants that are slightly toxic or poisonous, like nicotine and alcohol in the user's system will only be filtered when they accumulate enough to endanger the user's health.]

"Now that's more like it," I remark with a satisfied expression as I sit down again, causing the white-haired woman to murmur something about alcoholic meatheads in an inaudible voice.

[I detect no more defects or malfunctioned elements.]

[Finalizing scan.]

[You have been rewarded 600 CP for the inconvenience.]

"You may now buy or sell any perk or trait you like," the white-haired woman stated, snapping her finger.

Name: Johnny D Linder

Gender: Male

Age: 16

CP: 1000


[D-tribesman: not much is known about the infamous D tribe except for their logic-defying physique, which entails a higher healing rate, a higher need for nutrition, a higher physical potential, and that most of them are capable of superhuman feats that under normal circumstances should not be possible]

[Bio-cyber-ware: your Cyber wares are a part of your body and thus will heal, strengthen and grow the same as any other normal body part]

[Rocker-boy: you are naturally gifted with a voice that will turn any aspiring rocker's eyes red in envy and have a mastery of all types of guitars]

[Novice swordsman: you know where the pointy end of the sword is, you can wield all kinds of blades to a somewhat satisfactory level without maiming and killing yourself and are capable of essential sword maintenance]

[Blue sea sailor: you know the basics of sailing, and you are at least able of navigating the four blue seas without getting yourself lost or drowned]

[War veteran: as a fully trained soldier, you are naturally trained in using firearms, hand to hand combat, essential firearm maintenance, basic first aid, and small scale team tactics]

[Survivalist: you are capable and knowledgeable enough to survive and secure water and food in most environments that are not too extreme]

[Sea stone prosthetic: your prosthetic arm is coated with sea stone]

Note: upon the consumption of a devil fruit, this perk will disappear and be replaced by the tolerated by the sea perk.


[Ambidextrous: you are capable of using both your right and left hand equally well]

[Charmer: you can naturally influence most situations to your advantage using only words, people are naturally attracted to you and whatever dream you choose to achieve as long as it doesn't conflict with their personal beliefs and morals]

[Ambitious: you always dream of bigger things and are capable of long-term planning to achieve your dreams]

[Dedicated: you are no stranger to hard work and can commit yourself physically and mentally to your goals and objectives]

[Freedom lover: you value your freedom and independence above everything else. Nonconformist people like freedom fighters and pirates are more easily befriended]

[Authority hater: you hate rules and authority with a passion, and the only limitations you will not break are your own. Conformist people like government officials and marines are harder to befriend]

(READ THIS BEFORE GOING FURTHER DOWN THE CHAPTER: the following traits are harmful ones that johnny added to get more cp. I added this note because many people have been complaining about them since the explanation is further down in the chapter, and they didn't bother reading all the chapters before they left their comments, and I'm honestly sick and tired of it.)

[Nicotine addict: you are addicted to cigarettes]

[Alcohol addiction: you are addicted to alcohol]

[Vindictive: you are a vengeful person who will return the smallest of slights sooner or later]

[Horn dog: you are easily aroused ]

[Hunted (bounty hunter): a bounty hunter from the first half of the grand line will persistently try to track and hunt you down the moment you become a wanted man]

[Illogical fears: apples, balloons, the number 13, and cotton balls]

Inventory :

[Johnny silver hand's outfit (self mending)] [Bullet proof long leather coat (self mending)] [Wornstar custom rocker hat - samurai logo (self mending)] [Johnny silver hands guitar (self mending)] [Modified power revolver Archangel (self mending)] [Satori Katana (self-mending)] [Camping gear] [Bullets bouch (infinite)] [Basic first aid kit (infinite)] [Basic survival kit (infinite)] [Cigarette pack (infinite)] [Whisky bottle (infinite)] [Black pen (infinite)] [Notebook (self mending)] [Devil fruit encyclopedia] [Big backpack] [The all-fruit (blank) 3]

Cyber ware:

Operating System:

Berserker: When activated, Berserk increases melee damage, speed, armor, and speed.

(1 slot available)

[Militech Berserk: When Berserk is activated, it decreases ranged weapons recoil and sway, increases melee damage, toughness, speed, stamina, and regeneration for 60 seconds].

Frontal Cortex: enhanced memory.

(3 slots available)

[Limbic System Enhancement: enhances the sense of smell].

[sensory support: enhanced senses].

[Ex-Disk: enhances the speed and capacity of the brain processing power(1-day cooldown)].

Ocular system: Enables optical zoom, saves all discovered wanted posters for later identifications.

(1 slot available)

[Trajectory Analysis: Able to perceive and analyze all incoming trajectories and attacks within line of sight to map the best course of actions to dodge with the least amount of movement].

Circulatory System: Enhanced circulatory and vascular functions.

(3 slots available)

[Bioplastic Blood Vessels: faster regeneration and healing rate].

[Synthetic Lungs: more stamina and better stamina regeneration].

[Second Heart: revives upon death caused by vascular failure and slowly mends and heals your damaged organic heart (1-week cooldown)].

Immune System: Enhanced immune system, more resistant to sickness and disease.

(2 slots available)

[Detoxifier: Grants complete immunity against poison effects].

[Metabolic Editor: poison now acts as a stimulant that increases your body's healing rate].

Nervous System: Enhanced reflexes.

(2 slots available)

[Kerenzikov: able to see clearly and aim while moving at extreme speeds].

[Maneuvering System: Enables you to dodge while airborne]

Integumentary System: more rigid and more durable exterior(skin, nails, and hair)].

(3 slots available)

[Fireproof Coating: Grants a very high resistance to fire and heat]

[Supra-Dermal Weave: Grants complete immunity against Bleeding effects]

Grounding Plating (Rare): Grants a very high resistance to Shock effects].

Skeleton: increased strength, vitality, and stamina.

2 slots available

[Titanium Bones: grants titanium coated bones].

[Bionic Joints: grants more flexible joints].

Hands: grants more dexterous hands and firmer hand grip.

(1 slot available)

[No mods]


Projectile Launch System: This allows you to unleash a powerful projectile from a hidden compartment in your arm

(1 slot available)

[Explosive Round: the projectile explodes upon impact and deals Physical damage]

Legs: improved leg strength, movement speed, and jumping power

(1 slot available)

Lynx Paws: You make less noise when moving.

I briefly look through the perks, traits, and cyberwar and notice it's the same except for the missing talent scout and the 1,000 CP.

There are a lot of traits and perks that were useful when I first came to this world, but they are now redundant, so I start by selling those.

[The perks, blue sea sailor, and survivalist have been sold, you have received 750 CP.]

"Hmm? I just sold two perks, but their knowledge is still inside my head?" I remark as I turn to look at the white-haired woman again.

"As I've said, the operating system is currently a prototype with many loopholes that could be beneficial or harmful to you," she explains with a meaningful look on her face.

I nod my head thoughtfully at her words and begin browsing through my character sheet again.

'Novice swordsman is still the same, even though I've tremendously advanced my swordsmanship, so it's probably the same as the survivalist and sailor perks,' I think to myself. 'I'll get back to it later,' I concluded.

I then move on to inventory selling, the Camping gear, the Basic survival kit, the Black pen, The Notebook, and the backpack.

[Items sold, you have received 500 CP.]

Now that I have some CP to play with, I move on to remove some negative traits. I first remove Horn Dog because it's honestly very irritating.

[Negative trait removed, you have lost 250 CP]

The next one I remove is vindictive because it can be very irritating too, evidenced by how agitated about the cp9 situation.

[Negative trait removed, you have lost 250 CP]

The next on my list is my illogical fears, and I get rid of them all except for fear of apples, as it was too expensive to remove.

[Negative traits removed, you have lost 300 CP]

With that, I'm mostly done. I only need to look through whatever new upgrades now to see if there is anything worth buying.

There is a ton of new stuff, from one piece, cyber punk 77, and even other fictional worlds, but most of them don't rouse my attention or are too expensive for me to buy, except for one thing.

[Triton: a legendary weapon with the powers of bringing dead matter related to ships and the sea to life.]

After some deliberation, I grit my teeth, selling Satori and novice swordsman for 400 and 500 CP, respectively, and buying Triton for 2,000, which left me with only 350 CP.

I then look through the new cyber wares and buy a flame thrower in my empty Hand mod, along with a respirator that would allow me to breathe underwater for my circulatory system, thus for 200 and 150 CP, respectively, ending character customization.

"Now what?" I ask as I turn to look at the white-haired woman. "Now, you get to ask one question. It can be about the one-piece world or the origin of reincarnation experience, and I will answer it before I send you back to your ship," she stated.

"I see in that case, how...,"


I open my eyes and find myself standing on the black pearl's deck in front of Wilson, who was still frozen motionless.

It takes a moment for everything to start moving again, with the frozen water droplets falling first, and then everything comes back to life again.

"Alright, with that done, it's time to resume our journey," I exclaimed in a loud voice while gesturing to the sinking pirate ship, pretending nothing else happened.

"Hurry up and take us to North blue, Laffite," I instruct as I turn to look at my navigator. "We need to get a doctor before we go into the grand line," I concluded, and Laffite obliged with a smile, his eyes lingering on Triton that was sheathed on my waist for a second. (Author's note: I bet you didn't see that coming, did you? XD)

(Patréon - www..patré /Wicked132)

(Discord server, - discord..gg/qSjCmebE)

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