《Queen Of Alcaria》Chapter 37 - Alexander's Demise


Stood in front of her was the familiar figure of a mature, beautiful woman who shared similar features to her.

Her mother always looked fantastic for her age many suspecting that she was her older sister much to her displeasure.

She did not know whether to take it as an insult believing it insinuates she appeared ‘old’ for her age however she knew it was more to do with her Mother looking very youthful.

The infectious, energetic personality of her Mother also helped even she found it difficult to refuse her Mothers pleading which lead to her doing all sorts of embarrassing things.

Staring at her Mother’s warm smile she couldn’t help but feel emotional all of a sudden.

Although it couldn’t be considered that long since she has entered this world, being thrust into an unfamiliar world whilst constantly being threatened has taken its toll.

She did not even realise just how much she missed her family before seeing her mother in front of her.

Her mother seems to notice her current state said, “What’s wrong darling? Has someone done something to upset my little girl?”

Talia just didn’t bother answering leaning into her Mother’s embrace, who despite appearing shocked at her daughter's sudden movements still instinctively wrapped her arms around her.

Time seemed to have stood still for a moment Talia lost herself in the warm, fuzzy feeling from being reunited with her Mother.

She ignored the weird feeling she had, the strangeness of the situation, she didn’t care she just wanted to lose herself in this moment.

“There, there… now there is no need to cry, now why are you so upset? You haven’t hugged me this tightly since you were little, I thought you considered me too embarrassing… ” Her Mother chuckled.

“I just wanted to take a look at your face once more… even if it is just merely an illusion” Talia replied her voice slightly cold.

“What do you mean? Can’t you stop speaking to your Mother in riddles, I can’t make sense in what you’re saying.” Her ‘Mother’ said.

“It looks like you’re not all-powerful, otherwise you’d have known my Mother has already passed away, this house, my ‘Mother’ everything here is fake, no matter how beautiful everything here is in the end it is not real. Though I’m truly thankful you have given me an opportunity to see her again.” Talia said sincerely.

Her ‘Mother’ previous warm face was already unrecognisable, the illusion struggling to hold, her eyes turned a dark black, her previous beautiful appearance gone, her ‘Mother’ was morphing into a monstrosity before her eyes.


“Unfortunate… truly a shame, we did not anticipate your soul to be so well protected, mere memory fragments, some hold great emotional meaning to you of course, but not enough, yet a sacrifice we are willing to make. So what if we are discovered? You have opened up a new world to us, not just one undiscovered world but two, WE shall enjoy a feast and the first shall be your soul.” The monstrosity shrieked.

Pitch, black fingernails lengthened out of the creatures fingertips as it clawed at her face.

However, Talia was unintimidated, instead, she scoffed and said, “Mere tricks, your out of options otherwise you wouldn’t have acted so desperately”

She felt a power coursing through her body knowing it was the strength of her soul, the creatures were just trying to delay her so Alexander can finish her off at this moment they were at their weakest, a perfect opportunity to strike!

Colliding with the creatures attack she felt her attack meet little opposition as her fist slammed into its body.

The creature shrieked in agony as the mysterious energy coursing through her soul seemed to damage the creature greatly.

As if meeting its worst enemy the monstrosity seemed to be disintegrating before her eyes.

Knowing it was on the verge of death a sudden calmness engulfed the creature as it said, “You have delayed our plans again, but if you think this will hinder us, this is a mere pawn in one Kingdom, we have long infiltrated this world, our servants will find you and we will extract everything of worth from your soul until there is nothing left but a husk. Enjoy your remaining time human”

Talia just frowned knowing that she has now picked up such a troublesome enemy.

‘If this wasn’t bad enough… I just had to provoke the most dangerous faction in the game…’ Talia mumbled.

Before she knew the threat of the tainted creatures, but she had underestimated them slightly because she thought that she would be safe from them if she just switched between worlds, yet the creatures showed the capabilities of peering into through her memories despite being greatly weakened.

After the creature finally fizzled out of existence, Talia just stood still for a moment waiting for changes to occur wondering if the presence of the creature was now fully cleansed from the orb.

Then she noticed the change in surroundings, her family home began to disintegrate in front of her, recognising the familiar feeling she knew that the orb was finally dealt with.

As if awakening from a slumber, she woke up to the scene of some war zone, dead bodies littered the room which she recognised as Templars and soldiers belonging to the Town.


The orb on top of the altar behind her had already begun to disintegrate after she eradicated the creatures.

Wondering if she was going to receive the familiar notification like last time she was met with the ping of the system.

*Player has destroyed Corrupted Source Orb (Great) (Damaged). All attributes increased by +12. All skills increased by +1. You have received a new passive skill ’Charismatic aura’. Following the destruction of the orb, your soul strength has greatly increased.*

Seeing the new notifications she looked at the description of her new skill.

*Skill description - Charismatic aura: You are a born leader making others are more likely to listen to your advice and people instinctively have a better impression of you.

‘Should be useful’ she mumbled looking at the skills description, it seemed that the skill would make others pay more attention to her when she offers advice. It did not manipulate that person into agreeing to whatever she says but made them more likely to listen to what she had to say. If she offered ridiculous advice the other person would still refuse her, but it would help her gain people's attention when speaking which she already knew would be a very useful skill to have.

However, this was not the time to think about her gains further, she had to know whether the destruction of the orb had an effect on Alexander and that her efforts were not pointless.

Searching the room she already located Alexander who was battling the soldiers and Templars.

It was hard not to find him considering the noise that the battle was generating, Alexander seemed to have the upper hand by far he was not tiring and the Templars appeared to be on the verge of defeat.

‘Could there be no effect…’ She thought gloomily.

That’s impossible! With the desperation of the creatures… nonetheless, she spoke too soon because at that moment Alexander who was easily fighting the Templars seemed to freeze.

The Templars and soldiers stood still wondering if this was some sort of trick, Priest Omar appearing haggard looked nothing like his former self, his pristine robe covered in blood and tears seemed to realise something.

His eyes seemingly meeting Talia’s he realised a change, the eerie orb behind her seemed to have disappeared entirely.

He knew that he did not imagine the orb being there because as a priest of light the orb’s dark, sinister energy straight away stood out to him once he entered this room so that only meant Talia had done something to it!

As if signally the end Alexander who seemed composed a moment ago just blankly stared at the empty space belonging to the orb, turning to Talia he said, “You…”

Before he could finish his sentence a bang sounded as Alexander’s body exploded into numerous pieces, chunks of flesh and meat covered the Templars and soldiers who stared in shock.

A disgusting stench filled the flesh, as a tainted energy seemed to seep out of it dissipating into the air, a dark vapour filling the room.

One soldier couldn’t hold back his disgust and had already begun vomiting on the floor, others continuing to follow.

The Templars who have great self-discipline just stood silently, but even they couldn’t hold back the looks of disdain as they wiped off the pieces of flesh from their former immaculate armour.

Priest Omar who’s already messy appearance looked even worse broke out of his state of amazement walked up to Talia hoisting her up and said, “I don’t know what you did girl, but you did it!”

Talia who was in a daze broke out of it seeing the overly eager Priest Omar’s smiling at her was greeted by another series of notifications.

A bright beam that appeared to be invisible to the others covered her.

*You have levelled up…*

*You have levelled up…*


The same notification filled the screen five times indicating she had gained five levels, but that was not it.

*Congratulations player for changing a moment in history, the tainted avatar Alexander was one of the major contributors of destruction in this region, he would have slain countless potential geniuses of the human races to feed his masters, will go on to disrupt and contribute to the fall of many Kingdoms and Empires, by providing him with an early death you have provided a great contribution to humanity, although the lives of those you have saved and the state of the Kingdom futures are to be determined, you have made a major difference to humanity despite being a minor character which should have done little to impact the situation.*

The systems monotone voice sounded in her mind causing her great astonishment.

‘What the…’ she was about to word out before more notifications came in.

*For your contributions you are rewarded with an Ice Magic Tome, Light Magic Tome, Tier 1 Bloodline Purification Potion*

Her astonishment changed to great joy as she saw the final notifications, ‘What amazing rewards!’

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