《Queen Of Alcaria》Chapter 34 - Corrupted Soldiers


The two men continued to drag her along without issue whilst Alexander carried on irritating her with his unfocused ramblings.

‘I have no idea how this guy survived this long’ Talia grumbled.

Meeting the figure who had been able to evade detection under the full attention of the Kingdom she expected more, not some incoherent, lunatic who could barely string a sentence together without talking about himself.

Speaking of which Alexander who caught his reflection on a surface has already begun praising himself, “Wow! I am looking good today, truly irresistible I wonder if it is possible to marry myself… oh what am I thinking of course it is!”

Talia grew more and more annoyed as the minutes went by, she wanted nothing more than to reveal her abilities to escape this torture yet she knew it was not the right timing.

Seeming to notice Talia’s scathing gaze, Alexander turned around letting out a wide grin as he said, “Ah, Admiring the great Alexander are you? No-fault of yours to want something so perfect, unfortunate though that you will be sacrificed to the great Gods, we might have made a good match down the line… oh wait what am I thinking are you good enough for me?”

Biting her tongue to hold back her anger she looked at Alexander even more hatefully at the moment she wanted nothing more than to bash his head in against the wall.

Though she held back these thoughts since it seemed they have arrived at wherever Alexander was taking her.

Observing her surroundings she found an altar in front of her, sat upon the altar was an orb almost identical to the one she had seen within the Fishkin’s lair.

The main differences though were that the orb was an even darker, eerie colour, giving off a stronger aura than the previous, the altar surroundings were also far more lavishly decorated with all types of jewels and expensive, valuable objects scattered around it.

Alexander smiled crazily upon walking up to the altar, creepily he started stroking the orb with it seeming to thrum to his touch.

He started murmuring words that sounded unintelligible to Talia who was trying to listen carefully, after a while Alexander seemed to awake from his daze from speaking to the orb as he said, “Bring her closer to the orb, we need to move quickly the Templar Order can only be stalled for so long.”

However before the two men can make their move Talia knew it was time to finally act, activating her ability to shift she transformed into a Frost Gecko under the shocked gaze of Alexander.

She knew that she only had a small element of surprise against the two men, therefore taking the full opportunity she straight away attacked the man on the right.

Her claws felt little resistance digging into the flesh of the little armoured man with ease, despite him boasting the physique of a level 40 Warrior the defence of a human body was their weak point.

Even though a human warrior physique grows sturdier as their strength increases, improving humans natural defences if you were to compare it to a beast of a similar level of strength it is an area where humans are lacking.


Her claws were capable of tearing open sturdy armour and the flesh of beasts even stronger than her, so even with the strength disparity, she was capable of easily inflicting wounds.

In the game it would be almost impossible for her to defeat an enemy with such a large level difference compared to her, however, within the game world, she has the greatest chance since a fatal attack will kill an enemy no matter how strong they are!

Feeling her claws digging deep into his flesh, she tore at the man's internal organs in a frenzy creating a bloody scene.

However, to her shock, Alexander started laughing.

“So that’s your little secret! Interesting, so what are you some beast or is this some sort of unique magic? Whatever it is… I’m going to have some fun dissecting you into pieces to find out, men stop playing around grab ahold of the little lizard we haven’t got all day.” Alexander snorted.

Talia felt puzzled at the unconcerned look of Alexander at one of his men being severely injured, yet she was even more astounded about not receiving any experience indicating the man was still alive.

‘How can he still be alive under such conditions? I know a Warrior's vitality is ridiculous but isn’t this a bit too much?’ Thought Talia.

Her question was soon answered when the man instead of losing any strength, showing no indications of even feeling pain slammed his large fist towards her sending her flying across the room.

Alexander chuckled in amusement at the sight clearly entertained.

“Hahahaha! Beat that lizard to death, stomp on that pest!” Alexander said in excitement.

Obeying his order the two men marched forward with no emotion, blood continuously dripped from one of the men with his wounds being so deep his internal organs were hanging out however no reaction was shown on his expressionless face.

‘Something is wrong here, are these corrupted soldiers?’ She thought.

Corrupted soldiers were the next stage of the tainted, usually, those with low potential are transformed into them through great exposure to the taint.

Although becoming one provides a big strength increase, the person loses all intelligence, the emotion they become similar to a zombie.

They are the classic cannon fodder in war and are only considered among the lowest level taint creatures, nonetheless to the current her they are a troubling enemy to face.

However, being an experienced player she knew their weaknesses perfectly, an individual who has never met a corrupted soldier before may become dispirited facing an enemy resembling the living dead yet instead she knew it was best to ignore this fear factor.

A corrupted soldier despite feeling no pain or tiredness had still incredibly low intelligence, they fought with no technique or tactics making them nothing more than a bunch of brainless muscle heads.

Looking at the two of them plodding towards her she quickly came up with a plan she moved towards the uninjured corrupted soldier who pounced towards her immediately, narrowly escaping out of his reach she heaved a sigh of relief.

Although they were stupid their strength was no joke, if she allowed them to grab ahold of her she would be beaten to death without much ability to resist.


With the one-man stumbling on the floor after missing her, the other injured corrupted soldier had already reached her.

Moving down for a tackle the injured corrupted soldier attempted to grab ahold of her in an attempt to constrain her.

Using her agility she timed her jump to perfectly land onto the back of the corrupted soldier, sinking her claws into his neck she gripped onto him tightly as the corrupted soldier frantically tried to rip her off reaching behind his head in an attempt to remove her.

Now the other corrupted soldier has now moved towards her and without much hesitation punched towards her despite the injured corrupted soldier being in the way.

The sound of fist hitting flesh sounded through the room as the injured corrupted soldier was sent flying by his allies blow, Talia who was still attached to the corrupted soldier took this opportunity to drag her claws up to the skull of the corrupted soldier sinking her claws into its temple directly targeting its brain.

Fumbling around for a bit the corrupted soldier great vitality showed with even though its brain being destroyed it was still was able to swing its arms around a few more times before it lifelessly fell to the ground unmoving.

With the corrupted soldier death she felt the pleasurable feeling of levelling up, however, she quickly ignored this knowing the situation she was in, the remaining corrupted soldier was still fumbling towards her.

Alexander in the background was no longer laughing like he was previously, instead, a vicious look filled his face as he shouted, “You useless fools how are you failing to catch such a weak, little lizard!”

Annoyed he seemed to pull a weapon out of thin air as he threw it to the corrupted soldier in a huff who easily catches it.

“Cleave her in half with that weapon! I knew I should have the armed the two of buffoons, your battle strength is weakened far too much without equipment.” Alexander grumbled under his breath clearly irritated at his oversight.

Seeing Alexander arming the corrupted soldier, she couldn’t help but think, ‘Spatial ring?’

A spatial ring was an advanced inventory storage item in the game, newbie players like herself only started with a storage pouch whereas a spatial ring is far more valuable and expensive.

Putting this to the back of her mind, she focused her attention on the now-armed corrupted soldier who was now walking towards her.

Snickering she came up with the perfect plan.

Reaching into her inventory she once again shifted now appearing before Alexander and the corrupted soldier in human form.

Ignoring the sense of fatigue from changing forms so frequently in such a short time she brought out the wand which she received from the trade with the Thomas Family.

Alexander who watched a bit bewildered upon seeing her once again as a human couldn’t help but wonder if she had given up.

The corrupted soldier under his orders has also slowed seeming to be awaiting orders from its master upon seeing that the target it was looking for disappeared out of thin air.

Talia who was overjoyed that the confusion brought her much needed time, channelled her magic through the wand activating the spell receiving the amplification and reduce-cast speed effects brought by the wand.

After a moment Alexander realising something was wrong detecting the signs of a spell ordered, “What are you doing? Charge her!”

Receiving Alexander orders the corrupted soldier no longer showed any hesitation bursting forward with surprising speed.

Talia who only had a moment for her spell to gather enough power grew nervous wondering if she should back off to evade the corrupted soldier's incoming blow, yet the gaze on her face grew firm not showing any intent in stopping.

Arriving in close enough proximity to her the sword of the corrupted soldier was brought down with great ferocity with every intent to cleave her in half.

However, at that moment a projectile was formed shooting towards the corrupted soldier who showed no signs of backing down from its attack.

The corrupted soldier made no move to protect itself, following through with its original strike, allowing the projectile to effortlessly hit its unprotected head which exploded from the impact.

Talia seeing the heavy strike still heading towards her moved to get out of the way of the collapsing corrupted soldier, yet even with her best efforts, she was still caught by the weapon leaving a nasty wound only managing to escape due to her attack changing the aim of the corrupted soldier slightly.

Breathing heavily she stood up, blood pouring from the wound left on her side from the corrupted soldier however despite her heavy injury she stood triumphantly against such odds, in the end, she was the victor in this battle!

Yet at that moment before she as if reminding her of his presence an obnoxious chuckle filled the room as Alexander said, “Impressive! Truly something I did not anticipate, but now playtime is over. You can either drag yourself to this altar or I will do it for you, it’s your choice.”

At that moment Talia felt deflated, the constant shifting has already caused her to overexert herself and now she was left with a bad injury on top of that.

She did not know how she was going to get out of this situation with her already exposing all of her trump cards and abilities.

Nonetheless, she was not one to just lay hopelessly and give up, staring at Alexander fearlessly she said, “So far you have only ordered others to do things for you… let us see if you are truly capable.”

Alexander looked at her darkly as he said, “So be it. You have made your decision.”

Following his words Alexander began to take slow but steady steps towards her each seemingly filled with great strength, buckling down she prepared herself for the battle which determines her fate.

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