《Queen Of Alcaria》Chapter 30 - Making a Deal with the Thomas Family


Upon entering the game world, she immediately went into action.

She still had to meet with the Thomas Family and Priest Omar today as they were expecting her, so this left little time in finding a way to aid the trainees, but because it was still urgent for her to complete these tasks, she had no choice but to put it aside for now.

Deciding it was best to deal with the Bluewood Merchant group firstly because it would take her the shortest time, she quickly arrived at the familiar store.

Shortly finding her way inside she found both Tom and the veterans eyes lit up upon recognising her.

However, the person in the room which instantly received her attention was a tall, handsome man dressed in luxurious clothing.

The family crest on the sleeve of the man’s clothing was one she could recognise and belonged to the Thomas Family, a prestigious noble family within this Kingdom.

“Ah welcome young lady, we have been awaiting you but we were not sure when you would arrive,” Tom said smilingly.

“I could not keep you waiting too long,” she said before turning her head towards the other man as if indicating for them to introduce him.

Tom realising this gesture was about to introduce him, but the man already took the inactive and said, “My name is Juan Thomas, and I have to say when we were contacted by Tom saying that the long-lost item belonging to our family has been recovered, I wasn’t expecting such a young girl.”

Juan Thomas’s eyes roamed over Talia’s youthful face whilst emphasising the ‘young girl’ part which she couldn’t really blame him because the Princess was currently sixteen and her birthday is within a few weeks, meaning she is only just turning seventeen years old.

Although, Talia has been eating much better lately and she also had physical attributes have increased rapidly with the system, but she still only roughly looked her age at most which comes across as strange that such a young girl would be roaming around by herself solving a problem which stumped experienced, grown men.

She just smiled in response to Juan’s inquisitive gaze though and said, “I’m older than I look and people do mature differently.”

The older then she looked part was technically true but that was only when considering her true mental age, yet not bothering in being completely truthful was the best way in moving on from the age questions.

“I suppose you are right about it, I presume though you want to move onto business? I have a few items which may intrigue you, so I will just take them out and you can make an offer.” Juan Thomas offered.

“Sure,” Talia said as to be honest she was not sure what items the Thomas Family would bring forward, and back in the game it was usually random but she heard a rumour that the first person who completed this quest would receive a more ‘bountiful’ reward which she hoped to be true.


Bringing out a few items from his storage pouch, he took out a sealed-box, a transparent, pure-white wand, a high-quality set of armour and finally an alchemy set of some sort.

Roaming her eyes over the items she could roughly tell the quality of three of the items, yet for the box which was sealed, she would have to ask Juan.

“Anything that piques your interest?” Juan Thomas said.

“I would like to ask what is the content within the box to reply to that question,” Talia replied.

Juan chuckled in response whilst he answered, “This was the one I was not sure you would be interested because although it is valuable for a lone traveller such as yourself it is not as useful”

“Oh?” Talia said curiously.

Without hesitation, Juan unsealed the box presenting the contents which shocked Talia, because she was looking for something which may benefit the trainees and coincidentally this opportunity was presented to herself.

“I’m not sure if you are familiar but these are...” Juan was about to inform Talia what they are but was interrupted by Talia who subconsciously replied.

“Tier 1 Physique Potions. An item which permanently strengthens a person physique, yet the demerits of the potion is that it is a one-use item meaning a person would only receive the benefits from it once, the next time it doesn’t matter how much of the potion they consume, they will receive no further improvements.” Talia said describing the item straight away.

Juan’s eyebrow raised slightly showing his surprise at Talia’s knowledge, and he said, “I got to say I’m a bit amazed you can recognise the potion, plenty of people have the knowledge about it but to so easily perceive the appearance of the potion can only be done by someone familiar with the potion. Which means I presume you do not need it?”

Talia smiled in response, before she may not have been too interested within the potion because it was a one-use item which can only be applied to her once, so it was no use to receiving a bundle of them, but now thinking about the trainees she could only think about how useful it could be to them.

“You’re wrong, I would trade the sceptre for them, but I can’t help thinking that even with this many potions, aren’t I still losing a bit from this deal?” Talia said.

Juan Thomas let out a slight laugh as he replied, “Quite an eye for business you have there. Indeed the Tier 1 Physique potion value in a bundle is not particularly comparably to this staff which originates from my family, but I guess even yourself may not know the true value of it. Because I do not wish to haggle with you any longer I will offer both the wand and the potions for the sceptres return.”

Talia’s eyes widened in shock at such a deal as she couldn’t jump at the opportunity to accept his offer as if he might change his mind at any moment, straight away replying, “Yes I accept.”


Juan smiled delightedly in response, not appearing as if he lost out of the seemingly outrageous deal at all.

Handing over both the wand and the box of potions he said, “I might as well explain to you before you doubt my intentions, yes this sceptre is much more powerful than you can imagine. If one of the strongest Mages of my family prized possession was only this much, then it wouldn’t have been so valued by my family, but you could do little with it in your hands anyways.”

Talia nodded in reply thinking as much because even the players in her previous life who kept the weapon did not discover any means to improve it all the way to the point in which they eventually outgrew the weapon and discarded it.

It also made he surprised that it remained completely undiscovered within the game, which meant that either someone discovered information about it and kept it confidential or it was truly something which remained a secret as virtually no high-level players will hold onto any equipment which they picked up at the beginning of the game.

But, honestly, she wagered that a few must-have discovered it but kept it to themselves, after all, humans are inherently selfish and who would want others to discover a potential unique powerful weapon which would give them an edge over their competitors.

Juan continued seeing her agreement and said, “It looks like you’re sensible enough because even if you kept it, the sceptre requires not only plenty of resources but also requires skilled masters to return it to its former glory. The wand is also not compatible with any of my family, so I hope you will put it to good use, anyhow I wish you well, and if you head to the Capital in the future we may meet again.”

After completing the deal Juan eloquently bowed and quickly left with his mission accomplished.

Tom just sat in the background staring in envy at Talia’s profitable venture and said, “Hmph. I gained a commission for providing the Thomas family with the information about the sceptre, but compared to you, it may as well have been pocket change.”

The veteran sat in the ground just snorted in disdain and said, “You're lucky to receive anything anyways, at the same time we gained a lot for the merchant group by doing the Thomas Family such a big favour this time, not everything is about making a big profit.”

“If you say so, I’d still prefer what that lass got rather than being looked at a bit more favourably, is some goodwill worth any coin? I don’t think so.” Grumpily said the merchant.

“She still saved you digging into your pocket dealing with those Goblins though.” Said the veteran.

“I suppose so,” Tom answered.

Talia just sat on the side watching the two bicker sorting through the items she gained, inspecting them through the system interface.

Similar to what she remembered, the Physique Potion provided +6 attribute points with each to Strength, Dexterity and Endurance. It was an all-around improvement and to her would be three free levels, but the only bad thing about it was it could only be used once, and cannot be stacked, making the potion not that expensive.

She would have been able to get one later, this deal only made it be a bit earlier for her to encounter them within the game which only gave her a slight advantage in comparison to what other players at this stage, but what mainly matters to her if she could use them to help the trainees with their showdown with the nobles.

Although 6 attribute points to Strength, Dexterity and Endurance to her don’t seem too great, for an ordinary person without the game system, it would effectively almost be doubling a person's all-around physique.

From her observations, the people belonging to the Princesses World, thanks the world containing mythical-like energy called essence, are nourished from a young age passively making their physiques stronger than average.

If back on Earth she would estimate the average person had around 3 strength, then the average person there would have 6. And the Trainees she sparred with, would have only 7-8 strength, endurance would be slightly slower, and one of the stronger Trainees like Ritson would have between 10-11.

An addition of +6 attributes towards these trainees would greatly improve their strength, but the only issue is if she can transport them back with her.

She had not attempted bringing items back from the game world with her yet, but she guessed now it was time to finally give it a try.

However, now she should focus on meeting up with Priest Omar, it was time to make further progress within the game world, increasing her strength at the moment is a must because with the Governor’s presence she can never relax her vigilance since she had no idea when he planned to act, so it was best to be as prepared as possible.

Knowing she better make her way over too Priest Omar, she said goodbye to Tom and the veteran, who informed her she can come back and do business with them in any time, with even offering them a discount for their main branch within the Capital, in which the two would be moved too soon as they have seemingly received a promotion from the deal with the Thomas Family and how efficiently they dealt with the Goblin situation.

Sneering inside, inwardly thinking on how the chubby merchant ignored these facts on how greatly she aided him when he was moaning about not making much of a profit from this exchange, she wished the two good luck and left the store.

Deciding she would save the Tier 1 Physique potion for later because she did not know how her body would react within reality in comparison to a game, she headed towards the Templars branch within the Town, intent on meeting with Priest Omar.

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