《The Uneventful Life of Elaine》Chapter 3: Another Visitor


Wha..... is this place? I thought to myself.

"This isn't the city of Krask..."

"This isn't even nowhere near the city which means that this must be some kind of province, but... how did I end up here?"

I tried to think of the possibilities on how I wounded up in this place, after all I realized that the place I was staying in was not a simple guest room, but it was a whole house on its own.

The windows was really dark too, it was probably still night time in here so I thought.

I closed the door and glanced at the window. I couldn't really see the whole vicinity in this dark place, it was because there was no lights or any sign of life outside either, the only bright thing you could see outside was the moon, but it was really cloudy and the light of the moon didn't really reach until the end of this window.

This place is weird, I felt cold because it was night time, I did not really think that I would feel cold because I have tons on clothes on my upper body, I was wearing an off shoulder with a brown jacket, the only downside is my lower body, I wore a black thigh high socks and a small part of my legs was exposed.

I embraced myself with both of my arms, and I blew air on my hands, I could see that there are traces of my breath visible in the air. It was like those moments in winter where you are at a park while waiting for someone, but you feel really cold. In order to warm yourself up, removing your gloves and clasping and rubbing your hands together is an effective method. Furthermore, breathing into it while clasping is also another way. You can see the cloud of your breath in the air in winter.

I sat down again in the bed and tried to think of some possible events that have likely happened while I was unconscious.

"After I fell down, there were several footsteps that approached me, don't tell me that I was kidnapped?"

I thought about the probability of me being kidnapped, but it was an improbable occurence, because first of all I was in my house, and there should be no possibility of me being kidnapped. I thought about what could have happened after I collapsed, it was likely that I was taken to a nearby hospital and I could have received proper medications from the doctors.

Then after I was medicated I was still unconscious.

The person who could have kidnapped me (If I was kidnapped) is probably the one responsible for the poison in the wine too. So I thought.

The people who could have visited me was probably my father, mother and brother and his fiancee. Mom could have figured out that there could be another sign of danger in the house, so she probably cancelled the event and made everyone go home.

But my mother would not let her guard down. There was still a possibility that the culprit is one of the guests. it was highly unlikely but not impossible.


If I assume this to be the actions my mom took while I was unconscious, I could assume that mom would lock down everyone in the party, then after that she will call the police to investigate everyone.

There could be slight problems like a few guest would make an excuse like

"I am running late for an appointment"

If there was a person like that, my mother could easily tell that the person in question is highly suspicious, first of all if you had an appointment, why did you come to the party? in the first place, there could be excuses such as; there was still time before the appointment, so he took the opportunity to accept the invitation. that is a careless remark because if you have an appointment, the natural thing a businessman would do is to prepare, not go to a party and have some fun.

This was all a speculation that could possibly happen, there is still no guarantee that it had happened. If that is not the case then the only people left who could be suspicious is the staff members, and the most suspicious is the people who have access to the wines in the wine cellar.

Then mother could have deduced the culprit from who was in charge of distributing the liquiors, in other words the maids and butlers. Our family is particularly humane to our servants I have no recollection of having abused even a single servant from our household.

The likes of a servant having a grudge towards us was pretty low, after all they receive decent wages.

But there was no excuses for the servants. after all they were the only one who have access to our wines.

If there were other people possible to blame, then there was father who occasionally go to the wine cellar to check on his wine collections. It is nigh impossible for father to go poison all of the visitors in the party, let alone his own family.

"If its one of our servants, I really can't think of someone who is capable to do that."

I was particularly close with my personal maid who was in charge of my personal clothes so she couldn't probably have harbored hatred towards me.

I was not close to every one of our servants but nevertheless, our family is kind to everyone.

"There's no use thinking about this for now, I have to return home as soon as possible. Then I'll deal with this issue"

I thought about the kidnapper that have taken me in this place. It was possible that he only went out for a while seeing that I was unconscious, In any case I have to get out of here and get some help before he goes back here, it was probably possible that he could have taken me hostage for some ransom money.

Just as I was about to prepare to get out of this place, the door made a *creaaak* sound.

I immediately raised my guard. cold sweat was flowing from my head until my neck, It was probably because I was very nervous, of course who wouldn't be nervous at a situation like this.


I went behind the bed so that my shadow would also be concealed.

I was very nervous I could feel it, cold sweat ran down behind my back and I was trembling because it was really cold the temperature in this place is similar to a time before winter, then the door made a creaking sound, I couldn't think about what possibilities would happen to me if I were to get caught.

I was thinking about pretending to be asleep, then when their guard is down I could take them by surprise. Of course that was assuming the possibility that the kidnapper was alone.

There was no time for regrets now. I just have to think of a way to get out of this place and get some help!

I observed the vicinity within the door I could see that there was a shadow looming in the background.

I assumed that he was probably alone, luckily; I found a piece of wood besides the back of the bed. I could probably use this to take the kidnapper out of their misery. The shadow closed in on the door just as I was about to calm myself down. I saw the figure of the shadow on the door


It was a cat.

It was a black cat with fur as thick as a persian cat's fur looking at it closely. it was probably a persian cat no doubt. I'm not a cat expert but I was atleast able to discern the most common cat that was popular in the world today.

"How did it open the door? I was pretty sure I closed it before I went back to the bed-- "

I immediately assumed that there was still a person looming in the door and that person probably just let the cat inside first so that I would let down my guard. I immediately assumed this probability of an event, because if the kidnapper is a person that was able to kidnap me on a tight security in our house, then he/she is probably a cunning person.

I went up slowly and gripped the piece of wood that was in my hand. It was a simple planck that is around 10 inches, it could still pack a punch though.

I slowly made my way at the side of the door carefully treading so that my shadow won't show at the side of the door, there was a fair distance between me and the door but I was still confident that I could take the person out with speed when they go inside.

The cat was purring at the side of the bed, seeing that It was a bit distracted and wasn't looking at me I felt a sign of relief off my back.

Sweat flowed from my nape up to my back.

There was no shadow that was looming near the door so I only waited for a while.

And I waited...

10 minutes passed and there was still no one who approached. I made my decision that I would get a closer look at the door, I slowly walked towards the doorstep then when I looked...

There was no one.

*pant---* *pant---*

I breathed a sigh of relief, it was because there was really no one near the house, thinking about it the possibility of how the cat barged in I glanced at the doorknob there I could see it was broken.

"Oh.. it was broken so that's how this fellow got in"

I went to the side of the cat and tried to touch it, the cat glanced at me with a look that tells that she was not going to let me touch her. I just assumed its gender because of its attitude.

Then I took a look outside the window.

"It's still the middle of the night, it would probably be dangerous for me to make my way out in this unfamiliar place."

I made an unreasonable decision that I would wait for dawn before I make my way out, I assumed that it would be more dangerous if I made my way out in this darkness. There was also no clock nearby anywhere so I cannot discern whether dawn was near or not.

I made my way into the bed, and suddenly the cat also went up to the bed, it was staring at me indifferently, it was not on its guard but rather it was observing me.

I glanced at the cat

It was a beautiful jet black cat with shades of brown and it has heterochromia eyes, it was the color of yellow and blue. It was very pretty.

I made the first move to close in on the cat little by little.

They say that invading a personal space of a living being makes them wary of the opposition, but the cat looked like it was still indifferent and was not wary of me at all, unlike the first time that it saw me it was on its guard.

It was likely wary of me the first time we saw each other because I have a grim look on my face, I assumed that there was still a hostile person outside when the cat made its way inside and I had a gloomy expression on my face.

I touched the cat.

It made a purring sound as I caress its fur. it immediately went closer to me. It was very cute I immediately thought and proceeded to caress its body.

I caressed the cat and was absorbed in the moment. I thought about bringing the cat with me along it was probably affectionate with me now.

"It does not have any collars so are you a stray cat?"


The cat replied to my question, that was very unexpected, and so I decided that I will take the cat along with me.

I awaited for dawn to come to make my move.

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