《Mystic Quest》Epilogue


Mystic Quest


Two young looking adults waited as their food was getting cooked, watching without much care the people around them. They attracted some stares, the woman and man both beautiful, though the man's golden hairs and eyes seemed to be a major cause of the eyes on them.

They did not seem to care, honestly. They looked as if they just wanted to eat and rest. To do nothing after days, weeks, months of hardships. Maybe, it explained why everyone eventually stopped looking at them and let them be.

“I can't believe it's been three months already. It feels like yesterday...”

The male glanced at the woman beside him, eyes soft. “I don't think we'll get used to this so soon, Aurora.”

Aurora let out a small laugh. “I can only agree, Myrdryn.”

Silence fell between them again, a sigh passing the Valkyria's lips. Their food arrived though, and they carefully placed the dishes on their plates. It was a nice restaurant they were in, serving food at the counter and letting people transport it to their chosen table. Maybe it had to do with it being a small thing, with just two cooks that took the orders. But it was convenient for the two who thanked one of the cook before going in search of their table.

It meant not much people around, and some calm.

“It feels surreal...” Aurora said once more, eyes drifting around. “The peace is good, but after all the battles...”

“I know what you mean.” Myrdryn paused, seemingly lost in thoughts. “They had to fight many battles before we joined them, though. It would probably be even more weird for them...”

Aurora nodded in silence. And then, she grinned. “But they seem to always get used to something new, don't you think?”


Myrdryn opened his mouth, but he was spotted by the four waiting at their table, and he heard calls to hurry up. The dragon laughed. “Except when it comes to eating. They would never get used to wait too much.”

“We heard that!” Yuna exclaimed, while Solarys giggled at his side.

Aurora settled beside Emerys, who had taken a place next to Lyria. Myrdryn sat beside Lyria, giving an amused look at the archer beside him. Obvious complicity and joy existed for the six sitting together at the round table; though there also was a good bit of teasing as Aurora and Myrdryn served their friends.

“What were you talking about?” Lyria wondered, glancing at her lover while starting to eat. “You looked at bit...”

The dragon smiled softly. “Just how it felt to see peace after so long. And I can still see you and hold you.”

The angel blushed, munching even more on her food. But in truth, she felt the same. Myrdryn had taken such a risk back then, and from what she heard from Aurora, the worst moment had not been when the two watched the portal slowly closing, Myrdryn taking the decision to attempt a miracle.

No, it had been when the emperor had been so close to breaking out of the waters with them, only to feel the king of demons grab his tail. He had been jarred down, stopping his ascent, making his heart skip a beat.

In a desperate attempt, Myrdryn had thrown his charges up with all his strength before unleashing his fury with fangs and claws and his whole body hammering the demon.

Lyria had woken up surrounded by her friends, Noriran licking her face as she stayed frozen in disbelief of being alive. At first they had rejoiced, but then she noticed Aurora's smile was tight, and that one person was missing.


The one person that meant so much to her.

Where is Myrdryn? She had asked. Her heart had stopped for a second when Aurora looked away, then down. No, he didn't. Tell me he didn't. She had begged.

For some seconds, the worst seconds of her life, she had believed he had been forced to sacrifice himself. She listened as Aurora briefly explained why he had jumped into the waters, believing he could take their souls out to save them. How the demon had grabbed Myrdryn.

Lyria had started to cry, pained at knowing Myrdryn had made sure to get them out despite everything. And then, the sweetest sound on this earth reached her ears. Her name, coming from his lips, his voice soft as strong arms wrapped around her.

She had whacked him for letting her believe he died, of course. But then she had sobbed into his chest, so glad that not even the demon king could prevent him from reuniting with her.

“You sure take pleasure in holding her, Myrdryn.” The teasing in Emerys' voice brought Lyria back, and when she realized what exactly he was talking about, she flushed.

“As if you can talk!” The angel replied, effectively shutting up the magician and making both he and Aurora blush.

It was Yuna who added without shame, “Well... I think we all felt very happy to be alive...”

Solarys just looked at Noriran as if asking if he could hide her, Lyria blushed some more and Aurora couldn't help laughing. Lyria pouted at her childhood friend, and swiftly stole a bit of his steak.

“Hey!” And there went a plate, flying at Lyria who barely squeaked and ducked.

Emerys now knew where Lyria had picked this habit of throwing things; though he thought better than laughing like everyone else did. He didn't want to be the next target, thank you very much.

Aurora and Solarys exchanged a glance then, not noticed by their friends. They nodded to each other, and Aurora coughed. “Speaking of such things...” Once the attention of her friends was on her, she scratched her cheek.

“We have some... news.” Solarys announced while gesturing between Aurora and her, and the three men looked between the Valkyria and angel curiously, continuing to eat. Lyria only showed a small upturn of her lips, soft eyes going to Myrdryn who smiled back.

It was Solarys who delivered the blow to then men. “We are pregnant!”

Yuna started to choke on his bite of food. Emerys spit out his sip of water. Noriran hide under the table, ears low as the two of them let out a strangled, “W-What?!”



An eagle flew upward, scared off by the human shout. He flew and flew, and finally landed. A rat startled, running into a cavern. It went down stairs, until it stopped and looked down at a clear blue lake. It tilted its head, blinking as it noticed the veil on it. Its little body shuddered as a rumbling sound came, and the lake trembled. The surface shimmered, a wave crossing from left to right.

The rat whined and fled as something immense caste a shadow under the surface. And as if the lake had been a mirror...

A fissure formed in the middle... A single crack in the middle of the lake...

The end.

For now...

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