《Mystic Quest》Chapter 30


Mystic Quest

Chapter 30

It was a stand off, at first. Neither our group of heroes nor their demonic foes wished to open hostilities. Both side knew attacking first meant a risk to be blocked, to reveal first their power, and to be the first to be hurt if the other side successfully guarded and retaliated.

However, patience was key. And eventually, demons showed they had not enough of it. A lone demon roared and charged head on, followed by flying ones that aimed for the sides. The warning cry of a higher demon came too late as smirks formed on the six facing them.

Lyria and Aurora reacted first. The Valkyria stepped forward, spear held in both hands as she made it spin. A shield formed then, powered up by Lyria herself. The angel's hand levelled up toward the spear, eyes closed as she sent her magic.

Solarys and Emerys exchanged a look. Nothing else was needed as one turned to the left and the other to the right. Solarys sent arrows after arrows, foes falling down even as the rest continued forward. On his own side, the magician thrust both hands forward, and the two balls of magic exploded. A tornado formed in the middle of the flying demons on his side, and soon fire lit up on the ground. The violent winds of the tornado forced the fire up, and then demons fell to a raging inferno.

It became obvious that soon, survivors would reach the group. The charging demon still held back by Lyria and Aurora, it only allowed few to help the archer and magician. However, it did not mean they would not be enough. Yuna came to Solarys, sword flying in a mortal dance to those who dared come too close. On the other side, Noriran jumped in front of of Emerys. He angrily tapped his front paws on the ground, and spear of rocks shoot from the ground. The few that avoided this could not escape the speed of Noriran, falling to fangs and claws.

Watching their comrades killed in such a number, the rest of the demons grew agitated. Looks were exchanged, and a first line of some major demons with lots of minors one charged the group. They took pride in the startled looks of them.


They had forgotten about the last member of the group.

The golden electricity around Myrdryn's hands spread to his arms, the magical power emitting from the dragon the only warning before he unleashed it. With a war cry, Myrdryn knelt and slammed his hands to the ground. A strong wind born from the released magic blew through clothes and hairs, and then countless bolts of thunder fell on the approaching line. Not even a split second later, Myrdryn's body was surrounded by by golden white energy. The ball around him expanded to the group, the same golden electricity zapping through into the whole ball without hurting his companions and friends. Then, as if it exploded, a blinding light shone as the ball expanded further.

The rest of the demonic army could only stare and step back as nothing remained of the very first demon that charged, of the flying ones, of the first line. They growled in anger and fear, rearranging themselves to spread all around the cave. They had realized the danger of being all in one place.

They had opened the fight, but they had lost this battle. Now that they had become aware of how much danger represented the group, they hoped to become threats themselves by changing strategy. And above all, they believed their sheer number would be their victory. No matter who their opponents were, they had to get tired at some point, right?

The group stepped closer to Myrdryn then as they watched with narrowed eyes the change of strategy. At first, their unmoving stance lured the demons into thinking they stayed together against them. It forced them to aim for the same area despite splitting up all around the cave and the group, but this time the demons hoped success would come.

No expectations of the sudden charge crossed their mind. Suddenly, the humans yelled and rushed into different directions. The swordsman, magician and Valkyria went to the left, each with their own trail, the magician slightly slower. On the right and following the same pattern, charged the angel, archer and magical wolf.


Yuna and Noriran reached first demons on their respective side. Yuna twirled once, twice, not stopping but slaying the demons he could. Noriran jumped at the throat of the closest demon, then at the next when his first prey fell. Aurora and Lyria arrived next. The spear and the whip flew in mortal grace as white lighting escaped their body to deal further damages. And all the while, Emerys and Solarys proved how lethal arrows and spells were.

The surprise of the sudden charge wore off however, and soon the three on each side had to regroup to stay safe. Small pained cries alerted each of the injuries companions obtained, yet the rage displayed soon after showed no one had yet to receive a dangerous wound. Eventually they walked backward as they fought, knowing the golden spells of various elements flying on each side and forward to be Myrdryn.

The dragon had not stayed unmoving however, instead had opted for slowly advancing. As such, as his spells kept demons at bay to allow his friends to go back to him, they found themselves a quarter closer to the other side of the giant cave. A lone demon, closely resembling the minotaur, suddenly erupted from one of the emperor's side, swinging its axe down.

Myrdryn leapt backward, then rolled onto the ground as he noticed the large foot about to crush him. Crouched, a feral smile crossed his face. As the minotaur raised its axe again, Myrdryn suddenly ran forward and straight at his foe. Startled, the beast could only watch as the dragon drew his fist back and then punched its leg. A loud pained roar left its throat at the sudden pain registering into his whole being, the sound of breaking bones echoing into its mind as it fell down in a heap.

Myrdryn jumped back to his previous position, relief at seeing all his companions with him. Yet, gazing around and seeing how many demons remained, they all knew this could become bad fastly. The demons were hesitating for now, but not for long.

Myrdryn exchanged a look with Aurora. He flashed a smile. She grinned and nodded.

“You know... I believe only four people, and a wolf, were on the carving.” Myrdryn commented lightly.

“What?” Solarys asked, confused.

Yuna gave a look. “Are you suggesting we leave you and Aurora?”

As Lyria and Emerys protested with a “No!” the Valkyria smiled. “Come on. You all know this already. A prophecy always show the best course.”

Silence followed, demons starting to creep on them as they whispered to each other. Then, Yuna closed his eyes and sighed. “... We are not convincing you against this, are we?”

“Nope!” Myrdryn replied cheerfully., before sobering “But... Please, if you can-” He looked at each of them. “Come back.”

Lyria stepped closer, kissing his cheek. “I'll try.”

The three others agreed, Emerys deciding to follow Lyria's example in kissing Aurora. Then, they all look forward. The demon grew agitated, finally charging at them fully. In a show of cleverness, some regrouped at the centre, forming a wall to the exit.

“Come, my friend! Fenisan!”

A sudden light shone around the group, a high pitched bird cry following. Demons shielded their eyes and were forced to stop, yet they heard the sudden, “Now!” from the dragon. Puzzled they watched the wolf lead four of the humans forward. Then, too late, they noticed the pure white phoenix flying above them.

Fenisan sped up, opening the path yet staying close enough to keep the heroes under his light. Demons vanished as the pure light of his wings touched them, sacred powers unmatched against demons. Finally, the large bird vanished as the group reached the exit, running down stairs after a last look behind.

Ironically, they all knew deep down they were the ones that might not survive the fight…

To be continued...

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