《Mystic Quest》Chapter 29


Mystic Quest

Chapter 29

Noriran's ears flattened as he let out a low growl. Lyria glanced down at him before crouching down with a faint smile. Gently, she petted his head, whispering little words of comfort. If it was for her or her wolf, no one asked.

They all felt the same as their eyes took into the entrance of what seemed to be a cave. Myrdryn could sense the power of the demon king inside. They had finally found their goal, their target. The time of the final battle was nearing them.

“... The demon King will not live for longer.”

Everyone looked at Yuna as he gave his firm assurance. It made his friends look even more determined as they nodded to him. Small gestures of soothing were exchanged in the group before going, however. Myrdryn passed his hand gently in Lyria's hairs, while Emerys pushed Aurora closer to kiss her hairs. Solarys rubbed Yuna's arm softly, and they both laughed as Lyria ruffled Myrdryn's hairs, which gave Aurora the idea to do the same to Emerys.

Eventually, they entered. The cave started by a long tunnel, barely enough to allow one person at a time. Noriran took the lead with Lyria just behind. Myrdryn walked behind her, then it was Yuna. Aurora went before Solarys, and finally Emerys closed the walk.

Soon, it became too dark to see. Gratefully, they did have two light users in the group. There was only rock and silence as they moved forward, but all could feel the powerful demonic presence there. It was a pressure to them, and it made them more and more aware of what was awaiting them.

It only made them breathe deeply as they steeled their mind.

“... It's not normal that there's no demon stopping us. Especially as we encountered none of them since we left Festivae.”


Lyria glanced backward at Myrdryn, worried. “Do you think... They're all waiting us with the king?'

The others gasped at the idea, while Myrdryn nodded. “I don't think all demons will be here. I doubt the King will allow all of his people to risk being killed. But there's a high chance they will still be quite a number.”

Aurora turned pensive, and as if sensing her thoughts the dragon looked backward at her. Her gaze met his, both remembering the fact that the carvings of the temple had only shown the four original group plus Noriran.

To Myrdryn especially, it felt like the Valkyria and him would be the one to prevent the small army awaiting them to bother the rest of the group, so they could take care of the King.

They eventually reached some sort of natural stairs. Myrdryn and Lyria exchanged places, and they all took out their weapons. They descended through the stairs. Their hearts beat faster as they noticed they could finally hear sounds, coming straight from the bottom of the stairs.

Ruffles of more than one person shifting. Muffled loud sounds of heavy ones trying to subtly move.

And more and more, the oppressing presence of the King.

Solarys blinked as another sound also reached them. Was it... water? She glanced around, and knew by the confused frown that they had all heard it. The fact hat Myrdryn, for his part, seemed to have a sudden realization made her voice her wondering.

“There's water down there?”

“Demons rely on a water source to exist in this world. It must be it. If it got corrupted, they would all get trapped back in their world.”

As Myrdryn explained this, Emerys got a sudden realization. He felt almost afraid to voice it, but he needed to know. “So we already knew if the King died, the demons would have to leave. Now we also know we can target the water. But... Does it mean...”


The fact he hesitated made them think, and they soon recalled what the magician had.

The outcomes. Coming back in heroes, or dying together in waters.

Myrdryn glanced down, hairs covering his eyes. He knew what he should say, but he wished he did not have to. “... It does mean the waters will get corrupted if... if non-demons die inside.”

The admission was met with a heavy silence as they continued their final journey.

Soon, Noriran's ears lowered, as if fear had gripped him. Lyria's gaze travelled to her wolf then forward. Myrdryn's eyes met her, and they both slowed down, making the rest of the group do so too.

“We're almost here.” Lyria whispered.

The fact her claim was met by growls further down made all of them clench their fists before breathing in for courage. The final steps down were taken, and their breaths hitched.

Extending to the left and right, and even forward, stood a gigantic cavern. From what they could see, it seemed it was made of sand. However, having put their feet down on the apparent sandy ground, they could tell it was as solid as rock. Small trickles of water passed into the cavern, going to another staircase at the very end of the cavern, at the other side. Pillars stood every so often into it, torches lighting the place.

They also lightened the demons. Oh the demons. Major and minors one alike stood before them, as least as much as what they had fought up until now. They all locked their eyes of them, growling and hissing, eyes malicious and even some feral smirk given.

However, a flash of fear in the closest ones at the sight and sensation of Myrdryn betrayed the group had at least one major advantage. Lyria and Aurora stood proud behind the dragon emperor, showing the rest of their friends who the demons feared, making them understand that one dragon alone, and especially the emperor, hide great powers.

And each of them had grown stronger during their journey. They could sense it, and so with determination in their eyes they also stepped forward, joining their three friends and making a line. Yuna, Lyria, Aurora and Solarys raised their weapons. Aurora's spear brightened with light while white electricity went through Lyria's whip. Yuna twisted his sword once, an arrow appearing into Solarys' free hand.

Emerys raised his hands forward, a ball of fire and a ball of wind forming. Myrdryn, letting his hands down, opened his palms; and golden electricity shot all around his hands and wrists, as if charging. Emerys sensed the sheer magical power awaiting to be unleashed, and grinned. At the same time, his own magic strengthened, almost competitive, but mainly cheered on.

Noriran stepped between Lyria and Myrdryn, crouched down while baring his teeth, fur raised. He was charging his own energy, ready to deliver blows reinforced by his magic, ready to unleash his own magic.

The moment had come, they all knew it. The start of the final battle.

To be continued...

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