《Mystic Quest》Chapter 23


Mystic Quest

Chapter 23

Lyria widened her eyes and her gaze flew toward her right. She flushed brightly in front of the piercing look of her master, knowing already what he was going to say. She lowered her eyes as he approached gently.

Yuna, Solarys and Emerys, for their part, stared with wide eyes at the young man. He seemed barely older than them, and his beautiful golden eyes reflected a great kindness. Yuna couldn't help but notice the also golden hairs of this man. The swordsman exchanged a glance with Emerys, and he read in the magician's eyes the same memory: Lyria had affirmed that the colour gold was rare and proof of magical prowess.

Even as an angel, and the reincarnation of the queen, she only possessed some golden highlights. Who was this man?

“What do I always say?” The man asked with a bit of mischievousness.

“To not call you master...” Lyria whispered.

The 'master' continued to approach as he talked. “So why do you do it?'

“You teach me how to fight, you took care of me... We call Master people like you...”

“I would say friend, don't you think?” He sighed. “What do I have to do so you call me by my name?”

The young man with a still unknown name knelt in front of Lyria; and his small fond smile showed to the other people there that the angel and the young man were close. Solarys noticed in particular the kindness that came out of him; and she couldn't help but smile.

The young man turned slightly toward the companions of his ward with a smile.

“Sorry, I didn't introduce myself. My name is Myrdryn.”

Emerys frowned. “I feel like I know this name...”

Myrdryn chuckled. “I think it is in the 'legend' about the dragons.”


Emerys snapped his fingers. “That's it! It is said he is the emperor of dragons!”

A long silence fell when his words were registered by the swordsman, the magician and the archer. They stared with eyes as wide as saucers at Myrdryn, his gaze reflecting great amusement.

In short, the angel's friends realized then that the dragons weren't a legend, no more than demons or angels, if their emperor was standing in front of them!

“Oh, please don't raise me up. I honestly prefer Myrdryn to Emperor...”

He glanced at Lyria and added, amused, “Or Master.”

“What... What are you doing here?” asked the shy voice of tomato Lyria.

“I was worried. I could feel your sadness, you fury; but also your wounds. I couldn't feel anything after, I was so scared. I hoped to arrive in time. I can see you managed to heal yourself. I am happy to see you, you know?”

Myrdryn smiled before taking Lyria's hands in his own. “I can't stand anymore to wait at home. The dragons can go on without me; but I would never forgive myself if I wasn't here for you. This is why I decided to join you, for now on.”

Lyria lifted her eyes, startled. Did he care so much about her that he left the world of dragons? Did she worry her best friend this much?

Yuna and Solarys exchanged a soft look. Lyria and Myrdryn were completely lost in each other eyes, forgetting the rest of the world. The young couple believed not to be wrong when they thought these two felt more than friendship.

“Well, it is with pleasure that we welcome you in our group, Myrdryn!” Emerys blurted out.

“Welcome, and pleased to meet you!” Solarys said with a grin.


Yuna snorted when the two best friends startled. The young angel threw at them a dark look, having no doubt her friends did this on purpose. The dragon, for his part, beamed.

“Well, to celebrate this, I will cook something!”

Lyria widened her eyes. “Oh no you don't! I don't want a carbonised fish or lettuce in my soup! You might be a good emperor; but you are the worst cook!”

“Lyria!” Myrdryn yelped with indignation, crossing his arms and pouting.

Noriran let out a grunt that strangely sounded like a chuckle. The emperor glanced at him from the corner of his eyes, sticking out his tongue. The four companions couldn't help bursting out laughing. Myrdryn looked at them one after another, still pouting; however the amused glint in his eyes betrayed that the dragon was having fun.

Eventually, Solarys grabbed her lover's arm, and dragged him. “Come on, we are making food.”

Yuna staggered from surprise, then followed happily the archer. Seeing her preparing an arrow, he guessed she planned to hunt. He groaned, knowing he would prepare whatever she caught.

Emerys watched them go, then gave a curious look the new addition. Myrdryn, feeling the magician's gaze, lifted his kind eyes from Lyria and raised an eyebrow in question.

“So, you took in Lyria and protected her since she was a child?” Emerys asked.

“Yes. Why?” Myrdryn could feel something bothered the other male.

“What I can't understand, it is why you look no more than twenty!” The magician exclaimed.

Silence. Then, “... I am a little more than five hundred years.”

The young angel, who had started to stand up, fell back on her bottom as she guffawed. She had to admit, Emerys managed perfectly to imitate a carp!

Myrdryn snorted, happy with himself; before bending down to help Lyria up. As for Emerys, he had trouble getting back from the shock. So much that he stayed frozen in place as his two companions took branches and made a fire.

“Err... Are you alright Emerys?” wondered Yuna, who had just come back with two rabbits for the meal.

“He is five hundred!” The magician accompanied his choked exclamation by pointing the dragon with his finger.

Solarys hit Yuna's back as the swordsman stopped. She could feel a lot of surprise, not as much as Emerys but even so! However, no one could guess Yuna's reaction.

The swordsman went into fit of laughters, surprising everyone. “The old geezer!”

Myrdryn's mouth twitched. Lyria slapped her hand on her eyes in a desperate gesture.

And Yuna yelled lengthily as a force caught him and sent him flying. He registered how the golden eyes of the dragon seemed to glow before he found himself head down and his legs trapped by a branch. He crossed his eyes from the height, then threw a pleading look at his attacker.


Myrdryn kept a grave face for some seconds. Then, he grinned and let his magic throw back the swordsman. Yuna landed on his back, at the feet of the emperor.

“It's time to make food, right?” Myrdryn commented lowly, teasing.

Yuna nodded fast, then got up and rushed at Solarys' side. He could finally notice Lyria and Emerys' hilarity. The two were pressed against a tree, laughing until being red faced. Noriran was sitting, his tail tapping the ground in a way knew as amused.

Well, he said mentally, they were starting the festivity in a good mood!

To be continued...

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