《Mystic Quest》Chapter 17


Mystic Quest

Chapter 17

Once they finished lunch, our heroes rested for another hour before leaving. And this time, the journey was peaceful.

Yuna used this opportunity to show Lyria the feather he had found. She smiled and explained that this day, she had talked with her master using an angelic spell; which explained the presence of her feather. Emerys couldn't help but throw a questioning look at the mention of Lyria's master, but the young angel closed her mouth. The message was clear; her master wished to stay secret for now, and Lyria would respect this.

Solarys wanted to ask questions about the angels; but recalled the words of her friend. A monster had destroyed her village; Lyria had said. The archer preferred not to rekindle painful memories.

Toward the end of the afternoon, they found a small village and decided to stop there. Quite quickly, they found the inn. Yuna and Solarys looked at each other before choosing to take only one room for them both. They didn't plan this; but they wanted to sleep together. A teasing but fond smile split Lyria and Emerys' faces as each took their own room.

Once their rooms reserved, visited and their belongings put down; they locked up their rooms and went back down to have their diner. They were starving. They chose a round table and Yuna sat at Solarys' left, Lyria to his right and Emerys between Lyria and Yuna.

As they had started their meal, a man got close to their table.

"Hello, girl!"

Emerys and Lyria exchanged an annoyed look at the sensual tone the man had used when talking to Solarys. Yuna, for his part, sent dark looks. However, the man ignored him.

"Hello, curly mutant."

Solarys' answer almost made her three friends choke in laughter. They tried to hide their laugh by coughing. The man seemed miffed but he started over quickly.


"What a good sense of humour! I love this! Say, would you like-"

He couldn't finish his sentence. A fish hit him square in the face. Emerys and Lyria couldn't stop themselves any longer and burst out laughing. Yuna hadn't been able to bear the tone the man had been taking and it was his fish he chose as his weapon. Now, he sent a furious look at the man, who had found himself on his butt on the floor and half knocked out.

"Poor-sighted moron! Can't you see I'm her fiancé! Move away!"

Solarys flushed. The two others were laughing so much they bent down while grabbing their side. Even Noriran let from his muzzle what sounded like a laugh escape.

The flirt preferred to leave right away. The four friends laughed together before finishing their diner. Then, they went to their rooms.

Lyria, unlike her friends, wasn't sleeping. She sat on the windowsill, staring outside and thoughtful. She didn't notice the mysterious person who quietly entered her room. A glint of relief flashed in the man's eyes when he saw the young angel in good health.


Lyria startled and turned around. She blinked her eyes, then a blinding smile appeared on her face before she jumped from the windowsill and rushed into the open arms of her master.

"I'm so happy to see you!"

The man smiled and pressed a kiss to her hairs. "I had to see for myself that you were alright."

Lyria stepped back while keeping her smile. "Fenisan healed me well."

The man chuckled. Then, worry appeared in his eyes. "And... you used your powers right?" Lyria nodded. "How did your friends react?"

"Very well! You know, it warm my heart so much to be accepted like this. I was afraid..." Lyria snuggled against her master.


"Don't say more, all is fine. You are happy, aren't you? Hey, answer me! Wait... Oh no, don't cry..."

"I... Sorry... But you know..."

The man sighed before tightening his arms around her. "I know. This night. Why do you think I'm here? Making sure you were healed well was just a bonus."

Lyria laughed slightly between her sobs. "Thank you..."

"No problem. And stop saying I am your master!"

The teasing voice of her master soothed Lyria a bit. "But you taught me everything; and you are-"

"Your best friend."

Lyria stopped talking and smiled faintly. She let her friend comfort her; and she didn't take long to fall asleep. The man let out a quiet chuckle then carried her to her bed. He covered her; and after some seconds of contemplation, he laid down beside her on the covers and hugged her against his chest. He would leave before anyone knew he had been here.

Sadly, while Lyria managed to have a quite peaceful night, it wasn't the case for her friends.

Emerys get agitated in his bed. He rolled left and right, groaning and something even whining.

Blood, only blood.

"No..." He whispered in his sleep.

A young girl, smiling. The likeness with the magician was striking. Then, this same girl, cold. Arms hanging down, mouth open with blood falling for her lips.

Emerys jolted awake, sweating. He trembled, then took his head between his hands.

"Oh, why? Why?"

In another room, Yuna woke up when he felt shudders. He glanced at Solarys, and was suddenly wide awake. She was crying in her sleep.


She woke up and blinked her eyes as tears still fell. She looked at Yuna, lost.

"What is happening?"

Solarys shook her head; as if the archer refused to speak. Yuna watched her, sad. His gaze screamed, please!

Solarys closed her eyes, then nodded. "Alright. I will tell you."

To be continued...

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