《Mystic Quest》Chapter 12


Mystic Quest

Chapter 12

This night, at sunset, the group already slept. Well, almost. Some meters at the west of the camp; sitting on the branch of a tree, Yuna stared at the river and the sunset. The river was of medium width, the water coming easily to the hips in the middle of it. The vibrations of the current crossed its transparent blue; and the sunset reflected inside.

However, in all honesty, Yuna's mind was elsewhere. Not on the mysterious person of the group, but on Solarys. He wasn't blind and knew well enough that he was under the charm of the young woman. How could he not be?

The day they met, her beauty had made his heart leap. But physical beauty wasn't what had made him smitten with her. After all, Lyria too was beautiful. Yuna had succumbed to her kindness and innocence. And when a shadow passed in her gaze, recalling something, he felt the need to protect her.

The swordsman put his head against the bark while closing his eyes. He could see the fierce and ferocious way the archer fought. Not only to protect her life, but also, and above all, to protect her friends.

A sigh escaped his lips. “Solarys...”


Yuna startled, hit his head and fell off the tree. He found himself on his back on the ground, gratefully he hadn't been too high; and blinked his eyes when Solarys appeared in his line of sight, bend with curiosity, and amusement.

Yuna blinked again and blushed. “You surprised me... I didn't see you arrive!”

Solarys chuckled. “I scared you, you mean!”

Her smile and her laugh made Yuna's heart throb He gave her back his smile and stood up. Solarys looked at him as she felt her cheeks reddening. The young woman couldn't help this kind of reaction when close to the swordsman. Her heart beat faster each time he talked to her, each time he looked at her. Her cheeks got hotter when he showed his protective side for her; when he smiled.


Was this love?

She snapped out of her thoughts as Yuna brushed his hand against his clothes, dusting them. Trying to hide her blushing cheeks, Solarys smiled and hastily talked.

“I woke up and I didn't see you. You worried me.”

She hit lightly his arm. She could see he was fine.

Yuna rubbed his arm and pouted. “I wasn't sleepy, that's all.”

Solarys raised an eyebrow, worried. “Are you alright?”

Yuna offered her a smile that made the archer's heart leap. “Yes, don't worry. We should go back to camp.”

Solarys opened her mouth to talk; but a small yell escaped instead. Yuna had just tripped and fell right on Solarys. The two fell on the ground. Yuna apologized then opened his eyes; and his breath caught for some seconds.

A completely red Solarys stared at him with big green eyes, her blue hairs spread on the earth. Yuna was above her; and only some inches separated their faces. Yuna's gaze lost itself in the blue and green contemplation that was offered to him; while none of them moved.

Yuna felt Solarys' breath caress his cheeks, and his eyes went to her lips. Solarys swallowed and her tongue went out in a fast lick of lips. Yuna's control snapped then; and he leaned down.

Their lips met in a sweet and chaste kiss. It lasted only for some seconds; but it was enough to send shivers in Yuna and Solarys' bodies. Then, Yuna blushed brightly and leaned back.

He started to get up while stammering apologies when Solarys grabbed his arm and stopped him. He blinked, surprised. Soon, his eyes widened when Solarys came closer and left a chaste and hesitant kiss on his lips.

Solarys then smiled at him as Yuna stared at her with wide as saucers eyes. Their cheeks flamed in the same way.


“I think... you simply were faster.”

Yuna couldn't believe his ears. Solarys loved him too? “You... I think I'm in love with you!” Yuna blurted out before opening and closing his mouth.

This made Solarys giggle. With a tender smile, she put her hand on his and glanced down with shyness. “I think I feel the same.”

A big smile appeared on the swordsman's face when the information registered in his brain. He wrapped the archer's hand in his and asked in a soft voice, “Do you want to be with me then?”

Solarys nodded. Yuna smiled with fondness; and when Solarys glanced up she gave back his smile. Yuna put his hand on her cheek and pressed his lips against hers. Solarys melted in the kiss, her heart beating madly as Yuna and her shared their first real kiss.

One or two meters from them, a smile formed on Lyria's face as she turned her back. “Come on Noriran, let's leave them alone and go back to the camp.”

Emerys saw her come back without their two companions, and a glint of worry appeared in his eyes. “You didn't find them?”

“Let's say I left them alone.”

Lyria winked and the magician understood. “About time! I thought I would have to push them into each other arms!”

To be continued...

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