《Mystic Quest》Chapter 9


Mystic Quest

Chapter 9

After some days of walking; our heroes finally found some civilization. They noted with satisfaction that they were in Tragar; a small quiet town. Their first goal was an inn.

The inn-keeper welcomed them with a smile. “Ladies and gentlemen?”

“We'd like two rooms for two; men and women.” Solarys asked while returning the smile.

The middle-aged woman nodded before giving them the numbers and the keys of their rooms. The group thanked her before going upstairs. With pleasure they saw the two rooms were across each other.

Then they closed the rooms and went out of the inn. Each wanted to buy some supplies and medical herbs. Emerys wished to visit a bit the library. Yuna wanted to sharpen his sword, or even find a better one.

They decided to split up and go their separate ways. Each knew they wanted to explore the town; and they could meet back at the inn.

Yuna paid the weapon merchant with a large smile. The man had made Yuna a discount when he had traded his old sword with the new one. The young man started wandering the streets, a hand on the handle of the new sword on his waist.

His gaze trailed around; his ears open to any conversation he could hear. He could maybe hear a good information.

Yuna passed a back alley quite deserted before stopping some steps after. He frowned. He had heard someone talking. The voice felt familiar. Curious, he backtracked. He took the back alley and heard again the voice coming from an adjacent little street. Familiar, female but he had trouble giving a name. There was a slight echo making the voice impossible to distinguish.

Just as he was ready to take the turn to see the person; a male voice could be heard; powerful, husky and warm, and unknown. He stopped and listened.


“You should be careful.” The male voice said with slight scolding and a lot of worry.

“I know master but I couldn't stay put and do nothing.”

A sigh. “By the way; it's a miracle no superior demon jumped on you yet.”

“Oh, it won't last long. I can sense their aura. Some are close.”

The male voice muttered a curse. This oh so familiar female voice chuckled and added, “You said it!”

“Well; we can't do anything more. Go back to your stuff; keep travelling with them and above all try not to reveal who you are.”

“Alright. Goodbye master!”

“And stop calling me master!”

A small laugh then silence. When Yuna heard footsteps; he couldn't help going back quickly. He didn't know what to think of this discussion and had no wish to be seen.

Sadly; once the swordsman joined the crowd and turned, he couldn't see anyone known. He knew that if this voice was so familiar; it was because it belonged to one of his two female companions.

But which one?

Yuna backtracked. He went back into the back alley and went to the place the conversation happened. A dead end. His gaze trailed around; and a white sparkle attracted his eyes. He bent down. A white feather.

The young man contemplated for some seconds the feather before deciding to take it. He stood up and put it in his travel bag. And thus; with his hidden trophy and buzzing thoughts, he returned to the inn.

What did this discussion mean? What should he do?

Was there a traitor in their midst?

All these questions haunted Yuna as he went back to his friends. But were they all his friends? The swordsman shook his head. Only one of the two women had been there. And he couldn't really know what exactly the conversation had been about. All he knew was; someone hid 'who she was' and had in all likelihood made a report to her 'master'.


Or maybe this person was watching someone else in the group?

Yuna bit his lips. No, he shouldn't doubt. He pushed open the door to the inn and saw his three friends smile at him. Solarys came to him and pulled him by his arm toward the table.

“Come on! We are hungry!”

Was her innocence real?

“You took your sweet time my friend!”

Did the cheekiness of the magician hide something else?

“Stop talking and eat!”

Tease as she was; Lyria and her wolf. Was there someone above them?

Yuna smiled at his friends and took a seat at the table. He put down his bag and thanked the one who served him.

He couldn't know. And as long as he didn't know; his friends would stay his friends. Yuna refused to believe one of them concealed evil intentions.

To be continued...

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