《Mystic Quest》Chapter 7


Mystic Quest

Chapter 7

The castle of Ombrosius sat at the centre of the town, projecting a dark shadow. Deep inside its basements four young people awoke slowly. A poignant headache took hold of them and they screwed their eyes shut with sounds of pain.

Lying on the floor, each tried to recall what happened. Emerys was the first one to remember their capture. The young magician shot up suddenly. His eyes swept the room, looking for his companions. He sighed with relief when he noticed his three friends were also in the cell. And judging by their groans, they would soon get up.

Emerys stepped closer to the cell door with a smirk. For a magician like him, this door wouldn't stop him. He raised his hand, palm toward the door. Lightning appeared in his hand before being shot at the door.

Emerys could only think of a curse before being hit with full force by the ball of electricity that had bumped back. He was thrown against the wall; the sound of the collision worrying his friends who all stood up.

“Emerys!” Solarys yelled before rushing toward him.

“I-I'm fine. Thankfully, I'm not sensitive to my own magic.” He reassured as he stood up. “At least, we now know that this cell was made to contain anyone.” He muttered.

Yuna sighed when he understood they were in a serious situation. Lyria looked at the door with a thoughtful look. The small giggle of Solarys attracted the gaze of the two; and they couldn't help a similar reaction.

Emerys frowned. His hands could only fly to his hairs in front of the amused look his companions took. His eyes widened when he touched his hairs and noticed the electricity had made them stand straight up.

His reaction made the three others burst out laughing. Emerys flushed and glared at them before trying to discipline his hairs.


Lyria brushed away a tear of laughter while she went to look at Noriran, knowing her wolf would be as amused as her. Her laugh banished and she paled.

“Where's Noriran?”

When Solarys spotted the panicked look of her friend, she came closer and put her hand on Lyria's shoulder in comfort. “Maybe they put him elsewhere.”

“Maybe... Anyway, we have to get out! And I might have an idea...” A mischievous smile formed on her face.

The guard passed his hand on his face, trying to stay awake. If he slept on duty... He didn't want to think of the punishment. His comrade noticed and smiled, though it was more of a grimace. They were waiting eagerly for their replacement.

“I'm so bored!”

“Is there someone to pass time?”

The two guards went alert again after hearing the female voices. They shared a glance. What was wrong in going down in the dungeon and have some fun?

The two guards only took some seconds before going down the stairs they had been guarding and finding themselves in front of the cell of the two young women. They didn't even take the time to wonder where exactly the two young men where; probably in another cell; and opened the door.

“Hello ladies. You wanted some fun?”

A feral smirk spread on their lips. “Oh yes. But certainly not like you thought, pervert!”

The two guards only had the time to understand the trap was closing on them while two forms rushed at them from both side. Two hitting sounds rang out and then the two guards fell on the ground, knocked out.

“I can't believe it worked!” Yuna and Emerys exclaimed in the same disgusted voice.

Solarys shrugged in apology. “Not everyone is clever, sadly!”


Lyria let out a small laugh, even though her eyes betrayed her worry. Solarys noticed and offered her a small smile of comfort. “We'll find him.” The young archer affirmed.

The chestnut nodded in agreement then went out of the cell first. Her companions exchanged a worried look for their friend before following. Lyria stopped the small group just at the top of the stairs, trying to hear if someone could come.

After some seconds where everyone held their breathes; Lyria made a small gesture with her hand, declaring the way safe. However, Solarys stopped her friends with a sad look.

“I know we should look for Noriran first; but I'd like to try finding my bow. It's a gift from a dear one.”

Lyria smiled gently at her friend. “Of course. You will need it. And Emerys can use his magic, and I can make my whip appear anytime. We can protect you and Yuna. Right?”

The two men nodded with a grin. They could understand the fact Solarys wanted to get her bow back.

“I might not have my sword, but I know how to defend myself. It will be alright. Plus I might get my sword back.” Yuna reassured Solarys.

“Thank you my friends. We try the left path?”

Yuna nodded then took the lead. Emerys followed closely behind; and Lyria stayed side by side with Solarys. The two men were ready to protect Solarys and to give Lyria the time she needed to summon her weapon. In addition, Yuna would be the first attacked if they crossed path with soldiers, which would give time for Emerys to throw his magic.

Luckily, they didn't meet anyone for minutes. Soon, they saw a path leading down; and they thought that if this path lead to the treasures, Solarys' bow should be there. But as they advanced subtly, a canine whine froze them.

“Noriran...” Lyria whispered with teary eyes. Her wolf sounded like he suffered!

Solarys' hand gently stroke her shoulder. “My bow can a little more. We have to save him. Don't worry I'll manage!”

“Or maybe not...” Emerys added, pointing at the door to their right that just opened.

A guard stared at them with wide eyes. Before he could alert anyone, Yuna hit his stomach with his elbow then punched his face. The man fell on the floor, dizzy. Emerys threw a magical blow to completely knock him out.

“Solarys! Look how lucky we are!” Yuna whispered then.

The room was the place the soldiers kept their treasures; and Solarys' bow sat right in the middle. Solarys rushed inside and took it back with bright happy eyes. She turned toward Lyria and made two arrows appear.

“Now we save Noriran.”

To be continued...

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