《Mystic Quest》Chapter 6


Mystic Quest

Chapter 6

The hoarse and frantic barks of Noriran awoke the group. Four pairs of eyes sought the source of the wolf's fear, and when they found it, all colour left their face. Running along the border of the forest, and straight toward them, a pack of enormous bulls was getting closer, a trail of dust behind them.

After a second of astonishment, the youths moved. They hurried to tidy up their camp, throwing panicked looks toward the threat that was drawing near. Noriran yelped more and more, encouraging them to go faster.

Finally, they took their travelling bags on their back, and rushed; Noriran guiding the way. Lyria showed herself to be a fast runner by racing side to side with her wolf. Emerys followed her closely, the magic in his body more efficient than adrenalin. Yuna, noticing that Solarys risked to be behind the group, caught her hand. Solarys gripped it, forcing herself to run faster.

The quake from the horde indicated they were coming closer. Some meters, merely some meters, and the pack would simply brush past them. It was only travelling, a moving mass that all knew one should never find themselves on their path.

A bit more, one or two meters. From the corner on their eyes, they could glimpse horns coming closer. Noriran sped up, then stopped and turned around only some steps from them. Showing the place they would finally be out of danger.

In a last desperate effort, his four human companions jumped and pressed themselves belly-flat at the wolf's feet, one beside another. Yuna and Solarys' hearts missed a beat when in the middle of the jump, they felt a horn brushing their shoes.

No one moved, arms protecting heads, while the ground shuddered and the sending of dust caused by the horde passed above them. Then, the tremors decreased, the sound of the pack got further away, and eventually the dust dissipated.


Yuna opened his eyes, meeting those of Solarys. Their hands were still attached, gripping each other with the fear they felt. With a slight flush, they let go, then rolled on their back. Emerys coughed, then did the same. Noriran, sitting beside his mistress' head, waggled his tail when she raised her head slightly to smile at him, before the young woman turned in the same position than her friends.

They slowed down their breathes, remembering how close they had been to be stamped on. Emerys chuckled. Solarys giggled, then burst out in a joyful and relieved laugh. Yuna and Lyria grinned, then followed Solarys in her laugh, Emerys following quite quickly. Noriran tilted his head, his tail thumping the ground, and he barked happily.

Solarys was the first one to be calmed enough to stand up. She met Yuna's gaze, and with persistent chuckles, she extended her hand. The young man took it, and felt surprised to be pulled easily upward. Emerys, who had managed to sit, went back into fits of laughter at the sight of the more than surprised face of the other male. Lyria shook her head, amused by the magician who couldn't get up anymore.

Yuna felt his cheeks heating up, and muttering, he marched toward Emerys. He hit Emerys' head lightly, then smirked when he heard the noise of protest; then left in the same direction they had been running earlier. The women giggled and followed, gesturing for Emerys to follow. Noriran licked his face then ran after his mistress, pushing the young magician to chase him. The three others watched with smiles the wolf letting himself be chased, before running in circle around the magician while barking. Emerys threw a desperate look at Lyria, and she took pity, calling Noriran. The white wolf's ears twitched toward the whip user, then he ran toward her side. Emerys waited for his companions to be at his level before walking again.


The group of heroes continued their path without trouble during hours. They exchanged stories of their villages, most of them funny. However, each of them noticed the others weren't giving any clues of which village they were from, or talked about themselves. And yet, no one voiced this; as each of them understood the will to keep something secret.

Maybe with time, they would be friends enough to share their secrets...

A shadow stopped their laugh at the latest joke a child did at Emerys' village. The four youngsters stopped. Eyes raised up, and a huge black wall met their gaze. A collective shiver ran down their back. However, curiosity and the wish to sleep in beds pushed them to enter.

They saw two doors as entrance, one open and the other closed. They used said open one, not being able to shake off their bad feeling. Lyria's breath hitched suddenly when she saw first soldiers in the streets. Few villagers were outside, only soldiers in bloody red armour wandered along the town's streets. On the chest of each, a black rose attracted the eyes.

“Tell me it isn't...” Yuna started, whispering.

Emerys shuddered and confirmed, “I'm afraid so...”

Solarys didn't comprehend first, then the black rose sigil clicked in her mind. Ombrosius, the town of a cruel and bloody lord which everyone knew the existence but few knew its emplacement.

“We have to leave!” Lyria hissed at her companions.

However, none noticed that meanwhile, the guards of the doors frowned. A malicious smile formed on their face when the young people turned. This froze them; and how a huge mistake it had been.

Noriran's growl registered too late. Lyria only had the time to see red armours behind them before feeling a gloved fist knock her out. Solarys and Emerys turned with a sound of anger and protest, only to follow the same fate. Yuna's hand flew on his sword, ready to unsheathe it, but the whine of a Noriran gotten hit stopped him. This was the mistake that got him knocked out too.

The soldiers smirked, satisfied of their capture. The men would make good fighters, once their rebellious spirit would be broken. As for the women...

Two soldiers went to stroke Lyria and Solarys' hairs when suddenly, thunder hit their hand and made them jumped backward. Furious eyes scanned the surroundings, without seeing anyone else.

The white wolf groaning before falling in complete unconsciousness attracted everyone gaze. A silence followed, each thinking and analysing.

Finally, satisfied smile appeared on each of them. Seemed like they caught a big quarry…

To be continued...

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