《Mystic Quest》Chapter 4


Mystic Quest

Chapter 4

Some hours after their improvised nap, Lyria awakened. She smiled when she saw Noriran did too. The young woman stroke his head, then observed her companions. Her smiled widened, a gleam of joy in her gaze.

Lyria stood up without sound, searching with her gaze her travelling bag. Still without noises, she opened it and took out food for breakfast. Lyria couldn't help but notice that each of her comrade possessed a similar bag. The only conclusion she had was that they were all travellers.

Of course, all were good fighters, but it didn't stop her from wondering why they left their home. Most of the time, the ones who learned to fight stayed to protect their village; and the common travellers were merchants or people who sought a new home, a new life.

No one explored the world, going from town to town. With a massive appearance of demons and monsters a little more than twenty years ago, danger was too great. The arrival of these creatures hadn't been too surprising, as stories talking of other races circulated into households for a long time, and many guessed they weren't simple legends. But no king or person in power, each town and village was independent, with a governor as a leader. No army to protect then, and no will to change that. Why do so, while this existed since forever?

“Do you need help?”

Lyria startled, making Solarys laugh. The young archer had awakened a minute or two ago, noticing quickly that the other woman was up. Lyria smiled to her and accepted her help. Yuna woke up when the scent of breakfast tickled his nose.

“It smell good!” He whispered, conscious that the last member of the group still slept.

“Hands off! It isn't ready yet!”


Solarys slapped lightly the hand of the young man as he tried to taste. He pouted, then busied himself with tidying the covers. Finally, when the meal was finished, the last of the four companions woke up with a yawn.

“You know, if you sleep like that during the whole journey, I wouldn't be surprised if we finish it at 50!”

The magician threw a dark look at Lyria, under the amused look of Solarys and Yuna. Emerys got up, crossing his arms with a determined expression. Lyria raised an eyebrow in answer with a teasing smile.

“You know... You looked a bit crazy earlier.” A smirk appeared on his face when the whip user narrowed her eyes.

“Say that again?”

“You hear me. But it doesn't surprise me, with this idiot wolf you ha-AH!”

Emerys went down, the pan Lyria had just thrown brushing past his scalp. “Oi! You really are crazy!”

The pan bounced on the wall and hit the magician behind the head. He let out a piercing yell, a hand flying at the point of impact. He rubbed while pouting under the triumphant look of the culprit.

“No one can say wrongs about my wolf!”

Emerys preferred not to add anything, scared of receiving the fury of the chestnut haired. Well, her pans. However, he didn't hesitate with glaring at his other two companions who were valiantly trying to hide their giggles behind their hands.

“Let's eat!” Solarys exclaimed; a way of calming everyone.

Of course, this worked immediately. The three others rushed around the young woman and sat down. The archer couldn't help her small laugh before giving everyone their share of the lunch.

Curious, Solarys started the conversation. “Well, since we are going to travel together for quite some time, we could get to know each other better?”


“Good idea!” confirmed Yuna. Emerys and Lyria nodded in agreement.

Solarys grinned widely. “I start! My name is Solarys, and I decided to travel some weeks ago.” She winked to the others. The name wasn't necessary, but it was funnier.

“My name is Yuna, and I travel to find someone.”

Emerys paused. “My names is Emerys Haylea, and I too seek someone.”

Yuna fixed the other young man with surprise. Emerys saw his stare and shrugged. Both of them turned toward the last member of their group, however the same thought crossed their mind: Is he looking for the same person?

“I'm Lyria, and he is Noriran. We travel together, and we found the temple by chance. I started looking for you, and I soon found you.”

She glanced at Yuna and Solarys, half sheepish and half amused. Emerys raised an eyebrow. “I feel like I'm missing something...”

“Noriran destroyed our covers when we met.” declared Yuna.

Emerys smirked a bit ferally then, and gazed alternatively Noriran and his mistress. The wolf looked away, while the chestnut blushed slightly. However, it didn't stop her from throwing him a dark look. Emerys raised his hands in a gesture of peace. “I was just thinking it didn't surprise me.”

Lyria twitched, then gazed furtively at Noriran. She grinned, and announced in an amused voice, “Me neither!”

Noriran whined, pouting at his human friend. Lyria scratched his head, and the wolf laid down, his head against her thighs and still a bit sulking. This made their new friends laugh, establishing joy in this group who would soon start their journey.

To be continued...

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