《Bolster, Old draft》Chapter 9~ Seeing A Few Old Friends


“So what do you mean these are the tamed classes I’m stuck with? Isn’t there some manual on more classes for creatures somewhere? Or is there some person I have to go talk to unlock more of these bad boys?”

“I’m sorry Marlow, but that’s kind of the main reason why no one really picks this class. We can only progress as far as our creatures can. There’s always a point where the creatures just get too difficult to tame or too smart to fall for our tricks. Not to mention that each creature has a limited number of classes to choose from. Unless they undergo a dramatic event which rarely occurs.” Benson grumbled hunched over his drink. Marlow had gotten to his mentor’s house only to find a note on it directing him to this hidden drinking place.

“But that’s not fair!”

“No it isn’t, but you’ve seen what we can do. These limits like only having ten skills, ten titles, five spells, and a limited number of creature classes. Keep us humble. Else every other class out there would become useless. As we could simply replace them.”

“That’s… a fair point, but.”

“Marlow, do you know how the world judges the rarity and power scaling of everything?”

“No I don’t.”

“The first thing the world does when a new item is created is the history of the item and how it was made. Taking into account the skill level of the person, the effort and time it took to make it, the rarity of the components, and the quality of produce. Let’s look at the difference between a knight and a mage.” Benson said, taking a break to sip his drink.

“At first the knight has to train three skills; heavy armor mastery, a weapon mastery skill, and combat awareness. All of which work together to inharmany. Which puts it in common. Then comes the mage. They need to focus on multiple things like; mana manipulation, coalescence, mage armor, staff or wand mastery, plus all the various spells they want to cast. All of that effort made that class uncommon. The captain of the guard has a restricted class and you’ve seen what that man can do.”

Benson lended back in his chair, waving at the bartender for another drink. Getting a nod in return he rejoined the table. Putting his empty mug off to the side.

“So you're saying that I’m already the best I can already be?”

“Basically yes, since we're a trash tier class. With our main party trick having that single skill. We're stuck here until the world takes pity on us. Though a few of us have gotten together to try and break this threshold, it's not possible. Our strength relies on our pets. Of course travelers like you are looking for easy creatures to grind so if they haven’t already they'll bully you until you got nothing left.”

“That’s horrible.”

“Life is horrible, but it's what you make of it that matters.”

They sat in silence, nothing else to say. Until the other could come up with. The low murmur of the bar making sure their conversation wasn’t missed. It was a nice place to hide out of the way, private invite only, and it was locally owned.

“Benson, you said that you need help from the world? Do you mean the system?” Benson returned with a blank stare.

“Sonny, the system as you put it and the world is one in the same.”

“What if the system has already been helping us? What if we haven’t been pushing the limit? What if we were supposed to try and replace other classes!”


“Already tried that, we are a tamer society. Has various factions including the davison of farming. Originally meant to replace farmers, but it’s now meant for selective breeding for the kingdom. So much for that plan.”

“Were there others?”

“Yes, two more. There’s the monster deviation trying to gain power through powerful creatures, also another failure. Finally the micro deviation focuses on a single creature to help climb the ranks, also another failure. We just aren’t meant to be up there with the best.”

“So what specialization level are the leaders of the three davisons?”

“Specialization levels? Lad the highest person in our group is level six and you're talking to him.”

“You know when you hit level ten you get a specialization class that helps boost certain aspects of your class.”

“Lad, we natives to this world don’t come back after death like you do, once we are gone, we're gone for good. SO level SIX is actually well above average.” As the creaking of floorboards came, the barmaid was rather quiet. She walked over and began pouring Benson a new drink as she did, a folded piece of paper was placed on the table. Nodding politely while handing her a few silver coins, their conversation started up again.

“Ah man, I came here. Because I thought you had important information. Not to be scolded while you get drunk.”

“Not, beer.”


“Not, Beer. It’s Apple cider. Everything has been skyrocketing since you travelers have been popping in. A single loaf of bread now costs two whole pieces of silver. But you’ve actually set up a goal for us Marlow. We were stuck spinning our wheels trying to get out of this mud puddle and you’ve just tossed us a rope.” Benson dropped the empty mug on the table, as he finally noticed the folded paper on the table. Opening it up he read over it with his finger tip, before shoving it into his pocket.

“Well I got to go, my broker just got back into town, but I recommend stopping by Caley’s place. I bet she’ll love to hear this information. If she doesn’t give you a discount, you can buy something on me.” Benson said, standing up and sliding in his chair. Throwing on his heavy wool coat, before walking out the door.

So with no other reason to be there Marlow waited a minute not to be weird, then left the secret bar. Differently not due to any unwanted glares from the local patrons.

Making his way to the ranger’s guild he decided to check up on how the search for his family was going. After all, it had been a few weeks since he’d made a request. They might just be ready and waiting to give him the papers! Wait, no paper was expensive. Probably some form of stitched leather, maybe?

Waiting his turn in line Marlow pondered what medieval people used when paper wasn’t around. Did they use leather, wood, or stone? Picturing himself being handed a pebble and told ‘next’ was a little funny.



“One second let me go grab the m’s.” The tired accountant said. Pale skin contrasting her dark hair and clothing. Already shuffling off to go search the archives behind the counter. Coming back a few minutes later to check how his name was spelled before shuffling back off again.

“I’m sorry it appears that you have not set up a search person’s quest. If you’d like to set one up today. That will be fifteen gold for a premium plan or eight gold for the standard progress.”


Confused Marlow stood there and blinked. He was sure he had made a down payment. Yes he had! He chose to spend his earnings on searching for his family. Abyss that’s how he knew to come here in the first place. Was it possible that his file was misplaced?

“Are you sure my name is M-A-R-L-O-W. There could be a spelling mistake. Could you please go look again.”

“Sorry unless your name starts with M-A-R-K or M-A-R-N. We have no files with M-A-R-L’s in our archive.”

“Fine, what's the difference between the premium and the standard.”

“Premium we give the quest to personal investigators. Standard is a general quest given to anyone the guild which can get picked up by anyone in due time. Both forms may require a bit of your blood to track a member of your family down if you haven’t seen or heard from them since you’ve entered this world.” The deadpan lady spoke softly.

Mentally doing the math in his head he should have around three thousand coins. Give or take a few since he wasn’t the best at math. Then again he had stolen from a thieves guild and had nowhere to spend it, so.

Paying for the premium version. He walked off deeper into the building. Eventually coming to a door with a plaque with the words ‘Caley’s catch and release program Room 119’.

Knocking on the door he found it locked. Which was much better than last time he came by. Knocking again he heard someone on the other side coming closer. Until it opened, revealing an unfamiliar dissatisfied face staring back at him.

“Can I help you?” Rumbled the short man. The cigar in his mouth was already wafting smoke up into Marlow’s face.

“I’m here to see Caley.”

“She’s not here. But she’ll be back to-”

“Shut up, Hubert! That’s one of my customers. Now buzz off.”

“Fine, I'm going out anyway. It’s not like you’ll make a sale anyways. Those bunnies are too weak for my travelers anyways.” Hubert huffed as he stormed past Marlow.

“Sorry about that. Hubert is the guild leader of the rangers. He likes to stop by and buy some of my stock for target practice. Come on, I'll show you what I got.” Caley said, pulling Marlow in before closing the door. Walking to her desk she reached under and pressed something.

“You sell to the guild leader? But could he just demand you to give them to you?”

“Oh he’s tried, but I'm an independent contractor. This room is owned by the guild but I own the creatures. Him stealing or taking creatures without my permission breaks our contract which will let all of my creatures lose on the guild.” Caley spoke, her voice echoed in the staircase they were in.

“I don’t know about you but handling a horned hog and mist raven back to back is quite dangerous. SO to spite him I sell him the cheap stuff.”

“Well Benson told me to share some news with you and that he’d be willing to let me put stuff on his tab.”

“Oh? Do, share?” Caley said, lifting the banner to the secret room.

After explaining to Caley about information on how to progress further. She showed Marlow the good stuff, which was reasonably over priced and exotic. What could he even do with a white back flower gorilla. So he asked for the much cheaper variete.

Which she complied, showing him the cheaper and much more down to earth creatures. There were normal animals from earth like bears, bunnies, and bees. Then there were the odd balls like a walking bush, a unicorn but with a sword instead of horn, and a Tortoise with scales instead of wrinkly skin.

Talking it over Marlow bought the scaled tortoise, who was very friendly while eating the berry shaped treats he pulled from his bag. Along with the blond bunny which was actually a basher called a glitter foot. It was skittish at first until he caught and held the sacred thing. Then it just fell asleep in his arm after nibbling on some banana, also pulled from the treat bag.

Timid, Green Back Drago Tortoise has eaten enough taming treats and has moved to tame rank Placid. It is now 50% less likely to attack you if they come in range!

Drago Tortoise may now be claimed by player ‘Marlow’ Please choose or write a name for Drago Tortoise.

Processing… Names unclaim… Accepting names… Names accepted! Classes auto assigned do to previous life experiences.

Name: Turt

Creature type: Green Back Drago Tortoise

Tame Rank: Obedient

Class: House Hunter (Special)

Hit Points: 3,600

Character Level: 1

Health: 3,600/3,600

Mana: 124/124

Stamina: 50/50

Skill and Spell list: Coalescence, Consume, Endure, Growth, Haul, Mana fangs, Mana manipulation, Supreme shell, Reconstruct, Reinforce, and Walking.

Name: Bun Bun

Class: Quick Fix (Rare)

Creature type: Bashur

Tame Rank: Plaside

Hit Points: 3,600

Character Level: 1

Health: 10/10

Mana: 91/91

Stamina: 60/60

Skill and Spell list: Coalescence, Dash, Healing kiss, Leap, Mana manipulation.

“Hey, Eternium to Marlow, Caley would like an update if you continue to do business with her!” Now she had lent over and began waving a hand in front of his face.

“Ah sorry, just reading nofiations.” Sitting down at the table they talked. Apparently some creatures, according to Caley, could get their class automatically assigned based on their actions or deeds. Thanking her once again for letting him use Benson’s tab. He left the Ranger’s guild with rabbit and tortoise in toe.

Of course being wanted by the city guard complicated things. So sneaking his way back through the city sewer he let his mind wander. After finding a big enough piece of wood for his two new companions to ride on.

Why didn’t the ranger’s guild have him on record? He did make a payment after all? Did someone steal his file? But who wouldn’t want him finding his family? Marlow thought, slogging through the filth. Mentally changing gears, it wouldn’t do him any good to think about things he couldn’t change. The past was the past.

Then what on earth was a house hunter? Did it mean he new pet could only level up by hunting non movable buildings, if so is this a total rip off. Quick fix was straight forward; it was a weak healer, with high mobility. Buying a house hunter wasn't going to help him fight against Thunderdome. It's not like buildings could hand out magical boons.

Breathing in and out Marlow pushed on the board that Bun Bun and Turt were on. Wouldn’t want his new pets to drown on his first outing with them. That would be horrible.

What if house hunter was more a siege type of class forced on taking out buildings! No then it would be called something else like wall wrecker or some other alliteration that this game world was so fond of.

Was this what it took to gain power in this stupid world, draining a tortise and a bunny through the sewer. Avoiding the guards, because of a crime that you prevented, but did it so poorly you're seen as a villain. If it meant he could see his family again, yes.

Wherever they may be he’ll find them. He’ll fight every boss, complete every quest, walk through every sewer, if it meant he could see them again. No matter the destination, he’ll journey across the land. Searching far and wide. To this game, what it meant. To have family at your side.


“Hey Bob! Did you hear that!”

‘Crap, crap, crap.’ Marlow thought, freezing in place. As footsteps kick up rocks above.

“Yeah I think, I did hear something down there.” Marlow panicked and looked left then right. Finding nothing but sewage and grim. He couldn’t hide, fight, or flee. He was toast. Then an idea struck him.

“Billy got over here. You gotta come check this out.”

“Out, out, out.”

“You sure Bob, I think it might have been your imagination.”

“Nation, nation, nation”

“No, I'm fairly certain I heard something coming from that sewer grate. What if it’s the Rat Man!”

“Man, man, man.”

“Dude, you know that the Rat Man was killed by Captain Blas.”

“Yeah but, the Rat Man never respawned in the prison cell.”

“Cell, cell, cell.”

“Yeah that’s because he was a local, just like you and me.”

“If that was the case then how did he get so powerful then? You know that travelers are-”

“The quickest people to level up, yeah, yeah. But he could have easily been biding his time to strike. We aren’t the most liked people you know.”

“No, no, no.”

“Only because were the boys in blue- wait what did that echo just say!”

“Say! Say! Say!”

“Dude let’s go, Captain Roland, is gonna kill us if we aren’t on time.”

“I don’t know man, this grates seem pretty suspicious to me.”


“...Fine, man! I’m coming.”

“Coming! Coming! Coming!” Marlow waited there as footsteps petered off above. His heart pounded so loudly he thought the guards might come back to check.

Not knowing when the next protroll of guards were going to be around, he slooshed his way to his awaiting pets. Whereupon they would hopefully stop the Thunderdome. Somehow.

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