《Bolster, Old draft》Chapter 7~ We Build this colony on rats and toast


Getting out of the castle wasn’t too hard. It was just difficult with the mob of people rushing out the door. Thankfully the guards at the gate weren't informed of the situation. So riding a pony drawn cart passed them into the woods followed by three dozen rats with stolen valuables. Along with being shot at by Le0n and the other bowmen was manageable.

So after that it had a long week of riding, exploring, wandering aimlessly, but mainly searching. Through day and night, mountains and valleys, deserts and marsh lands. With sleepless nights as every wild creature turned into a more monstrous version of themselves after dark. But he finally found it! A village! But not just any village, it was an old town! A decent sized one at that!

He only noticed it when the town guard’s torch light illuminated the wall they built. Otherwise he'd have pasted it off, with it’s amazing camouflaged with all the other twisted trees of the swamp.

The guards were surprised that someone had traveled out this far, it took several rounds of negotiation to get in. But in the end it was well worth the trek, not waiting for morning Marlow took off to the mayor’s house. Finally he could begin anew.



“Yes, mayor, I know your town has some. Allow me to get them out of your hair. All I want is your town’s rats.”

“Are you certain Mr, we can offer you a bed for the night? Or a warm meal?”

“Oh well, I would want to intrude, you folks just seem as though you have so little. I wouldn’t want to take that away from you.”

“Please, please, you’d be doing us a great servous. These rats have riddled our fields. So much that we are reduced to begging for scrappes when travelers like yourself pass by!”

“Oh well, if you insist, could you give me a minute?”

“Oh of course, of course. We leave you to get to work so that we may begin cooking for you!” Thanking the mayor, Marlow walked away. Then as he was out of sight, he pulled out his flute and summoned Gwaner.

Attempting to communicate with a rat was hard, but doable. Gwaner only spoke squeak squeak so understanding was rough. Eventually getting the details through took some time, now he could only hope that Gwaner could figure out the rest. Sending him off with a high note he dusted himself off and made his way over to Opal and Buttercup.

Pulling out a few treats he fed them to his two remaining champions and waited. Finding a brush left in the stables he began grooming Buttercup then checked his horseshoe finding it very much worn. Perhaps he should go and talk to the black smith after this.

A low rumble caused the bucket of water in the corner to spill. As Gwaner returned he was followed by a dusty wave of wild rats. Each new flee bag with hope in their hearts of receiving a free snack. But first they had to earn their treat, as a goofy grin appeared on Marlow’s face.

He would teach them as he had in Warwood and in Ardania, through example. Lifting his flute he played a note, which caused Gwaner to spin. This was rewarded with a treat.

The note was played again Gwaner spun again and received another treat. Playing the note a third time another rat joined in, they both were rewarded with a treat. The note was played many times that early morning, so much that a few locals came to investigate the sporadic noise. Only to turn around and keep on walking.


By the eighth day Marlow had already tamed a small fraction of new rats. To his surprise with abundance of vegetation and being secluded for long their population easily outnumbered the humans in the village, by fifteen to one.

It took three whole days of nearly non stop taming and flute playing, but the rewards were well worth it. His legs felt like jello, fingers numb to his flute, and bags under his eye he could use them as sleeping bags. Sitting down against the stable wall he put up his notification.

Skill: Tame (Journeyman I): Incredible! For your dedication to your craft you are surely a force to be reckoned with! Now when you go to tame a new creature that creature will have a .5n% chance of jumping to timid tame rank!

Skill: Caretaker (Beginner IV): For looking after so many new fur babies this skill has gained an additional effect, when one of your tamed creatures is critically wounded or endangered. Look to the sky as a pillar of light will appear around that creature only visible to you.

Cursed Skill: Bless You (Beginner I): You must be sneezing a lot lately. You must have caused quite a stir. It might be handy for you to start caring around some tissues, if you haven’t already.

Skill: Woodwind Mastery (Beginner I): Wow, you think with your knack for getting creatures under your control the sounds would be more decent. Oh well, there is always more room to grow.

“Excuse me, traveler.” A wispy voice called out from the sea of silent rats. Cracking open an eye revealed that it was the mayor. Walking stick in hand gently sweeping the rats that stood around him.

“But were wondering when you’d be heading out? Please don’t be offended, but just how obedient these creatures are when you play that flute. Well we would love to help you on your way.”

“Hello mayor, I was planning on leaving tomorrow afternoon. After I assign some classes, I wouldn’t want them wandering back to you after all the work I put in.”

“AH that would be a problem wouldn’t it. Well, if there's anything we could do for you. My offer still stands.”

“Thank you, mayor!” Getting a wave in return he closed his eyes and went back to reading. Sure he could go over his notifications with his eyes open. But the translucent text was hard to read against anything.

Rat Classes Available: Brut, Commander, Messenger, Mount, Plague, Rogue, and Scout.

Bruts were as the name implied made them stronger. Which was good if they could ever get close, but their bulging muscles and body builder frame instantly made them the target of any ranged attacks.

Commander, was what Gwaner is. More charisma than the average rat. Which is good when getting rats to do your bidding, but having multiple leaders, especially new ones that you barely know. Would eventually lead to disputes on who wanted what done.

Messenger was straightforward; they could relay messages back and forth with their main focus being wisdom. No clue how they deliver mail, while only speaking queek queek. But not much practical use for combat, as of right now. But it would be really useful if he’d ever choose to become a mailman.

Mount allowed the rat to grow to the size of a puma. Being hardy and large they were able to carry extremely heavy things, like humans. With their primary state being constitution. Other than that their dull claws and short tail didn’t have much offensive capabilities.

Plague was untested and for good reason. The class supposeble allowed the rat to carry multiple illnesses and diseases. Of course he did want to be none as the guy who caused the bubonic plague two, electric boogaloo. Image the backlash that would cause. People were clumsy enough, just gonna let nature take its course.


Rogue were sneaky little things. Their small stature and ability to squeeze through tight places already made them hard to deal with. But now they could practically turn invisible, have serrated claws and got boosted damage when attacking from the shadows. Their forte was dexterity as if they weren’t nimble enough.

Finally Scout, that class was a nightmare. With him being a beast tamer he could scenes, smell, feel, touch, and taste every that rat saw. Things only got worse when more were involved. As you could guess, their favorite stat was perception.

Which meant that Plague’s class stat was either intelligence or luck. Either way that class would be devastating. Then again if he could find another class for rats he could hopefully narrow it down. But who else knew about various animal classes for tamers...

Guess he just found out where he’d be going next. The capital of the human nation, Ardania. To go see an old friend, Benson. There were rumours of other races like dwarves and elves, but they were in a different zone. Whatever that meant.

Wait if he was heading to the capital anyways, he could go check up on the rangers guild and see if they had come up with some clues! Or maybe they already found his family and were just waiting to tell him!

Right but first he had to organize his rat clan. Wouldn’t be a good idea to go outside protected walls without precautions. Back to the matter at hand, how did he want to go about doing this?

On one hand Thunderdome could bump off Warwood any day, but was that a good thing? Sure the people there were rough, rude, and self righteous but did that mean they had to die?

On the other hand, he could start actively trying to find his family. Thunderdome had promptly given him the boot, which meant that beyond Jazz and Le0n. He really knew no one or had any ties to anyone. Well there was Benson, but still. Choices, choices, choices. Why were there always so many? It’s not like he could do both, right?

“Wait a minute! L0le said that whoever gets to level ten would get a house. So that means the majority of everyone there must be lower than that, so that gives me some time to run to Ardania. Because Le0n and Jazz have been playing since it opened and there are only level eight and nine. But I can’t stay there too long. They will attack eventually.” A low chuck crept from the Beastmaster’s mouth as a plan began to take root and it blossomed into laughter.

He would get the best of both worlds. Saving Warwood, finding his family, and getting a foothold in this world. Things were going to be going up. Wait a second, was that a sheep? No stop getting distracted. Let's assign some classes!

Are you certain what you want: 7,493 Burts, 13,986 Mounts, and 16,726 Rogues. These are permanent changes to your creatures. Processed with class selections? Yes / No Understood. Processing mass change in 5… 4… 3...

Screaming and screeches could be heard from across town. As thousands of rats shifted and changed. Their new classes coming into play. People double check their locks on windows and doors. Families gathered together makeshift household items were held at the ready. Hoping that whatever horror beyond wouldn’t come knocking on their door.

The Mayor was shocked, it had only been a few days since this random traveler had come in and asked if he could have their rats. This boy, who could command this many rats with a flute, was horrifying. Better to ensure this kid was properly rewarded, else there might not be any more Bul’s Barrow left to find on any maps.

Sneaking through the backdoor the mayor quickly made his way to the bread maker and asked for a basket of bread. Once the plan was exclaimed the bread maker hurriedly swapped out the normal bread with the fresh loafs from the oven.

Paying the several silver. He ducked his head out the door back into the noisy outdoors. Making his way around the small town he gathered enough food to fill the basket, costing him more than a handful of silver coins.

You now have 32,786 normal rats and 1,189 mutated rats. Mutation path ‘Murky’ now visible. That was one way to grind a skill!

Skill increased: Mutation (Novice IX) Hot dog! Look at all your fancy fur balls now. How they grow up so quickly.

Mutation Path: Murky I. After spending the majority of your life in the swamp a few things tend to grow on you. Effect: While being in a damp environment stealth and movement based skills are increased by 15%.

“Oh… That’s was a lot of noise. Let’s get out of here before we start a riot.” Marlow winced as the final thousand rats finished their transformation. Playing a note they parted like the red sea. A deep grimmus grew as he walked to the mayor’s office.

It was like being outed for something embarrassing, except that literally everyone knew about. And there was no way out. Knocking on the door it was almost immediately answered.

“Ah traveler, have you decided that you're leaving sooner than expected!”

“I am Mayor, but I am truly sorry for the inconvenience I've caused you. I can only hope that you may prosper without the rats.” Prosper? Why did he say that? Who says prosper nowadays?

“OH no need, no need. In fact some of the townspeople and I have gathered up some copper for yah and bought you something that should help you on your way.” The wispy mayor replied, handing over a basket with a light blanket covering the top.

“I know that it’s not much, but with our trees and lakes being ravaged it was all that we could manage.”

“OH! Well I couldn’t!”

“Please we inserted, you're gonna have to head pretty far to make it out of this swamp son. Else Chomps will eat you alive.”


“Oh well, Chomps is sort of a local raid boss. Been picking off big games whenever they pop up. Help keep these monsters at bay, but also traps us here. Anyways have fun kid.” The mayor said, while somehow walking him down and out of the town’s wall. While somehow communicating to the guards to bring the pony and cart along. Next thing you know the mayor was back inside and the gates were closed.

Already they scaled the twisted wall and had begun climbing down the other side. So with nothing but his mini map to guide him began the long journey to get to the capital of the human nation, Ardania.

Throwing a leg over Buttercup, he bent over to pick up Opal. Placing her on his lap. He then swung his spear around the other side so Gwaner could climb up. Once everyone was on board he gently booted Buttercup, officially starting their trek.

Rats continued to stream over the wall as the mysterious traveler was consumed by the fog. With the citizens of Bul’s Barrow finding their houses a lot more draftier than before and one or more trinkets suddenly missing.

Meanwhile Marlow was amazed as his map expanded. As his rats clambered over and explored new areas of the swamp. With numbers to boot he checked the average level of his clan, excluding his champions. Only to find out that they came out to be around level one. To be fair they had just gotten their assigned classes. Otherwise how else could they really level up. With a ninety percent experience penalty lost, no wonder they stayed in the village.

Of course their stats were trash, but if they could start doing daily characteristics training. Then he might just be able to push back Thunderdome. Or of course another way of increasing them was to undergo a special event… Hold the phone didn’t the mayor say that there was a raid boss around here? But did creatures even gain characteristics points by doing this sort of thing?

“Time to go search-n! Gwaner, rally the troops! We are going hunting! Oh wait no, my bad you don’t speak human. Shoot.” Pulling out his flute he played the note to scadder. Instantly his mental map grew as rodent’s fleed the immediate area. Closing his eyes he let a long unused skill activate.

Skill: Mystery Tracking (Beginner IV): Following your instincts you blindly walk on the line of the unknown. You now have 1n% for finding an item thought lost, finding the strongest beast in a nearby area, getting completely lost, or getting you and a party killed due to mysterious circumstances.

Even though the skill was rather low he could always feel it in the back of his mind, like feeling someone’s standing behind you. Now he was counting on that stanger to guide him on where he hoped to go.

He could only hope as he booted Buttercup to move. Tugging on the reins when he want Buttercup to turn. Then again if the rats found the boss fist then he’d just turn around.

Keeping an eye on the ever growing mini map. Pulling on the reins when the area in front of them opened up into a vast lake. Of course he had to be the one who found it first. All trees were spaced out far enough, so that two buses could comfortably drive side by side.

He’d found his prey, now he had to call to bring back his rats. A low whistle rang out through the foggy area. One of the floating trees in the lake ribbed at the sound. Which was incidentally the sleeping raid boss, who wasn’t a huge fan of the alarm clock.

The beast rolled and splashed diving under water. Away from prying eyes. Too bad rats were quite adept at swimming. Which meant Chomp’s greatest advantage was through the window, hopefully.

The first of many plopes and slashes. Began happening as groups of rats arrived at the battle and drove into the lake, without question. Hopefully nothing special would happen and he'd be on his way in time.

Checking his damage notifications. He saw them fly by in the positive. If all went well it would be over before the rest of the colony even got here.

But of course life was never that simple, for what was success without struggle. Nothing came easy on the path to greatness. Each step had to be harder than the last, how else could we distinguish the alright form amazing. So when you fall you fall hard.

“WELL THAT’S no good!” Marlow looked on with fear as the water bubbled volleyballs sized globes of mub. When touched the mub balls would implode, trapping any victim in the dry unmuddied dirt, which property fell to the lake's floor.

But that sadly wasn’t the end of the bouquet of oopsie daisies. Then came the Chomps itself who could apparently swim like a dolphin, physicals thrown out the window, jumping in and out of the water like a professional. With rats clawing, biting, but mainy holding on for dear life.

The real trouble came when Chomps dove back under, but it was more like a belly flop. Using its momentum and it’s gator physics to slam its prey first into the water. The worst was whenever a puma sized rat got too close. Chomps would then act like a normal gator. By biting down and rocket it side to side, violently. Before throwing it up and swallowing it whole.

“We’re toast! Oh I knew this was a bad idea! It has the word raid in its name, what was I thinking! Why did I think I could solo it! I’m no isekai protagonist, I’m a dude who’s really good at taming wild animals!”

Patting his pockets he found nothing useful. Just his bag of snacks, like that monster was going to listen to him anyways. His spear, like it hurt it through it’s scaly hide. His handkerchief folding weighted blanket, like it was going to go back to sleep any time soon. Then there was the amulet which wouldn’t activate. No offensive spells. Neither powerlifting or long weapon mastery would help since it was covered in his rats and it was living.

He was unless. Only an onlooker as his rat’s played the game of rat and gator. He could order them around but that would make them predictable to Chomps and possibly get even more killed.

Opal sat already sensing the wave of emotion cuddled closer to her Master. Buttercup began lifting his hooves higher, pulling them out of the quicksand like muck. Gawner watched as the battle raged on.

Was the Master testing them? Obviously why else wouldn’t interfere! That must ment there was a way to succeed! But was the test for him? Yes, he was the Master’s commander! He had to lead, he had to act, he had to take them to victory!

In a high squeal, Gwaner leapt from Marlow’s shoulder and dove into the muddy depth of the swampy arena. Not catching the concern on the Master's face. He had to sort out his colony into a cohesive whole. Fighting was great, but orgizen fighting would make the Master give head scratches. And those were always good.

Painting Marlow realized how stuiped it was to go fight an unknown boss with over a thousand level ones. Sure he might with, but he could equally lose all of his rats for what a few levels? This was a horrible, stuipd, idea. Marlow thought as he dismounted and fell into the swampy lake.

He had to call this off, there were much better and safer ways to do things. But he needed to find Gwaner first. Poking his head above water, he whipped his eye’s clean. Getting his bearings he swam at Chomps.

Wait no, he had his flute! He could play the tune to make them run away! Reaching into his pocket he found it filled with water. No, his instrument should be there. Checking his other side he also found it empty.

Turning white, he dove under, emerging a few seconds later. Eyes already bruning, getting nothing but dirt and grim. He had to find a way to the bottom to get his flute. Before the battle was over.

A raspy growl came from behind him, with a great sploosh. Apparently Chomps was no longer hungry for rat fur. A wave surged behind him as Chomp dove under. Marlow had only a second to grab his spear in his off hand, as Chomp emerged from under him.

Mouth wide open creating a small pool for Marlow. Brinkley thrusting his spear in the general direction he struck the inside of the gator's mouth. Before it closed on him.

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