《Mechanical Friend The wonders of every therapy machines》Introduction


Dear fortunate reader,

Thank you for your time in investing in this book. I have wrote this book because I was looking for inspiration from old cars. I needed some information that I could share on how I see cars in real life. I have always had a passion for cars and I wanted to write something a bit about them. I had came up with no new material until one day I decided to go outside and visit with the cars under the carport. Then it hit me, I had this incredible gift that animals couldn’t resist. I had wondered why it took O’Malley (our 1967 Chevy Malibu) three key turns to start. I had been talking to him a lot in encouraging to “not be in a bad mood, for we wanted to take him out on a walk”. The Ol’ boy was plain hard to start up whenever someone called him a “she”. No matter how many times I’ve tried to address them the correct gender, they disagreed. Last time I’ve checked in the energy, I was pulled down with so much masculine energy. O’Malley gets very angry when someone calls him a “she”.

Why did I decide to write this book? Because I wanted to help people get to know their car spiritually that takes them beyond the depths of blessing it to keep the driver and passengers safe. Ever wondered what purposes the material your cars are made of? I was delighted to share and explain how I see cars beyond on what they are. Cars have a lot to do with spirituality than we think. It is like harnessing energy from an amethyst or much like an sodalite. Iron and aluminum are two of the many spiritual materials cars are made of. In this book, you’ll find out more information of what purposes they serve. I’ve been getting a lot of results when I’ve been having those heart to hearts.


How I met O’Malley is a long story. I once saw him back in 2014 at a car show and I stopped to take pictures of him because I liked him. What I didn’t know was I was going to see him again in 2015 and be absolutely smitten with him more than anyone else. So that next time when I saw him, I took his picture again only to discover no one else would take his picture but me. Then in 2017, I met my boyfriend at the time and he went to take me to see the Chevy. Something was really familiar about the car. So when I sat in the car, I felt a wave of awkwardness and silence hit me. I didn’t recognize the Malibu but the Malibu recognized me and it was an instant love. The Chevy liked me…a lot. So when I had my first date, O’Malley started up without refusing and then Nathan and I took the ol boy to McGee park to see the show. O’Malley was happy to see me and he knew I wouldn’t be able to keep away from him. I couldn’t even keep my hands off him. I already liked him because the ol boy understood everything about me. Ever since then, I didn’t stay out of interest of him. Meeting the Ford Fiesta, was a different story. The little fellow drew me in and was all over me when I first rode in him. Ol Reliable was my second favorite from Nathan’s cars. He was a cutie.

So, now that you know a little bit about what you’re going to read towards. I talk a lot about O’Malley and Ol Reliable because they are the only two real classic cars I’ve grown fond of that has ever drew me close to their hearts and carburetors.


Everyone has that peculiar car that they saw that somehow melted their heart because it is a car they were really fond of and this book will show you more on how to connect with them so you can embrace those moments where you felt a different feeling for the first time. It is okay for human beings to be connected to inanimate objects because everything has some life into it. It’s okay to have a change of feeling for once because we are only human beings. We feel energy from everything we pick up and get in touch with the spiritual realm of things that no one hardly talks about. Before everything started to change for the better or worse, human beings didn’t feel so separated by government and civilization. Our hands are the most advanced healing tool ever and we shouldn’t waste such precious abilities on what they can really do to show us.

What you’re about to learn is an interesting way of looking at cars for how everyone else is blind to. Cars are more than machines that get us from point A to point B. They are so much more than beyond the repairs. Cars are chariots of the asphalt that guide us to learn a lot more about ourselves that we never knew. From old cars to new cars, they all have a lot of things to teach you.

Now sit back, relax, and enjoy this book

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