《The World Inside a Dream》Chapter 8


Lucius awoke in a soft bed, confused at the beginning. Then he realized this must be the real world since he didn't make a real bed yet. Also, he still was awake in the other world. He was just relaxing in the water and never went to sleep.

Grunting, Lucius sat up and stretched his arms. They felt weak, and his tongue felt like a piece of beef jerky. He squinted as his eyes adjusted to the light.

Then he noticed the girl next to him. She didn't seem to notice that Lucius was awake; her head was buried in a book. Lucius recognized her as the person that he attempted to defend.

Oh yeah, about that, Lucius starting to think. He still felt really stupid. What was I even thinking at the time?!

Lucius cleared his throat, startling her. She saw Lucius awake and smiled.

"Hi," she said.

"Hello," Lucius said as casually as he could. He draped his legs over the side of the bed.

"How long was I out?" Lucius asked.

"You were out for a really long time. Almost a full day, but you somehow didn't have any head injuries besides a bruise. No one knows how."

Lucius nodded, but he could hardly contain his excitement. It's because I drank the medicine in the other world! It works for this world too! That's amazing!

"Oh, I'm Ilane (spelled ilane). You are...?"

"I'm Lucius," Lucius said.

"I'm surprised someone like you was able to stand against that guy for even a second," Ilana said. "He's a muscle junky."

Lucius was surprised at himself too. He was able to hold his ground for a little bit, but regardless, he still got knocked out. The fight with the Eloon made him overconfident; he needed to make sure that didn't happen again.


"I'm more surprised at how nobody came to help you. Not even the teachers. Weird, huh?" Lucius said.


Lucius hopped out of his bed and walked out. His body felt fine aside from his head. Ilane curiously followed him out, wondering where he was going.

Even though he was pretty hungry, he headed straight for the library. He yanked open the big wooden doors and stepped inside.

Hm... I wonder what happens if I put books in my backpack? Lucius thought. Maybe that's too complicated. I'll have to experiment with that later.

Lucius shuffled around the library until he found the shelves labeled as "Architecture and Plumbing." He grabbed a few books at random and walked to the counter the check them out.

As they were walking out, Ilane nudged Lucius. "Didn't know that you were into this kind of stuff."

Lucius grumbled. "I'm not." He staggered under the weight of the books in his backpack. They were all thick and heavy, and Lucius wasn't exactly the strongest person.

"So why did you grab those books? You didn't even look at them before you took them off the shelves."

"I have my reasons," Lucius said. They separated and Lucius walked into his class. He dropped his backpack next to his desk and leaned back in his chair. He shifted his attention to the other world.

He hopped out of the water and walked back inside his house, where he quickly lit his fire pit. He sat on a chair next to it and dried his body.

Meanwhile, he lifted his backpack and grinned at the increase of weight. Apparently, books weren't considered complex. He groaned as he half dragged and half carried the pack to his sitting area; he was surprised the bag didn't rip.


Lucius unzipped it and pulled out three large books. The first one was called "Intro to Architecture," the second was, "Intro to plumbing," and the last one was, "How to: Electricity."

He planned to build some form of a toilet and running water. He didn't know how they worked in this world, or if they even existed, but he wanted to figure out how to make one. It would be a huge improvement to the house. Also, he wanted to learn how to properly build things.

After he was dried off, he put his pants on and wrapped more white bandages around his body. He grew used to them and he didn't want to use his shirt since it was ripped.

Then he opened his architecture book and started to study it. Almost immediately, he slammed it shut and set it aside.

Lucius loved books, but he could not stand non-fiction for a single second, especially when he had to study at school at the same time. He figured that if he did it at school, the teacher wouldn't mind. He flopped down on his bed and closed his eyes. His house was quiet since both Balos and Luna were out gathering random things and exploring.

His focus returned to the real world and pulled out the same textbook, opened it, and studied it closely.

Then he got smacked in the back of his head, pushing it forward and bopping it against the table.

"Wassup Lucius," Kron grinned. "How's that face of yours after you got knocked out?"

"Man, shut up," Lucius said and pushed Kron.

"Taking on that monster alone, what were you thinking?" Kron said.

"You know," Lucius said. "I don't know myself."


Lucius thought for a moment. "Did you see how no one came to help? Even when that monster pushed Ilane down, no one came forward."

"Yeah, that was weird. By the way, who's Ilane?"

Lucius facepalmed. "The girl I saved. Man, you dense."

Kron looked confused. "How did you know that? Was she at the infirmary with you or something?"

"Actually, yes."

Kron nodded with approval. "I see you, getting all of the--"

"Shut up," Lucius said, but he was laughing. Kron was too. Then the first bell rang and Kron went and sat in his seat, giving Lucius a wink and shooting him with a finger gun.

After spending basically the whole day studying the notebooks, he finally got some basic ideas on what to make next.

Luna and Balos brought back loads of things. Luna brought everything from her home, which was mainly weapons that were carefully stashed in her room. Balos brought back animals, crystals, and more plants and herbs that Lucius has never seen on his explorations.

For his first idea, Lucius thought he would make a storage room. With more people in the house, they needed more places to put their things.

Lucius got his katana and started to saw out a portion of wood in the hallway, alternating between hot and cold to get through the wood faster. Then, he started to build a room.

It was smaller than normal rooms and wasn't very bright, but it was pretty easy to make.

While he was putting the finishing touches, there was a massive crashing sound that jarred into Lucius's ears. He gripped his katana and looked around.

Balos came barreling through the doors.

"Lucius! Come quickly! Someone is attacking!"

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