《The Coming of Magic : A World in Chaos》Prologue


The Brant brothers had only been at Gamecon in Los Angeles for three days, but Bryan couldn’t wait to get back home.

On the other hand, Jack, the younger of the two, had been saving to make the trip happen for years. His parents had been hesitant about letting him go at first, but they knew it was something important to him.

So years ago Jacks parents put a plan together to make sure it happened for him.

When his older brother Bryan went away to college, they came up with the idea that if he was able to get a job and raise the money for the trip himself that he could go..... If he brought Bryan with him as well.

To top it off, he was the one that had to get Bryan to agree to the trip.

Growing up always fighting and arguing as they had, Jack knew that that was going to be the hardest part.

Saving the money was easy for Jack. He completely surprised his parents by taking to the plan with a fervor they had not expected of him.

Jack had always been a shut in for the most part growing up, with the exception of going camping, hiking and mountain biking with his father and brother, he spent most of his time reading books in his room or playing video games online with his small group of friends from school.

But once the deal was struck, he went out and found a job at a local book store. At only 16 he had to go through the lengthy process of getting a work permit. But as long as it got him closer to his goal he didn't mind the hassle a bit. In an effort to get more points with his parents, he became very helpful around the house as well.


One night he sat both his parents down and propositioned them to make contributions to his trip fund for picking up that extra handywork around the house on top of his chores. Cleaning the gutters, painting the trellis, all of the odd fix it's a house would need.

With his dads help he became a variable handy man, learning how to fix many things around the house and even how to properly paint a room.

Soon the neighbors had heard of this and he had found plenty of work around the neighborhood helping with their homes and lawns as well.

His parents were very proud of what he had become, even adding a bit extra to his fund on birthdays and holidays.

Amending things with Bryan was not as easy. Having so little in common it was hard for them to relate or have anything at all to talk about. But Jack tried, making sure to keep his temper in check when Bryan came home for the holidays.

Over the first summer Bryan was home from school, Jack had asked Bryan about his studies at collage one day while their parents were out.

Bryan went off the handle on him about it being none of his business. It quick decayed into a slew of curse words and dirty names.

Instead of engaging like he always had, Jack stayed silent and just gave his brother a look of surprise. He wasn't making fun of him, he just asked a normal question. He was used to fighting with Bryan but normally it had some sort of reason behind it.

Bryan had stormed off, but later when their parents were asleep, he came to Jack in his room and apologized. Nothing warm and fuzzy no, but an apology none the less.

Jack had asked again and Bryan finally slowly admitted his short comings as of late in all his classes.


It turns out he was almost flunking out from either not going to class or when he was there he had missed so much he had no idea what was going on.

Jack was afraid to say much, not wanting to raise his brothers’ wrath so he listened and gave short advice. Since then the two had slowly been on the mend, extremely slowly but progress is still progress right?

Jacks parents noticed at the holiday break for Jacks senior year and Bryans second year in college, that other than quips back and forth, they actually could be in the same room together. The fighting had been so bad just 2 years ago that they now hardly even recognized the boys.

On Christmas morning, one of Jacks presents was an envelope with two passes for Gamecon and a fancy printed out certificate to let Jack know he could go on the trip, all he needed to do was get Bryan to agree.

Even in Bryan’s softened state, it took him quite a while to agree. It took their parents explaining to him that they would pay for his ticket and even give him spending money for the trip he grudgingly agreed.

The day they left started out on a great note. Jacks parents also gave him some extra spending money that they had saved up for him as well as his brother.

Jack tried to refuse it but his parents insisted it was the least they could do for how proud they were of the changes he had made in his life in the past two years. ”Consider it a graduation present” they said.

Taking it and hugging his parents, Bryan did the same and then headed into the airport with their bags.

Turning back, they both waved good bye to their parents. Little did they know it might just be the last time they ever saw them, for what was to come would surely change their lives forever….

The time at Gamecon had flown by. Three full days from sun up to sun down of walking from booth to booth, listening to presentations on future games and upcoming game systems. There was even a conference on prospects of full emersion gaming that Jack dragged Bryan to that even he admittedly enjoyed.

With their pocket money, they ate like kings at all the fine restaurants in the area, Jack bought a number of different souvenirs and had enjoyed himself immensely at all there was to take in. But the conference had ended, and it was almost time to go home.

Jack and Bryan went back to their hotel room, the realization of having to go home and everything that was going on in the world outside of Gamecon came crashing back down on them.

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