《After the Tilt》Chapter 73: Someone is Always Left Behind Part II


Chapter 73: Someone is Always Left Behind Part II

According to Benagher, the hallway would be empty. He had also made sure that Evian, Meyer and Yuki would be placed in adjacent room and would stay put until further command. It was Fiori’s plan, but the entire operation was left in his command. Benagher felt a deep sense of pride, knowing he had Fiori Falx’ trust. That trust was a badge of honor, earned over the years, more meaningful than any merits he had gained in the military.

From the day he had entered the military academy, Fiori Falx had been good to him. The short time they had spent together, there, had made a great impression on him. Fiori Falx, who took office at the academy, quickly became his mentor. And, even after his departure, to assume his new command, Fiori Falx remained an important presence in the boy’s life.

It is also through Fiori Falx, that he had been introduced to Dorian. They were a few years apart. Dorian was an Aethereusian working in the kitchen, and Benagher, an upper class Melior training to become an officer. Regardless of their position, it didn’t stop them from developing an enduring friendship. Benagher loved listening to Dorian’s stories. Benagher loved listening to Dorian’s ideas. It is through him, that he discovered the world’s injustices. Sheltered in Ted’s house, Benagher knew nothing about the real history of Antarticum. Dorian opened his eyes, his world, and his mind.

Benagher had always had a feeling that this unlikely friendship was by design. More than once, Benagher caught Fiori Falx steering him in questionable directions. Questionable because it did not follow the narrative pushed in school. But, far from naïve, Benagher played along. If he could eat in Ted Weatherspoon’s hand, he could do the same with Fiori Falx. Benagher liked to keep his options open, and playing on both sides, allowed him to do just that. Benagher quickly became a middleman, caught between two ideals. It was a dangerous balancing act, leaving no room for errors, but the boy enthusiastically took on the challenge. There was really nothing for him to win, playing this game. That did not bother him, Benagher had no real self ambition. He was, however, determined to save Eva from this hell. If in the end, he could bring his friend as far as possible from this place; far from Ted, far from Antarticum, far from this wretched island, then it was worth playing.

Nevertheless, he knew that one day, he would have to decide, to pick a side. That day came, with the arrival of the bombers of Nova Terra on Ted’s doorstep. It was untimely but it left him with no choice. The two paths he had followed, had led him back to the Weatherspoon’s residence. The players all found themselves under one roof. The pieces had fallen into place.

Quickly, Ted and Fiori had both confided their plans to the new General. Benagher couldn’t keep it up very long, he had had to decide which team, he’d be playing for. The decision hadn’t been an easy one. Eva’s well-being weighted heavily on his mind. He could feel his fiancée slowly drifting away. He was running out of time, to get her out of Ted’s grasp. Fiori’s plan was his best chance at getting her away. Yet, he knew how much Eva despised the man. He knew she would never agree to his plan. It took Benagher a lot of convincing. But in the end, Eva went along on her own terms, sealing both their fate.


As planned, the hallway was deserted. Together, all three men quickly walked down the corridor and made their way to Evian.

Evian was mostly kept sedated, to prevent him from using his mind manipulation. There was always an anesthesiologist in the room with him. One in particular, had been quite helpful. However, tonight, the doctor wasn’t who he had wished for.

Benagher went in first. The doctor was already on edge. Never had the door unlocked itself. The gun back under his shirt Benagher walked in with a smile. The doctor was relieved to see him.

“Mr. Weatherspoon would like Evian to join him for dinner. Could you please wake him up and have him ready?” Benagher casually asked.

“Let me just get Mr. Weatherspoon’s verbal request and I will have Evian Li ready.”

The anesthesiologist got up and made her way to the phone.

She picked up the phone. There was no tonality.

“Is there something wrong?” Benagher asked nonchalantly.

“The phone… is not working.”

“Are you certain? That is odd. I will let Ted know. This is unacceptable in such a high standard facility as ours. Until then, could you please have Evian Li ready. Ted hates waiting.”

The doctor seemed troubled by the odd request. Mr. Weatherspoon always used the proper channel to issue orders. Mr. Weatherspoon was a meticulous and orderly man.

Benagher took a step forward towards the doctor. He placed his hand on his belt and took a threatening stance. He had no time for this.

The doctor discreetly put her hand along her side and from the outside of her lab coat, pressed the button on her portable emergency device.

Benagher noticed something was wrong but couldn’t quite figure out what. He pulled the gun out and aimed it at the terrified woman.

“Wake Evian up or I shot you.” Benagher ordered.

“I will not,” the woman said.

Benagher shot her.

In the hallway, the gunshot alarmed Fiori and Fenn.

“Quick! Help me!” Benagher shouted as he pulled the IV out of Evian’s arm.

At the same time, an alarm went off in the wing.

“Get the others!” Benagher directed Fiori.

Benagher threw Evian over his shoulder.

“Take my gun and shot anyone who gets close to us!” Benagher commanded Fenn.

Fenn took the gun nervously, almost dropping it.

Together they exited the room. Fiori had already gathered Meyer and Yuki. There was hope. If only they could make it to the biowaste unit before the guards found them.

“This way!” Benagher yapped.

Together, they ran down the west wing of the medical building. Along the way, they had to jump over the bodies of fallen guards.

“I tasered them on my way to you,” Benagher announced.

Fenn was relieved to know they weren’t dead.

They crossed the atrium and entered the east wing just as Eva and Elijah arrived in a hurry.

“Fenn, shot!” Benagher yelled.

Three gunshots resonated in the hall.

Fiori’s gun was still smocking as Elijah collapsed to the ground.

Fenn hadn’t move and was starring, confused, at the boy on the ground.

“He won’t stay down very long. Bullets won’t kill him; even a well placed one!” Benagher explained behind clenched teeth. “He’s the reel deal. We have a few minutes at most!”


Alarmed by the sound, Eli came out of a nearby room and realized too late, this wasn’t her cue. She threw a quick glance at Fiori and rushed to her brother’s side. He was heavily bleeding from the chest, but he was still alive.

Fiori took aim, again, at Elijah.

“Don’t!” Eli screamed. “He’s my brother!” She pulled a concealed knife from her calf holster and threw it at the easiest target she could identified. The knife hit Evian right between the left ribs.

Fiori brow furrowed as his eyes revealed the rage in his soul. Fiori lifted his gun, once more and aimed it at Elijah.

The threat was enough to pull Fenn out of his stupor. And to everyone’s surprised he launched himself at Fiori to disarm him.

“Don’t shot! Eli’s in the way,” Fenn screamed in a desperate voice.

Yuki grabbed him by the neck and pulled him off Fiori.

Fenn stumbled to the ground and without thinking, rushed to Eli’s side.

The plan was falling apart at the seam. Fiori had to take a deep breath. With the alarm still blaring, it meant the guards were on their way.

“Take Evian, Meyer, Yuki and go!” Fiori ordered Benagher.

“Eva too,” Benagher screamed over his shoulder.

“Not today,” Fiori quickly replied.

This whole time, Eva had stood completely helpless looking at the scene. She had a gun in her hand. She had Benagher in her aim. This was her chance to gain back Ted’s favor. Heck, she could even shoot Eli and Elijah and blame it on the terrorists. But she did nothing. Fiori had held up his end of the bargain: all these years, he had kept Benagher safe. And tonight, it was finally Benagher’s chance at freedom. That was enough to compel her to hold up her end of the bargain. Her hand started to shake. Her vision blurred as unnoticeable tears gathered in her eyes.

“GO!” She screamed at Benagher. “You heard Fiori! Go!”

But, once more, Eli was quicker than her. Eli grabbed Fenn around the neck and pressed Elijah’s gun to his temple.

“Drop Evian, or I shoot,” she said in complete control.

Benagher looked at Fiori for an answer.

Fiori said nothing.

Eli had a strong hold on Fenn.

“I can’t breathe,” he painfully mumbled.

She squeezed harder.

What is she trying to do? He panicked.

“I… can’t…”

She was strangling him with deadly intention. She was going to kill him if he let her go any longer.

Fenn closed his eyes.

One, two, three… he counted.

Eli collapse to the ground next to her brother.

“Let’s go!” Fiori yelled.

“Eva? You are coming too!” Benagher asked in a trembling voice.

Eva dropped her gun and took a step forward then stopped in her track: “I can’t! I won’t go! This is my home.”

“This isn’t your home, Eva! It never was! It never will be!” Benagher replied repressing his anger.

For a split second, Eva seemed lost in her own thoughts then without warning, she walked past Benagher, ignoring him and grabbed Fenn’s face between her hands. Before the boy could do anything, she rested her forehead against his.

An eternity opened inside of him, his entire life. Then he felt it: a switch. He pulled away from Eva but not before seeing the pain and the agony in her heart.

Then in a soft voice, only he could hear, she said: “Someone once told me, 'The strongest people are the ones who are still kind after the world tore them apart.' Be that person Fenn. I flipped the switch, but don’t forget your humanity.”

She let her hands slowly run down his cheeks until they came to a stop at her side. Like a dark cloud swallowing her whole, he watched her as she drowned away.

Fenn understood this was goodbye.

Benagher didn’t turn to look back at his fiancé. The grief had already settled in his heart, jealousy too. Benagher knew how much space Fenn occupied in Eva’s heart. Benagher was not a fool. In many ways, Benagher also knew that Eva was broken. The damage in her head, years of abuse, torture and threats by those who were supposed to protect her, was far beyond repair. He had entertained the fantasy of a better life, far from Antarticum, but he had come to understand there was no escaping the damage in her head.

Benagher didn’t look back. Eva was never his to have anyway. Eva was strong, powerful, and not someone you could own. Eva had made her choice. His duty was to respect that.

But still… he loved her. And in their final moment together, he wished she had had a thought for him.

Eva took a step back.

“Run! Get out of here! Run before I shoot you all in the back!” she suddenly screamed.

And on these words, the little group hastily made their way toward the biowaste unit leaving Eva, Eli and Elijah behind.

The guards arrived. Eva pointed them towards the west wing.

She then walked over to the siblings. Elijah had already lost an alarming amount of blood. Eli was unconscious by his side. She kneeled and pressed her gun on the unconscious girl’s forehead.

It made her feel so happy.

So happy.

She had just watched the man who loved her; she had just watched the man who hated her; and she had just watched the man she had cared for slip away. But she was happy.

She pulled the trigger, but no sound came.

She took a deep breath.

The cartridge was empty.

She laughed.

Of course, she thought.

“After all, there is more suffering to be had in life than in death,” she whispered as she brushed the bloody hair out of Eli’s face.

“You should live. For I hope you suffer. I hope you suffer just as much as I did,” she added with a peaceful heart. “Now you will find out what it feels like to be left behind,” she said as she got up and dial Ted, for an update.

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