《After the Tilt》Chapter 70: Show Time


Chapter 70: Show Time

“We are here today, live from the residence of reknown cyclostratigraphy expert and head of Project EDEN, Ted Weatherspoon, as we await a press conference addressing new developments in relation to the events of the past few months…”

I was standing on an outdoor makeshift stage. My hands tied behind my back. On my right, Fiori stood also restrained. Meyer, Evian and Yuki were there too, although out of my line of sight. On my left, Benagher stood erect and proud. Who else was there, hard to say? I could only assume, Eva and Eli had to be nearby. We were all waiting for Ted.


The Li’s family house was a whole travel day away. Seven guards had been assigned a recovery mission. They were to locate the journal, confirm it had belonged to Emma Li and repatriate the finding as quickly as possible. It was a simple task, but many lives laid in the balance and depended on the success of the operation. Edmund Perry McCallister was in charge. It was his first assignment as a team leader. He was determined to make it run as smooth as possible. He had ambitions and this was a steppingstone for his career.


Bright and early, Mrs. Weatherspoon had come by Eli’s room. She brought along a beautiful flowy sky-blue dress with a yellow sash. Eli obliged with a smile and put it on. Something important was going to happen today, but what and when, she wasn’t quite sure. Many players seemed to be involved, many sides were about to clash. The question was, where would she stand when the flood comes. Eli smiled. The dress truly was beautiful, but it made her look like a child. And as if Mrs. Weatherspoon had guessed her thought, she exclaimed: “There is nothing too beautiful for my dear daughter.”

At breakfast, when she arrived in the dinning room, everyone else was clad in the official government issued woolen cloak. It sent a shiver down Eli’s back. Her, in her pretty dress…

Is today my funeral, she wondered?

Eva was smiling, it scared Eli.

What is happening?


… it was less than a year ago, Lianna Li, the daughter of late scientist Shan Li, detonated two bombs, leading to the destruction of Nova Terra. We are told, that today, the government is bound to make a big announcement following a continent-wide man hunt for the accomplices…”

A helicopter flew over head. Benagher, Fiori and I instinctively looked up. I was relieved to see Fiori had regain some awareness of his surrounding. I had no idea just how much damage Eva had done to him. Our eyes met for a split second, a fire was burning, it filled me with courage.

Maybe, just maybe, things are going to be alright, I thought.

The helicopter landed behind the stage. Ted and Chancellor Christiansen stepped out of the helicopter, an unknown man and a teenage boy followed. It was approaching noon, the sun was high in the sky, the heat unbearable. A stark difference to the endless nights I had grown accustom to. Sweat was dripping down my forehead, running into my eyes. My hands tied behind my back prevented me from wiping it off. I looked over to Benagher, remembering Eva’s words… but nothing in him inspired trust.


McCallister and his team arrived at the Li’s residence early in the morning. The search was on. First, they were to find a room that had belonged to a young girl. Then they were to take the floor apart and look for a hidden journal. Although the house had been abandoned for some time now, it showed no sign of broken entry. McCallister raised his gun shooting the deadbolt. Inside, it was like time stood still. A thick layer of dust covered the floor and the chair railing. McCallister gave the signal to his team. Soon all seven of them were engaged in the search of the premises.



Eva hadn’t been able to sleep. Laying in bed, next to Benagher, she listened to his calm breathing while starring at the ceiling. She longed to experience this deep slumber, one of peace and beatitude. It was time to get up, time to get ready. She gently nudged him and put on a bright smile to greet him. “Good morning, my love.” Her voice echoed on the empty walls, like it always did. “We better get ready, today is a big day!” she added.

“Are we getting married? Today!”


She kissed him.

Why do you love me? She wondered. Why do you have to make it hard for me?

They got up, showered, and got dress in their official uniform. Neither of them talked. Eva fixed Benagher’s collar out of habit. He kissed her on the head.

So, this is it, she realized.

At breakfast, everyone except Eli were clad in their uniform. Eli had on a ridiculous blue dress that a six-year-old child might have worn for a teddy bear picnic.

It should have been me, Eva thought.

Today, people will die, she thought again.

Eli seemed nervous, it made Eva smile.

But who will come up on top? She couldn’t help but wonder.


“…furthermore, what has been known as Project EDEN, under the direct leadership of Ted Weatherspoon is going to provide a much anticipated update in the work they have accomplished this year…”

Ted slowly made his way to the stage. I watched him as he lingered giving last minute commands left and right. I couldn’t remember the last time I had to endure such horrid heat. I was getting dizzy. Before Ted reached the stage, he was met by his wife and Eli. Eli had on a blue dress. It was so unlike her. She looked beautiful. Something else caught my attention. The teenage boy was talking with Eva. Benagher noticed too. He frowned. I looked at the teenager. Then it hit me. The resemblance.

“Is that Elijah?” I mumbled.

Eli saw him step off the helicopter. It was unexpected. No one had prepared her. Her heart seized up. Her hands started shaking. She pretended to fix a few wrinkles in her dress, desperately trying to calm down.

“It’s ok to be nervous, my dear. This is a big day for you. Here, hold my hand.” Mrs. Weatherspoon reached out and give her a gentle squeeze.

“I wanted this to be a surprise,” Ted said as he joined them. “I wanted it to be a day to remember. Sunny sky, blue sky, I couldn’t imagine it to be any better. Come my child, let us meet your brother, Elijah Dáire Edwards-North.”

Eli’s leg grew weaker. Her eyes welled up. Mrs. Weatherspoon had to gently pull her along. She was finally going to meet her twin brother. After all this time.

It was all worth it, she thought.

Eli smiled, her heart light and blissful.

Eva smiled too… but for an entirely different reason.

“…we would like to remind our viewers that many of the wanted criminals associated with the bombing of Nova Terra, had intricates link to Project EDEN….”

The curtain separating us from the news reporters was pulled to the side. There was a general gasp followed by an electric buzzing. This was big news. We were big news. The bombers of Nova Terra, in custody. Ted was a savior. Headlines were practically writing themselves.


Chancellor Rainer E. Christiansen took to the mic first. He was the leader of Antarticum yet, no honors were made for him. The Chancellor introduced Ted, then stepped down. From the side, I could see the tension build up in Benagher’s jaw.

What was Ted talking about? Something about the atrocity of our actions… Our unbalanced state of mind… Our dangerous aethereusian characteristics… It was hot. I was getting way too hot. I had to get out of here. Off the stage.

Then he spoke. I heard him clear as day.

“Calm down Fenn. Now is not the time. Let me die first.”

I slowly turned towards Fiori. He was starring straight a head. The voice, and the words were his.


Once a room was clear, McCallister would use a small detonating device. Strong enough to destroy the room, weak enough to limit the damages within a four-meter radius. This assignment was classified. McCallister knew Ted. It wouldn’t be enough for him to save humanity. He would make sure the credit be his, and his only. Either way McCallister didn’t care. Being on the winning side was good enough for him. As long as he could keep on climbing the ranks, then it was all worth it.

“McCallister! We’ve located the journal! Right this way, sir!” McCallister smiled. Today was a good day.


Eli had long dreamed of this day in a slightly different context. But she was determined to make the most of it. With a trembling voice she introduced herself: “It’s me Eli! Elliot. I’m your…”

“Yes, I have been briefed. Elliot Rose Edwards-North, my twin sister born second. Your Heighten Characteristic allows you to regenerate and recuperate much quicker than first naturally thought possible. I can’t wait to see it with my own eyes.”

A shiver ran down Eli’s back. He had put so much emphasize on that last sentence. Eli couldn’t hold back a nervous laugh.

“I am sure we’ll have plenty of time to share our experiences, knowledge and… What I mean is, I am looking forward to getting to know you better,” Eli mustered the courage to say.

“I’m sorry, I have to go, it’s my turn!”

Eli watched her brother make his way to the stage. Her heart slowly sinking.

Is this what I get, she wondered.

Meanwhile, Ted was still talking: “… bringing these terrorists to justice was one important step for the survival of humanity. They were a threat to Project Eden; they were a treat to Antarticum! After hearing of the military failure to capture them, I made it my personal mandate to apprehend them. But let’s not stop here with the good news! It is now time for me to unveil another big step for humanity! It has been known for a while, that the government had successfully acquired a human super weapon. Well, you are in for a treat today! Let me introduce you to EDEN!”

The teenage boy walked right pass me on his way to Ted. The resemblance between him and Eli was uncanny. He had in his eyes a look I had so often seen in Hana’s eyes: anger. He was wearing a woolen cloak making him appear shorter than he really was. His hair was very neatly combed over to one side showing a deep undercut. I was both amazed and scared to see him so close. If he did indeed possess all three Heighten Characteristics, then this boy was the perfect storm capable of annihilating the whole world. Neither Eli, Eva, Evian or I were any match to him. I had to stay alert. Be on guard. Ted had a plan, and he had given each of us a part to play in it.


McCallister quickly flipped through the pages. The book was old, falling apart at the spine. The cover was monogrammed ECL in silver foil. Inside, scribbles, dates, appointments, lists and names. It seemed like this journal was the one. McCallister radioed Ted to let him know they had retrieved the artefact. Ted requested for McCallister to set fire to the whole house upon their departure. That extra step seemed unnecessary considering the state of the house. But arguing with Ted was not something you could so carelessly do. McCallister ordered his team to evacuate the house. He himself lit the house on fire and without any further delay, they started the journey back to Ted’s residence.


Eva, Eli and Mrs. Weatherspoon were standing backstage. Their presence seemed irrelevant, to a point where Eli started questioning this whole circus. She was still flustered by her brother’s sudden appearance. She hated the blue dress. She hated how she was being singled out by her clothing, but even more, she hated not understanding what was happening around her.

“Don’t be so anxious my dear, you will be great! I know it!” Mrs. Weatherspoon was trying to calm her down but that only further agitated her.

Be great at what! She had never felt so alone since leaving Nova Cibus.

“What is going to happen?” Eli risked herself asking.

“Ted is going to showcase Eden’s power to the entire world,” Eva calmly answered.

“How?” Eli exclaimed.

“By setting an example. Fiori will be first. Then Fenn. But after that is when it gets really good…”

“It’s me! Isn’t it! It’s going to be me. Ted wants me to fight my brother!” Eli painfully realized.

“Well, with a little bit of luck… Fenn will kill him before it gets to you? Oh wait… never mind. Fenn’s a coward. He refuses to kill anyone. Well darn… I hope you don’t get any blood on your dress. That would be a shame, wouldn’t it! Mrs. Weatherspoon?”

Mrs. Weatherspoon grabbed Eli’s face between her hand. “Yes. Yes, that would be most regrettable. Such a pretty dress…”

Eli was horrified by Mrs. Weatherspoon detached answer.

“Watch! It’s about to start!” Eva pointed out.

“It’s showtime!” Mrs. Weatherspoon announced gleefully, clapping her hands in excitement.

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