《After the Tilt》Chapter 69: We’re All Animals, After All


Chapter 69: We’re All Animals, After All

“All these years, I had had my doubts. But it is better to not be heard, to not be seen when dealing with Ted. So, I pretended not to notice anything. I pretended to be the dumb ass, good for nothing, son of the Chancellor wannabe. Of course, you could say, I was naturally gifted to play this part. Stereotypes, you know. I’m more handsome than most. And somehow it seems, good looking people aren’t supposed to be smart. So, I chose the path of less resistance and allowed them to push me around while I played dumb. And so far, it certainly has worked in my favor. Where did it get me? It got me through military school. It got me where I am now. I am the General of Antarticum’s Military Force, I am about to marry into Ted’s family, and I get to eat meat every night! Of course, I am nothing without Ted and I had to give up a few years of my life, but now I can charge straight a head and forge my own path. My time has come.

Ok, I know… the meat situation is a little unsettling, but you get use to it… it tastes the same… if you close your eyes… Just don’t put to much thought into it. We’re all animals, after all.”

“Why are you telling me all this? I don’t get it. I don’t understand what you are talking about. Leave me alone. I’m busy rotting in jail.”

“I need you to do something for me. It will be our little secret. You do this, and I make sure some food gets to you every day?”

Benagher pulled out a laptop, inserted a USB stick, scanned his thumb, and passed the device to Meyer.

“Rex already set it up, the signal is encrypted and bounced.”

“What am I supposed to do with this?”

“You need to tap into Ted’s security system and create an escape route for us, four days from today.”

“For us? Who’s us?”

“You, me, Evian, Fenn, Fiori, Yuki, Eva…”

“What about Eli? What about my father?”

“Yeah… I would forget about them…” he said with an uneasy look.

“Why isn’t Rex doing it?”

“He’s already gone!”

“He died?”

“No, he’s already gone to Control Island B. He will be waiting for us, there.”

Benagher was starting to be a little exasperated by Meyer’s questions…

“Look, we don’t have much time. I’m risking my life just being here. You take the laptop, hide it under your futon, figure out a way to cover our tracks and we’re golden!”

“You make it sound so easy! Do you know who we are up against?” Meyer asked dubious.

“Do I know who we are up against? Dude, I live here! Of course, I know.” Benagher sounded exasperated. “Confidence is the first step towards success. I’ll let you reflect on that. A little optimism never hurt anyone.”

“Optimistic and corny… what’s your name again?” Meyer asked without lifting his eyes from the screen.

“Condescending asshole, what’s your name again?” Benagher retorted unamused.

“Quiet will you, I’m trying to work here!”

And Meyer had in fact started looking around the security system in place within Ted’s residence. Four days wasn’t much time, and it had been a while since he had last done this type of work.


Benagher took a seat on the futon and watched Meyer’s hands move about the keyboard like a pianist playing a fugue.

Meyer didn’t like having anyone staring at him. In fact, it was something he had never liked.

“How is Fenn holding up?” Meyer asked, trying to gather more information.

“I’d say he’s doing well for himself. He’s fitting right in! Recently, he was promoted. He even got to see his brother.”

Meyer raised an eye.

“Do you really have to put a positive spin on everything?”

“Fine. After being starved to the brink of death, he was threatened into betraying his brother, which he did, and he now gets to eat his meal in the company of Ted.”

Meyer tsked.

“Look, I’m not here to be your friend. As a matter of fact, I couldn’t give a damn about you. But either you do your job, or else your friends all die. And I happen to care about what happens to your friends. There’s no point in getting out of here, if Fenn doesn’t survive.”

Meyer looked up, once more, trying to read Benagher’s expression. But the General’s face was placid, giving no indication, whether he meant what he had just said.

“I need to go. Make sure the laptop stays well hidden. I’ll come back and retrieve it before the big day.”

Benagher was on his way out, when he suddenly turned and added: “Also, if offered, don’t eat any meat. Not right now… at least.”

And he was gone.

Meyer was slightly confused by Benagher’s last words, but he quickly brushed that thought aside and got back to work. He didn’t know if he could trust Benagher. But if Rex was part of this, then everything was going to be alright.


Benagher had been gone for just under an hour. That had given Eli, just enough time to corner Eva.

“You need to work on that smile of yours… lately it’s been so-so…” Eli said with a mocked interest.

“What do you want?”

“Nothing really, I just thought it had been a while since our last girl talk.”

“You’ve been busy hanging out with Mrs. Weatherspoon. I’ve been busy working. Making myself useful, you know… for Project EDEN.”

“To each his own, I guess.”

“Look, what is it that you want? Why did you come here?”

“How rude, you invited me! Remember! I gave you Fenn, didn’t I? And then you brought me here.”

“Why are you really here?”

“I’m here to find my brother. I will not leave until I find him!”

“Ha! You’re a fool! Ted will never let you meet your brother! There is just too much at stakes! You’re only alive because Mrs. Weatherspoon took a liking to you and that pitiful face of yours!”

“Isn’t that the same reason you’re still alive?”

Eva laughed before adding: “What makes you think, I’m alive.”

Eli let that sink in. She knew what Eva meant. She knew sooner or later that would be her own fate. They were all, after all, disposable. But she had to hang on, she had to play the part, she had to keep on believing that sooner or later, Ted would let her see her brother. She had to be patient.

“Patience,” she muttered behind clench teeth.

“What was that?” Eva asked, taken aback. “What did you just say?”


“Nothing,” Eli feigned.

Both women stared at each other.

They couldn’t be any more different. Eva was tall, slender, dark haired, tanned skin. Eli was short with an athletic built, blond hair with a skin as fair as winter.

Eva sadly shook her head. She had heard, all too well, what Eli had said. For a second, she pitied the child. She wanted to believe there was going to be more to Eli’s story. She wanted to think this was all part of a bigger, greater plan… but every time, the same answer. And as the time passed, the girl seemed, more and more, fitting for this place.

Eli guessed Eva’s thoughts.

“You wouldn’t know what it is like to have your entire family taken away from you. To have never met them. To know of them only through lab reports, and hearsays. I will do anything, absolutely anything to get back to my brother. Nothing can stop me. Not even Ted.”

Eva sighed. Eli had grown a lot since their first meeting. Perhaps… all wasn’t lost for her. Perhaps she would be able to navigate through this hell and have her wish granted…Yet… this was Ted’s world… and in Ted’s world everyone was a pawn.

“You’re playing with fire, Eli. Be careful not to burn yourself.”

Eli didn’t like this comment. She was done being patronized. She was her own person, making her own decision. This was as close to freedom as she had ever been. She took a step forward, and whispered in Eva’s ear…

“Whose side are you on, Eva… You are either with us, or against us!”

“Do you even know who the “us” is, Eli? There is no “us” for Ted. The man only cares about himself. Yesterday it was me, today it is you, sooner than later, your replacement will come. Mark my word, freedom doesn’t exist. What you call freedom is an illusion used by those in power to make you believe you have agency over your own life. But the reality is, we are all trapped into a snow globe that can be shaken at anytime. We are powerless. Everything around us is a construct made to imprisoned us in the idea that we are free. In the end, we are bound by that ideal. Tragic isn’t? And most people are too stupide to even realize it.”

Once more, they engaged in a starring game.

Until Eli’s face twitched.

That didn’t go unnoticed.

“You too!” Eva mumbled.

“It’s the price we pay. You should have seen Hana in the end.”

“But it shouldn’t be this way.”

“We’re all rats: laboratory rats. But I like to think that you can’t win at a game you don’t play,” Eli answered with a smirk.

“But you can only loose so often…” Eva corrected her.

“Between you and I, who do you think is on a winning streak here…”

“I already know my fate… it is yours; I am trying to salvage.” Eva said with genuine care.

“Well, rest in peace, I do not need your pity, your council nor your empathy. You killed my parents. I will make you suffer until your very last breath.”

There was nothing left to argue about.

Eli had made her intention clear since the beginning.

Eva had already surrendered her position.

It was Benagher who had pleaded in favor of Eli. He was adamant that she should be given a second chance… that she should be saved along her friends.

But it was clear to Eva, Eli didn’t need a second chance. Eli was forging her own path straight a head, under her own terms, with her own hands. And that was something Eva had no choice but to acknowledge.

“Good night,” Eva said as she retreated to her room, defeated.

“Good night,” Eli mumbled under her breath with a sad smile. She was exhausted, playing so many parts. Her head was spinning. She wanted to sleep. A long, peaceful sleep.

She leaned against the wall and closed her eyes. Memories of that rooftop slumber in Fenn’s arm popped into her mind. It was a comforting memory. One she refused to let go off. That night had been, the first and the last time she had slept without torments.

Her heart ached. But things were as they were for a reason. She straightened up and stared at the hallway stretching far a head of her.

One step at the time, she had to tell herself. Carry on. There is nothing for me in the past. I have a job to do, and I will see it to the end.

She slowly made her way to her room.

But before she could get there, Benagher crossed her path.

“Good evening, I wasn’t expecting anyone up, this late at night.”

“Sleeping is overrated,” Eli forced herself to joke.

“Well, we are not all gifted with a Heighten Characteristic,” Benagher answered with a charming smile.

“Touché!” Eli replied with fake gusto.

“Let me walk you back to your room,” Benagher offered.

“And is Eva, ok with this?” Eli bluntly asked.

“I am my own man.” He answered with a wink. “You really shouldn’t be walking these halls, late at night by yourself. Many people do not like you here, you have several enemies.”

“You are right.” Eli said returning a cordial smile.

She grabbed Benagher’s arm and together, they made their way to her room.

The short walk was quickly filled with harmless pleasantries, useless facts, and shallow exchanges.

“I guess this is good night,” Eli said as she opened her door.

Benagher chuckled.

“What’s left of it at the very least.”

He smiled.

“Would you like to come in,” Eli ingenuously asked.

“It wouldn’t be wise,” Benagher said, still smiling.

“Do you want to kiss me?” Eli asked with flushed cheeked.

Benagher took a second…

“You are asking the wrong person,” he said softly. “There are things you don’t know about me. And there are things you don’t know about yourself.”

Eli sighed. She pushed Benagher out of the way and walked into her room, slamming the door loudly.

She waited until she could no longer hear his footsteps down the hall.

She sat at her vanity starring at the woman before her.

Sad, sad sight.

One day at a time, she told herself.

I will succeed no matter what.

There is no other way.

You can only win if you play the game.

But still…

Is this really, ok?

Is this really what you wanted? Is it really the right thing to do? Fiori?

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