《After the Tilt》Chapter 61: The Devil Knows


I let go of his hand. I got scared and let go of his hand. That day in Nova Urbi, Fiori and Hana had come to rescue both Fenn and I. I was aware of the plan. I had been kept in the known through Benagher. But something happened that day, that made me let go of Fenn’s hand. As if an invisible thread pulled me away. I couldn’t see it through. I stayed behind afraid I would lose my mother. Afraid I would lose my place in the family. Afraid to disappoint the Weatherspoons. Afraid of the wrath I would bring upon myself if I went against their wishes. I was frightened to the core.

Just like my father, I am a coward.

Looking back, I think, that is when I really started hating my father. Until then, I had nurtured the hope that he would come back for me, that he would save me. That he would bring me home. But the day I let go of Fenn’s hand, I realised I was just like my father. I suddenly understood why he had never come back for me. And why he never would.

I am just like father. I belong to Ted. There is no saving me.

The psychological grasp the Weatherspoons had on me was far reaching. Rooted deeply into my soul. I had one part to play. And playing that part was all that could assure my safety.

I am a good girl. I am a good daughter… Patience.

The status quo kept me alive. Being a coward assured my survival. My father had allowed Ted to take control of our small happy family. Everything was his fault. I hated him. I hated them.

Although I entered Nova Urbi at 8 years old, I never quite lost contact with Benagher. Or perhaps more accurately, Benagher was always used as a point of contact between me and those at Project EDEN. Was Ted behind all this? Or was it Fiori? Or perhaps it was the both of them? I still wonder.

What I do know, is that I did to Fenn what Ted did to me. I created a dependency. I took everything away from him then became his only source of comfort. And that is what allowed me to manipulate him.

Everyday, a guard slipped a piece of bread to me. I assumed that was Ted’s way of letting me know he was watching me. He wanted results. The bread was a sign of his approval. With the piece of bread came a note from Benagher. I assumed that was Fiori’s way of cementing our bargain. As I slowly faded away amidst the Nova Urbi despair, Benagher became my beacon of light. Both Ted and Fiori used him well… that I am sure off.


But deep down, anger was brewing.

“Hi! I am Rex Zeckrin. I will be your chauffeur.”

“I’m Eva, this is Fenn. There’s no point in talking to him. He won’t answer.”

“What’s wrong with him?”

“Nothing. I just have him in a loop.”

“In a loop?”

“He’s stuck into his own head.”

“Heighten Characteristic?”

“Yeah,” she said distracted by the scenery outside her window. “Where are we going?”

“I am to bring you to Senex Centralis for a briefing with Ted and the Project EDEN team.”

“Why Senex Centralis? Why not the Project EDEN facilities?”

Rex took a second, before carefully answering.

“I don’t think you’re suppose to be out of Nova Urbi…” he finally said trailing his last words.

“What do you mean?” Eva asked worried.

“I don’t think this is an official outing,” he added.

Eva frowned and sunk deeper into her seat. The car was gently rolling along the road. It was a while before anyone talked again.

It was Eva’s first time out of the orphanage since she had arrived 2 years earlier. That morning, the usual note from Benagher had been replaced by a note from Ted. Her and Fenn were being called to Project EDEN. She didn’t know the reason why, but she was relieved to finally leave that horrible place. The last 2 years had seemed like an eternity. She finally had control over Fenn, there was no point for them to remain there. As much as she had wanted to leave Ted’s side, she had never been happier to go back. But now Rex’s words were casting doubts on her joy. If this was all being done in secret, it meant Ted didn’t intend on keeping her by his side.

Eva's throat became dry. Her heartrate sped up. She tried thinking of all the mistakes she made. Did I take too long, she wondered? Did I do the wrong thing? Is this the end for me? For us?

“Was it Ted that sent you?” she finally risked herself asking.

“Yes. It was a direct order. I was quite surprised. I don’t work for him. I work for Dr. Bari. But I guess he needed someone from the outside. It’s been quite tumultuous recently at Project EDEN.”

“What do you mean?”

“I think some people have been at odd within the project. The military has been meddling a lot. I think it’s making Ted nervous.”


“Ted? Nervous?” Eva asked raising her brow. “I don’t think you know Ted very well.”

“I don’t. As I said, I don’t work for him. But Dr. Bari knows…”

“Do you know why Ted wants to see us?”

“He needs your help.”

When we arrived at Senex Centralis, Ted wasn’t there. Instead, Fiori and Dr. Bari were waiting for us. Without any explanation, we were brought to the underground lab and once more, Dr. Bari subjected me to an evaluation of my abilities. It wasn’t until all the tests had been performed that I finally got a moment, alone, with Fiori.

“What does Ted want from me?”

“He wanted an update on your abilities. The boy’s too.” Fiori calmly explained.

“That’s it,” the girl worried. “What happens next?”

“You go back to Nova Urbi.”

“No! No Fiori! I can’t! NO! I don’t want to go back there.”

“There are still a few more tests we need to run, and then you and the boy will be sent back to Nova Urbi,” he explained calmly.

Eva could hear her father’s voice echoing in her head. A Marshall never cries. But she couldn’t help it. Being dead would have been better than having to go back to that place. A tear ran down her cheek, as she stood motionless in the doctor’s office.

“You have to go back. I still need you there. There are still things that needs to happen. You need to hang on. You need to be patient…”

That last word cut right through her heart. Her eyes met Fiori’s eyes.

“Patient?” she mumbled. “I don’t know if I can, any longer…”

“You are a strong, courageous little girl. You can do it,” Fiori said.

Eva brushed the lonely tear away and sighed.

“You know, Benagher is doing well,” Fiori reassured her. “I thought you would like to know. He even made a friend. His name is Doran.”

That evening, Rex drove Fenn and I back to Nova Urbi. And for the next year, once a month, I made the long drive to Senex Centralis and trained with Fiori. Ted had decided my abilities were at least good for something. I trained as hard as I could, not wanting to disappoint him. I trained both physically and mentally so I could improve on every level. I trained by myself, I trained with Fenn. The rest of the time, I lived the Nova Urbi nightmare.

“Rex? Where are we going? That’s not the way to Senex Centralis?”

“Today, I am not driving you to Senex Centralis.”

“What do you mean?”

“You and the boy, are going to met up with General Falx, in Nova Terra.”

“General Falx?”

“That’s his new title.”

“General of what?”

“The military…”

“But… what about my father.”

“Fiori Falx is the new General of Antarticum.”

“I don’t understand. What about all my father’s hard work? His sacrifice? My sacrifice!”

“You shouldn’t be thinking about things you can’t change. We all make sacrifices, but everyone can’t win.”

“This isn’t about winning! My father would never have done all of this if it wasn’t for Ted. My father was next in line. My father should have been…”

“When you see him, make sure to use the proper title. General Falx will be waiting for you and the boy. You need to concentrate. You are going to Nova Terra on an assignment. Forget about your father. It is you that Ted will be judging.”

“An assignment?”

“Fiori will give you the names. You will have 24 hours to get it done.”

Rex quickly glanced at the two kids sitting on the back seat. He felt sorry for them. He wished, he could whisk them away, right now, before they’d get their hands dirty. If only he could take them far from here, away from Ted, safe from Antarticum. But his work wasn’t done here. He couldn’t go. Not yet. Not now.

They had arrived at their destination. Rex watched the two kids made their way inside the building. His jaw clenched, he swore, no other kids would ever have to go through this.

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