《After the Tilt》Chapter 48: Arno’s Soliloquy Part II


“Arno, put this jacket on! It will be easier to slip out. It’s a little short on you, but it’s better than nothing,” said Rex.

He seemed genuinely concerned. I had always liked the guy. We didn’t interact much, but I liked his cheerful spirit, his good disposition, his constant need to help. He was a guy like me, I could tell. He was another government sponsored child of the underground. He had gone through the system. He had been passed from family to family. Abused. Probably tortured. And this was his life. He had nothing to lose, nothing to gain. He could only hope to be making the right decision. Just like I had once needed to make that decision.

I slipped on the government issued woolen black cloak and pulled the collar up. There weren’t enough jackets for everyone. It was decided that Yuki and Doran would go without as they were both facing a possible death. Eli refused to put one on. Meyer took Nadja’s jacket. It was decided that Fiori would grab one from a deceased soldier on the way out.

Meyer was still hard at work. Rex was assisting him. Dr. Bari sat quietly at her desk. She had the blank stare of one deep into their thoughts. The pale waxy figure of one contemplating their life’s achievements with regrets. Plenty of regrets, that’s what I could see on her lifeless face.

“It’s ready,” Meyer announced. He looked up at Yuki and Doran with uneasiness. “In 2 minutes, the signals across all of Antarticum, will self-destructed.”

“We better get moving then,” Doran said with fake enthusiasm.

Rex pulled a gun from under his shirt and handed it over to Fenn.

It made me smile.

Fenn didn’t take it.

I took it for him.


“It’s ok, he doesn’t need it,” I gently said.

“Dr. Bari. Press the button. Please.” Fiori commanded with a certain visible pleasure.

“I will, if you promise to shoot me before you go,” very calmly demanded Nadja.

The shadow of compassion spread on Fiori’s face. That was a rare sight.

“I will. You have my words.”

And after a long pause, he added.

“Thank you.”

She pressed the button. Fiori pulled a gun from under his shirt and shot Nadja between the eyes. It seemed to bring Eli back from her stupor.

Rex gasped. My heart sunk. She was a good woman. She always had her heart at the right place. Unfortunately, it was her that was at the wrong place at the wrong time. Once Ted walked into her life, it didn’t matter anymore if she was good or bad. Her life wasn’t hers to decide.

“15 seconds to destruction,” Meyer nervously called out.

All eyes turned on Yuki and Doran.



This felt oddly familiar.



That cruel anticipation that once more life was about to change…



“At the trigger, we dash out! Arno you grab Doran, I’ll grab Yuki. Head for the front entrance.”

This was the Fiori I knew. The man in charge.

“I’ll destroy video footage. I’ll make sure all exit points are unlocked. I’m already on it!” Rex announced. “It won’t be the first time.”


“3. Get ready!” yelled Meyer.

I put my hand on Doran’s shoulder: “I’ve got you buddy!” Knowing very well it might be my last words to him.

Fenn was sweating buckets, but he wasn’t doing anything crazy. That was a good thing.



“Destruction activated…”

Before he could finish his sentence, Yuki and Doran were both wriggling in pain on the ground. Yuki was gasping for air, their eyes rolled backward. Doran was experiencing intense body spasms. He wasn’t breathing. The signal was at the base of the neck, just above the atlas bone.


I grabbed Doran and threw him over my shoulder. Holding him in place, I used my other hand to grab the gun. Fenn and Eli weren’t moving.

I gently nudged them forward.

Neither moved.

I raised my gun and straight up threatened them. None of this would be worth it if they didn’t make it out of here alive.

Fenn finally moved. He grabbed Eli by the hand and pulled her along.

Good thinking, boy! I thought.

I was starting to worry that she’d be left behind.

As I left the room, one last quick glance showed me Rex working desperately on his computer. Once more, I’d have to thank him for his help. This would be the second time he’d help me and Eyer get out of here.

I smiled.

“Thank you!” I screamed over my shoulder as I entered the hallway. “See you again, my friend.”

Fenn, Eli and the rest were already far a head of me. I could feel Doran’s breathe on my back. His breathing was becoming more and more regular. That gave me the courage to keep on running.

Straight a head, I could see Fiori. Yuki was stirring. I could see Meyer. Fenn and Eli too about to pass the exit door. On the ground laid soldiers. Some dead. Many alive. Some were starting to get back up.

This was faster.

Much faster than anticipated.

Doran was now awake. “Put me down,” he feebly said. “We’ll be able to run faster.”

We were almost at the front door. The others had already disappeared on the other side.

Faster, I told myself. You’re almost there, old man!

Doran started slipping off my grip. The crowd was getting thicker, making it harder to move forward. People in panic. Everywhere.

I heard the noise first than felt the pain.

Sharp, shooting pain in my side.

I dropped Doran. He scrambled back to his feet. I don’t think he realized what had just happened.

The noise again.

Sharp pain in my left knee this time.

I stumbled to the ground. People around me screaming.

Doran was gone. He had passed the doorway.

So, this is it! I grasped.

I felt the cold metal of a barrel between my shoulder blades.

I started laughing.

This is really it, I guess. I’m glad it’s over. The last few years were fun. I’m glad I got to meet all of you. I just wished… I just wished…. I could have said a proper goodbye to the kids. And… I wish… I could… have gone out with a …


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