《Noodle Knight》It's Time to D-D-D-D-DUEL!


Hi everybody! I just wanted to give a brief update on the near future of Noodle Knight. With the recent addition of official duels, I seem to have acquired a writing duel along the way with BeeBaBoop.

The duel consists of three chapters and the winner is decided by not me, not the cat on the cover of T.N.(A.t.N.), not Bob, not even Narrator, but by you, the readers. Long story short, the two of us, Boop and I, write three chapters and at the end of the duel, you all shall cast your votes on which you like the most. I'm not sure how the votes shall be tallied, but we'll figure it out soon enough. The current updates are scheduled to be released within the next two or three weeks depending on real life issues.

Here's the official duel proposal and BeeBaBoop's fic is called A-Zero. Check it out if you have the time.

In other news, I'm apt to pick Genesis back up after the duel, but I'll be writing with more of a plan. If you like my sense of humor, but with a more solid plot, then you might like it. I apologize for the rough start as it's one of the first proper stories I tried to write on RRL so things may go through a couple revisions to clean it all up.

P.s. Do you like the Mod badge? It's shiny and green... Nothing is really gonna change much though. As always, ideas and stray thoughts posted below are fair game to be used in Noodle Knight. See you soon with those chapters.

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