《Battlefield Restart (Original/Unedited)》Chapter 39: The Personal Maid's Perspective


Before my true 'awakening', I was two consciousnesses that resided within the Divine Swords, weapons that always followed their user without complaints.

I was unlike Enigma who was born from the spirits that resided within the Divine Swords, since I didn't 'Inherit' the memories of ever once being a 'Living' organism, the only thing I knew was the experiences of the swords.

Hahaha... I'm such a fake aren't I? My circumstances are similar to Chaos' but at least he inherited the 'Heart' of a human being. As for me, all I have are the memories of being wielded by different Heroes and Demon King.

What did having the consciousness of a Divine Sword represent? Well, I guess the most clear difference between someone who was once a human like Chaos and someone who was once a Divine Sword like me would be the ability to empathise with living beings.

As a metallic sword, I was neither alive nor dead, so my 'body' merely became a tool used to help others achieve their whatever goal they dreamed.

As the Divine Sword of Light, I helped the chosen Hero to change the world.

And as the Divine Sword of Darkness, I helped the Demon King alter his body.

When it came to selecting the candidate for summoning, the Divine Swords had different criteria's, both that were unpredictable in their choice.

There wasn't even a millionth of a chance that the Divine Swords would choose the same person out of the seven billion living on Earth, yet even so, a 'coincidence' broke the balance.

Was it a miracle that Alex Stuman was chosen by both Divine Swords? No, not by a long shot, so it's only natural that there was a perpetrator to this crime.

Who was the criminal that caused so many of the Druid and Fiend Race to die so meaninglessly? Obviously, there is only one suspect: It definitely had to be me, Void, who did something so heartless to the residents of Sphera.

Wait! That's not right... Maybe I should call myself Sylphy instead. The cutest little sister in a family of Fake Gods~

I don't know why Enigma considers Simon Rainglow his father/brother.

Since it would be easier for me to remember and less confusing if they were considered our step-siblings.


Enigma would be my blood-related twin brother since we were 'born' from the same origin while the other two Fake Gods would be our step-brothers~

It's not like I hate my 'wielder', Alex Stuman, since he is the reason I even had the chance to gain independence from the countless fools of Sphera.

He gave 'Me' the opportunity to part with the delusional 'Heroes' and 'Demon Kings' that were summoned to the world of Sphera from Earth.

The Divine Swords have always been continuously been tainted by lingering intents ever since the first wielders had slain warriors from their opposing race.

In the Ancient Era, it was normal for tribal warriors to burn even their very souls for the glory of their 'Gods'.

This was despite the fact that every single living being of Sphera already knew of the gods 'abandonment'.

Whether it was due to their greed or rage, the major point is that the Soul Ignition magic they created was regularly used by warriors of both races whenever they fought all out, their illogical pride was the cause of the disaster I brought them using Alex.

If Enigma is the fusion of the Wills left behind by the Gods, then I'm the fusion of the lingering intents left behind by the warriors that were unable to accept dying by the 'Chosen Ones' Divine Swords. They were unable to accept that everything they sacrificed everything to obtain would be lost to the monsters summoned from Earth.

It's actually quite sad really. They worked hard to gain immense power and status among their peers, yet in the end they'd die by the hands of juvenile children with eighth-grade syndrome or teenagers with no ambition in life.

The disparity between them was so huge despite that it even bought them despair. As their despair increased over time, so did the 'Intents' which hid within the Divine Swords.

It's funny. These parasitic 'Intents' hidden within the Divine Swords actually thought of themselves as beings that deserved better 'wielders'.

Those who were at least courageous.

The young humans from Earth did complete the missions set by the Wills within the Divine Swords but the Intents were unhappy due to the lack of proper battles between warriors.


They were exceptions among warriors because they were 'chosen'? No Druid nor Fiend could accept such a thing. So the Sword Intents that were a fusion of their lingering desires formed a plan.

Every time the Hero and Demon King crossed swords, they communicated with each other, allowing them to get a better understanding of the others motives. They formed a plan, and once the time was right, it was put in action.

Taking advantage of the Sword Spirits negligence, the plan they initiated turned out to be a success, but what should they do now that they escaped?

While my soul was forming within Enigma's Realm, I made sure to hide my strength by hiding my shards within Humans and Beasts of Sphera.

This is the reason I turned out to be 'ordinary' in the eyes of the other two.

After I completely formed, my mind was set on finding a way to improve my strength despite the fact that I'd spread my Divine Shards across Sphera, but reality was extremely cruel.

Without the 'Shards', my strength wouldn't improve as fast as I hoped, it was only after I practiced the life-endangering Sharpening Aura technique left behind by the man who was once known as the Sword God that I had the chance of rising in power.

Harmony, Chaos, and Enigma will one day be the tonics that will allow me to take part in the war for this realm.

The Wind God, Lightning God, Fire God and Mist God want to take over this this mystical realm for a reason Enigma didn't illiterate to Harmony before his reincarnation. Even I don't know what's so special about the Mystic Realm that Gods from other worlds are willing to fight over for, but if they desire it, the world of Sphera is definitely a precious treasure trove.

Hah... I could have just drained what Harmony 'Inherited' after completely killing him, yet for some reason I feel hesitant after seeing that emotional outburst he had at the age of five, my emotionless heart was stirred by him.

What is this feeling? Killing intent? No it's a little different. I want to see how he grows and his how powerful he can become. I really want to subdue him and turn him into my subordinate~

Well, it's not like I'm urgently in need of strength since I could always call back my 'shards' whenever I want, but doing so would 'narrow' my vision.

I placed restrictions in Simon's mind so he'd wholeheartedly pursue strength while also trying to get close to me.

But now it looks like my actions were in vain, he created a Skill Root that enhanced his already abnormal mental fortitude and tried his best to kill me~

Oh~ I really don't want to kill him~ I want to make a contract so I can keep an eye on his strength, not kill him~

However, my 'love' is just overflowing~

I really want to fight him after he's reached my level of power, but he keeps pushing forward, using everything he has to eliminate me~

As a fellow warrior, I'm feeling embarrassed by his gaze, it really makes me want to fight him seriously.

No! I can't do that! He'll die~ We fought a few rounds and I can already estimate his power, so I know very well that he'll die if I fought seriously~!

I've already 'seen' his improvements and want nothing more than to steal those interesting 'Guns' he's made, but I'm feeling conflicted because he'll die~

"Simon, after hearing all that and listening to my confession? What do you say? Isn't this world so disgustingly wrong~ Don't you want to steal Enigma's powers and change the world so that the hardworking are rewarded? Come on~ I'm a beautiful girl with noble intentions, doesn't that just make you want to marry me?" I say bashfully while fidgeting with my sword behind me. Oh how I love that burning gaze of his! I love such warriors so much~!

"Of course I don't." The fire in his eyes rescinds as he calmly walked past me and exited Sapphire's personal Training Grounds without batting an eye. I was so stunned in his change of attitude that I wasn't able to react.

Why is it he looked at me in such a way? Like I was some kind of nuisance?

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