《Battlefield Restart (Original/Unedited)》Chapter 31: Chase


"Hah... Are you an idiot? Who in the world attacks their brother with Spell Arrays?" I couldn't help but sigh.

Merilin didn't answer my questions, all she did was quietly sit in the floor with her head lowered, not daring to even make even the slightest sound.

"I should first start off by apologising for what I said before, there was no need for me to force you to be isolated from everyone, it was my bad." I say with a bow, she didn't seem moved by my apology since the matter at hand was much more serious than that, but my heart was calmed a little after getting weight off my chest.

A silence enveloped us as I stopped talking, the atmosphere was quite awkward, yet my eyes were resolute.

"Am I a monster in your eyes?" I calmly sat in front of her and curiously ask.

Her head raised a bit. However, she didn't look into my eyes, her face was pale as she heavily nodded her head.

"Ow!" She held her forehead after I gave her a simple headbutt.

"I am no monster. I'm just a rationalist through and through. Don't you dare call this doting brother of yours such a thing ever again." This time, upon hearing my words, she lifted her head to glare at me with ferocious eyes.

"Big brother... you... you k-killed someone...! You murderer!" She stutters her eyes showed her firm will.

"I did murder someone. This is something I won't deny. You are right that I'm a murderer, yet wrong about something else, what I did was to protect your life." I honestly explain.

"To protect my life?" She didn't seem to understand. A sigh left my mouth once more as I looked at her puzzlement.

"She would have died even if I hadn't killed her. If I restrained her, she would have killed herself to protect the information in her mind, something similar would have happened if I'd knocked her unconscious to give her to the household's guards as well."


"Lies, big brother could have save-"

"And why should I?" I cut her off. She shouldn't feel such foolish sympathy for an assassin. Being too good of a person can lead to death most the time.

"I really could have saved her. I now have many abilities at my fingertips that you wouldn't be able to imagine. If I wanted to save her, she could have survived, but I showed her no mercy."

"Was it to protect me?" She grasped my sleeve and asks in a somewhat pleading manner. A pain arose in my heart as I saw her tears but I steeled my heart enough to decisively shake my head.

"I murdered her out of pure hatred." A darkness arose in my heart as I remembered how absolutely incensed I was after knowing that maid's goal.

Merilin gazed at me, her eyes seemed to be waiting for me to tell her I was joking, that I was still the same big brother she grew up with all her life.

"Surprised? Did you think I was going to get weak-kneed and let a potential threat to our lives get away?" I turned my head and immediately made an excuse. The truth is ugly, but it is something she'll have to face and overcome in the future. Maybe she'd be happy if I indulged her fantasies of a perfect world where everyone fight for the greater good, a world where everyone's selfless and kindhearted.

However, how could I give her such an unrealistic impression on the world?

Right, giving her hope that such a world actually existed would probably solve every one of my problems, but such an outcome would only give her the most momentary happiness.

I'm not going to lie. This decision of mine really is to cruel. In fact, it could be called a reckless gamble, one where losing would equal her losing her mind.

It's a reckless gamble but at least I got a back-up plan. I'll use my Cellular Horn to seal some of her memories if she isn't able to cope with reality.


It's cowardly and downright evil to mess with my little sister's mind, so I really hope she doesn't force my hand.

No wait, maybe I shouldn't have been honest, I mean it's not like the relationship I had with the siblings of my past life was 'that' bad.

Of course it wasn't that bad, Mom and Dad were probably overreacting, that is most likely the case. Okay, gotta use my Spacial Energy to infect the cells in her body first, then I'll seal her memories.

"Big brother..."

"Yes?" I was awoken from my thoughts by her voice. I don't know how long she was silently pondering for but the look in her eyes shows matchless resolve.

"I understand." These two simple words took a giant weight off my chest.

"It's good that you do." I sigh with admiration. She had already surpassed all of my expectations while I was busy panicking in how to clean up this situation if anything was to go wrong.

Thank goodness! Wait...!

"Ow!" I exclaim subconsciously after getting slapped straight on my cheek.

"Big brother, you're a bad person, I hate you so much!" She shouts before running away in tears. I was dazed for a moment as I covered my cheek but quickly recovered my faculties.

Wait, I have to follow her, I have to patch things up no matter what!

I got up and ran out the door in pursuit. Merilin weaved her way past the different servants who were cleaning with tears in her eyes.

Okay, it doesn't look like the worst case scenario occurred, so I'll have to refrain from doing something as stupid as brainwashing. It's an easy solution to my problem but also the worst one.

"Oy, Simon, why the hell are you bullying your sister." A tall giant of a boy my age stood in my path along with a few other young maids and butlers.

I can't remember this idiot, but since he looks like he wants to stir up trouble, he best be ready for my counter. Wait... something seems familiar about him... have I met him before? Nah, it doesn't matter right now, I'll ponder on who he is later.

I mean, just from hearing his words you'd think he wants to righteously protect my sister from my 'bullying', if it wasn't for the fact that his expression was blatantly showing his ill-intentions as if he was scared someone wouldn't recognise his ulterior motives for stopping then it would be perfect.

"I have no time to play with you."

[Support Skill- Combat Body!]

[Skill Overlay- Cognitive Drive!]

[Skill Overlay- Weightless Skeleton!]

I rushed past the crowd with extreme speed, but it looked like one of them who specialised in Wind Aura was able to react in time and grabbed my arm.

I wasn't in the mood to play with these kids, so it didn't matter to me what their true intentions were, I lifted the guy who grabbed my arm by his hand before throwing him behind me.

A domino effect occurred as the crowd wasn't able to react to my counter and fell on the floor in a funny way.

They must have noticed my unintentional smirk since some of them went ballistic and used their own techniques to keep up with my speed.

I thought I would be able to catch up with Merilin in moments using my augmented speed, but it seems the Arts and Spells I taught her backfired.

A layer of ice formed under her feet as she skated along the corridors with speed that was no slower than my own.

I'm sure those around us would be seeing a strange scene of Merilin being chased by me and myself being chased by other servants in utter shock.

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