《Battlefield Restart (Original/Unedited)》Chapter 25: Psionic Retrofit


Without Mana, a Human Combatant shouldn't be able to control Ether, but this Skill Root of mine seems different.

Through the Molecular Halo that hovered above my hand, I can feel that my affinity towards Ether has heightened somewhat, allowing me to manipulate Ether in an area around it.

Unlike before, I'm now unable to learn Spell Circles to help manipulate Mana and Ether in various ways, but what I've gained exceeds what I've lost.

Although the area I can manipulate Ether is somewhat small, the precision of my Ether Control has risen, allowing me to create more complex weaponry.

I looked at the Magicians Hand I wore and used it to inject Mana into my body once more. Then observed as the Mana that returned to changed into psionic energy and stored itself in my flesh.

I did this a few times in succession until my body could no longer hold anymore psionic energy. I looked at the resplendent sword in my hand and tried to return it to my body, but failed after experimenting a few times.

Not only am I unable to create a second Heavenly Sword, but I'm unable to return it to my flesh, so the only thing I can do is accept its existence.

From what I can tell, I could just waste some of the psionic energy within my body if I wanted to return it, but that wouldn't be productive in any way.

I looked at the Heavenly Sword once again and tried to use another ability.

[Combo Ability: Psionic Retrofit]

The sword in my hand shattered into numerous rays of energy and merged itself with the modern weaponry inside the box I placed in front of me.

The Pistol in my hand flew into the box as well as a ray of energy also covered its components. The various modern guns and grenades I created with such hard work dismantled into parts!


Well, it's not like I'm unable to understand the specifics of my own ability, but seeing all the weapons I took years creating being dismantled tortures my 'weak' heart.

The parts that were hovering in the air sorted themselves into a wall of components, but it seems those parts weren't enough, I reluctantly took off Magicians Hand after looking at the floating components in the air.

Magicians Hand was also covered by the psionic energy and joined the components of the modern weapons.

After everything was set, I casually pointed at the mystical glove in the centre of the levitating components and sent some psionic energy into it.

The Self-Adjustment, Mana Charge, Mana Release and Spell Customisation Spell Circles that were embedded into it glowed lightly as they were extracted.

I looked at the Magic Circles with a pondering expression on my face as I gestured my hand. The four Spell Circles that were extracted from Magicians Hand flew in front of me.

I'm not an expert on drawing Spell Circles but I'm sure I can disassemble and reassemble what I've already got.

It shouldn't be any different from what I did before my reincarnated, sitting at home all alone and playing with my collection of antique and modern guns.

After making up my mind, I stood up and looked through my drawer. I think I remember my father gifting a book regarding Spell Circles a long time ago.

As I was looking through my things, the alarms I set up started to ring, giving me no choice but to stop what was doing and turn towards my door.

The some of bells I set up had already fell to the floor, but I didn't mind, I gestured my hand to cancel the Spell I used before retrieving all the bells.

"Big Brother, can I come in?" My little sister politely asks with a cute voice.

I looked at the components that were still floating in mid air and the book regarding Spell Circles in my hand for a moment with a conflicted expression.


However, it didn't take long for me to come to the decision that I didn't need to hide something as normal as this.

Yes, normal, lots of supernatural things seem to he normal in a magical world like this. So I walked over and opened the door to see something shocking.

Unlike usual, Merilin wasn't wearing her adorable-looking maid clothes, but instead wore a luxurious mystic robe.

"You look nice in that."

"Thank you." Merilin blushed happily.

As she walked in, she exclaimed in surprise towards the floating components and Spell Circles in the air. There seemed to be stars in her eyes as she walked closer to them.

"Wow~ What are those things? Isn't that the present Dad gave you?" She asks curiously as she poked at the glove, but I stopped her before she caused an explosion, some of the materials I have can't be touched.

"Mother was expecting Father to buy me something and Father was expecting Mother to buy me a gift, so my real present will probably be gifted later." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Then who bought you that?"

"Mark did of course. Although he looks like a fool on the outside, it seems on the inside, he's actually a nice guy."

"Brother, you're being strange again, I didn't know you could actually praise."

"I praise you a lot, don't I?"

"But that's just me, I'm a special girl, so you have praise me a lot." She jokes, an expectant light was in her eyes as she started at me, it seems she's done something great to earn my praise.

"You've been admitted to a Magic Academy?" I ask as I looked at the crest of a flying dragon on her little robes.

"They said I'm a really smart girl. Mom and Dad were so happy for me~!"

"Good girl!" I unhesitatingly praise while stroking her head. A giggle left her lips as she proudly showed off.

"You've made grandmother proud." I laugh with similar pride and stopped.

"Big Brother, what are you doing?" She finally asks. It seems she wasn't too surprised with my ability to make things levitate, but now that I think about it, that doesn't seem surprising considering how many Spells I had.

"I'm upgrading Magicians Hand."

'Upgrading...?' Her eyes seemed to ask as she looked at the floating Spell Circles in the air, not understanding how I'd do so, I smiled at her as I showed her the book in my hand.

"From what I read from this book father gave me, Spell Circles are hard to understand and inscribe, so it should be impossible to upgrade through normal means. However. my method of upgrading is a little different from the what is usually seen." I pointed at the the illustration on the page that explained the basics of Spell Circles and started to explain my ability.

"There are two components that create a Spell Circle, the Inner Spell and Outer Circle. For magicians, an Outer Circle is the foundation while the Inner Spell is the seed implanted into it."

As I said that, I pointed at the Spell Circles before poking at them, once I did so the the Spell Circles disassembled into two pieces in the air.

"Wow~ Big Brother is so awesome! Can you teach me that Spell as well?" She says with eyes as bright as the sun. My mouth opened, but I didn't know how to respond to her high expectations, I know that she will be disappointed once she learns the answer.

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