《Battlefield Restart (Original/Unedited)》Side Story 1: A Fake God's White Lie


As an existence that surpasses mortality, one would think that I wouldn't need to lie, but how could I have revealed the truth to that now reincarnated retired soldier?

When I had first 'awakened', the first thing I noticed was this world around me, this dimension of Sphera that only I own. It didn't take long for me to understand everything that transpired.

A human from a foreign world had been 'summoned' by the remnants of two Gods, his flesh and soul ripped in half straight after he arrived.

Even if he was the strongest human that ever lived on the planet called Earth, he would have died the same way after arriving in this mystical world, the weakened flesh of his mortal body would have still turned to ash.

However, who would have thought that the his death would lead to such catastrophic changes in the world?

His soul that had been separated using his flesh as a medium was somehow mutated after merging back into their complete form, and due to that, he had unwittingly became the owner of the two most dangerous swords on Sphera.

"Enigma, you're daydreaming again, is Harmony really are eldest?" A very rough but powerful voice resounded.

I didn't have facial features nor any of the usual senses that a human would be naturally born with. All I had was this dimension I inherited from the two fallen Gods as my transcendent sense.

Unlike normal Gods, my body is unstable, so I strive to make sure that I don't use too much of my power.

The silhouette formed of grey smoke in front of me is actually my 'son', or maybe I should say 'brother', either way is fine due to the extraordinarily strange circumstances concerning us.

The one this silhouette of ash called Harmony was actually now named Simon. A human who lived as a butler in the household of the Swordwick's.


Back then, I hid the existence of this silhouette I called Chaos, since knowing about him would only cause Harmony to be extremely confused.

In Harmony's mind, he was a man from Earth who had just been summoned, so informing him of Chaos's existence would only cause him to needlessly worry about nothing.

Taking a step back, even if I had informed him that his 'flesh' survived and developed a consciousness of its own, would he have believed me?

A human heart is fickle, it might have caused him to go into denial, losing his sanity in the process. His fragile mindset wouldn't have been able to handle just knowing about Chaos.

"He really is the the 'first born' among us." I finally answer while looking at the vague outline of Chaos's face.

"Don't lie. How could such a weakling be our eldest? How could he have abandoned us a critical time like this?"

"Please don't blame him. I was the one that had hidden many things from him." I shook my head helplessly.

"Stop defending him, with his intelligence, he should have been able to see through your deception." A sharp light fleshed through his 'eyes' as he gestured his hand. A mirror appeared by our side as it showed Simon fighting against his household's Young Miss.

"He's your great grandfather you know? Shouldn't you show more respect?" I say with a amused smile.

"Your the only one that thinks of him like that! You weirdo!" The silhouette of ash faltered. He seemed to not want to continue the conversation further as he looked at Simon in the Overseeing Mirror. Then his 'eyes' shifted to a particular girl in black maid clothing.

"It seems that Void is having a good time." Chaos mutters in complaint.

"You shouldn't be so jealous of your daughter." I couldn't help but tease.

"Shut the hell up. She doesn't even count as one of us. Harmony was able to stabilise his existence before us due to the fact that he was merely returning to his original form. As for this girl, she merely inherited the leftover remnants of the Divine Swords, her soul is just trash that can't even evolve." The silhouette of ash responds harshly.


The reason we called her Void was due to the fact that she was completely unable to access the powers of Time and Space. Even Chaos who was unable to use magic was able to access this power through his mutated flesh.

"Fool, you yourself don't have the ability to evolve, nor do I. The only two who have the ability to surpass True Gods are Void and Harmony.

Although Void is unable to condense a Skill Root, she still has the talent required to go far in in the way of the sword, just like that Mortal God before her. As for Harmony, he may have a weak starting point, but he will be able to exceed the both of us in potential once he steps into the third level of Aura Manifestation." I looked at Chaos and retort threateningly. He can say what he want about Void since even I was disappointed in the fact that she had ordinary soul despite her origins.

However, I can't ignore the fact that Chaos's words had indirectly cursed Harmony's weakness. We may have been born strong, but our potential is limited, unlike our eldest brother who is destined to surpass both of us.

Chaos shrinks his neck back in fear after seeing me angry for the first time.

I ignored him and instead looked at the Overseeing Mirror as well. Since there was nothing for us to do, we both had a habit of peeking Simon in the lands of Sphere, seeing how his daily life progresses and how he improves.

"Huh...?" I couldn't help but drop nonexistent my jaw after seeing Harmony confess his feelings to Void in such a ridiculous way. It even made me suspect if this Divine Mirror I inherited was broken in some way.

When I reincarnated the both of them to the same household, I predicted that they would one day become familiar with each other, but who would have thought that Harmony was so strange?

"Hahaha! So funny! He actually confessed his feelings to her in such a roguish way. As expected of my bodies soul. But isn't this called incest?" His eyes beam as he looks at me in delight.

"Voids soul originates from the left over fragments left behind by the two Divine Swords, whilst Harmony's soul originates from another world, so it can be argued that she's a step-sister." I didn't want to lose in a war of words so I seriously came up with an excuse.

"Whatever... I can only say that my soul's taste is somewhat heavy, or is this fate? Why do I feel that there's something scheming in the shadows?"

"The Outsider Gods shouldn't be able to track him. I even specifically drained his soul of Mana in order to weaken his energy signature, so there should be no way any of those Outsider Gods can locate him, they would have already sent their armies towards that Drakeyol Kingdom if they did." Although Chaos's words seemed like a joke, my mind couldn't help but tremble, I already knew of Harmony's uncanny instinct so Chaos's 'feeling' weighed a lot more than any factual information.

"Although we can't intervene, let's make some preparations for now just in case, it's better be safe than sorry." A darkness spread in his 'eyes' as he spoke. I didn't know what he was thinking when he looked at Void through the Overseeing Mirror.

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