《Battlefield Restart (Original/Unedited)》Chapter 22: Let's Spar!


"We have a lot to talk about." The beautifully dressed little girl says while gesturing me to sit down.

"Is that so?" I say with suspicious eyes.

"Of course. Father wanted me to help you reach the third level of Aura Manifestation." Only after realising that she truly was wishing for my benefit did I reluctantly stop my formalities and sat down.

To think that the daughter of that sharp and scheming guy was such a happy go lucky type of girl.

"Your Father's a nice guy." I praised with a meaningful smile. It wasn't hard for me to figure out that the House Master had nothing to do with this meeting. If it really was him who wanted me to train with her, judging from his personality, he would have personally led me here himself.

"I know, right?" She agrees. My smile couldn't help but stiffen as I wasn't able to figure out if she was lying or not.

A noble girl like her wouldn't lie so blatantly right? Don't nobles have this inborn pride that them from doing that? She seemed completely ignorant to my doubtful eyes and continued.

"Father doesn't want to waste your talent. If you are able to reach the third level of Aura Manifestation, then your inborn Magical Talent won't really matter much, since you would be able to rely on your Skill Root instead." She says with an innocent smile as she leaned forward. Her eyes seemed to be full of interest as she gazed at me.

A chill ran down my spine as my instincts scream that I shouldn't try to get any closer to her heart. Why do I feel this? I have no idea, but if I was pick between logic and instinct, there would be only one true winner.

"You don't need to help me. I can find my own path by myself." I say as an excuse. This girl must be eyed on by an assassin or something. If I try to get any closer to her, she will definitely attract an endless amount of trouble for me in the future, my instinct is so clear that it can't be wrong.


"Even if you can, I 'want' to help you out, so stop declining already." The Young Miss frowns in displeasure.

I decided to stop struggling after hearing her words. It would be too troublesome to explain why I want to train my new ability by myself anyway.

How bad of a disaster could socialising with her bring me anyway? I'm sure another kind of trouble will come if I don't try to be on good terms with her.

"I know about Skill Roots, but how am I supposed to turn my ability into an actual Skill Root? Is there some sort of trick to it?" I ask concernedly, it would be really embarrassing if I lost the bet with her father because of such a shallow reason like 'not knowing' how to reach Level 3 Aura Manifestation.

"Simple, just mix your ability with your Mana Origin, a Skill Root will be born if both of them are able to fuse. Try to visualise the foundation of a Skill Root as the colour of your Aura and the ability being what's built upon it."

"The colour of my Aura?"

"Yes, you might think that the only special types of Aura's are mimicked ones, but you're wrong, the original Light Aura you first manifested is actually the best foundation for every ability. Those with mimicked Aura type abilities are usually unable to bring out the true strength of a Combatant."

"You really are well informed." I praise without trying to hide my surprise.

"Haha, if you praise me more, I might fall for you." She blushed while trying to hide the sharp glint in her eyes.

I wasn't completely dense to the point of not understanding her thoughts, it's just that my instinct is basically pointing at her and saying: 'Getting close to her equal goodbye to your normal everyday life as a Butler.'

"Then I'll praise you less." Her face fluctuated a little as she was unable to understand why I retreated. As a girl, it seemed she may have taken my words a little offensively, it seems I shouldn't have been so blunt with my response.


Her face darkened as she turned silent for a few moments, I didn't interrupt her and patiently waited for her to continue. Now I'm actually feeling a little guilty for responding in such a way. If only I was more experienced with girls in my past life.

"Am I pretty?" She suddenly asks. Now I'm contrastingly taken aback by 'her' bluntness. What is her goal?

"Yes." I reply with only one word.

"Is there someone else you like?" Her eyes were just like her father's as she overbearingly asked. She's asking me this now? What was the first question for anyway? To lighten her mood?

"Yeah, I like that short-haired maid of yours." I lie straight through my teeth.

Even I don't have the courage to stand up to such a gaze. So my only option is to try to smooth things over. Wait... I think I'm starting to corner myself.

"Do you know her name?" She smiles coldly. I think we've strayed off the original topic right now. I'm sure we were supposed to be discussing about Skill Roots and closely related stuff.

"It's love at first sight." Oh no, I think I'm digging my grave a little too deeply.

"Hmph, you don't have to lie, it's not like I confessed to you." She says with a frown. No, even an elementary schooler would be able to tell how serious you were, it doesn't need to be said in words. However, since you want to get some dignity back, I won't argue.

"By the way, what practical ways can help speed up the process of creating a Skill Root?" I ask after resolutely deciding to change the subject.

It seems my lie was a little too far fetched. From what I can tell about her personality, she isn't going to just let me off lightly since I basically lied to her face, a servant like me making such a bold move must have upset her.

After hearing my question, she suddenly smiled mysteriously, it looks like she found an opportunity to vent.

"Constant battle helps forming a Skill Root." She advises with 'sincerity'.

Now that's just immature. All I did was tacitly reject you. You should show the the pride of a noble and look down on a mere servant like myself.

"I'll ask Jack for a spar."

"No need. Don't you want to battle with a genius like myself? I'll be sure to go easy on you." These words may sound arrogant and narcissistic, but she has the strength to back up what she said.

"I refuse." I state clearly. What 'I'll go easy on you.'? That wouldn't be a battle between warriors. That would be a dinosaur slaughtering a chicken. I don't have any way to resist her strength.

"Don't be so quick to refuse. Look how Sylphy is watching, I'm sure you wouldn't want her to see you acting cowardly, right?" She asks 'innocently' after pointing towards a little girl her own age who seemed to have entered the Training Ground moments ago.

The short-haired maid was still as expressionless as a doll as she heard her Master's words. Her face seemed to not care in the slightest towards the Young Miss's words. As expected of the Young Miss's personal servant. To think that I'd be trapped by another's silence. I couldn't help but stiffly smile as gave up on making a tactical retreat.

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