《Battlefield Restart (Original/Unedited)》Chapter 20: Combat Body


I look out the window in melancholy as my mind digested what had happened.

Leaving aside mother's hatred for Goblins, I think focus more on how I should proceed to upgrade my technique, allowing all the knowledge of modern science to not go to waste.

Let's go through everything step by step. First things first. I need to find the limit of my current Elemental Aura.

I don't feel tired right now, so I shouldn't waste any opportunity to train, especially when the task I'm supposed to complete is impossible.

I released my Aura and mimicked the five elements I knew of one by one.

The diamond-like glow turns into the colour is rubies as I used my ability to increase the strength of my muscles.

Then the Aura around me switched to all other elements until I reached the point of unleashing my Lightning Aura.

I shadow box empty air as my mind races with countless ideas on how to improve. I can't help but curse myself for thinking I was the only special person to have existed on Sphera.

The Sword God of the past is rumoured to have been an F Rank who could slay Mortal Gods using only his sword.

He was madman who trained to the pinnacle of swordsmanship with great hardship in order to reach the summit!

Why is it that I became so lazy after arriving in this magical world?

Forget it. I should be focusing on creating a new technique instead of uselessly asking the air for answers.

I need to reevaluate my strengths and weaknesses on a much deeper level.

My strengths are my martial arts and scientific knowledge whilst my weakness is my low Magical Talent.

If I was to pick the weakest strength among what I have, it would be my scientific knowledge, so I probably shouldn't rely on it too much to defeat enemies that are way stronger than me.


My biggest strength is the martial arts I've honed on the battlefield, so I should be using that as a base, my abilities need to close-combat ones.

I actually used a lot of knowledge regarding anatomy when I created the abilities of Level 2 Aura Manifestation.

My Lightning Aura mixed with my body's nervous system to increase my mind's natural cognitive perception.

My Water Aura mixed with my Immune System in order to increase my body's rate of regeneration,

My Earth Aura mixed with my skin in order to increase physical resistance.

My Fire Aura mixed with my muscles in order to increase its power physically and my Wind Aura mixed with my bones in order to lessen weight.

Simultaneously using these unique Arts wouldn't increase the Level of my Aura but mixing them together should work.

Lightning Aura is most useful to me when fighting stronger opponents due to its strong Anti-Magic effect, so I'm using that as the foundation of my new technique, then add Water Aura to it.

I stop punching and close my eyes in order to feel the Lightning Aura around me then try to connect it with my Water Aura in order to create a battery.

I don't really understand how particles of ice can gather electrical charge but I try to recreate than phenomenon with my blood. I condensed my Lightning Aura into my body and fused it together with my nervous system.

It's dangerous to experiment abilities in such a way but I have my Water Aura's: Regenerative Blood to help me heal if I was to injure myself.

The Lightning Aura within my nervous system successfully connects to immune system, but I wasn't done, my Aura headed towards my skin as well.

I connected every part of my body one by one using my mimicked Aura's.

The foundation was the nervous system that was enhanced using my Lightning Aura, so the effect of that Aura also passed onto each of body parts my other Aura's were enhancing.


Each of the four elemental Aura's were granted an additional physical effect.

Firstly. the immune system that was enhanced by my Water Aura gained the ability to store electrical energy.

Secondly, the skin that was reinforced by my Earth Aura gained the ability to store the purest form of Ether.

Thirdly, the muscles that were enhanced by my Fire Aura gained the ability to store a lot of kinetic energy.

Lastly, the bones that were lightened by my Wind Aura gained the ability to store and condense my own Mana.

The Aura that was being released outside my body returned into it and seeped into every fibre of my being.

It kept moving from my immune system, to my skin, to my muscles, to my bones and then back to my immune system again in a cycle that used my nervous system as a foundation.

My iris turned purple once again, but that was the only external change in my appearance, it would be hard for others to figure out just what was happening inside my body. After stabilising my ability, I put on Magicians Hand that Mark gifted me, then experimented by controlling the Mana stored within.

I didn't release a Spell, but instead moved the four slots of stored Mana into my bones, allowing it to quickly process it and convert it in its cycle.

The four additional abilities were interconnected with each other and created a balance of energy within me.

If I was to absorb too much Mana within my bones, it would convert into electrical energy within my blood, the cycle continues by converting the electrical energy into Ether if the charge within my blood was too strong.

As a precaution, I also made it so I wouldn't overload by expelling energy I can't convert into attacks.

The more time passed, the more I familiarity I gained concerning this new ability of mine, the sun had risen but I still stubbornly trained.

"Simon, what are you doing?" My mother asks after entering the room.

It seems my promise to mother yesterday had brightened her mood.

She doesn't even seem to want to bring up yesterday's promise so I didn't mention it. My mind was calm as I stopped using my new ability.

"I've almost created my own version of Level 3 Aura Manifestation." I reply.

"Almost complete!? That quick?!" My mother was shocked by my answer.

"I just need to adjust it a little before it's actually ready for use in combat. I named it: 'Combat Body' for now." My mother's shock made quite proud of my achievements. Right, there's also a few things I need to experiment as well.

"Where's Merilin?"

"She's in our room. Is there some other Spell you wanted to teach her?" Mother replies before asking another question.

"I just wanted to test something."

"Then it can wait. There's someone who wants to meet you."

"Hmmm? Who?"

"The Young Miss, that's who." At my mother's reply, I couldn't help but feel a little shocked, but mother didn't give me time to react and pulled me to the training grounds specifically made for the Young Miss to train her abilities.

"I have work to do so have fun." After leaving behind those words, my mother quickly left, a playful smile etched across her face as she laughed.

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