《Battlefield Restart (Original/Unedited)》Chapter 18: The Swordwick Duke's Perspective


[Aura Conjuring- Astral Swords!]

Many Outsiders died at my hands as I walked around the battlefield.

No matter how many Goblins attacked the border of the Drakeyol Kingdom, a sword made from my Water Aura would always cut them apart, causing the morale of the soldiers to increase.

One hundred and twenty aquatic swords hovered above me as I made my way towards my servant who was fighting hard to keep me protected.

Although I don't really need his protection, it still warm my heart to see such dedication in my noble household of Martial Swordsman, a content smile curves on my face as I leisurely fought.

As a noble of the kingdom, I normally have to talk to many people with ulterior motives concerning any and all relationships. This made me feel more guarded towards people whilst growing up. However, who could have predicted that I would trust others like I do now?

This wasn't because of my own efforts but due to the stubbornness of my Head Butler and his wife.

A feeling of nostalgia ran through me as I remembered the two mercenaries that eventually become my servants.

Not only was there Magical Talents excellent, their combat abilities were pretty strong as well, which was the reason I tried to hire them as servants.

Some people would say that I'm as arrogant as a King for thinking that two high level Mercenaries would would become my servants, but I don't care, becoming my servants shouldn't be unacceptable for them since I did spent a lot of resources to heal them.

"Master Swordwick, is something wrong?" My Head Butler asks.

"It's about your son." After hearing my words, he couldn't help but helplessly smile, since he knew what I was going to advise him out of my kindness.

"I don't want him to live the life as an ordinary servant of the household." I couldn't help but furrow my brows as I heard this. I didn't think my Butler would be so cruel towards his son.


"Although I've been given information regarding your son's exceptional performance, there's no way for him to help my daughter with his limited potential, not unless he is able to break laws of nature like my ancestor." As Fredrick heard my opinion, his smile stiffened, because he most likely understood that no one could rival the Sword God of the Chaotic Era.

"No, he can, because he's a genius."

"A genius? I agree. His imaginative ways of using Mana is something I haven't seen before, and his martial arts far outstrip those his own age, but that is all he has to rely on."

"You just don't understand. Even if he can't reach the third level and become a Human Combatant with his strength, he will still be able to keep up with your daughter, I believe in him."

"Fine then. I'll give him a test, if he's unable to pass, you must give up on trying to groom him into a Human Combatant." I give up in trying to change his decision and instead try a different approach to persuade him.

"... I understand." Fredrick reluctantly agrees, and with that, the duel between the two little butlers was set in stone.

I know that with that little guys cold personality, he wouldn't agree to a duel easily, so I'll make sure that Jack infuriates him with his sharp tongue.


I thought that Simon would lose to that arrogant pri- I mean, talented personal butler candidate, but who could have thought that his mind was so devious?

Throughout the entire duel, he was always thinking one step ahead and used every trick in the book to fight.

His combat prowess far exceeded any Rank F Magical Talent I have ever seen before. However, the only reason he won was due to Jack's overconfidence.

Would an experienced veteran really be shocked by Simon's strange Spells?


"Greetings House Master, is there something wrong?" As he speaks, I look at Simon's calm and composed eyes with complexity. Unable to put into words what I wanted to advise.

Fredrick's a fool who'd put too much faith in people and Martha's a naive woman who only looks at her child's smile, both of these two servants aren't able to properly judge Simon as whole.

From his academic results, I can say that he has a high chance of becoming a Scholar in future instead of a Combatant. My daughter, Sapphire, is destined to surpass him no matter how he shortens the gap between them.

I don't want to give this talented youth false hope, so it would be better if he chose a realistic goal like being a normal Butler or Guard, since both of these occupations only needed someone with Level 2 Combat Prowess.

"Simon Rainglow, after seeing your strength, I've concluded that sending you to the Royal Academy would be a waste of time." Simon's eyes widened in disbelief as he heard my cold words.

"Is it because of my F Rank Magical Talent?" Simon asks in return.

"That's only one reason I'm unable to accept you as my daughter's personal butler, the second reason is due to the fact that you're untalented in sharpening your Aura, which is the only way to keep up with her."

"I can increase the quality of my techniques and bring them to higher levels. The magical abilities I've shown wasn't the limit of my power." As I heard these words, I couldn't help but glance at my two servants standing besides me as they nodded their heads to his words, I lean forward on my chair in order to look at him closely.

"From what I could tell, you increased your physical abilities through the use of your mimicked Aura, a true warrior would be able to beat you down barehanded despite your unusual martial arts ability and combat prowess. In regards to your unusual Spells, they take too long to charge, and even an ordinary warrior would be able to use that opening to kill you."

"I will adapt my magical abilities in future. I'll increase the quality of my Arts and Spells to make up for my lack of Mana. I'll use equipment to bolster my combat prowess even higher."

"Increase the quality of your Spells? Do you think you're the only one with strong Arts and Spells? Or do you think these abilities you're going to make will be as strong as the Sword God's Aura Manifestation? You ignorant child!"

At these words, the little guy wasn't able to retort, it seems he suddenly realising how ignorant he was before.

"Let's take my Astral Swords as an example. The first level of the ability lets me control 40 swords created by my Aura as I wish, the second level allows me to control 80, and the third level allows me to control 120.

The drawbacks is its powerful Mana consumption and the fact that mastering the ability is extremely difficult. However, the power of this Art is something feared by all.

Other people's specialised Arts and Spells may not be able to compare with this ability when it comes to attack power, but that doesn't mean they are weaklings. Think about your future carefully and stop daydreaming about becoming another Sword God, because no one has the ability to surpass him."

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