《Battlefield Restart (Original/Unedited)》Chapter 8: Common Swordsmanship


"Looks like there's still no hope for me to get stronger." I sighed to myself in disappointment as I looked at the multiple affinities drawn on the page. I wouldn't have been dissatisfied if I had an average Rank E Magical Talent, but considering I didn't, these affinities still won't change that won't be able to become stronger in the future. Couldn't Enigma just given me a higher talent instead of these useless affinities?

My resolve is shaken because I know the limit of where technique can stand against those of higher power. The amount of destruction one of higher Magical Talent could cause is exponentially different from lower ones who don't understand Mana's intricacy.

Even in this world, a weak martial artist can't compare to a inexperienced yet strong fighter. Even though a martial artist's technique is higher than most, when faced against the overwhelming physical strength created by Magical Talent, the effect these techniques can bring out drop dramatically. My resolve was shaken, but after remembering the promise I made my heart not long before, the despair I felt was thrown into the wind.

This will not stop me! A weak man is a man who gives up! I shouldn't be ashamed of being weak, no, I should be ashamed of staying weak! Giving up now would shame both my little sister and parents. How could I give up without a good fight? Enigma, watch me, I'll show you that I can protect my family without your damn help!

"There's hope. As long as I don't give up, there'll always be hope. Just look at those five affinities, even if you were born with less Mana, it shouldn't be that bad. " My father, who seems to have been eavesdropping the entire time, barged in and consoled. There a look of excitement in his eyes since having so many attribute affinities was extremely rare. Even a member of the Royal Family that ruled over all of humanity wouldn't necessarily have more magical affinities than I do.

Wait... Why was father listing in?

My suspicious eyes were caught by father as he let out an awkward cough in return and decided to quiet down.

"There is always hope. There is more than one way to get stronger. I already know that. So thank you for reminding me, father." I said monotonously. My father looked at my blank expression for a second before feeling even more awkward and embarrassed as a result.

"I've have some important business to attend to tomorrow so Mark will be training you the basics of magic, martial arts and swordsmanship for a few days until I get some free time from my schedule. Your mother will be busy working alongside me as well. Please get along with Mark until we've accomplished our goals." He said before quickly making a strategically swift retreat. I paid no attention to my father's awkward retreat and looked at mother who was giggling to the side.

"Mark will train me?" I asked with a doubtful expression. It wasn't as if I hated Mark, but... Isn't he the guy who gets scared of father all the time? How will that guy be able to train me?


"Stop worrying and get to the training grounds tomorrow. Although Mark looks... A little timid... He's actually very hardworking." My mother replies after some hesitation. Yeah mother, hesitate. Your hesitation only fuels my suspicion towards that coward.

I remember the time when he pulled out a sword to deal with a 'scary' fly...

"Then I'll try my best." I reluctantly said after thinking about it briefly. It's only until I finish learning the basics so there's probably no need to worry...

The very next day, I walk to the training fields to find a blonde-haired prince- No that's not right, he's just a butler. Seriously, these butlers and maids of the Swordwick Household are really colourful. If my father looks like a stern and responsible warrior-type butler, then Mark would be the naive and cowardly prince-type butler that looked way too inexperienced to be even holding a sword on his waist.

"How are you today? Shall we get started on our basics?" Mark said with a confident smile that multiplied his natural handsomeness by tenfold.

The energetic maids of the Swordwick Household who we're back to their regular training routines secretly glanced at him with adoring eyes, but reversely to them the butlers fiercely glared at Mark with clear signs of envy.

"Just get on with it already, or do you want me throw an insect on you?" I said flatly. These kinds of handsome studs were extremely irritating to look at. It's not because I'm jealous... I'm definitely not jealous...! Not one bit!

"Please don't say stuff like that. You know of my fear of insects." He ran up to me and whispered in my ear. I don't understand why the Duke would even hire such a cowardly clean freak. Such a narcissistic clean freak that can be defeated by a single look of a spider should have been fired long ago.

"Fine. Just start teaching already." I don't even try to use the manners I learned from my mother and order.

"Your wish is my command~" Rays of light fall on Mark's silhouette as he elegantly took out a wooden sword.

"First things first. Let me teach you about the four major styles of Common Swordsmanship that are practiced even outside of kingdom." Marks says while brandishing his wooden swords in the air. He takes up a stance similar to the one used by my father yesterday and firmly swings his wooden sword.

Hmm? Why does it feel that the atmosphere around his changed? It's almost like he became an entirely different person by practicing Swordsmanship. However, my strong prejudice towards him doesn't go away because even I'm envious of his looks.

"This is known as Earth Style Swordsmanship. A form of that is able to make a sword have the strength of a hammer by using your Aura to mimic Earth. It's stable, firm and decisive when cutting foes. A swordsmanship that was a major help to the current Sword God in our times." Mark entire atmosphere changed once more as his sword strikes whistled through the air like mallets. Am opal glow surrounded the sword as it seemed to make the wooden sword as heavy as a hammer.


The technique seemed as simple as imbuing a sword with the Earth Attribute before swinging it, but my previous conjectures were thrown out the window after I saw how the wooden sword seemed to become part of the ground below us as well. Instead of saying he was imbuing his sword movements with Mana, it was more accurate to say that his swordsmanship seemed to attract Earth Ether instead.

The opal glow on Mark's wooden sword wasn't a manifestation of his own Mana but instead a force of nature that was soured on with his movements. Even though I knew Mark was a Wind Specialist like mother, I didn't think his mastery over the Earth Style would be so finesse. It probably had to do with how strong Wind Specialists had a wider arrange of methods in combat.

"Sword God?" The term was new to me so I couldn't help but mutter it to myself once more. Mark looked like he was waiting for my question and smiled pridefully as a result. It looks like this guy couldn't wait to show off.

"Sword God it a title given to the Grandmaster among Grandmaster Swordsman. It's a title that shows one has surpassed his peers and become a legend that will be written down for ages to come. The first Sword God, Sword Emperor Gerald Knightly was a man of great virtue that spread his teaching of the sword to strengthen the Human Race that was weakened after the 'Gods Abandonment' incident hundreds of years ago." Mark explained as he stopped demonstrating the heavy moves of Earth Style Swordsmanship. A tremor ran through my heart as Mark mentioned that incident I had unwillingly become the perpetrator of. Hey, it's not like I chose to be summoned. It's that King's fault!

"Just forget about it and continue your explanation on major paths of Elemental Swordmanships." I reminded Mark before he accidently changed the subject. There's no need to waste my time talking about what I already know about. I tried to copy his Earth Style Swordsmanship but failed after a few attempts of clumsy swings.

Since I was supposed to use my Aura to mimic Earth, I tried to increase the density of my Aura in able to improve its power, but my each attempt failed at even coming close to Mark's sword.

Hah... Why am I unable to get the basics down? It's just swinging my wooden sword heavily. There shouldn't be much of a problem to comprehend the intricacies of something basic.

The man named Gerald Knightly was a figurehead in history that the Drakeyol Kingdom was most proud of. As the founder and creator of Elemental Swordsmanship, one would think that he'd only leave his life's work to his apprentices. It was to the surprise to everyone on Sphera that he actually shared our his life's work to the rest of humanity in order defend against the forces of Outsiders that have now created their own countries on both the lands owned by Humans and Beasts.

Just thinking about the effectiveness of Elemental Swordsmanship makes me sigh at how vastly different martial arts of Earth are compared to Sphera. The martial arts of Earth focused more on the control of physical strength whilst the martial arts of Sphera concentrated on unconscious control over Mana.

By undergoing visualisation and concentration training, warriors of Sphera could even become Elemental Specialists who could intuitively control Attributed Mana without having to spend their time focusing.

If that wasn't enough then the fact that there were actually classes among specialist nearly blew me away. Skills and techniques were an utmost importance when trying to gain a higher standing in the Mercenary Guild my parents once worked for.

One could specialise in the controlling the element of Earth. However, the difference between a Swordsman who specialised in the Earth Attribute and one who didn't is like night and day.

If two Earth Specialists fought one another, the victor would go to the fighters with more options available on hand. The same could also be said for Specialists of other elements. If a Specialist was to fight someone who isn't the same attribute as himself, then the victory would go to the one with a higher Magical Talent or the one who has an affinity that counters the foe.

Well, this was true for every specialisation besides Water Specialists since none of them are usually able to find Water Ether when on land...

Either way, Elemental Swordsmanship was a lot more than just being able to hit a little stronger and father. The five Elemental Styles were perfect mediums for Arts that required sword mastery.

As someone who had read a lot about Elemental Swordsmanship and the theories behind magical Arts, learning the basics should be a piece of cake!

"You're not doing it right! You haven't even let me teach any basic forms yet you think you're a genius at sword fighting? Those movements are completely amaturish! You think that you'll be able to learn how to use the sword only after a few swings? Stop practicing!" The always foolish smile on Mark's face disappeared as he berrated my movements. My back stiffened up unconsciously as I found that he was seriously in teaching me the basics of Magic Swordsmanship.

His sudden change in attitude seems to have not suprised anyone in the training grounds. I could tell that everyone now changed the way they looked at him now. it was as if they didn't want to anger him while he was in teaching mode. This caused me to see this prince-type cowardly butler in a new light. It is no wonder father wanted me to train with Mark, because even my father can't help but go easy on while instructing me. I didn't argue with Mark and allow him to teach me the way that he think is best.

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