《Immortals: The Curse of Samsara》Chapter 56


Elizabeth unfolded her white cane and exited the elevator. Although she could vaguely see the shapes of objects around her, she had to maintain her act of being blind; Elizabeth needed to use her cane as she never knew who could be watching. After all, it would be dubious if someone discovered that she, as someone who's blind, could effortlessly navigate the corridors of her hotel without the aid of her cane.

Arriving in front of her suite's door, she paused, her hand mere millimetres from the handle. The intuition she had developed throughout her career, which had yet to fail her, set off alarms in her mind.

An intruder? she thought grimly before turning to face the door. Her Aura Sight could be focused on allowing her to see the aura of life through inanimate objects, albeit temporarily, and she caught the sight of a figure standing near her dining table, his back to her. Almost immediately, she ruled out Jenny or Tommy being the figure; Jenny's curved body was shaped differently while Tommy was much bigger than the figure she gleaned through her special sight.

As her thoughts on the intruder swept through her mind within seconds, Elizabeth's hand began moving and she opened the door nonchalantly, pretending to not notice even as a thin compartment the handle on her white cane opened, revealing itself to be a barely noticeable dart gun, the tip of which was no doubt drenched in lethal poison.

"Now, is that any way to greet your father?" the figure playfully asked as he turned around. At first, the intruder pretended to not know that Elizabeth was behind him, but when she raised the barrel of her dart gun to his back, he decided to stop playing.

The man in front of her was well past his sixties, yet he appeared to be a lot younger. His dark hair was lined on both sides with large streaks of grayish-white hair, and his strong yet wrinkled face had nary an age spot. His dark eyes, sunken with craftiness but tempered with wisdom and experience, shone with amusement as he lifted a glass of red wine to his lips.

"Mmm," he savored the drink before raising his glass in a toast to Elizabeth. "Liber Pater. My, you do have a taste for the finer things in life, don't you? Freya."

Elizabeth heaved a sigh of relief as she lowered her weapon, but still remained on guard. "What are ye doing 'ere? An' yer not my father."

"Not by blood, no," the mysterious man agreed, his cunning eyes turning soft for the briefest moment. "But, to me, you've always been the closest I've had to a daughter."

"Ye didn't answer me question," Elizabeth pointed out.

The man, Freya's father, didn't reply immediately. Instead, he looked at her for a moment before taking another sip from his glass and gesturing at the dining table.

"Hm, come," he said to Elizabeth as he sat down. "Sit."

As he spoke, the suite's door opened after a curt knock and a hotel waiter entered while pushing a trolley. Within a few seconds of entering, the waiter placed several plates of various dishes and a new bottle of wine before exiting.

"Thanks, but ay prefer standing," Elizabeth answered.

"And let such good food go to waste?" The man asked inquisitively, placing a fork of his pepper-crusted beef tenderloin into his mouth while gesturing at the table, which was set for two, as he chewed.

"Wilson …"

"I came to see how you were doing," Wilson interrupted, his voice imposing enough to cut her off despite him speaking in a low voice. "You've always had impeccable timing on your previous assignments but this time . . ."


Wilson dawdled, chewing on another forkful of beef before adding, "Not to mention, the mark this time is your beloved's . . ."

Wilson eyed Elizabeth sharply as she winced, his doubts were clear as day and Elizabeth looked away for a moment, unable to maintain her calmness.

"I-I'm working on it," Elizabeth replied rather meekly. "It's taking time."

The atmosphere changed as Wilson meticulously studied her face, searching for a hint of lie while Elizabeth turned to gaze back at him without a shred of guilt, her serenity returned. After a moment of silence, Wilson smiled, approval gleaming through his experienced eyes.

"Good," he said with satisfaction. "The mark this time is too important to miss."

"Why?" Elizabeth asked, her question encompassing the many questions, doubts, and the pain she felt.

Wilson paused his fork in midair and sighed, his face falling as he understood Elizabeth's pain. "If it were up to me, dear, I would've never wanted to do this. He is a very dangerous individual, and a frightening enemy to have. But there's nothing I can do."

"But yer the -"

"Being the Head of Morta does not mean I rule the organization," Wilson corrected Elizabeth before she could finish. "This is not only a mark but an agreement. An agreement made centuries ago . . . an agreement we must fulfill."

"But . . . Jason's -" Elizabeth's voice broke as she swallowed whatever she wanted to say.

"Must be taken care of," Wilson calmly finished. "I'm sorry, but it must be done. And you must do it. If you don't -"

Wilson paused, his eyes locked on Elizabeth before he continued in a slow voice.

"- You will become the next mark. And there is nothing I could possibly do to protect you, not this time. After all, that is the rule."

Finish the mark, no matter the cost . . . or become the mark. It was the inexpressible rule of Morta, one that every assassin, hitman, and hired killer within the organization knew.

Wilson finished eating and wiped his mouth with a handkerchief before he stood up to leave. After passing Elizabeth, he abruptly paused, right in front of the door, his hand on the door handle.

"Oh, and before I forget," Wilson turned back to Elizabeth, his sympathetic eyes falling on her stomach. "Congratulations. I would drink less though if I were you. After all, it could harm the child."

As Wilson left, a bemused Elizabeth suddenly paled as she realized what the latter meant. Her hands automatically went to her stomach as she dropped her cane.

"No . . . no, it can't be," she whispered as she shook her head in denial. Yet, she instantly recalled how she felt the past two weeks and, deep down, she knew the answer. Her morning sickness, the inability to keep alcohol in her stomach, and even her recent dislike of her favourite foods …

"No, no, no," Elizabeth almost sobbed as she covered her face with her hands.

The father of my child is . . . Elizabeth thought as despair filled her thoughts. Jason. Oh, laddie . . . What am ay supposed to do?

She sat down, staring blankly at the space in front of her for hours, even after Jenny and Tommy returned from their date. Without explaining anything, she ordered Tommy to book another room for her, intending on staying alone despite Jenny's concern. After moving to her new room, she dashed once more to the bathroom as she heaved and retched again.

Returning and lying down on her bed, Elizabeth decided to call her friend. After a few rings, an annoyed voice picked up the phone.


"Damnit, Fey, it's past midnight and I've finally gotten a night to sleep in -"

"Tam . . . I need your help," Elizabeth cut in. Despite trying to regulate her voice, the heavy sobs came out and, on the other side of the call, Tam stood up at once.

"Where are you?" Tam asked immediately as she hastily dressed herself up.

"Hotel Belvedere."

"I'll be right there," Tam replied before instructing, "Don't hang up the phone. Just keep talking to me. Tell me what's wrong."

"I . . . I don't know what to do," Elizabeth tearfully admitted after a long pause. "I'm finally seeing him after so long . . . but now . . ."

"Fey . . . Liz is . . . Jason - is he your . . . target?" Tamara asked after she kissed her husband and ran down the stairs.

Previously, Tamara was a team member of Elizabeth and a former Morta associate. However, she had retired years ago. These days, she saved lives as a doctor instead of taking them.

"Tam . . . Tam," Elizabeth choked as tears fell down her eyes and down to her ears. "I-I'm . . . pregnant. With his child."

". . . Fuck," Tamara swore under her breath as she hailed an automated taxi. "Hotel Belvedere, please. Liz, listen to me. I'll be at the hotel soon, text me the room number."

Ten minutes later, a dishevelled Elizabeth opened her room's door and a breathless Tamara entered while catching her breath; she had run up to the 50th floor where Elizabeth’s room was.

"Sorry," Tamara said as she hugged Elizabeth. "Elevator was taking forever, so I ran up here."

"Tam . . ."

"Nevermind me," Tamara waved Elizabeth's concern for her away and focused on the latter. "Are you sure you're pregnant?"

"I think so," Elizabeth gloomily replied with a sigh; it was as though she had caught an incurable disease. "I know the symptoms."

"Pregnancy is not an - anyways," Tamara was about to correct Elizabeth but coughed and shook her head. Instead, she pulled out a pregnancy test kit from her purse. "Here, we need to test it for sure. You need to -"

"I know how to use these, Tam. I'm not a blithering idiot," Elizabeth replied with a resentful gaze as she snatched the test kit and went to the bathroom.

Soon, Elizabeth exited the bathroom with a pale face, her eyes looking lost as she sat down on a chair abruptly, as though she lost all the strength in her body. Tamara, witnessing this, already knew the answer, but she took the tester from Elizabeth's hand and checked it. The plus sign was glaringly obvious and Tamara couldn't help but sigh.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Tamara asked and Elizabeth absentmindedly told her everything.

"Does he know?" Tamara finally asked after she finished listening and Elizabeth jolted up and glared at her.

"No. And he can't know," Elizabeth replied, her firm eyes gazing at Tamara steely. "Not yet."

"You do realize that it'd be pretty bad if you don't tell him," Tamara couldn't help but point out logically. "You told him that you slept with other people for the past two weeks as reven -"

"Which was a lie," Elizabeth interrupted impatiently. "Ay may have flirted but ay would never sleep with anoth'er man. Ye know me, Tam."

"Uh-huh. But he doesn't," Tamara replied. "And the longer you take to tell him, the worse it'll get. He might just leave you if he misunderstands who the father is."

"Considering what I'm about to do . . . Do I deserve less?" Elizabeth asked with dull eyes.

"No. No, of course not," Tamara consoled Elizabeth as she hugged her. "It's not your choice and I'm sure he'd understand. You just need to explain the situation to him. The whole situation."

"I - I'll try," Elizabeth struggled with herself for a moment before answering Tamara, who nodded at her encouragingly. Inwardly though, she was sighing at how dramatic and messed up the whole thing was.

Oh, Fey, Tamara thought as she tried cheering Elizabeth up. This is why I told you to leave Morta with me when you had the chance.


Alina shifted restlessly in her sleep. Echoes of a distant, nightmarish memory coursed through her dreams and she shook her head while murmuring.

"Mom, no . . ." Alina muttered before jumping up and crying, "No!"

Bemused and disorientated, Alina looked around the room as her heart thumped rapidly with adrenaline. Her hand clutched the front of her pajamas tightly as she tried calming her breathless gasps. Her hands slowly loosened as the adrenaline coursing through her slowly died and she calmed down. She rubbed the scar on her chest that was tingling before sitting up and leaning on the headboard, hugging her knees as tears cascaded down her face.

"Mom . . ." she choked out with a quiet snivel. "Dad . . . Katie . . . everyone . . ."

As she sobbed silently, the dead hushful night was interrupted by a roar that shook the entire house.


Alina's eyes widened when she heard Jason's sorrowful shout, her mind shaken with shock. Listening carefully, she heard him lumbering down the stairs moments later.

"Oh, Jason . . ." Alina lamented, her heart aching as she felt his pain and suffering.

She had known that, just like her, Jason had nightmares of the night her life ended; for the past two years, he always relegated his own trauma to focus on her wellbeing. Yet, this past year, Alina had noticed that Jason was no longer pretending to be cheerful, that he would genuinely joke and laugh, and Alina had assumed that he had finally moved on from Katelyn. But she was wrong, so very wrong.

God, I should've realized that he didn't, Alina thought as she admonished herself. How could he, when I couldn't? He's always been there for me . . . but have I been there for him? Did I even try?

Alina stopped hugging herself and stood up, her eyes turning firm as the tears faded away.

I need to be there for him now.


Jason opened his eyes and blinked, slightly confused as he couldn't remember what he was doing before this. He was atop a large bed that could easily hold six people. The room he was in was decorated luxuriously, as though it were the chambers of a king, but Jason's eyes were fixed on the woman below him.

Her dark red hair was damp as though she had just taken a shower, and her murky but bright electric blue eyes gazed as Jason lovingly. She was lying on her side like a lazy cat, her pink lingerie unable to hide the bulging stomach and the full breasts that were leaking milk, leaving two wet stains on the lingerie along with the soaked underwear.

"Oh, laddie," Freya moaned sensationally as the hand groping her soft but firm bosom dug in deeper.

What's going on? Jason asked himself. Like watching a first perspective movie, he wasn't able to control himself. His body moved on its own, reaching out for now pleasure as he tried to make sense of what was happening.

Jason felt a thrill of exhilaration shudder through his spine as he continued fondling her, all his previous questions swept away with delighted pleasure. Her breast would change shape with his ministrations yet it always returned to its former shape almost immediately. The grape-like bud sitting atop her mountain swelled even more, tantalizing him into sucking it. Freya cried out more lovingly as her hands made its way down to his rod and slowly began massaging it but Jason was too busy to notice.

A warm trickle of liquid entered his mouth, the milky sweet taste arousing him more than Elizabeth's hands could. He quickly moved to her other breast and greedily suckled it, causing Elizabeth to moan as her hands moved up and wrapped itself around his head, stroking his hair while pushing him closer. Jason, in return, stroked her stomach lovingly, pulling away from her bosoms when he felt a kick.

"Feel that?" Freya asked teasingly. "He's not happy that you're drinking all his milk."

Pregnant? Jason felt shocked as he felt the bump on her belly moving ever so slightly.

"Hm, no," Jason voiced out as he chuckled and rubbed her belly. "She's just reminding me to pay more attention elsewhere. Like . . . "

Jason's hand crawled down Elizabeth's body slowly, inciting a shiver of anticipation as he slowly made his way to the honeypot between her legs.

"Here," Jason breathed into her ears as she moaned. The wet spot between her legs increased as Jason slipped his hand into her underwear and played her petals.

"Mhmm, ye want to fuck me even though I'm pregnant, eh? Laddie?" Elizabeth asked as she coyly stroked her own body. Her hands went up from her hips to her breasts, one of which she held and lifted to her mouth before teasingly sucking it, driving Jason mad with lust. Even the part of Jason that was questioning the logic of the situation became dazed with passionate lust.

Tearing her underwear, he moved to thrust into her, but Elizabeth pushed him away lightly while laughing. She brought her legs together and turned very slowly to the side, cradling her stomach like a protective mother before using a hand to stretch her magnificent ass, revealing her hungry lower mouth. With her position, Jason could lean forward to kiss her without hurting the baby. Seeing this, Jason decided not to take it easy and use his powers to control the length of his spear. In but a moment, he was over ten inches tall and much wider.

"Like this," she whispered seductively. "Fuck me like this."

Jason gleefully obliged, grunting as the head of his rod stretched her petals wide before sliding into her with only a bit of resistance.

"Aah, gentle, gently, mhmm," Freya moaned and cried, a hand on her bulging stomach as he thrust into her at a steady pace. Jason also groaned with pleasure as he lifted a leg of hers and placed it over his shoulder. He began thrusting faster, immensely enjoying the tightness of Elizabeth's body as she cried and climaxed repeatedly, her sweet body constantly constricting against his rod.

Damnit Lizzy . . . Jason thought as he lost himself in her. I can never get enough of you.

"More, more!" Freya screamed erotically as Jason barely paused his movements, despite her vagina tightening around his rod. She twisted her upper body to face Jason and gazed into his eyes lovingly. "Give it tah me. Give me your milk, m'eudail."

Her dirty talk sent Jason over the edge and, with one final thrust to her cervix, he gave out a low roar and climaxed. He felt like he was floating as he released a steady stream of his essence into Elizabeth, groaning and sighing before leaning forward and kissing her. The latter was breathing heavily before lying back down, exhausted from one shot despite being hungry for more; it was clear that she was putting her child's safety before her passionate lust.

Jason was still unsatisfied and he stroked her body before naughtily moving his hands to her bosom, eliciting a moan of protest from Elizabeth.

"Oh, laddie, no more," Freya said and she prevented him from mounting her again.

"Aw, but I'm still hard," Jason sighed as he rubbed his still hard rod against her soft, smooth, and supple skin.

"You're always hard, even after two whole nights of shagging," Freya pointed out. "No one can satisfy you, not alone at least."

"Hmm, true," Jason grinned as the rational part of his mind inwardly nodded in agreement. Perhaps it was him unintentionally using his Esper powers, or maybe it was his body that was strengthened by Qi . . . regardless, he was never able to satiate his lustful nature; he had yet to meet a woman capable of handling his overflowing vigour.

As the same part of Jason contemplated this, his body moved on its own again, crawling his hands closer to Elizabeth's inner thigh when the latter slapped his hands away.

"Good thing I'm not the only one," Freya said as Jason felt another presence.

His body turned around and grinned wickedly at the newcomer who was slowly crawling her way to Jason on the bed.

Melanie? Jason incredulously thought. Whoa, what is she . . . ?

To ask what Melanie was wearing would be an understatement; it was not that she was naked per se, but her outfit was enough to arouse even the most cold-blooded individual into attacking her.

She was wearing a string lingerie that was composed of only silver chains. On her neck was a necklace with a black jewelled pendant which connected to three chains, two of which ran down to her chest, ending with nipple clamps. The third went straight down her flat stomach and connected to the crotchless g string that was also made of chains. A string ending with a black opal swung between her legs as she crawled closer to Jason, purring like a kitten when she noticed his eyes locked on her unwaveringly. [1]

Grabbing the chains, Jason tugged and pulled Melanie into his arms as she cried out in pain and pleasure from the strain it caused to her clamps. With a pant, she opened her mouth lolling out her tongue erotically. Leaning down, Jason did the same and the two shared an open-mouthed kiss.

As they massaged each other's tongues, Jason wrapped an arm around Melanie and snaked it across her back and to her chest. He squeezed the clamp between his fingers and his other hand did the same to her clamped clitoris. Melanie gasped harder, her breaths coming out in low, throaty puffs as her body trembled and shuddered, copious amounts of juice leaking into Jason's hand and her inner thighs.

With a low chuckle, Jason broke away from their tongue chasing and raised his hand up to Melanie's sight, showing his index and middle finger coated in her sticky fluids and the latter licked her lips. Both leaned forward with a word and each licked a finger before kissing again.

Pulling away once more, Jason grabbed Melanie's head and pushed her down to her towering rod which was still sticky from his previous exercise with Elizabeth.

"Suck it," he ordered in a commanding voice.

With a moan, Melanie complied and opened her petite mouth. In one stroke, she swallowed a third of Jason's giant rod, but the latter was unsatisfied. With a grunt, he wrapped Melanie's hair around his hand and pushed downwards with more force. More than half of Jason's spear was in her mouth before his glans touched the back of her mouth. Led by a few more groans, he began thrusting his hips, ignoring her uncomfortable gagging as her tonsils rubbed against his rod.

In mere moments, he climaxed straight into her throat. As he pulled his manhood away from her mouth, Melanie stopped him and began sucking intensely at his tip, coaxing his urethra to release whatever semen he had remaining. Jason cried out while raising his head, his eyes closed as the pleasure forced his penis to harden once again. Melanie laughed and bit his glans with her side teeth, the canines, before releasing him.

"Get up. On your knees," Jason commanded as he smacked her ass.

Melanie moaned with a coquettish giggle as she lowered her upper body onto the bed while raising her luscious rump up into the air. He gave each cheek another smack before bending down and inspecting her dripping honeypot. He grinned darkly when he saw drops of her fluid moving down to her thighs and quickly lapped it up before sucking on her thin slit of honey.

Melanie cried out gleefully, her high-pitched voice echoing loudly with the pleasure she was feeling as Jason tried his best to drink up the abundant honey leaking from between her legs. Once he was done, Jason pulled away and slapped her again, this time at the area between her legs, eliciting another shriek from Melanie as he placed himself right behind her. Aligning his cock, he rubbed the glans on her petals, lubricating himself with her juice before pushing his glans into her tight slit. Melanie's pussy was stretched as it simultaneously swallowed the tip of his cock greedily and tightly squeezed him back out all at once. Jason pushed in a little deeper before pulling out with an intense groan while Melanie shrieked with joy.

"Ah, you naughty little sex toy."

"Mmhm," Melanie moaned coquettishly in agreement. "I'm your little slut."

He repeated the actions, pushing only the tip of his penis into her again and again, before finally aiming at the puckered hole hovering above her honeypot.

Melanie gritted her teeth, her hands clenching the bedsheet as her ass was stretched to accommodate Jason's wide cock. Grabbing her waist, Jason thrust deeper without giving Melanie a moment to relax. He sighed and groaned as he felt her asshole clench when he fully submerged himself inside her.

"You like that, huh, you little slut?"

"Ah, ah!" Melanie screamed as Jason panted, her mouth open as saliva dribbled from the corner of her lips.

Jason ignored the pleasure Melanie was feeling and instead pursued his own. He pulled at her chain, tugging the clamps on her nipples and clit, and savoured the tightness it brought as he pounded her faster and harder.

"Cum for me," he demanded. "Cum."

"Ah, yes, YES, AH!"

At his words, Melanie's body spasmed, her entire body shaking as she screamed her first orgasm and a gush of feminine liquids squirted from her tiny pussy. Jason groaned loudly before laughing darkly, his lower body thrusting into Melanie as deeply as possible while squeezing her nipples between his fingers. Without giving her a moment to catch her breath, Jason began pounding her again.

After tens of minutes of intense workout and various positions, Jason climaxed again, this time inside Melanie. The latter screamed a few more climaxes of her own as she felt her insides scald with his burning hot semen. Jason pulled Melanie up and devoured her exotic breasts. The exquisitely mouthful sized breasts were beyond succulent, and he bit, sucked, and licked them to his content while steadying his laboured breathing. Once he was satisfied, Jason pulled out of Melanie, with a slight plonk, as his essence dripped out from her gaping hole. Melanie laid down on her stomach and stretched her rumps to show off the copious white cream dripping down her ass and between her legs, coating even her gushing pussy. A perverse sense of achievement filled Jason as he watched her and it only increased when Melanie turned back to him and licked his rod clean like a popsicle.

Leaning back on the headboard, Jason closed his eyes, savouring this moment of rest when a voice interrupted him.

"Jason," the voice called out softly and lovingly and Jason abruptly opened his eyes.

"Emily . . ." Jason whispered guiltily, his voice hoarse and heavy as he finally regained control of his body. Almost instantaneously, he pulled a sheet nearby to cover his groin while failing to pry his eyes away from Emily.

Unlike Elizabeth and Melanie who were scantily dressed, Emily was wearing a pastel green nightgown. The modest dress couldn't hide her bulging bosoms that were threatening to pop out, nor could it cover her plump mouthwatering thighs.

Smiling at Jason, Emily moved to sit in front of a dresser, combing her long hair with a brush. Jason stood up, wrapping the sheet around his lower body before walking to Emily. His eyes could only see her now as he failed to notice that Elizabeth and Melanie had mysteriously vanished. [2]

Lifting a lock of hair, Jason breathed in. The scent of sunset dew and lilacs engulfed him as he kissed her copperish hair as his eyes gleamed with guilt and sadness.

"I'm sorry," he murmured. Emily stopped combing her hair, her hand raised halfway as she gazed back at Jason through the mirror. "I keep sleeping with others, hurting you when - you deserve so much more."

He wanted to tell her how much she means to him, how he wanted to spend this lifetime with her. He wanted to be next to her as she went to college, find a cozy apartment to move in with, and date her like a normal couple. All without the worry of his past lives and the dysfunctional troubles that followed them.

Emily smiled at Jason, her bright and pure smile too much for Jason as he turned his head to look away from her.

"Hey," Emily called out to Jason while reaching out and grabbing his hand. Her soft fingers gently caressed his callously rough hand as his head turned to look back at her. "Remember the night we met?"

Jason nodded, recalling how fragile she appeared at that time. Despite her gorgeous features, with watery eyes that shone like green jewels, and the tug he felt within his heart, he had never anticipated how close they would become in such a short time.

"I remember," he replied gently. "At that time, I was so concerned over Alle that I neglected you - how you felt."

"And I appreciated you more for that," Emily answered. "I don't think I'd have been able to face you had you shown me pity."

Jason smiled but said nothing more; he had never pitied her. Rather, he admired the strength and defiance she showed him after such a harrowing experience.

"I fell for you that night," Emily continued when she noticed Jason's silence. Her emerald eyes gleaned with fondness as she smiled. "I know it's clinched, the whole white knight gallantly saving a damsel in distress, but I couldn't help it."

As she spoke, Emily took Jason's hand and placed it over her heart. He could feel her heart, beating rapidly with anticipation, past her pillowy bosom that was as soft as a marshmallow. Emily's green eyes broke contact with his black eyes that were glowing with gentleness and she gazed at his full lips that were slightly parted.

"If it weren't for you, maybe I'd have killed myself," Emily whispered.

"Don't say that," Jason said firmly as he held her tightly against himself. "Never say that."

He recalled how Emily was almost raped the night they first met and he grimaced. The very thought that Emily would even consider . . .

"I don't think I'd have been able to live with . . ." Emily swallowed the lump in her throat. "Had you not -"

"But I did," Jason cut Emily off his voice firm as he gazed into her eyes. "I would never have let him touch you. So don't even think about ifs."

Emily closed her eyes and instead hugged him, listening to Jason's drumming heartbeats. The scent of musk and spices emanating from him almost made her kiss his chest, and she pulled away from him only to gaze into his eyes once more.

"Kiss me," she whispered and Jason obliged.

He felt a tingling sensation, like being electrocuted, when his lips met hers. The kiss encompassed the various emotions he felt for her, the feelings that he couldn't convey to her in any other way.

As they continued their increasingly long session of kissing, Emily's hands moved downwards and began stroking the burning hot rod that had been pushing against her stomach.

"Emily . . ." Jason parted from her lips, hovering only mere centimetres from her mouth as he spoke quietly but Emily pecked his lips to silence him.

"I know . . ." she whispered as her hands moved faster and Jason's breaths became more hitched. "But I can still do this much."

Emily closed Jason's mouth by kissing him once more and the latter wrapped one hand against her waist and another moved upwards to cup one of her bountiful breasts. Both were moaning into each other's mouths even as they refused to stop kissing.

"Oh, Emily," Jason broke away and moaned. One of Emily's hands was focusing on his glans while the other polished his rod with fervour. The feeling - the thought - that it was Emily who was stroking him sent him over the moon and his bliss erupted like a cannon, coating the entire front of her nightdress in gobs of his essence.

"Oh, Jason," Emily gasped as he kissed her again. "I love you."

I love you.

The words echoed repeatedly in Jason's mind, but this time it was another voice who said it. The voice was young and vibrant, but shy and slightly cold . . . but a shudder passed through Jason when he heard it.

"Katelyn . . ."

Jason pulled away from Emily and muttered, confounded by what was occurring.

Where am I? How did I get here? he asked himself. As soon as these thoughts were born, Jason noticed that he was alone in the room; all three women had disappeared, vanishing as though they never existed.

"Ah, I see," Jason chuckled mirthlessly, his eyes turning cold. "I'm dreaming." [3]

He was unnerved that he was dreaming of such sexual actions, especially one that involved Emily. It was wrong for all the right reasons, yet he couldn't deny the fact that he desired her, Melanie, Elizabeth, and . . . Katelyn.

"Hey, there, Jay," a voice called out from behind Jason, who froze as the horrific memories flashed through his mind. The gunshots, the screams, the blood . . . it all came tumbling back down on him.

Slowly turning around with a guilt-ridden face, Jason looked at the boy in front of him. A boy no older than thirteen stood in front of him, his shaggy black hair and dark mousy eyes were just like they were when he died. Only, a hint of violet passed through those eyes as an amused smile crossed the boy's lips.

"Been a while, eh? Man, I always keep saying that to you, don't I?"

"Jackie . . ." Jason replied hoarsely, his low voice almost inaudible.

[1] sorta like these two combined (but with an extra clamp at the bottom that connects to the top: https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/652247958504844728/


[2] Emily's hair is short now. She had to cut it after she was bullied, but Jason is seeing her in his dreams with her long hair, the same way it was when he first met her.

[3] I felt this entire scene was necessary. From the very beginning. I had planned for there to be multiple love interests, not just to show how attractive Jason is, but also to reflect his desires. Elizabeth/Freya is his passion, that he wants to please her as much as she pleases him, without understanding if it's love. Melanie represents his lust, the sadistic part of him that enjoys pleasure and using a woman to release it; it's pure lust. And Emily represents his desire for, not only an ordinary relationship but one that connects to an emotional level. Katelyn is a little different, as they were both playing each other, pretending to fall in love, until it actually happened. Now, the assassin represents his desire for a family. And that's it for the harem. Of course, there's going to be more women introduced, probably as one-nighters or crushes, but for now, it's only these four who are considered to be in Jason's harem.

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