《Immortals: The Curse of Samsara》Chapter 48


A few hours earlier . . .

Emily slumped down on a chair after stretching her tired body. Having to put one child to bed was exhausting enough but dealing with an army of brats? It made her question the very purpose of her existence. Thankfully, she had experience in dealing with hyper children, this in part due to her younger sister Mia.

"Are the children finally asleep?" A voice behind Emily asked. As she turned to look at the newcomer with mild annoyance, Melanie sat down on a chair next to her with two glasses of wine in her hand.

"Yeah, and it would've been easier if you gave a hand," Emily replied before shaking her head when Melanie offered her a glass. "You do know that I'm still not old enough to drink."

"Did your age stop you from drinking with Jason? Or were you secretly hoping to get drunk?" Melanie dismissed Emily's admonishing at her lack of help and instead jabbed at her refusal to drink. "As for the children, it's better this way. I've had enough of kids for one day."

". . . How did you know that I drank with Jason?" Emily asked before taking the glass of wine. It was true that she drank aged white wine that was well over three centuries old, with Jason. That was also the night that she tried repaying Jason's platonic flirts back to him, only to be evaded by the latter.

"Secret," Melanie winked while placing a finger on her lips and Emily rolled her eyes. "Speaking of which … what were you two up to earlier today? Nothing naughty I hope."

"Secret," Emily shot back at Melanie with a smirk and the latter raised an eyebrow when she realized that Emily was paying her quip back to her so quickly.

The two remained silent for a while, sipping on wine while listening to the crickets outside when Melanie smiled ruefully.

"This is nice," Melanie said, breaking the silence. "Almost feels like we're friends."

"Oh, c'mon. Does the Student President not have any other friend?" Emily asked curiously with a tease.

"Friends? No. Acquaintances? Yes, lots of them," Melanie answered sardonically.

"What about your fellow Council members? Olivia and the VP, what was his name? Esperanza?" Emily asked.

"What? No, of course not! And it's Enzo," Melanie burst into a fit of giggles and she had to wipe her eyes before answering Emily. "They see me as Ms. Perfect Goody Two-Shoes, not the real me. They idolize me to a point where I'm literally a goddess to them, and everyone else."

Melanie sighed as her finger danced across the rim of her glass. "It's so very tiring to deal with when people see you as what they want, not as what you are. It's much more relaxing when I'm with you or Alina. I can be myself with you two."

"I'll take that as a compliment," Emily said as she continued drinking. Melanie watched her eagerly, waiting in anticipation for her to say something and Emily shifted uncomfortably. "I … uh, I feel the same … way?"

Melanie beamed at her words and Emily looked away with complicated emotions. She didn't like Melanie who was so incredible in her eyes; she had strength, beauty, intelligence, and a will that was much stronger than her own. In many ways, she was actually envious of Melanie, whom she felt was a much better match for Jason.

"I guess that makes us friends," Emily murmured and Melanie smiled.


"Oh, more than that, we're much closer than friends. We're sisters," Melanie replied. "Especially since we will share the same man. Of course, I'll never share him with that redheaded vixen."

"Redheaded vixen? Are you referring to that woman you mentioned before?" Emily choked when she heard Melanie mentioning sharing Jason, but was rather surprised at Melanie's spiteful words which were full of hate as she asked if Melanie was referring to their competition. "Who is she exactly?"

"A groomer who's too old to realize she's past her shelf date," Melanie replied sullenly before turning to Emily with a serious expression. "We have to be careful with her. She raised Jason and it's clear that he's emotionally and physically dependent on her. He doesn't even realize that she's made him sexually reliant on her from a young age."

"How young are we talking?" Emily asked with a frown.

"From my knowledge, since he was fourteen," Melanie replied and Emily looked aghast.

"Isn't that rape? And how could Jason . . ."

"How can it be rape when it's consensual? Even though laws say it's legal to have sex the age of sixteen with consent, fourteen - thirteen is just …" Melanie sighed helplessly but from the corner of her eyes, she watched Emily's expression with hidden delight. She had seen Jason's affection for Emily, how she seemed to be special and was trying to bring the latter to her side. She was certain that Jason would have a reaction to Emily's disapproval of Elizabeth, and she was looking forward to it.

"I can't believe -" Emily was interrupted by her phone which began ringing and she checked the number before turning to Melanie. "Excuse me, I have to take this."

"Of course," Melanie tilted her glass to Emily who got up and moved to another room.

After answering her phone, Emily waited for the caller to speak; it was an unknown number but Emily had an inkling as to who it was.

"I heard you helped my boys," a calm and collected voice finally spoke huskily from the other end. "Wanted to thank you for that. Though they mentioned you have a proposition for me."

Papa John, Emily thought. She half expected him to call, knowing that he would be interested in her healing powers. Looks like the demonstration I gave to those two gangsters worked.

"I'd like to discuss this in person," Emily said. She looked around once to check if she was alone before continuing. "When can we meet?"

John leaned against a tree as he smoked. He inhaled a deep breath before speaking. "I'm free right now."

"Well, I'm not," Emily replied blandly. "And frankly, I'm not in the mood to visit you in Sumps when it's dark. You're not exactly in the safest neighbourhood."

"Whoever said we'd meet in the Sumps?" John asked amusedly. "Just come down from the orphanage. I'm in the backyard where the big tree is."

"Are you stalking me?" Emily asked, her voice an octave higher than usual.

"Look, I don't have the time or luxury to waste my time. I cleared my schedule cause I wanted to see what you had in mind. But if you're not interested . . ."

"Alright, I'll meet with you," Emily answered quickly.

This is it, she thought while taking a deep breath to steady her thoughts. There's no turning back now.

Emily slipped away from the orphanage and headed for the tree, unaware that Melanie was watching her from a window.


Isn't this a surprise, Melanie thought with amusement as she decided to spy on Emily. She took a sip of her wine while watching the former with amused curiosity flashing through her eyes. I wonder what she's up to . . .

She reached into her pocket and brought out a small drone that looked like a mosquito. Releasing it into the air, she sent commands from her Holo-lenses into the drone that speedily flew off after Emily once it received the command.

Emily walked slowly to the large tree, her movements betraying her cautiousness. Before she even reached the tree, she saw a tiny glow of Amber that glowed brightly for a second before dimming. Leaning on the tree was John, his gaze up at the sky while his hands were gloved in his pockets. He took another deep breath of the cheap cigarette in his mouth before turning to Emily.

"Volunteering for a day in an orphanage? Quite altruistic," John murmured through his cigarette.

"I just happen to like kids," Emily replied and John chuckled.

"Right. Nothing to do with Jason, eh?" John turned to look at the orphanage, his eyes glowing under the cigarette with reminiscence. "You know, where we came from - me, Jason, and the others - there was an orphanage there too? But this place is like heaven compared to there."

"That bad?" Emily asked. She wanted to get straight to business, but hearing John talk about his and Jason's past had her change her mind.

"Worse," John answered. "Mercs would pick up kids from Europe and Africa. Said it was to replenish their ranks, but we were nothing but . . . expendables to them. Sometimes, they'd pick up kids who weren't talented with a gun. Those, they'd get sent to the orphanage instead of the battlefield."

"That doesn't sound too bad," Emily said when John paused and sighed.

"Yeah. They were treated much nicer to them until they reached puberty," John replied scathingly. "They were fattened up and then used by the adults as 'relief'."

A sickening knot formed in Emily's stomach as it churned the wine she had earlier.

"And Jason . . . ?" Emily asked.

"Knew how to dismantle and clean a gun by the age of four," John answered. "He was too valuable to be in that 'orphanage'. No. Jay was . . . different."

A mosquito shaped drone landed on the tree branch above them and focused its mechanical cameras on the two.

Interesting, Melanie thought as she observed then from her drone. Very interesting. Isn't that one of Jason's frenemy? Mmm … oh, how I'd like to skin him alive for betraying Jason.

Melanie's eyes glinted with killing intent as she considered interrupting Emily's meeting with John but she quickly shook her head, changing her mind.

No. Jason could've killed him anytime but refused to do so. Whether it's sentimental mercy or a simple lack of regard, he hasn't killed John yet. So neither will I. Besides . . .

Melanie focused on Emily and smiled deviously.

It's much more interesting to see how this all goes. Jason might even break up with Emily, and that would mean one less vixen to share with.

Silence had descended between the two who were completely unaware of their onlooker; Emily wasn't sure of what to say as John finished his smoke. Once he finished, he turned to stare at Emily, his brown eyes appeared almost black in the darkness. "You're probably asking yourself why am I telling you this. It's so you know that he isn't the only one who went to hell and back."

John who was leaning on the tree stood up slowly before staring straight at Emily's eyes.

"And here you are, wanting to give a . . . proposition. I hope you know what you're doing."

"I don't," Emily replied. "But I know what I want."

"Alright," John shrugged. "Let's hear what you've got on your mind."

"I'm a support class Esper with healing abilities," Emily said. "I'll be in your employ, healing your people, and you pay me."

"In desperate need of money, eh? For your addiction?"

Emily narrowed her eyes and John shrugged again. "I might have had you checked. Didn't want to walk in empty-handed, that's just poor business."

"If you did that then you'd know that I also need money for my family," Emily finally said. "And frankly, why I need the money, isn't your concern."

"Fair enough," John answered. Tossing the cigarette butt aside, he raised a hand towards Emily. "You've got a deal."

Emily hesitated for a second before shaking his hand and John smiled before looking past her head. His thin lips turned into a frown when he noticed a few vehicles parking near the entrance of the orphanage.

Strange time to drive through here, he thought. Not to mention one of thems a van.

John seemed to realize something and his eyes widened before he grasped Emily's arm and pulled her towards the orphanage.

"Did Jason say anything before he left?" John asked Emily urgently and she shook her head after contemplating for a second.

"No," she replied. "Only to call him if anything happens."


He knew something would happen, thought John grimly as he turned his head to watch the gate carefully. He turned back to Emily and pushed her to the entrance of the orphanage.

"Get the kids up and sneak out through the back entrance," he snarled when he saw her protesting.

"But -"

"Shut up and do it, we don't have time!" John interrupted before abruptly turning to the gate. "They're coming."

Emily sensed that he was serious and quickly ran back into the orphanage as John pulled a gun he had holstered in the back of his pants. He quickly took a silencer out from his pocket and assembled it into his gun while crouching behind a hedge. He didn't have time to observe a proper cover, and he was planning to jump on the enemy so he didn't mind the lack of defence.

From the entrance of the gate, six masked men, armed with various firearms, slowly moved towards the orphanage. John breathed slowly and counted the footsteps that were approaching him. After psyching himself, he launched himself out of the hedge and pistol-whipped the closest enemy. He then used him as a shield while shooting two of the assailant's compatriots with his gun. Unfortunately, the assailants were wearing bulletproof vests and the bullets John shot only stunned them: John was no expert marksman and he aimed at the chest which was a larger target than the head.

Shit! John thought as he noticed the two only crumbling to the ground with a groan. A third gunman raised his shotgun and fired at John who ducked behind the assailant whom he was holding. The blast of the shotgun's pellet sent him flying backwards while the assailant who received the brunt of the shot had his head burst like a watermelon.

John grunted as he hit the ground and he struggled to get up as the gunman smirked and pumped his shotgun again. Before he could aim at John, however, a pebble hit his foot.

"Heh," John gave a small laugh as he showed a pin to the gunman who looked down in bemusement.

The gunman's eyes widened as he realized that it was a grenade; before he was sent flying, John had taken a grenade from the assailant he was using as a shield and tossed it to the gunman. Before the latter could react, the greens exploded and shredded him and his two companions. John, in the meantime, used this opportunity to escape to the back of the orphanage.

I've done enough. Besides, it isn't worth risking my life for this, John thought as he retreated while clutching his bleeding arm: a pellet from the shotgun had grazed his arm.


"Melanie!" Emily burst into the hallway leading to the bedrooms when she saw Melanie, Ms. Grace, Alice, Maple and the other children, all of whom were in shabby jackets and boots.

"I know already," Melanie replied almost serenely as she checked her long pink nails.

Emily couldn't understand how she was so calm but before she could ask, Melanie turned to look at her. "Take the children through the backdoor and lead them to the streets. There should be a bus across the road. Take it and drive and don't look back."

As she spoke, Melanie tossed a car chip to Emily, who caught it while looking confused.

"What about you?" Emily asked.

"Me? I'll be staying," Melanie answered sweetly. "Someone has to greet our guests, don't you agree?"


"Shh," Melanie appeared in front of Emily instantaneously and hushed her by placing a finger in her lips. "Remember, Emily. I'm number one in the Academy. At least, amongst the students. Still, it's so sweet of you to worry."

At Melanie's words, Emily finally recalled the rumours in how strong the former was. Supposedly, she could fight Ms. Silvia Graves to a standstill and she was supposed to be the strongest teacher after Jason.

If only I was as strong as her, Emily thought as a pang of envy coursed through her. Then I wouldn't have to flee like a coward.

"You have just as important of a task as mine," Melanie seemed to sense Emily's emotions and decided to reassure her. "You have to keep the children safe, especially Alice and Maple."

Right, Emily thought as her eyes widened in realization. I can't let anything happen to the kids.

"I will," Emily promised to both herself and Melanie before helping Ms. Grace led the children back to the first floor and through the back.

"Mmm," Melanie approved at how fast Emily reacted before walking towards the orphanage's entrance. "Time to play."

She didn't hear the door open, but she could hear the silent footsteps making their way to the reception room. She pulled her sword whip, which was acting as a belt, from her pants and swung it at the group approaching her. It locked onto the lead gunman and the serrated blades wrapped around his throat. Pulling a trigger, the whip started compressing into a sword and Melanie used the momentum to fly towards the gunmen as opposed to pulling him to her. She ran sideways on a wall and kicked another enemy before yanking her sword back, decapitating the first gunman. Before the others could react, she stabbed her sword through a third and kicked the second gunman again, knocking him back down. A fourth raised his uzi but as he aimed, Melanie lowered herself and ran towards him. She reached him before he knew what was happening and knocked his gun upwards by kicking it before stabbing his throat with her nails. Purple veins spread from the wounds and snaked upwards and the fourth gunman clutched his throat before collapsing, his leg twitching as the poison quickly incapacitated him. The second gunman was about to stand when Melanie made her way to him.

"You're cute," she said to the tanned gunman. "My type of guy, actually. How about a kiss?"

Before the gunman could respond, Melanie pulled him downwards and kissed his lips. At first, the gunman resisted, but soon he reciprocated her kiss. His tongue played hide and seek with her split tongue only to finally gasp for air and pull away moments later. He clutched at his throat as his mouth began to foam and Melanie giggled coquettishly.

"Ah, men," she said as she watched the man slowly asphyxiate with mild amusement. "You're all the same: easy to manipulate. All it takes is a little seduction and you all dance in my palm oh so willingly."

Melanie then retrieved her sword and continued walking towards the entrance, but paused when her mosquito shaped drone reached the front of the orphanage after leaving Emily and John. Melanie narrowed her eyes and tilted her head when she noticed a much larger group entering through the front door.

Hmm, too risky to confront them head-on without dirtying myself, she thought as she tapped a finger on her chin before groaning. And it takes forever to clean the blood from my hair … Oh! I know!

Melanie clapped her hands together before pulling a pencil-shaped perfume bottle from her pocket. Pulling the metal cap aside, she sprayed herself with the perfume liberally before closing it and placing it back in her pocket.

This should do the trick!

Melanie went to the reception room and soon the larger group arrived. Melanie was sitting on a table with her legs hooked against each other like a pretzel yet for some inexplicable reason, the intruders were unable to see her. A small magic circle appeared on Melanie's outstretched palm. It was more archaic than the techno-enhanced circles that were prevalent in today's society. Rather, it was an old magick formation that was long lost.

Once she was completed, Melanie smiled mischievously before purring, "So many men to play with."

Like an illusion fading, the armed intruders realized that there was a girl sitting on the table and quickly they aimed their guns at her. The leader shook his head as a strange scent of vanilla and spices filled his nostrils. He was about to order his men to fire when he slowly fell into a trance, his body relaxing as the same happened to his compatriots.

"Oh. You don't want to shoot me now, do you?" Melanie asked flirtatiously.

"No . . ." the men replied.

"Mmm. Then what do you want to do?"

"Anything . . ." the leader responded to Melanie's question faster than the others yet there was a struggle in the depth of his eyes. His subconscious seemed to understand that something was wrong, yet his body and hazy mind seemed to disagree.

"Anything? For little old me? Aw, that's so sweet," Melanie skipped to the leader and stroked his cheek. "Even if I ask you to kill yourselves for me?"

". . . Yes," the men removed the safety on the guns while in a show trance-like movement and Melanie pulled away from them.

"Mmm. That's what I like to hear, " Melanie smiled while clapping her hands together before slowly raising a hand to her head. At the same time, each and every intruder also raised their gun to their head. Melanie used her index finger to point at her temple before whispering, "Bang."

Multiple gunshots rang out as each of the armed men shot themselves in the head with their guns like some mass suicide while Melanie watched from a safe distance.

Mmm, I wonder if Jason will be pleased, Melanie thought with a moan. She imagined Jason being impressed and pleased with her. She could see him smiling at her before approaching her.

'Good girl,' he cooed. 'Time for your reward.'

She imagined Jason pushing his right hand into her pants and her own hand went downwards as well.

'What's this? Someone is feeling good,' the Jason in her mind teased as he found her overflowing while his other hand crushed a nipple of hers.

Melanie's left hand travelled to her chest and soon she began playing with herself faster and rougher as she pinched her long and hardened nipple.

"Oh, Jason," she moaned as she masturbated in a room of fresh corpses, the scent of blood coating the room only served to excite her. "Mmm, faster, Jason. Harder, fuck me more!"

Blood flowed into her head as excitement eclipsed all reason from her mind and soon she exploded in climax with a scream. Her moans slowly faded as she tried breathing again and she lifted her sticky hand up and observed it.

Jason … Melanie thought as the euphoria faded and she was left with an empty feeling when she realized that Jason wasn't present. Why won't you love me? After everything . . .

Before she could clean up, the stench of burning wood and electronics greeted her and Melanie's eyes widened. Turning to the direction of the burning smell, she saw smoke wafting.

Those . . . insects! Melanie thought with gritted teeth as she realized that the intruders were torching the orphanage while she had been preoccupied with herself. I'm going to kill them all!

Melanie moved forward quickly but had to pull back as flames burst from the door she opened. Although she was very powerful, Melanie had the same weakness that everyone else had: she needed to breathe.

Shit! She thought as she began coughing, the smoke slowly filling her lungs. I . . . can't . . . not . . . like . . . this . . .

Her vision blurred as the heat licked her body and she collapsed to the ground. A dull sound reeled out above her as the roof exploded and in her hazy vision, she saw a figure approach her. Melanie felt her feet lift off the ground as she was picked up and soon the cool graze of fresh air kissed her face. As she coughed and sputtered, a mouth covered hers and she felt that smoke she inhaled flow out of her mouth at an intense speed. The mouth left hers a few seconds later and she managed to make up her saviour: Jason in his Fenrir armor stood above her and behind him was the burning orphanage. Instantly, she figured that he charged in and reached her as soon as he arrived. His breather was split open and stood at his cheeks while he breathed out a puff of black smoke from his mouth and nose; after absorbing the smoke that was inside Melanie, Jason forced it out.

"Jason . . ." Melanie couldn't gaze at Fenrir in the eyes, her guilt at failing made her chest heavy and she refused to glance at him.

"Where are they?" Fenrir asked in a grating voice that was electronically harsh, uncaring of Melanie's guilt.

"I . . ."

"WHERE ARE THEY?" Fenrir bellowed and Melanie winched while staring downwards.

". . . I don't know," Melanie finally replied in a faltering voice and Fenrir growled in frustration.

"You had one job, one: protect the children and Emily at all costs and you failed," Fenrir said in a loud and cold voice. Melanie's heart broke as she heard how disappointed he was and she looked up desperately.

"But I - I stayed behind to fight and cover -"

"These - these were nothing but a distraction! They left grunts here while the main killer went ahead to hunt them down!" Fenrir shouted.

"I . . ." Melanie realized that Jason was right, and she looked back down at the ground.

"If anything happens to Alice . . ." Fenrir didn't finish his sentence. Instead, his Anchor Grapple activated and he grappled to the chimney of the orphanage before swinging to a building across the street . . . and Melanie was left alone, her face covered by her hands as she sobbed.

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