《Immortals: The Curse of Samsara》Chapter 47


Elizabeth burst into laughter, her eyes full of mirth at what she assumed was Jason's cute joke. Jason took a deep breath and waited patiently as her laughter slowly faded away only to be replaced with a shocked gaze; Elizabeth finally realized that he was serious and she stared at Jason's face for a long time, searching for a hint of denial.

That's not … only a Practitioner would know how to … he is a Practitioner, realization struck Elizabeth as she quickly deduced the hidden meaning behind Jason's words. No wonder he was so … abnormal. He was a Practitioner.

The mystery behind Jason's perverted strength became apparent, a mystery Elizabeth had always wondered about. His Esper power of Energy Manipulation was indeed strong, but it has its drawbacks. The most apparent being, the low rate of energy absorption as opposed to consumption, a lethal drawback that had killed another Esper with that very same ability.

But if it was balanced by someone who is on the path to Immortality … Elizabeth gritted her teeth as she concluded that he was a Practitioner when they were together, perhaps even before then. She swung her fist at Jason's face and the blow connected much to her satisfaction and Jason didn't react as he had already foreseen her anger; he let the punch hit him.

"That's fer lying to me all these years," Elizabeth said as Jason massaged his lower jaw.

"Feeling a little better?" he asked.


Seeing his nonchalant appearance only angered her further and she sent him several more blows all aimed for his face.

"An' that's fer not trusting meh, not even a little, ye dobber."

She continued punching and hitting him while he closed his eyes and allowed her. With gritted teeth, Elizabeth hit him again and, for good measure, this time she aimed at his neck. Jason blocked her attack and spun her around before pulling Elizabeth into his arms while the latter struggled like a cat whose tail was stepped on.

"I'm sorry," Jason murmured into her ears. "I thought about telling you so many times. But I couldn't. It's … nobody can know my secrets."

He wrapped his hands around her arms and across her arms as he hugged her in his arms. Elizabeth felt his warm breath tickle her ears and nape as his lips grazed them, his arms with biceps that were almost as thick as her thighs crushed her breasts, the nipples poked his arms in a tantalizingly teasing manner, his steel-like chest which rubbed against her back as she struggled, his strong musk mixed with a perfume that reminded her of fresh spring. And yet, despite all the warmth she could feel from his body, her heart was feeling cold.

"Jason …" Elizabeth closed her eyes, hiding the pain that was looking deep in her eyes, the pain she felt from his revelation. "I told ye my secrets. I gave ye everything I had, even my own heart. Was that not enough fer ye?"

"I'm telling you now," Jason said and anger welled up inside Elizabeth again.

"Oh, aye. Now. Now ye tell me," Elizabeth tried pulling away from Jason again but he held her firmly against his chest. "Laddie, if ye don' let me go, I'm going to break ye nose."

"Not … likely," Jason replied as he nuzzled the nape of her neck. Elizabeth gasped and she felt her body grow weak; her legs buckled as she felt her body heating up and her mind went blank. She became increasingly aware of his touch, especially when his hands moved up and down, exploring her waist and chest without remorse.


"Ye ..." Elizabeth bit back her moans and gasps. She tried speaking but Jason pinched the tip of her bosom when he heard her voice.

"Yep. I did it again," Jason admitted shamelessly as he bit her ears before flicking his tongue over it. "I used my powers on you. That's why ..."

Both of Jason's hands caressed her chest, playing and squeezing like dough and moments later, she bit her lower lip as a scream threatened to escape them. Her legs gave out and her toes curled as she collapsed and Jason caught her as she tried to breathe. He lifted her up into a princess carry and led her to the bedroom where he gently placed her into the bed.

"That's why you can cum with just your nipples," Jason finished with a dark laugh. Desire warped his face but he shook his head and brushed his hand over her body, slowly touching her as her body spasmed before speaking again. "Sorry. I needed you to relax because the next part is … well, it's rather painful. And deadly if I make a mistake."

"What're ye …"

"Shh, shh. This'll end quickly, I promise," Jason placed a finger on Elizabeth's sweet and soft lips before taking a deep breath.

He lifted his other hand up and Elizabeth, through a blurry vision, could see it slowly become translucent. After that, he touched her forehead and his hand easily went through it. Elizabeth screamed as pain wracked her body but she found that she couldn't move. Suddenly, a shock passed through her head and she felt of wave of information hammer itself into her brain, disorienting her. After what seemed like seconds, Elizabeth opened her eyes and saw Jason sitting next to with a look of concern.

"Ungh, what the - ?" Elizabeth muttered as she tried to sit up and Jason pushed her back down.

"Easy now. Try to sort through it all before getting up," Jason said softly in a low voice.

"What was that?" Elizabeth asked before recalling the events before she lost her consciousness. "Did ye just stick her hand … in my head?!"

"That's … that sounds cruder than it is," Jason muttered under his breath before explaining what he did to Elizabeth. "Most Formulae are passed orally, it's been like that for ages. But this doesn't account for human error, so eventually, a technique would change immensely within three generations. The Practitioners of old had a much better way of transferring information through crystals like Jade, but that method has been lost for eons. And so, I devised a … effective method of transferring Formulae: electrically transferring the information to one's mind. But I need to physically touch their brain to do that so …"

"So yer shite technique drilled into me head," Elizabeth sighed and summed it up into one sentence and Jason smiled apologetically. "How long was I out?"

"Oh, about ten minutes or so. Give or take."

Elizabeth closed her eyes and searched through her mind, studying the Formula carefully. After a minute and frowned and opened her eyes.

"Laddie, this says dual cultivation."


"Meaning that it works better when I'm practicing with a male."


"Particularly, a lad that knows this Formula."


"I'm guessing yer the only other one who knows this … Tantric Technique?"


Elizabeth couldn't see Jason's face, but it was obvious that he was smirking with glee at his successful scheme.

You can only practice this Technique with me, and only me. Meaning that you'll never escape me. You'll always be mine.


Jason didn't need to say anything as Elizabeth clearly understood what he meant, what he desired. Pulling off his shirt, Jason leapt into bed and mounted Elizabeth and kissed her deeply.

"Let's try practicing it now," Jason said as he moved off Elizabeth and lifted her dress, revealing the creamy ivory thighs underneath.

Damn, she's like a Goddess, Jason thought as his mouth watered. Hard to believe she's over thirty … she looks just like she did all those years ago.

"Arsehole," Elizabeth whispered even as she undressed herself. She slipped out of her dress while Jason smirked and removed his leather jacket.

"Give me a hand?" Jason gestured at his shirt and Elizabeth rolled her eyes but she still leaned forward and pulled Jason's shirt off him. After tossing the shirt away, her hands went down and caressed his upper body.

"These are new," Elizabeth said with a slight frown, full of concern when her hands felt a handful of new scars.

Oh, laddie, Elizabeth thought with remorse. What hell did ye go through these past few years? I should'nave left ye alone.

"Hmm." Jason closed his eyes and groaned with content as he felt her warm hands explore his body before he sighed. At times like these, he was secretly glad that Elizabeth was blind. Most women would be shocked, frightened, sympathetic to his scars, and after the shock passed that they almost always were intimidated. After all, his entire body was riddled with wounds, begging the questions about what had happened to him, what he did or does. And he could never be entirely truthful to them, something women were quick to catch on.

"But this one here," Elizabeth's hands then travelled down his pecs and into his stomach where she stroked another scar. It was a clean scar from a sword stab that had entered from the front, pierced his lung and exited till the back. "I still remember this one. Ye nearly died fer me that day."

"I wasn't going to let him harm you," Jason murmured. "Ironic that Katie is one of his -"

"Dinnae go talking about other lassies when yer with me," Elizabeth's hand shot out and grabbed Jason's jaw harshly, silencing him. Once she felt that he wouldn't continue, her grip eased and she stroked his jaw and lips.

"Hmm. Fair enough," Jason whispered before pushing her down. He kissed her again, gently pecking her lips before moving down to her neck. Elizabeth's breathing intensified as she felt his warm lips kiss her continuously, her anticipation palpable as he kissed her nipples, each one time.

"What're ye … ?"

"Need to warm your body up," Jason murmured between his kisses. "Strictly for practitioning purposes."

"Mm, I'm sure. Oh, laddie," she moaned as he moved down and kissed her midriff and abdomen multiple times before continuing to her navel.

Soon he reached her flaming garden, but still, he kissed her, gently but quickly, only pausing when he reached her petals. This time he lingered for a bit longer, kissing each petal repeatedly before pecking her clitoris. Elizabeth gasped and grabbed a handful of Jason's hair while looking down at him from between her twin peaks. She wanted to push him away but, at the same time, the pleasure overwhelmed her and her body wanted more forcing her to unconsciously pull his head closer. She wanted more than just his lips; she wanted his tongue to caress her gently before roughly lapping up her nectar and his teeth to nibble at her most sensitive part so she could just release the pent up desires all at once.

"Nuh-uh," Jason laughed and pulled away from her, his teasing eyes met with Elizabeth's. "This isn't foreplay, and I don't want you losing herself to pleasure."

"Dammit laddie …"

Amid Elizabeth's protest, Jason leaned forward and kissed her inner thigh before slowly making his way down. He brushed his lips against her calf before reaching her feet.

Soft and smooth as a baby's, he thought as he kissed and worshipped her feet and Elizabeth took a deep breath as she revelled in his adoration of his feet.

After he finished, Jason focused on her other feet, smooching it with as much devotion as he did with her other feet. Slowly, he made his way back, kissing and petting her from her calf, to her thigh, and up to her breasts. Once he was done, he nuzzled her neck and Elizabeth, aroused with a fiery passion, grabbed him and kissed him deeply. As their tongues intertwined, she felt a deeper pleasure than what she had experienced, even more than when he kissed her between the legs. Her mind went blank and her thighs rubbed against each other as Jason returned her kiss with more fervour than she had anticipated.

Pulling away, he caressed her chest and bit her ears. "Now we practice."

Jason leaned back on the headboard and guided Elizabeth to his lap. She leaned back against him and he held her close, cupping her breasts while she squeezed his erect rod between her thighs. Her hands crept to his manhood but a moment later she froze before getting up and turning to Jason.

"Why are ye bigger than usual?" she asked with a dangerous tone. She didn't realize because of her lack of sight but the very moment she touched him, Elizabeth realized that his erect spear was around, or possibly more, than nine inches long.

"Oh, um, that's - I - uh … hmm," Jason tried making excuses but couldn't form a coherent sentence due to one of Elizabeth's hand gripping his family jewels with annoyance. Her other hand teasingly explored his rod in surprise and admiration.

"Are ye really gonna lie now, laddie?" Elizabeth asked.

"... Can I?" Jason asked back before groaning when she half-gently and half-roughly massaged his balls. The pleasure and pain aroused him, and he found himself enjoying her dominant side. If only a little.

"No. Now tell me the truth." Elizabeth's fingers scratched his glans and she felt his rod twitch underneath her grasp.

"Ookaay," Jason sighed, trading a deep breath to calm himself before continuing. "Uh, I - eh - I usually control my blood flow, regulating my size."

"Now, why would ye do that?" Elizabeth stared at his manhood without bothering to look at Jason. Even though she couldn't see it, she could imagine just how wonderful it would be to experience one as big as Jason.

"Contrary to popular belief, being bigger isn't better," Jason answered with exasperation. "You have to be careful and you can't pound away without hurting your partner which ... really isn't as fun as it sounds."

"Oh? Ye just decided that on yer own?" Elizabeth felt annoyed that Jason was once again making decisions without her.

"No. I made that decision from experience," Jason replied while guiltily looking away from Elizabeth.

"What do ye mean?"

Jason sighed and resigned himself; he quietly began speaking while grazing Elizabeth's arm with his fingers. "Remember that night, the first night we had? The one you drugged and cuffed me in?"

"Not really … I did that a handful of times - ah! Yer speaking about the time ye were awake." Elizabeth teased.

"Yes. That time. When I went crazy and cuffed you and fucked you five times over," Jason answered sheepishly.

"Oh? As I recall, ye only came thrice in me, laddie."

"Hmm … pretty sure you milked me five times over. We can always try again if you want to be sure."

"Tempting," Elizabeth said with a knowing smile. "But what does our little tryst have to do with ye shrinking yer balls?"

"I was going to get to that," Jason replied before rolling his eyes while adding, "And that … didn't sound right.

"That time … I may have been experimenting with my powers," Jason continued uncomfortably.

"And …?"

"And I may have made myself as big as I am now. That time. It's why you couldn't move for a few days," Jason explained.

"I could move. I was moving in the morn-"

"Without having the worst cramps you've ever experienced?" Jason asked and Elizabeth froze.

"How do ye … oh," Elizabeth was surprised as she never mentioned to Jason that she was hurting.

But if he knew … then, Elizabeth turned to look at Jason and, though he knew she couldn't see, he refused to look at her face.

"Yeah. That was on me. I bruised your cervix," Jason confirmed. "Had to wait a week before we could have sex again. Well, the shower sex was worth the wait."

"So, that week. Ye kept leaving fer the brothel while coming home late …"

"Because I didn't want to pound you till you felt better," Jason took this moment when Elizabeth was distracted to tackle her away from his rod. He pushed her down and used one hand to lift both her arms above her head. "There's something about you that drives me crazy. Seeing you squirm underneath me, for me - because of me ... or maybe it's the feeling of you cumming for five minutes straight, your body squeezing me while I keep moving ... I can't help myself, I lose control."

Jason continued whispering in Elizabeth's ears and she squirmed with embarrassment and delight. Her happiness was short-lived as Jason pulled away from her with a teasing grin.

"And as much as I'd want to make you scream, we really need to focus on the task at hand. Now, close your eyes and focus on the Mantra. Feel our skin touching, our warmth melding, our hearts beating," Jason went back to his position before murmuring into the rather docile Elizabeth ear as she followed his instructions with difficulty. "Focus on us."

Easy fer ye to say, laddie, Elizabeth thought. It was difficult to focus as her mind kept focusing on Jason and the hardness she was feeling from his body rather than the Mantra. Only after Jason pinched her breasts did she yelp, glare, and try once more to focus with more vigour.

Soon, she reached a level of zen and her thoughts slowly faded as she felt herself and Jason connect. Their breathing melded and became one, then she felt his steady heartbeat pound at the same time as hers like they were one heart, and the warmth of his hands cupping her breasts as they joined together had Elizabeth feeling blissful at the strong bond they created.

After being called several times, Elizabeth woke up from her meditation. Jason roused her with a smile and Elizabeth stared at him confusedly.

"How did it feel?" Jason asked with a smirk and Elizabeth sighed with content.

"Like the first time we had sex," Elizabeth answered. "Amazing."

Elizabeth moaned and bit her lips as she spoke while one hand travelled down to her breast and another snaked down lower. Jason watched her with burning eyes before pouncing on her which resulted in her giving a playful scream.

"I'm actually curious about that," Jason said softly with a hint of naughtiness. "First time, I was what? Fourteen? Thirteen? How'd it feel to sleep with a virgin that was younger than you?"

The two kissed passionately and roughly as Jason helped her hands please herself. His left hand pinched one breast as her hand did the other while his right hand aided Elizabeth in playing with her clitoris.

"Did it feel good, corrupting a little boy like me? What reactions did I make that time?" Jason could see the immoral talk was having an effect on Elizabeth. Her hand moved faster and he struck two fingers into her as she moaned.

"Shut up. And this time, don't shrink," after two intense minutes, Elizabeth broke away from their masturbation to gasp with a sensual moan and Jason became more aggressive, kissing her more dominantly while he roughly toyed with her body.

"Yes, ma'am."

As he continued kissing her, Jason slowly spread her legs apart. His hand held his rod steady and he pushed himself into her little by little. Elizabeth gave out a throaty moan that was sealed in her throat by Jason's kiss when a loud ringing interrupted. Jason ignored it at first but Elizabeth pulled her lips away from him and gazed at his eyes.

"Aren't ye gonna get that, laddie?"

"Don't wanna," Jason replied shortly before thrusting into her in one shot. Elizabeth gasped, exhaling all the air as she felt him reach her deepest part. Despite being gentle, the feeling of Jason's spear kissing her cervix stunned Elizabeth. It was both amazing and painful, and she climaxed almost immediately. Jason didn't move; he stayed still while kissing Elizabeth's neck, letting her get used to the feeling of his tip kissing her core.

"Jason," a voice interrupted the two's intimate lovemaking and Jason froze. "You need to take the call."

"Who - who was that?" Elizabeth pushed Jason away and pulled a dagger from underneath her pillow. She moved on top of Jason into a cowgirl position while raising her arm with the dagger, preparing to throw it at the intruder. Jason took a deep breath as he felt Elizabeth's body clench onto him: they were still connected when Elizabeth moved. Elizabeth herself groaned as the tip of Jason's spear had pushed against her cervix when she moved. Jason, unable to handle the stimulation, grabbed her hips while thrusting like a mad monkey while Elizabeth fell forward onto his chest. A few minutes later, and several grunts and moans later, she felt a rush of hot lava pouring inside her and she moaned before looking down at Jason incredulously.

That was quick, Elizabeth thought. So, he wasn't lying when he said he didn't rut. Wait, who was that talking again?

"That - uh - was Ava," Jason noticed her alertness and replied while basking in his climax. His vision was white as he continued releasing his essence into Elizabeth, emptying weeks of abstained essence into her.

Elizabeth looked around while she opened her mouth and forced a moan away from between her teeth. "Who?"

"Ava? She's my computer assistant," Jason replied with a groan after he finished climaxing. His exhaustingly clenched body relaxed itself as his arms fell down to his sides. "Advanced Virtual Assistant. That's her name."

"She … can she see us?"

"... Dunno," Jason replied before smiling naughtily. "Hmm … would you like it if she could?"

"I think that's yer fetish," Elizabeth answered. "Considering that ye gave in as soon as ye heard her voice … mmm. Somebody enjoys public sex."

"Maybe," Jason replied before leaning closer to Elizabeth. "Or maybe I just wanted to cum as soon as I thrust. And the thought came to me: if I cum, right now, deep within you … you might get pregnant. Just that thought alone was enough to make me cum oh so ever quickly …"

"Shite!" Elizabeth was indulging in the pleasure and didn't realize that Jason was right. She wanted to pull out of Jason but the moment she lifted herself up, her knees buckled and she fell back down on his rod. Jason groaned and his half-flaccid spear grew hard once again, causing him to smile mischievously. He reached out and squeezed Elizabeth's breasts while she glared at him.

"Jason," Ava called out again and Jason frowned. This entire time, his phone had been ringing nonstop but both he and Elizabeth had ignored it.

"Alright, alright," Jason replied. "Send the info to my Holo-lenses."

After reading the information that A.V.A sent, Jason's lust quickly died and he moved Elizabeth to the side before pulling himself out. Elizabeth moaned as she felt his rod leaving her and Jason also wistfully looked at her entrance, wanting nothing more than to return to her warmth but he still moved to get up.

"What's wrong?" Elizabeth asked. She realized that it must be important if Jason was so impatient, especially since he was rather reluctant to part with her before reading the message.

"Nothing much. Just a bunch of flies buzzing around my daughter and her friend," Jason answered. He noticed how distraught Elizabeth was when he mentioned Alice and he sighed before moving to kiss her. "We'll make one of our own."

"Huh?" Elizabeth tilted her head bemusedly.

"A sister. We'll make a sister for Alice," Jason replied seriously and Elizabeth blushed. "Not a brother … I'm not good with boys."

"Get tae 'ell out of ere!" She smacked Jason and shooed him away.

"Guess I'll take that as a yes?"

"You - shameless rogue!"

"Mhm. Just how you like'em."

With a bit more physical teasing, Jason quickly left the hotel by jumping through the window. Because he knew that a situation might occur, he had been practicing how to quickly switch from his ordinary clothes to his Fenrir armour. He had become proficient these past few weeks and now he could call his armour from his dimension onto his body in less than three seconds even when he was falling.

"Jason ..." A.V.A began protesting on how Jason was ignoring her during a crucial moment but he cut her off almost immediately.

"Ava, warn Melanie and Emily," Fenrir growled. Halfway to the ground, his Pivot Grapple activated and he swung to another building before disappearing from Elizabeth's gaze. "I'll be there in but a moment."

"Show off," Elizabeth muttered under her breath before swearing as she gingerly walked to the bathroom to shower, her lower body wracked in pain. As she let the hot water glisten her skin, she thought about Jason, her relationship with him and the other women around him.

I'll need to meet them someday again, Elizabeth thought. Especially that bony lass. I'm not sure what she has planned, but I can't leave a snake like her unattended.

The hot water that cascaded down Elizabeth's body couldn't douse the great she felt inside. Thinking of Jason's words, Elizabeth sighed and tried cleaning herself properly.

Shite. He poured so much inside of me … I really might get pregnant. Even though Elizabeth was complaining internally, she had a smile on her face as she dreamily imagined her and Jason holding a child. Their child. A lad would be lovely, though he wants a lass. We'd be together, as a family ...

Elizabeth sighed as reality came knocking down on her. Even if they had a child, she doubted they could ever be a conventional couple or even family. Whether it was by decision or fate, life was never normal for either of them, and it never would be.

Ah, well, we'll deal with it when it comes, yeah, Elizabeth thought as she came out of the shower and dried herself. In the meantime, I'm craving lobster.

She could hear Jenni and Tommy in the living room and realized they had returned after a long time. Looking down, she sighed again when she noticed that she was once again in towels after another shower; clearly, it was obvious what had happened between her and Jason.

"Ah, fuck it," Elizabeth muttered as she readied herself before leaving the bathroom.

As soon as Jenni saw Elizabeth, she grinned knowingly and wolf-whistled.

"Make up with angry sex, boss?" Jenni asked teasingly and Elizabeth rolled her eyes.

"Shut ye gob, Jen," Elizabeth said, unaware that her cheeks were flushed.

"Aw, you're blushing!"

"Where are 'e in getting the stage ready?" Elizabeth asked, ignoring Jenni as her skin turned a shade redder.

"Should be ready for next week, Liz," Tommy answered, his voice gruff.

"Good. But I've got a dead brilliant plan. Listen …"

The two listened to Elizabeth's plan rapturously with Jenni's grin growing bigger as she listened. By the end, she sniggered while Tommy said nothing, only growing in displeasure.

"Oh, that'd knock his undies right off. Hehe, good thinking boss," Jenni could imagine Jason's face and she sniggered again. "I'll make sure it'll happen."

"Great!" Elizabeth also chuckled as she imagined Jason's reaction. I can't wait for the concert.


"A.V.A," Fenrir called out quietly. "What happened here?"

Fenrir landed in front of the orphanage and paused, asking his AI quietly as he observed the carnage in front of him. The gate to the orphanage was smashed away, most likely by a large object at high speeds, and it barely hung on its hinges. Past it, the area glared orange as flames licked the building to ashes. From his vision, Fenrir was unable to see any of the children, Melanie, or Emily. His heart sank as he felt his vision turn red and A.V.A quietly answered him.

"You were too late."

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