《Immortals: The Curse of Samsara》Chapter 45


"Oh … wow."

Alina stepped out of the elevator and paused when she caught sight of the scene in front of her. The so-called second sublevel was beyond large: it was the size of a football stadium but what was more shocking was the atmosphere of the place.

"How is this possible?" Alina muttered as warmth tickled Alina's arms when the sunlight grazed her body. Looking up, she saw a clear blue sky bright with the sun.

It's not a hologram. Can’t be, Alina thought. The chirping of birds and chatter of animals greeted her as she looked around and realized she was in a field.

"What - what is this?" Alina turned and looked at Katherine in surprise and the latter smiled in a mischievously mysterious manner.

"This is an array," Katherine explained. "It's an old magick formation that allows a specific area to be enclosed in a spell for a long duration."

"How long is long?" Alina asked as she reached out and touched a deer. She could feel the pulsating, warm blood flowing underneath its skin and took a deep breath.

It's so real, Alina thought. Like it’s alive or something.

"As long as it's supplied, indefinitely," Katherine added when she saw Alina's inquisitive glance.

"But what's the point of it?" Alina asked.

"First, it's a defensive array," Katherine answered as she gestured at Alina to continue walking. "Any intruder would see a vastly different scene. A much more scary and life threatening scene. Second, it gathers and converts the Aether and Spirit energy from a Spiritual Vein into Qi that I can absorb."

Noticing that Alina was zoning out, Katherine explained simply, "It helps me get stronger faster while keeping intruders out."

"Ah," Alina replied before muttering under her breath, "Couldn't’ve just said so from the start?"

"Now where's the fun in that?" Katherine asked amusedly before walking away and Alina trailed after her.

"But why have an … array here at the entrance?"

"Simple," Katherine answered. "This is where we make the magic: this place holds every experimental prototypes that RogueTech has ever developed, all of which are more than dangerous if they were to fall into the wrong hands."

After a few steps, the scene around Alina shimmered before fading away. She could now see that they were in a large room the size of a football field and, looking up, she realized she couldn't see the roof.

Strange, Alina thought. RogueTech isn't this large. Meaning we're under the city.

"How far deep are we?" Alina asked as she turned around to observe the array. She was surprised to see that there was nothing there; it was an empty space just in front of the elevator with no signs of greenery.

"Not too deep. Just a few meters down from the Undercity," Katherine replied while walking up to a platform. Around her holograms began popping up and she deftly went through them while organizing the schematics Alina gave her. "Alright, I've uploaded your schematics. It'll take a while to compile and create so it's better to pick one schematic."

"Uh … wait a sec," Alina thought as she tapped her foot while thinking over her choices. Stun Bolas were her choice of poison, but Alina clearly remembered seeing a completed set on Jason's table.

Hmm … I might be able to snag one from Jason, Alina thought. But from what I've seen, he doesn't have a fully functional Anchor Grapple yet. Meaning that's the best choice.


"Ok," Alina replied almost as soon as she decided. "I'll take the Anchor Grapple. Only, I want a slight modification."

"Shoot," Katherine said as she typed into two separate holographic screens.

"I want the materials to be conductive and there also needs to be an accumulator attached to it. That way -"

"That way you can use your Esper ability to store and stun enemies with electricity, like a taser," Katherine finished with a raised eyebrow. "Not bad."

Keying in certain information, Katherine swiped the holographic screens away before coming down from the platform and stretching.

"Done," she said as she stretched her back. "Computer will print or cut out certain pieces but the other more intricate components will take some time to complete.

"In the meantime, let me show you some other stuff," Katherine smiled and guided Alina to another area while tapping on her holo-band. A part of the floor rose up and revealed a display full of weapons and gadgets. Katherine walked up and pulled a gauntlet from the display. "Can you guess what this is?"

"A flamethrower?" Alina replied and Katherine shook her head.

She pressed a button and the upper part of the gauntlet popped out revealing rows of shiny pins. "See these needles? Each of them are rocket propelled. Not only that, they have their own guidance system, meaning they're literally tiny heat-seeking missiles."

"Whoa," Alina was stunned when she heard Katherine. "What do you call them?"

"Stingers," Katherine answered with a sigh. "They were supposed to be a lethal weapon but the size and lack of range meant it was basically non-lethal."

"Size? Lack of range?"

"The Stingers are incredibly small so each hold a miniscule amount of fuel," Katherine explained. "This meant that there was a trade-off in just how far the stingers could fly. Not to mention it lacked the power to pierce through some armor. Hence, militarily speaking, it's non-lethal."

Alina took the gauntlet from Katherine and stroked the tiny pins. Katherine noticed Alina's expression and internally sighed.

"Wanna try them?" Katherine asked and Alina's face lit up with excitement.

"Can I?"

"Sure. Just give me a moment," Katherine stepped up to Alina and calibrated the Stinger Gauntlet while instructing Alina. "Connect the gauntlets with your holo-lenses to access the guidance system."

Alina did as Katherine instructed and soon a targeting array appeared like a HUD in her holo-lenses. Katherine used her holo-bracelet to activate the field test and several dummies rose up from the ground. Alina raised her armored fist and moved it at the targets while the guidance system locked on. Once it was completed, she clenched her outstretched fist while selecting the firing mode on the HUD. Sparks surrounded her arm as the tiny pin sized missiles flew out. Each missile curved itself as it aimed for it's target. In seconds, the needle-like missiles had punctured the dummies and Alina winched.

"That looks like it'll hurt. Badly," Alina commented as she coughed from the smoke and Katherine shrugged.

"But it wouldn't kill them," Kathryn replied as Alina went back to admiring the gauntlet.

"Is it possible to lower the speed and instead make them electrified?" Alina asked Katherine.

"Yeah, but why would you want that?"

"The penetration rating -"

"Pfft, penetration," Katherine sniggered.

"- is way too strong," Alina continued while ignoring Katherine's juvenile interruption. "Lowering it and instead adding a tasing element to compensate for the loss would make the Stingers more effective for takedowns."


"Hmm. True," Katherine stopped joking and sent Alina a sharp, knowing look and the latter looked down at her shoes.

Looks like she decided, Katherine thought as the elevator sounded and she turned around. An exhausted Selena came out of the elevator while rubbing her eyebrows. She sent an exasperated gaze towards Katherine when she noticed Alina wearing the Stinger Gauntlet, but was too tired to argue with either of them.

"Hey Sel," Katherine exchanged a worried glance with Alina as she turned to Selena. "How's it going?"

"Not good," Selena answered. "The board wants me to resign."

"They're pushing all the blame to you," Katherine concluded and Selena nodded.

"Sanctuary being hit with a missile was bad enough, but the discovery that the missile was supplied by our company? That makes it worse," Selena sighed. "Someone has to take the blame and the board …"

"Can they fire you?" Alina asked probingly. "Without Jason or Katherine's permission?"

"Well, 'Mr. Garm', hasn't been seen lately so they're hoping he'll be vetoed by default due to being absent," Katherine answered while air quoting to emphasize Jason's fake name. "Whereas I'm not officially in town so …"

"They're hoping to pull one over you," Alina finished and Katherine nodded.

"It'd be harder for me to reinstate Selena as CEO if they succeed in firing her."

Alina shrugged without worrying as she turned to Selena. "Jason'll stop them."

"… Alina, thank you, but I'd rather not have Jason be involved," Selena told Alina who have her a bemused look.

"He'll show up regardless of what you want," Alina said. "There's no way he'll leave you hanging."


"Yep. You."

Think I don't know you two have a history? Alina thought as she gave Selena a knowing look and the latter turned her face away in embarrassment.

"Huh," Katherine smirked at Alina who became nervous when she saw the former's face focus on her.

"What?" Alina asked rather defensively.

"You seem pretty knowledgeable about boys. And girls," Katherine dawdled amusedly. "Does that mean you have some … first hand experience?"

"I … no!" Alina blushed and vehemently refused but Katherine's grin only grew wider.

"Hehe, so quick to refuse … that means you do have a crush! C'mon, spit it out, who's the guy?" Katherine teased and Selena sighed in relief as soon as the tables were turned against Alina.

"I don't know what you're talking about!"

"This about that boy you used to know or the classmate?"

Alina's face changed and she shook her head. "No way, Kate. He was just a friend. Both are. Just friends."

"Oh, but he's the only boy you talked about other than Jason and … what was the other kid? Barbie Doll something?" Katherine asked teasingly with glee.


"Right, right. Ken," Selena laughed. Seriously, who names their kid Ken these days? Poor boy will have to live forever with Barbie atop his head.

"I'm serious, Kate," Alina pouted when she saw the two were still laughing. "Eryk is - was - a childhood friend, and Ken is … well he's nice and all …"

"Just not your cup of coffee?" Katherine asked while Selena watched on with amusement.

"No, not that. It's just …" Alina hesitated and Katherine became serious while Selena nodded gently for Alina to continue.

"I'm … we're not normal, Kate. Can we even think of living a normal life?" Alina asked. "I can't imagine myself working and then coming back to a house … I can't imagine a relationship with someone, a serious relationship where I - he knows everything. I don't think … I'm not sure if Ken is … I'm worried that he'll see me differently."

Alina shrunk closer to herself as she spoke and Katherine sighed while getting up and sitting next to her while Selena looked away. The latter clearly understood what Alina meant as she thought about Jason.

"I know what you mean," Katherine said after a moment of silence. "Know that guy I was talking to earlier? He's Faro, my … something. I got together with him before I became a Practitioner. And now … we both live in different worlds. Especially since I'm a different person."

Katherine sighed, her complicated feelings were bursting like a dam. Before her rebirth, she knew that version of her liked Faro, but after returning, after experiencing everything that happened in her previous lifetime, Katherine felt like he was a stranger. It rather, she was the stranger.

"If that's the case then why not break up?" Alina asked and Katherine smiled bitterly.

"Maybe a part of me still likes him," Katherine replied. "Despite knowing it won't work out … I don't want to hurt him."

"Ungh, why can't life be simpler?" Alina complained with a groan. "It's always so dramatic, even a side character like you has a complicated life!"


Alina had turned to Selena and the latter pretended to be hurt by being sidelined before all three burst out laughing.

"So, Harvey's?" Selena asked. "Burgers are on me."

"Amen, sister!" Alina jumped up and said.

"Wait a sec," Katherine also stood up and walked to a table before picking up a case. "Got something for you."

"What is it?" Alina asked and Katherine smiled mysteriously without answering. Alina slowly lifted the cover and a suit, similar to the under-armor that was used in combat class.

"Just like Jason's," Katherine said. "Wear it all the time, it'll keep you safe."

"Katie …" Selena was surprised by Katherine's actions but didn't interfere.

"Like, even under my school uniform? I'd look like Michelle," Alina stated while not taking her eyes off the suit. Michelle, since the beginning, had always worn an under-armor beneath her school uniform. From her neck, down to her hands, and to her legs, she was completely concealed frustrating all the boys who had a crush on her.

"This one has camouflage so it won't clash with your skirt," Selena answered and Katherine nodded.

"So why give me one?" Alina asked.

"Why did you snatch the weapon schematics?" Katherine asked back. Noticing Alina's silence, Katherine continued talking. "Allie, I won't push for an answer, but I want you to be safe, no matter what you do - or plan to do."

"I wasn't -"

"I told her how you want to be a bounty hunter," Selena interrupted, informing an annoyed Alina.

"Oh, really? Anything else you tell her?" Alina asked.

"Just that you and Jason had a fight about it."

"Go figure."

"Hey, I won't lecture you on whether it's a good choice or not," Katherine said. "But I'm not stupid enough to let you go out without any safety, and neither is Jason. Especially now that the city is in unrest. Besides, knowing you, I have an inkling that you're gonna do something stupid."

"Thanks," Alina said, completely ignoring Katherine's last jab. After stroking the suit once more, she closed the case before gesturing at a nearby stand with a sly look in her eyes. "By the way … what's that?"

Katherine and Selena turned to her direction before simultaneously looking at each other with wry smiles.

She really is like him, they both thought.


"You sure you wanna do this, kid?"

Jason was holding Alice in his lap as he asked her and she nodded eagerly. They were sitting on a chair in the reception room of the orphanage after a heavy meal while Emily and Melanie played with the nearby children.

"Yes! I've never had a sleepover!" Alice replied excitedly and Jason hesitated, unsure of what to do.

Maple had invited Alice to sleep with her in the orphanage and the latter agreed before immediately going to ask Jason for permission. However, Jason was hesitating as he thought it wasn't a good idea: he wouldn't be able to stay at the orphanage and even though Katelyn was nowhere to be found, he didn't want to take the risk that she, or someone from her organization, might attempt to whisk Alice away when he wasn't nearby. Also, he recalled what Melanie said about Maple and he didn't want to involve Alice in something dangerous.

"Daddy, I want this," Alice said firmly, interrupting Jason's musings.

Hmm. Did she figure something out? Jason thought as he saw the determination in her sapphire eyes. Clever girl. She knows that Maple might be in danger, eh? She also figured out that I won't lift a finger in this matter, so the kid decided to put herself in danger. Clever, but naive ...

A hand rested on Jason's shoulder and he looked up to see Emily staring at him tenderly.

"I'll stay tonight and watch over her," she told him softly in a reassuring manner.

"What a coincidence," Melanie interrupted the two and leaned on Jason's other shoulder. "I was planning the same thing. You wouldn't mind the company, would you, Emily?"

"No, not at all," Emily answered and the two smiled at each other as though they were sharing a private joke together.

This is … awkward, Jason thought as he shifted under their grasp, hoping no one would pay attention to what was occurring between his legs. Thankfully, Alice was sitting on his lap obstructing the view for everyone, although Jason had to force the child to sit closer to his knees.

Since he was sitting, both sides of his vision was blocked by the two girl's chests. Emily's bountiful valleys occupied his right side while Melanie's mouthwatering, bite sized melons covered his left side. Worse, he could see a perky bulge right in the center of their bosoms, meaning neither of them were wearing a bra. He could understand Emily; he had torn her bra off during their passionate make-out, so it most likely was unwearable. And Melanie … was, well, Melanie; it wasn't surprising that she has forgone her bra. Regardless, their close bodies, combined with the heat he could feel emanating from their hands, and the womanly scent they gave off ... it wasn't a wonder why Jason's little son was standing up unsheathed and ready for battle.

Goddamnit, I need relief asap, Jason thought as he used his powers to try and calm himself. The biggest contributor to his arousal was the fact that he previously made out with Emily. Being left unsatisfied, he became more sensitive to how appealing both Melanie and Emily currently were. Think calm stuff, think scary stuff, think anything but girls to get this down.

"... Alright," Jason replied to Alice after a while and she cheered along with Maple as Jason turned to Emily and Melanie. "Call me immediately if anything goes wrong."

The two nodded and Jason reluctantly left the orphanage. Even though he didn't want to leave Alice alone for the night, he decided to do so as he had to meet Elizabeth. He had been delaying his meeting with her and, constantly occupied with Alice, he didn't have the time to meet her alone until now.

She knows something about Katelyn. That's obvious from the way she was targeting her, Jason thought, focusing on the issues at hand to calm his lust. Maybe she has information on the organization that's orchestrating all is this. Question is, will she tell me?

Their last encounter was less than ideal as Elizabeth met Melanie and Katelyn and the latter having a child with Jason was a big blow to her. And with Jason having recently proposed to her, it only seemed worse for such a discovery to be revealed.

Well, there's only one way to find out, Jason thought as he entered his car and drove towards the hotel Elizabeth was staying in.

Half an hour later, Jason exited an elevator while whistling. After arriving at the hotel, he managed to 'convince' the cute receptionist to tell him which room Elizabeth was residing. It wasn't easy to charm her, as it seemed that Elizabeth was a celebrity who had a large fanbase, but nonetheless he succeeded.

And, of course, it was the best room they had, Jason thought wryly as he reached the penthouse suite and knocked.

Moments later, a shirtless man opened the door and Jason narrowed his eyes when he saw him. Unlike Jason, his slim body barely had body hair, and the man stared at Jason expectantly.

"Well?" he asked Jason, who was trying to shimmer the urge to kill the man. "Where is it?"

Jason rolled his eyes and pushed himself past the man, entering the room forcefully while ignoring the man's protest. Sitting on the counter next to the kitchen was a topless woman who was drinking from a whiskey glass. As soon as she saw Jason, she frowned and was about to swear but paused halfway, focusing intently in Jason's face.

"... Jason?" the woman asked hesitantly.

"Been a while, Jenni," Jason answered, brilliantly ignoring the fact that woman, who was now hugging him tightly, was brushing her bare breasts against his chest, much to the shirtless man's ire.

As Jason recalled, Jenni was a former member of Elizabeth's team when she was an active assassin. But she retired and joined Elizabeth's rock band, trading her knives for a pair of drumsticks.

"Jesus, look at you," Jenni let go of Jason and studied him carefully before spanking his behind. "No wonder Lizzy came all the way here and sat on her ass for so long. She was waiting for you."

"Hmm," Jason looked at the shirtless man before grunting. "Who's the new guy?"

"Our muscle. Definitely not your replacement," Jenni casually brushed Jason's question aside with a dismissive wave of her hand before reassuring him.

"Where is she?" Jason asked Jenni who was watching him carefully.

"Before I answer, just a question," Jenni smiled but Jason could feel the coldness emanating from the smile. "What exactly did you do to annoy her?"

"And how do you know I annoyed her?" Jason asked back.

"Oh, the fact that she's been drinking nonstop and sleeping with anyone, including me and him," Jenni answered cheerfully and Jason flared his nostrils while gritting her teeth.

"Where is she?" Jason asked, slowly annunciating every word. As he spoke, Jason cancelled a small part of the Anti-Qi that was inhibiting his abilities and used it to try and sense the suite. Very quickly, he found a presence in the bathroom and realized that Elizabeth was taking a shower. "Never mind, I found her."

Jason tried to move past Jenni but the latter grabbed his arm and stopped him. Jason slowly turned and looked at Jenni's arm that was holding him and a wave of impatient violence bubbled inside his mind.

"You think you can get away scot-free after hurting Lizzy?"

"I think that you need to let go of my arm," Jason answered, his voice quiet and menacing.

"No can do, big boy," Jenni gestured and the shirtless man walked behind Jason, who could feel the fighting aura that the two were exhibiting.

"I am not in the mood for games, Jenni. So for the sake of your arm, do not push me," Jason stuck his jaw out as he spoke. At the same time, a heavy and tense atmosphere enshrouded the room as the three prepared to fight when the sound of a door opening broke the pressure.

"Hey, Jenni -" Elizabeth, who was covered in a towel, exited the bathroom but stopped abruptly when she saw Jason's aura.

"Lizzy," Jason greeted her but Elizabeth remained silent. Noticing that Jenni was still clinging to his arm, Jason sent a shock of electricity through his body, shocking her hand away. "Let's talk."

"I'm all ears, Jason," Elizabeth answered with crossed arms and Jason raised an eyebrow.

Jason? Damn, she's pissed, Jason thought as he noticed her not calling him 'laddie'.

Jason turned to look at the other two before turning to Elizabeth.

"Alone," Jason stated before adding, "It's about why you came here."

Elizabeth tilted her head when she heard Jason. Unlike the other two who were assuming Jason was hinting at their relationship, she knew what he actually meant; he was referring to her business with Katelyn.

With a sigh, she turned to Jenni and man. "Jenni, go check with the manager about our schedule. Tommy, go with her."

As the two left the room, Elizabeth, with a tug, pulled the towel covering her body off, revealing her gorgeous body in all its glory.

"Well? We're alone now," Elizabeth said as she walked to her bedroom. Jason watched her walk away before he sat down on the dining table.

"I need information," he said after some hesitation.

"Oh? Yer Masters can't tell ye?" Elizabeth's snide comment about the Council came from the room as he listened to the rustling of her clothes.

"You were hunting Katelyn. Why?" Jason asked.

"It's Morta business, Jason. I dun' have an obligation to tell ye," Elizabeth came out of the room wearing a chic lavender cocktail dress. The v-neck spendidly accentuated her bursting bosoms and Jason, like a man under a spell, dazedly had his eyes fixed on them. Elizabeth sat down and noticed where Jason's gaze was transfixed, and she leaned back while placing an arm around her chest, blocking his view.

"Ahem. Then let's talk about something else," Jason coughed awkwardly to cover his lecherous gaze. "What about our marriage?"

"Ye still have the gall to mention that? While you keep them around ye?" Elizabeth laughed coldly as she asked him about the girls who surrounded him.

"Lizzy ... it's - it's complicated," Jason replied, but his eyes were refusing to meet hers.

"No, it's not. It's real simple, ye can't let yerself be tied to one lass, or place," Elizabeth stated bitterly. Her hand shook as she reached for a bottle of wine and a glass. Pouring a generous amount, she drained the glass in one shot before turning to Jason. "Ye can't be satisfied with just one."

"What I said, that night and the next morning, I meant it," Jason said. "I meant it, Lizzy, I lo - I care about you."

"I didn't realize it before, but yer so full of shite," Elizabeth sneered when she heard Jason stumbling on his true feelings and looked away from him; if she kept staring at him, the urge to punch him would increase.

"I'm full of shit," Jason's adam's apple trembled as he repeated Elizabeth's sentence. "Comes from the woman who would seduce men while keeping me as a boytoy."

"What did you say?" Elizabeth asked in a quiet voice.

"You think I didn't know how you assassinate your targets? Like a mantis, you'd seduce your targets before killing them? And you asked me why I was so distant from you, why I never told you anything?"

"Don't ye dare say that ta me, not when you rut with everyone and everything in yer sight!" Elizabeth slammed her fist down on the table as she shouted in a low, angry voice.

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