《Immortals: The Curse of Samsara》Chapter 44


Markus yawned heavily and, while wiping the tears from the corner of his eyes, turned to look at outside the window of a plated Jeep before focusing on his right. Next to him was Michelle who sat quietly while gazing straight ahead, her right hand on her thigh where her gun was holstered. Her fresh, fair skin glistened as brightly as her golden hair and her sapphire blue eyes occasionally spun around to study the surroundings before settling back to the car ahead of them.

Fuck this is annoying, Markus thought with a silent grimace. She's actually going to bodyguard me, even at home. Means zero privacy, fuck.

“Hey, I get the whole need about protecting me,” Markus said after a short moment, his voice laden with impatience. “But why the fuck can’t I have an actual officer guard me?”

"I am un officier de AEM," Michelle responded cooly, her voice completely indifferent to Markus's annoyance.

“Whatever, just don’t get in my way,” Markus grunted as he placed his hands at the back of his head and laid back on the car seat slovenly.

A few minutes of tense silence filled the air until Markus reached his home and alighted the car along with Michelle. Looking up at his relatively rich house, Markus grimaced again before heading inside and Michelle silently followed him like a ghost. Entering the house, Markus planned on making a beeline to his room but a rough voice prevented him from going upstairs.

"Markus," the voice called indifferently. A man with gray hair and a face covered in stern wrinkles slowly made his way down the stairs. The man looked at Michelle for a moment before locking in Markus with disapproval. "You're late."

"I was busy, old man," Markus replied sullenly.

"I don't care," the man said. "You have work to do."

Saying nothing more, the man walked past both Markus and Michelle.

"You're Père?" Michelle asked quietly.

"None of your business," Markus snapped.

"Comme vous le souhaitez," Michelle said, her voice cold and distant and Markus immediately felt regret at his outburst but, despite knowing he was wrong, did nothing to apologize.

"Cousin, don't be rude to our guest," a voice interrupted the two and another teen emerged from behind a corner. He smiled graciously but Michelle felt a shiver: the newcomer's smile was as venomous as a snake.

"Fuck off, or I will fuck you up," Markus growled as he slammed his fists together. The newcomer's smile faltered and a glint passed through his eyes before he turned to Michelle.

"Hi, I'm Felix, Markus's cousin," Felix raised his hand to Michelle but the latter merely stared at apathetically. Felix smiled awkwardly as he withdrew his hand and brushed his hair instead. "Thank you for agreeing to protect my cousin."

Michelle narrowed her eyes as he spoke. She could feel his eyes brazenly devouring her body and it took all her might to not shoot him unconscious.

"I said. Fuck. Off," Markus took a step forward as he cracked his knuckles, inadvertently preventing Felix from seeing Michelle.

Felix sent Markus a deathly glower before he hastily retreated, leaving Markus and Michelle alone.

"Welcome to the den of snakes," Markus muttered before walking off. "I'll show you your room."

Markus led Michelle upstairs and brought her to the farthest room that was situated at the back of the house.

"It's here," Markus grumbled as he opened the door to the room and allowed her to enter. "Washroom's two rooms that'a way and you saw the dining room. See ya."


"Attendez. Where are you going?" Michelle asked when she saw Markus walking away.

"None of your concern," Markus retorted.

Quel âne, Michelle thought. Cette mission sera plus difficile que je ne le pensais.


Jason smiled as he chopped meat into small pieces while a small crowd of children helped him wash the vegetables and prepare the meal. He was currently in the kitchen preparing a beef stew along with homemade bread for the children.

"That's a great job, kid," Jason told a young girl who was peeling potatoes. She blushed and smiled happily as she received the compliment, bursting with pride at being acknowledged for her hard work.

Jason looked upwards when he heard Alice's bell-like laughter and he smiled tenderly again. Through the window, he could see Alice playing tag with the other children, Melanie sitting and telling a story to another batch of children, and Emily half-heartedly playing dolls with some more girls.

Emily ...

His smile faded as his yearning eyes lingered on Emily. He admired her gentleness as she played with the children, but a moment later he quickly looked down when he saw her turning to look at him. No matter what he told her, he knew very well what his true feelings for her were. And no matter how much he denied it, he knew very well that it was better to bury it.

I can't … He thought gloomily. If Lizzy and Katie weren't … but they are. And Allie … I'll keep my promise this time.

Pushing his thoughts aside, Jason turned to the children that were helping him cook before sneakily looking around to see if the coast was clear.

"Hey kids," Jason said in an intentionally low voice. " Wanna see a magic trick?"

The children nodded eagerly and Jason grinned before throwing all the peeled potatoes into the air. A multitude of gasps rang out through the air as gravity pulled the potatoes back to the ground. Before the potatoes could land into the large pot beneath them, Jason flicked his wrist and the knife in his hands gleamed in the chilly sunlight as he cut the potatoes in midair faster than the eye could see. The children furrowed their eyebrows when they noticed the potatoes were still whole even after Jason stopped slashing, but soon their eyes widened in surprise as they saw the potatoes split into even chunks upon impacting the bottom of the pot.

"Wow!" a chorus of surprised awe and claps sounded out from the children while Jason triumphantly basked in their praises. "Do it again, do it again!"

Jason grinned and threw some more vegetables into the air and the children clapped as he chopped them into small pieces. As he did so, he heard a giggle echo from behind him and the bright innocent laughter was so familiar to him but he couldn't quite grasp as to why it was. After adding beef, Jason let the stew cook while he went to prepare the bread. Noticing that there wasn't enough flour in the kitchen, he told the kids to play outside while he left for the storehouse.

Emily watched Jason playing the children with warm, bleak eyes. She felt his intense gaze and looked back at him, hoping to capture to a glimpse of his stare, hoping to know for certain that he cared for her. But she also understood that he was forcing those feelings down. She realized where he was coming from: he was her teacher, her friend's brother, and a complicated man who was - is - juggling one too many love interests. But she didn't care about any of that. She just wanted him. She wanted to be happy for once.


Watching him usher the children out of the kitchen, Emily settled her heart and decided to follow him, but not before leaving the girls she was playing with to Ms. Grace.

Jason opened the storehouse and nodded with appreciation when he saw how the interior was clean and dry. The autumn air was crisp and cold and it preserved the stores wonderfully.

"Alrighty. Flour, flour, flour. Where art thou?" Jason muttered as he bent down and searched for flour. A moment later, he paused when he sensed someone behind him and silently sighed.

"Jason ..." Emily's voice, low but firm, called out from behind.

Jason was reluctant to turn around and face her, he didn't want to confront her again but he relented when he felt her hand on his back. The warmth of her hand burned through his shirt and he felt a shudder pass through him as his body responded to the warmth.

"Emily … I -" Jason turned around to face her when his words were abruptly stopped by Emily's lips. All thoughts and excuses faded from his mind as he felt her soft sweet lips push down on his, his mind went blank and he could see stars as he felt her lips part, her tongue gently caressed his lips before prying them open to greet his own tongue. Within him, a beast, caged and restless, broke out and roared with delight.

Without even thinking, Jason reciprocated her kiss. He lifted Emily up and wrapped her legs around his waist before passing her against the wall. He then pushed his tongue into her, savouring the sweet taste of bubblegum while exploring her mouth. He rolled his tongue against hers, brushed her teeth and gums before pulling away and gently nibbling on her lips.

More, the beast within Jason growled. I want more of her.

Emily moaned as Jason's hand slowly crept up her thighs and onto her pillowy bosoms. He fondled them through her sweater, moulding them to his will despite the fact that they were encased in a bra. Wanting to hear more of her delectable cries, Jason slipped his hand into her sweater and unclasped her bra. Promptly tossing them aside, he brushed his rough, calloused across her hardened tips and Emily sighed with content even as her tongue refused to leave his.

"Oh, Jason," Emily parted her mouth from Jason's just to moan as he bent his head and bit and suckled her neck.

No … no. We can't, Jason snapped out of his trance when he heard her voice. We can't do this …

Why are you stopping? Why place these restrictions on yourself? the beast roared with dissatisfaction. Let loose and relish in it! Take her for yourself, indulge in all of your desires!

No ... "No!"

Jason locked away the darkest thoughts that were consuming him and pulled away from Emily. Her legs buckled as she stood on her own and she looked at Jason with mixed emotions.

"No. We … we can't, Emily. I'm sorry," Jason breathed out.

Emily looked crestfallen, her heart pounding with pain before she laughed bitterly.

"Can't or won't?" She asked. Her voice was filled with resentment as she locked her eyes on Jason.

Jason didn't reply as he turned his back to her.

"Jason," Emily soft voice pleaded. "I don't care if there's someone else ... if there are others. I don't care … I don't care. Just … let me be with you."

Neither of them spoke a word and silence ensued before Emily picked herself up.

"I know you care, Jason. I know you feel the same way … just tell me why you won't accept me. Am I not good enough for you?" Emily asked bitterly.

You're too good for me, Emily. Jason couldn't voice his thought and Emily wiped the tears from her eyes before leaving.

"Emily. Wait," Jason tried stopping her before she exited the storehouse but the latter ignored him, prompting him to grab her hand. "Wait. Please."

Jason quickly realized that if he did nothing, if he let her go, if he let her leave like this, then not only would he regret it, he would destroy Emily.

Despite stopping, Emily refused to look at Jason as the latter cleared his throat. "I ca - I can't give you an answer right now. But I can promise you, I will tell you my answer once you turn eighteen."

Emily turned to look at Jason with surprise and the latter swept a hand through his hair.

"Yeah, call me old-fashioned but you're not old enough to date just yet," he teased and Emily rolled her eyes.

"I am technically an adult," Emily protested sweetly.

"But your also my student," Jason replied. "Once you're eighteen, you'll move to the college curriculum and 'technically' you won't be my student anymore. Until then … we can't."

Emily lifted her hand and placed it on one of Jason's cheeks while he closed his eyes. He leaned closer to the warmth emanating from her hand before kissing her outstretched arm.

"And what about the other women in your life?" Emily asked with a 'smile'. Despite telling herself, and him, that she was alright with sharing Jason, her heart was in turmoil.

"I owe them too much," Jason opened his eyes and avoided eye contact with her while mumbling. He managed to cover the guilt he was feeling for lying to her by pretending that he was uncomfortable with her question. "We'll see what happens."

Suddenly, a thought crossed him and he turned back to Emily with raised eyebrows. "What about you and Melanie? What's up with that? Weren't you a touch hostile to her?"

"We …" Emily shook her head and pulled away from Jason. "It's ... nothing."

"You sure?"

"... I'll let Melanie tell you," Emily said. "Besides, I don't want you to think about her right now …"

I want you to think about me, and me alone, Emily thought as she leaned closer to Jason, preparing to kiss him when he raised a finger to her lips, stopping her.

"We've got company," Jason winked and gestured at the door and Emily quickly pulled away.

Two tiny hands and a handful of auburn hair was visible at the corner of the door. Slowly the hair grew bigger and a high forehead appeared before two bright emerald eyes peered at them.

"Alright kid, you can come out," Jason coughed his laughter away while Emily blushed profusely as she turned away from him. Maple, caught in the act, hesitantly and guiltily walked out from past the door frame.

"I - I'm sorry," Maple looked like she was giving to cry and Emily softened up.

"I'll talk to her," Jason said quietly to Emily who hesitated but nodded at the end. She left the storehouse, but not before hastily grabbing her thrown bra, and she patted Maple's head as she exited and Jason sighed again while his face changed. The gentleness etched upon it faded as he watched Emily carefully with a frown.

Something's off, he thought. Emily … her face was full of desperation and lust. But she's usually more calm, collected, careful. She never struck me as someone who follows her whims and masks themselves like Melanie.

If he thought about it, perhaps he would've realized right then and there what was happening to Emily, but Jason shook his head to rouse his thoughts before turning to Maple.

"Please don't tell Alice. About me and Emily," Jason said to Maple. "It'll hurt her if you tell."

Maple nodded vehemently and Jason cocked his head in bemusement. Since Emily left, he noticed how distraught Maple was. Even before this event, he caught her staring at him silently when she thought he wasn't paying attention.

Realization dawned on Jason and he gave a low chuckle while nodding.

"Hmm, eh. Of course, of course," Jason murmured, his voice low and gravel while Maple froze like a block of ice. "You recognize me, don't you?"

Maple hesitated, unsure of what to do as sweat dripped down her back. She was terrified of him, but curious all the same and she wasn't certain if what he would do if she admitted it. Regardless, as she looked up and saw his face, she gritted her teeth and nodded.

"You're the Beast," she whispered in a hoarse voice.

"That's right," Jason nodded, his dark eyes swallowing all the light in the room as it mesmerized the child in front of him. "I am a monster. The monster. Fenrir."

Maple stopped thinking when she heard Jason. She knew it, deep down, she knew that he was the same monster that had large eyes and even larger teeth, but hearing him admit it frightened her to no ends.

"Does that frighten you?" Jason asked and Maple reluctantly nodded. Jason kneeled down until he was directly facing Maple and asked her in a quiet voice, "And what will you do?"

Maple gazed straight into his eyes before whispering, "I don't know." She barely shook her head as she murmured truthfully.

After some hesitation, Maple slowly raised her hand and reached out to touch Jason's face. She felt his soft but sculpted hollow cheeks, his bristling beard that pricked her hands like needles.

"Why pretend to be a monster?" Maple asked with confusion. "Why wear a scary mask?"

Jason gently pulled her hands away from his face as he chortled. His coarse laughter was full of mirth and he wiped the tears from his eyes as he answered her, "Kid, this is my mask."

"I don't get it," Maple frowned, not understanding Jason.

"It's better if you don't," Jason said before holding his pinky out. "Let's keep my secret a secret between the two of us. Pinky swear?"


The two crossed their pinky fingers before Melanie called out for Maple.

"You should go to her," Jason said and Maple nodded before leaving.

He stood silently after Maple left, his mind thinking about the event that occurred here. He knew his actions with Emily and Maple would have consequences, but he wasn't sure how it would affect him and those around him. All he could do was sigh once more before picking up the bag of flour and exiting the storehouse.

On his way to the kitchen, Jason heard the ghostly giggle again. Turning his head, he caught sight of the shape of a girl, dressed in white running past a door. Her curly black hair was tied into a ponytail, and her white dress reached her shins, but Jason wasn't able to catch a glimpse of her face as she frolicked away. Placing the flour bag down, Jason followed the direction the little girl ran too, his steps slow and steady as his heart pounded in his throat.

"Allie … I'm coming to get you!"

A voice Jason heard only a few weeks ago echoed through the room, full of joviality, and he stopped moving; his breathing stilled and he closed his eyes to force the tears that were threatening to leak out.

"You can't find me, you can't find me!"

The little girl's voice echoed as he walked to the orphanage's reception. As he entered the reception, the little girl in white raced by him and scuttled to the table. She pulled the white cover and hid beneath the table while covering her mouth, trying her hardest to contain her infectious laughter.

"Hmm … now, where could she be?"

A second voice came from behind Jason and before he turned to see the newcomer, she walked past him. Her dirty bone hair was draped with a white lace headband and her black and white maid outfit couldn't hide her budding body that was lithe and supple.

Katie … Jason thought with pain. He closed his eyes as he heard her play hide and seek with Alina.

'You're seeing your inner demon,' a wise but wizened voice said from beside Jason and the latter sneered with gritted teeth.

"I thought I shut you up," Jason said out loud. "All of you."

'We can't be silenced, child,' the voice replied. 'You may have weakened the connection, but it is impossible to completely erase us. Especially now that you have unsealed your powers after reaching this world's limit.'

"What do you want from me?" Jason asked impatiently.

'Nothing. It is why I have not spoken since you blocked the others,' the sage answered. 'I only wish to guide you on your path, child. Nothing more, nothing less.'

Jason understood what the sage was saying. Unlike the other personalities, he never manipulated him. He would instead ask if Jason was certain over the choices he was making only to be drowned by the voices and emotions the others had.

"To be honest, I'm glad it's you who's in the backseat," Jason said as he watched Katelyn catch Alina who tried running away. "I still owe you for teaching me the poultice's recipe."

'We all have something we wish to impart to you,' the sage answered. 'The others are more … enthusiastic about it. But enough about the dead. Tell me, what do you see?'

"I see Alina … and Katelyn," Jason replied tearfully, his voice breaking multiple times. "Playing hide and seek, during a time when life was simpler."

'You regret your decision?'

"I do," Jason wiped the corner of his eyes as he answered. "I regretted for years, maybe as soon as I did it. But I was too proud, too arrogant to change my mind."

'But that is not the guilt that is consuming you, is it?' the wise voice asked. 'It is the fact that you will have to reveal the truth to her.'

Jason's eyes went to the hallucination of Alina who was laughing as Katelyn swung her around.

"It is," he whispered hoarsely as he closed his eyes in an effort to ignore the visions, but the ghostly laughter still reverberated in his ears. "More than anything, it is. I have to tell her that I abandoned Katelyn … that I killed her."

The voice sighed, the sound cracked with age. 'The longer you take to admit it, the worse it will become.'

"I know."

'Then you know what must be done.'

"I know."


Jason shook his head and turned around to face Melanie who called him out with concern.

"You okay? We've been calling you for some time," Melanie asked as she checked his clammy forehead for a fever.

"I - I'm fine," Jason answered throatily. "You need something?"

"Yes. Some of the kids want to help you make the bread. Can you …?"

"Yeah, yeah. Sure," Jason nodded before plucking the flour bag from the floor.

'One last piece of advice?' the voice of the sage rang out as Jason left Melanie for the kitchen. 'Be wary of that … lady. She is not only conniving but venomous.'

"I can handle her," Jason muttered to the voice who sighed inwardly.

That is what he thought as well, the sage thought but didn't voice. To think that you would meet her again after all this time …


"Really, Mr. Chiba, I'm hoping you can help me with this endeavour."

Chiba turned to stare at the man sitting next to him, observing his brown skin and dark hazel eyes. Both he and his guest were sitting in the backseat of his car that was being driven by his security guard.

"I'll try Ambassador Singh, but I can't guarantee anything," Chiba replied while massaging his forehead. "It depends on my daughter, and she is good friends with him."

"Thank you, I just need you to arrange a meeting with him," Singh answered. "As thanks, I'll send some Imperial Dragon Fruit."

Chiba straightened himself and turned to look at Singh with a serious expression. Imperial Dragon Fruit was a rare mutated version of the Asian cactus but was rich with Aether, making it a precious commodity for those that wanted to gain strength. The seeds within the fruit was a shade of crystal green jade and would aid any Elementary Esper in levelling up.

This would be great for Chibi, Mr. Chiba thought. He knew that despite being so bright and cheery, Asami had an inferiority complex due to being a level one. For some reason, despite having the resources, Asami was unable to level up. But now, with the Imperial Dragon Fruit hanging in front of him, Chiba had hope again.

Chiba nodded and was about to reply when he heard a long honk from a nearby car. Seconds later, he was thrust forward as the car lurched sideways before flipping. Fragments of shattered glass grazed his face as he felt the world spin for what seemed like an eternity. When the world around him settled down, Chiba turned to look around at Singh even as his ears rang from the impact.

With a groan, he unbuckled his seatbelt and landed headfirst on what was once the roof of his car. His blurry gaze landed on his driver who had taken his gun out and exited the vehicle. Multiple gunshots rang out and Chiba flinched and ducked even though he was inside the car. Hearing a thump, he turned and saw his guard collapse, his legs jerking as he bled from his gunshot wounds.

Chiba turned and helped Singh out of his seatbelt before kicking the door that was opposite of the direction the gunshots came from.

"Go, go!" he pulled a stun gun from his waist and dragged Singh out of the car before dropping low to avoid the shots that came barreling towards him. "Stay low."

Counting to three, Chiba stood up and returned fire, hitting one ambusher before ducking as the enemies showered him with bullets.

"Seikō wa sekyuritidesu ka?" Chiba swore as he and Singh flinched from the barrage of bullets that hit the car they were hiding under.

A moment later a shout was heard and the clanging of metal reverberated before more gunshots were heard. Chiba furrowed his eyebrows when he realized that the shots were no longer targeting him and he peeked over the car only to see his would-be killers being attacked by a single woman.

Her silky black hair was held up in a bun and her face was concealed in an oni mask. She targeted the enemies close to her, slicing their weapons while using their body to shield herself from the enemies that were farther off and aiming at her with their rifles. With a kick, she sent one shooter flying into another and stabbed her katana through the throat of a third before ducking and approaching a fourth. Within a minute, she had killed or maimed all the shooters and Chiba slowly emerged from the remains of his car.

"Honey?" Chiba asked in Japanese and the masked woman turned to look at him.

"Yes, dear?" Mrs. Chiba asked mildly as she flung aside the blood that was dripping from her katana before sheathing it.

"I love you."

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