《Immortals: The Curse of Samsara》Chapter 31


After the lunch break, Alina and Michelle returned to their lessons while Jason took Alice to his office and played video games with her till the end of the day. Finally, the bell rang and students rushed out of the classroom like a tidal wave. Most were heading for their lockers but Alina and Michelle traveled down to the high school entrance of the academy.

"Hey, you see Asami? She didn't come back to class after break," Alina asked Michelle who shook her head. "Hold on, lemme text her."

"Hey, you two," Jason was leaning on a wall with crossed arms, a smile on his face while Alice stood next to him. He raised an eyebrow and looked behind them when he noticed it was just the two of them. "Where's Emily?"

"Pourquoi? Vous worried for her?" Michelle asked obliquely, her voice was slightly scathing.

"Well yeah, she has a cold and didn't seem too keen on visiting the nurse," Jason said smoothly.

"Asami took her to the doctor's," Alina said after looking down at her phone. Asami had texted back, telling her not to worry about Emily.

"That's good," Jason said as all four walked to the school's gate. "Huh, lookie here. There's a bunch of kids hanging out at the gates."

The gates had a gaggle of schoolgirls crowding it and Alina frowned when she saw it.

"Huh, why does this seem so familiar?" She muttered to herself.

With Jason's aid, they got to the front and came across a man leaning on a car with his eyes closed. His dedicate but strong face was completely beardless, he didn't have a strand of beard hair making him look like a pretty boy straight from Hollywood. His lean but muscular figure was apparent from his jacket and his blonde hair and fair skin only appealed to girls even more.

"Whoa," Alina muttered with a raised eyebrow as Michelle's face changed when she noticed the former's interest in the man. "What a …"

"Complete ass," Jason finished and all three girls looked at him in surprise. "What? Look at him!"

Jason gestured at Raphael as he continued talking.

"What kind of dumbass leans on his car looking all cool in front of the school just after class finishes?" Jason asked rhetorically.

Uh, you? Alina and Michelle thought exasperatedly as they recalled how he first showed up in their school.

"And, goddamnit, he stole my thunder!" Jason added under his breath and Alina, who caught his grumbling, laughed.

The person in question, Raphael, opened his eyes and smiled at Michelle who, while disgruntled, smiled happily. She hurried to Raphael's side and he patted her head as he spoke.

"How come you didn't smile like that when I showed up," Jason asked enviously. He saw how proud and happy Michelle was at seeing her brother and couldn't help but complain to Alina, who smiled sweetly at him before slamming her heel on his foot.

"My pervert dad is amazing!" Alice, who was besides then, said with a bright smile in order to cheer Jason up. It was a great compliment, minus the pervert part and Jason wasn't sure if he should feel pleased or depressed at how Alice said it.

"Hey, sis," Raphael said with a smile that was replaced with a worried look. "Je suis désolé, I haven't been able to visit you earlier."

"No, it's ok, frère," Michelle said. "I understand that you were busy."


"Oh, ungh," Jason groaned running the moment the two were having. "This is too sappy even for me."

Alina rolled her eyes and Raphael focused on Jason instead. He walked up to the latter and sent a right hook straight at his face. Jason, expecting the punch, dodged it easily with a raised eyebrow. As Raphael lunged forward with the punch, Jason sidestepped him while reaching a hand towards him and quickly retreating. Right after, he placed the girls between him and Raphael.

"That was for…?" He asked Raphael while hiding behind Alina.

"For being an ass!" Raphael said through gritted teeth causing Alina to gaze at Jason subtly while he looked away with a curious gaze. Why was Jason having the strangest sense of deja vu?

Oh right, Jason thought sheepishly. That was Alina's reason too. Seriously, is there something on my face that's attracting all the punches today?

"Did you have to lie at the diner?! We all fucking believed you!" Raphael said grimly, causing Jason to raise his arms and gestured at himself with confusion.

"Have you met me? I'm always an ass and I've always lied. I think the only time I was ever truthful to you was when I told you I slept with twins!" Jason said smugly.

Alina, Alice, and Michelle sent Jason a look full of disapproval and disgust. Right after, the latter two turned to Alina with an inquiring gaze; they were silently asking her if it was true and Alina shrugged while shaking her head, implying that he was still lying. Jason was merely playing Raphael again.

Raphael and Jason continued quarreling while Alina and Michelle continued their silent conversation.

Hey, is your brother usually …? Alina asked Michelle through a look.

Non, not at all. This is the first time he's acted like this. Your brother? Michelle shrugged and answered silently. She nocked her head towards Jason when she asked Alina.

Uh, no. I didn't think he had any guy friends. Alina shook her head.

Are they friends? Michelle asked silently while tilting her head sideways in confusion.

Huh, good question. Alina thought while tapping a finger on her chin. They both looked back to Jason and Raphael who were still bickering.

"Is there anything, anything, other than following orders that you're good at?" Jason asked Raphael.

"Putting up with you?" Raphael suggested mildly and Jason's face changed.

"I see what you did there," Jason said and Raphael shrugged his shoulders, implying he didn't care. "You stole my lines!"

"Alright, you two that's enough. Break up the catfight," Alina said as she and Michelle stepped up and stopped the two bickering children.

"Yeah? I'll stop once you get pretty girl here to back off," Jason said.

"What did you call me?!" Asked Raphael. Sure, his looks were more on the pretty side, but that didn't mean he appeared girly.

"Hmm? Oh, oh! Real sorry. That was a slip of tongue," Jason said with a provocative smile. "I meant boy, pretty boy. The I-look-like-and-act-a-teen boy!"

Raphael was about to burst again when Michelle calmed him down. "Frère, qu'est-ce qui ne va pas? This isn't you."

"Désolé pour ça. He's infuriating and I-"

"Oh, he's infuriating. Wah wah," Jason interrupted Raphael and spoke in a high pitched voice, mocking him.

"I lose my temper around him," Raphael finished with gritted teeth, his glare aimed at Jason who childishly stuck his tongue out.

"All right," Alina said. "Why don't we all introduce ourselves first, hm?"


"Excusez-moi, where are my manners," Raphael said. He raised his hand and shook Alina's as he spoke. "My name is Raphael, thank you for looking after my petite soeur."

Alina gazed at Raphael dreamily, appreciating his good looks. He had a well-sculpted face and his blue eyes, shoulder-length blonde hair, and gentle smile only enhanced his pretty looks.

"Wow, you're hot," Alina said with a bit of a sigh. Jason and Michelle's faces both changed and Alina gasped when she saw everyone staring at her weirdly. "Ah, oh god! Did I say that out loud?"

Jason narrowed his eyes and took a quiet photo of Raphael holding Alina's hand. He then sent it, along with GPS coordinates, to an unknown number with the caption: "Your hubby is hitting on my sister, get here ASAP!"

"Hah, uh … thanks?" Raphael was unsure of what to say or feel. He was being complemented and stared at by a high schooler, a child who was literally the same age as his sister. Should he feel flattered about that fact? He turned to look at Jason and the latter looked back at him murderously.

"Can I kill him? I should kill him," Jason muttered while Alice held him back.

"No, daddy, you can't!" Alice cried as she dug her heels into the ground and tried stopping Jason.

"Daddy?!" Raphael looked at Alice with shock. There wasn't a shed of Jason's features in her looks, which was why it surprised him. Suddenly, while studying Alice he frowned.

Strange, He thought. She looks familiar, but … from where?

He turned to Jason but realized that he wasn't planning on introducing this child to him.

"Alright, sis," Raphael turned to Michelle. "It's time to go. This week I'll be helping you in AKEERA training while Junco will give you shooting lessons."

"Qu'en est-il mama?" Michelle asked. While she knew that Watson was busy, she couldn't help but feel despondent at knowing her mother wouldn't train her.

"She's dealing with … international issues," Raphael answered evasively, deflecting her question. He didn't wish to elaborate any more than this. "Well, it's nice meeting you and ... you. Have a good day."

Raphael said his farewells to Alina and Alice but ignored Jason who, in retaliation, stuck his foot out while Raphael passed. Raphael tripped and turned back to glare at him when Michelle turned around and stared at both with confusion; because she was walking ahead, she didn't notice what Jason did.

Jason sniggered while Michelle asked Raphael what was wrong. Placing his hands in his pocket, he leaned sideways on a post while asking Raphael in mock concern. "Yeah Raphy, what's wrong?"

Raphael ignored Jason this time and walked away with Michelle while Jason called out behind him. "Careful not to trip on your ego again!"

"You are bad," Alina said with a small smile and Jason chuckled evilly.

"Oh, kid, you have no idea," Jason said while raising his hand and showing it to Alina.

"Is that …" Alina hesitated to ask, but her curiosity got the better.

"Yep," Jason nodded. "Wanna bet on how fast he'll run back?"

"No," Alina stepped away from Jason, keeping her distance. "Don't involve me in your petty squabble."


"Raphaël, où est Junco?" Michelle asked.

"Back at HQ, sorting through our briefing reports," Raphael answered.

He opened the car's door for Michelle but stopped and frowned when he noticed how light his back pocket was. Placing a hand on his back pocket, Raphael's face changed and he began checking all his pockets, including his jacket, frisking himself at Michelle's confusion.

"Frère?" Michelle asked and Raphael froze in place, the previous scene of him attempting to punch Jason flashed through his mind.

"No way. That son of a …" Raphael muttered as he turned around slowly to look back at Jason.

Alina was keeping her distance from Jason, pretending not to know him while Alice watched Jason in silenced amazement. Currently, Jason was shifting through a brown leather wallet, a smirk on his face when he went through the various IDs inside it. Pulling out the cash, he tossed the wallet aside and began counting the money, a satisfied smile on his face as he licked his finger before going through every bill.

"Hey! HEY! You sunvabitch! That's my wallet!" Raphael shouted startling Jason who dashed away when he saw Raphael running back towards him.

Michelle sat shellshocked in the passenger's seat, unsure of what to do while Raphael slowed down to a jog only to pick his wallet up before chasing after Jason.

"Gimme back my money!" Raphael shouted, interrupting Jason who was in the middle of counting while he ran off.

"Fuck off! It's - it's reimbursement for … for mental trauma!" Jason yelled back as he refused to stop and instead picked up speed.

Michelle walked back to Alina as the two disappeared past the garden. Shaking her head she turned to Alina.

"What do we do?" She asked her and Alina laughed.

"Of course, we bring in the big guns," Alina answered. "I'm betting Jason sent a text to someone important to Raphael. But just to certain, let's get backup. Ms. Silvia, duh."

Alina clarified when she noticed Michelle's bemused look.

"Ah, oui, good idea," Michelle muttered and the two, along with Alice, headed back into school and straight to Silvia's office.


"Goddamnit, stop interrupting, I can't count!" Jason yelled as he dodged Raphael who went to tackle him.

"The fuck you're counting! That's my money!" Raphael bellowed.

"Uh-huh, says you!" Jason shot back. "I just happened to find a wallet and just happened to reward myself for picking it up when you came after me! This is police brutality!"

"The fuck it is! That's my wallet!" Raphael shouted. "And I'm not even a cop!"

The two ran past crowds, ducked and rolled over tables while running. Eventually, after a whole lap around the school, they reached the gate again and Raphael managed to tackle Jason to the ground. Grabbing him from behind, Raphael tried to climb over Jason and take the stack of money away from Jason but the latter, with the help of height difference, stretched his hand away from Raphael.

"Gimme back-"


"My money-!"




The two continued wrestling when a voice overhead interrupted them.

"Uh, what the fuck?"

The two turned around to see who was speaking while still struggling amongst themselves. In front of them were two women, one which Jason knew very well: Selena Mintz.

The other made Jason almost stop in place. Her flaming hair and biker like outfit screamed rogue. An apt description, considering who she was.

Katherine Rogue … Jason thought. CEO of Rogue Industries and Alina's cousin sister … well, fuck. I'm screwed.

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