《Immortals: The Curse of Samsara》Chapter 29


Alina, Michelle, and Asami watched the two leave with mixed feelings. Asami and Michelle were concerned with Emily's sickness and Alina looked at the two leave with hesitation. She knew that both had feelings for Jason and she felt that the two would probably be discussing him privately.

Aw hell, Alina thought. It's always like this wherever he goes. Damned horndog …

"So … that's that," Asami said, trying her best the levitate the mood. "What are you two planning now?"

"Nothing really," Alina answered while turning to Asami. "Why?"

"She's planning quelque chose," Michelle replied while staring at Asami with suspicious eyes.

"What? No, I'm not planning anything," Asami said sheepishly. "Really. Please stop looking at me like that."

"We'll stop if you tell us what you're planning," Alina said with a grin.

"Okay, fine, let me ask you," Asami said, giving in to Alina with a roll of her eyes. "Is there ever a dull moment with Jason?"

"No," Alina answered with a shake of her head.

"Exactly!" Asami said excitedly. "That's why I'm gonna follow him and see what he's up to! C'mon, let's go and find him, my reporter senses are tingling!"

"Êtes-vous sûr que votre estomac ne grogne pas?" Michelle asked, with a dash of insipidness evident in her voice. Her jab at Asami's tingling only because of her hunger made the latter bristle with indignation.

"Your stomach is grumbling!" Asami shot back. "Your family's stomach is grumbling!"

"How puéril," Michelle muttered.

"Yes, I'm childish. Whatever," Asami replied. She skipped to the doorway before turning back to them with a smirk on her face. "Coming?"

Michelle rolled her eyes when she saw how smug Asami looked, the latter knew the two well enough to know that they would be following her.


Jason held Alice's hand as he took her around the school, giving her a tour of the place. He had already taken her to the courtyard, the gardens, the Dome, and the gym. The place that he led her to next was the music theater, a place he knew she'd enjoy. And indeed, as soon as Alice saw the large room with a stage full of instruments, her eyes widened and she ran towards them gleefully.

Guess she loves music. Must be in the genes, Jason thought as he followed her with a smile.

"Whoa, look at them, they're so cool!" Alice ran up to the stage but didn't climb since a band comprised of students was already sitting there practicing their band.

"Hey, kids," Jason greeted the students with a wave of his hand that he pulled from his pocket. He gestured at them to sit when he noticed them standing to greet him. "You don't mind if we join you?"

While Jason picked Alice up onto the stage, Asami sneakily led the other two inside, where they hid from Jason's sight, sitting at the farthest seats at the back.

"Just a sec," Asami muttered while tapping consistently on her phone. Leaning forward, Alina noticed that she had accessed the theater's system. "There, got it!"

After she was done, Asami activated the live recording system, connecting it to her phone while accessing the sound system and bringing it online.

"Uh, dude? Why are we hiding?" Alina asked Asami in a low voice.

"I don't know," Asami whispered back. "It just feels right. You know, like how reporters sneak and take pics of celebrities."

"Sneaky paparazzi techniques," Michelle muttered.


"Say what you want, you'll be eating your words some enough," Asami replied quietly.

Michelle opened her mouth to retort when the delicate keys of an emotional piano piece interrupted her. All three sat in stunned silence along with the band as the song flowed through their ears. In their minds, they could see the silhouette of a lonely figure walking down a road in solitude as happy people, friends, couples, and families passed by him like a mirage. The figure yearned for company and affection like those around him, but at the same time, he appeared to cherish his loneliness. The back of the silhouette merged with the figure that sat in front of the piano, his fingers rhythmically dancing across the piano keys. Only when he stopped did everyone return to the real world.

"You can sing?" Alice asked in surprise as she leaned close to Jason with sparkling eyes. Her voice was amplified by the special sound system that was active throughout the theater whole the students on stage recollected themselves.

"I was a singer," Jason confirmed with a small smile. "For a short while."

Fond memories passed through his eyes as he recalled the past. Jason smiled as he spoke, remembering the first time Elizabeth forced him to sing. It was horrible, in part due to the fact that, when Elizabeth discovered his singing talent, she forced him in her play of The Phantom of the Opera where he was cast as Christine while, ironically, Elizabeth and an acquaintance played Raoul and the Phantom. At the time, Jason felt like committing suicide; he was forced into cross-dressing at the age of thirteen and his voice was rather high pitched since he was in the middle of puberty, hence his singing was quite girly. But recently, he couldn't help but smile affectionately when he remembered this.

"You know, I once sang for your mother?" Jason said to Alice after a moment and the latter looked at him incredulously. "I - I have issues … expressing myself. Someone once told me that singing how you feel makes it better. Easier, than talking. She taught me how to sing and play."

"What was the song you sang for her?" Alice asked curiously.

"Want me to play it?" Jason asked and Alice nodded eagerly. He turned to look at the students and noticed that they were also eager in listening to his singing.

Up at the seats, Alina's heart jumped to her throat and her vision blurred from the impact of Jason's words.

Her mother? Then she really is his daughter … I - I have a niece?

Michelle also paled, even though she didn't understand her feelings towards Jason, the fact that he had a child with someone else was a blow to her. Before Alina and Asami could see her reaction, Michelle covered her face, changing back to her stoic, expressionless look.

Jason waited patiently as a student fixed a microphone to him before he slowly began to play the piano once again. A soft gentle tune embraced the theater as Jason's voice slowly echoed through the crowd's hearts.

"I was wrong to say I loved her

I was wrong to think I'm right

But when I told her it was over

Well my darling, I had lied

I've been running from my demons

Afraid to look behind

I've been running from myself

Afraid of what I'd find

But how am I supposed to love you

When I don't love who I am?

And how can I give you all of me


When I'm only half a man?

'Cause I'm a sinking ship that's burning

So let go of my hand

Oh, how can I give you all of me

When I'm only half a man?"

Tears obscured Alina's eyes when she heard Jason's voice. The fluid melody accentuated the hollow wound in her chest, that stuffy emptiness which was preventing her from breathing. The sight of the theater faded as she saw Jason sitting in front of a piano, singing the exact song in a gala that the Sage's had funded. Katelyn, who entered the event as a waitress, stopped moving as she clutched the plate full of champagne glasses tightly, her eyes never leaving Jason's broad back as he sang.

It was that precise moment that Alina discerned that the two were in a relationship. Her heart was filled with happiness, she preferred Jason being together with Katelyn over the other women who chased after him, and she was too young to understand the discrepancy between the difference of status the two had. But once she realized that Jason was also visiting her mother's chambers, the dream of hope and happiness, of a family, shattered like broken glass.

"I once sang for your mother."

Jason's words rang in Alina's ears as she almost fainted as it all came crashing down on her. Jason, who was wholeheartedly singing, didn't realize that Alina had eavesdropped and managed to connect the dots.

Mother … her mother … Katie … is, was, her mother … Alina thought as her sight, glazed with tears, slowly spun around.

"But how am I supposed to love you

When I don't love who I am?

And how can I give you all of me

When I'm only half a man?

'Cause I'm a sinking ship that's burning

So let go of my hand

And how can I give you all of me

When I'm only half a man?

And no one can ever hurt me

Like I've hurt myself

'Cause I'm made out of stone

And I'm beyond help

Don't give your heart to me …"

Michelle's eyes misted over as Jason's words stabbed her heart. She had seen how vulnerable he was and realized that he meant every word he was singing. He truly believed that he was incapable of love, that he'd only hurt those he cares about. To him, he could only get close to a woman physically, but not emotionally.

"But how am I supposed to love you

When I don't love who I am?

And how can I give you all of me

When I'm only half a man?

'Cause I'm a sinking ship that's burning

So let go of my hand

And how can I give you all of me

When I'm only half a man?" [1]

As Jason hummed the last part, Alina rushed out of the theater. Michelle who realized something was wrong with Alina halfway through the song, pursued her while Asami waited a while for Jason to finish before she followed them out, but not before she made sure to have the recordings transferred to her phone. She also connected the theater's sound system to the schools PA system; she had an inkling that he was gonna sing again and that it would be just as incredible as the last one.

Jason turned to look at Alice and saw her eyes full of tears. She looked down and asked quietly in a hoarse voice. "Did you? Love mom?"

A pang of regret and sorrow hit Jason as he looked away. His voice was heavy as he spoke, knowing full well that the truth he was going to say would hurt her. "I don't know, kid. I don't … I was raised to trust no one. To not think, to not feel, to only kil-"

Jason stopped and sighed before continuing. "I don't know how to love someone. I'm trying, God knows, I'm trying to ..."

Alice clenched her fists as she fought back her tears. She didn't want to hear that. She wanted Jason to assure her, even though she knew he'd be lying, she longed to hear him say he loved her mother. That he loved her.

"Sorry," Jason said quietly. "I know that wasn't what you wanted to hear. But I can't lie to you. And I won't. But no matter how - how twisted and … and heartless I become, I will never leave you alone. I will always be there for you."

Seeing her watery eyes, Jason sighed before trying to smile at her while changing the subject. "You know you're mom's favorite story was Alice in Wonderland?"

"I know. It's my favorite story too," Alice nodded stiffly.

Jason nodded as well once he confirmed his suspicions, that Alice was named after the story. He turned back to the piano before talking to Alice quietly. "Let me sing a song for you this time."

Slowly, he began playing the piano again. This time the melody was melancholic, a bit of yearning and fondness struck the crowd in both the theater and the school.

"Welcome to Wonderland, we've got it all

Potions and pastries that make you grow tall

Forests and cottages, castles and cards that can talk

Welcome to Wonderland, look where you're at

Maddest of hatters, the Cheshire Cat

Magical cabins and lovely white rabbits with clocks

Dancing through a dream underneath the stars

Laughing 'til the morning comes

Everyone that leaves has a heavy heart, oh, Wonderland I love

Welcome to Wonderland, I'll be your guide

Holding your hand under sapphire skies

Let's go exploring or we could just go for a walk

Welcome to Wonderland, where should we go

There's a tea party along down the road

Make an appearance and maybe they'll sing us a song

Dancing through a dream underneath the stars

Laughing 'til the morning comes

Everyone that leaves has a heavy heart oh, Wonderland I love

Nothing around here is quite as it seems

Not sure if anything's real or a dream

And the only thing sure from the start

Is the song that's inside of your heart

Don't let it leave

If this was a dream, then at least I've got

Memories for when morning comes

Now that I must leave with a heavy heart oh, Won-derland

I love," [2]

The song hit everyone at their hearts, stopping them in their place. Silvia, who was in her office, paused her reading and closed her eyes. She couldn't help but remember her childhood memories where everything was so simple. Her mind went back to when Jason was still a child and she, a young teen, had a soft spot for him, the orphaned child who had once rescued her. Things were a lot less complicated...

Students from the primary curriculum stopped talking and listened carefully, letting their imaginations run wild. As children, living in the city of magic, in Sanctuary, allowed them to imagine that anything was possible, and this song only reinforced this, letting them remember their dreams and hopes...

Alina had barged into a girls washroom, heaving over the sink when Jason's soft voice began singing. Her eyes watered as she remembered the time that Katelyn would read stories beside her bed before tucking her to sleep. She remembered how Katelyn told her the story of Alice in Wonderland, how she could see the mushrooms that enlarged or shrunk a person in her mind, believing that it was truly true. A pang of pain hit her again as she thought of Katelyn. She realized that Alice wasn't the true child of Katelyn and Jason. But deep down, she understood what Alice was.

Why didn't I see it before? Alina thought as Michelle arrived and patted her back silently. No … I did. I did see it, I just didn’t want to admit it. She's an exact copy of Katie when she was younger … she's her clone … isn't she?

"Let's go see what everyone else is up to, hm?" Jason said to Alice. Back at the auditorium, Jason embraced Alice as he spoke while slowly leading the two away from the stage. Alice buried her face into his shirt, refusing to look at him or anyone else.


Emily followed Melanie through the halls of the school. Her eyes narrowed when she realized that they were going in the opposite direction of the infirmary.

"Aren't we going the wrong way?" Emily asked Melanie lightly. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're trying to prevent me from visiting the doctor."

"Well, we wouldn't want to visit the infirmary right away now, would we?" Melanie replied sweetly. "After all, it would be a shame if they discovered your little secret, right?"

Emily jumped but tried to calm herself when she heard Melanie. At this instant, she understood that Melanie knew her secret.

"How's Accelerant?" Melanie asked casually, confirming Emily's suspicion.

Before Emily could reply, a thought struck her, leaving her shocked. Melanie turned to look at her with a small smile when she realized that Emily had stopped moving.

"You … planned it, didn't you?" Emily said quietly, shock still apparent on her face. "You knew I was there, that I overheard you … no, you wanted me to overhear you. You wanted me to find and use Accelerant."

"Yes," Melanie answered truthfully without beating the bush. There was a certain calmness in her reply that sent shivers down Emily's back. "But not to hurt or cripple you. It's more complicated than that but this isn't the place to talk. Follow me."

Melanie led Emily to the student council office, where Olivia and Enzo were both patiently awaiting Melanie's arrival. The latter dismissed them both from the office before gesturing at Emily to follow her into an adjacent room. This was Melanie's personal room, a place for her to relax and rest if she required it.

Emily looked around the room, carefully evaluating the place. It was a small cozy room with a small seating area, a changing stall, and a small bed. Melanie gestured at the chairs and both sat down.

"Ask your questions," Melanie said to Emily.

"Why?" Emily asked. That one word comprised everything she wanted to ask.

"I know how it feels like," Melanie said after some contemplation. "The feeling of helplessness. Wishing for a hero, but realizing, a bit too late, that there's no such thing. Then praying, begging, for power from anywhere … I know exactly how you feel."

Melanie looked straight at Emily's eyes and the latter felt a chill emanate from the depths of her hazel eyes. Her words echoed in Emily, she was stunned that Melanie was able to voice what she was feeling.

"You only see me now, as the successful student president. The pretty ... Queen, that’s what they call us, right? The Queen that everyone admires," Melanie continued. "But, like you, I had to crawl, struggle, and fight to get my way up here. So, why wouldn't I help you?"

"And leading me to Accelerant … was helping me?” Emily asked doubtfully.

“Depending on how you see it, yes,” Melanie answered. She sighed and swept her bangs away from her face with her hand. “I meant every word I said, Emily. We both know how hard it would have been for you to breakthrough the first level. You already failed a year because of what? Your poor level? Despite your rather brilliant grades you were pulled back simply because you're seen as a powerless, helpless girl."

Melanie looked straight at Emily with calm eyes. Her words struck a chord in Emily who almost stopped breathing. She felt the indignation at being forced to repeat a year while everyone else she knew passed and were now at the college section of the Academy. At first, she hated herself for being powerless, but now, a part of her blamed the system, the city, for her misfortune.

"If you want to stand next to him as opposed to being a damsel that he always saves, just like the other girls, then you need to change," Melanie said abruptly. She leaned forward, edging closer to Emily as her voice lowered to a whisper. "You don't only need strength, you need conviction. Conviction and ruthlessness. Have the conviction to believe that everything your doing is right, no matter what, and the ruthlessness to crush anyone … anyone that stands in your way."

"Why are you telling me this? Why exactly are you helping a rival?" Emily finally asked after a few minutes. She felt like Melanie was the devil whispering in her hears, voicing the dark thoughts she didn’t want to hear.

"That's because I'm not your rival," Melanie leaned back and sighed. "Emily, tell me ... you've been through a lot. If you were strong … if you had the ability, can you see yourself standing next to him?"

Emily thought for a moment and then nodded strongly. "Yes."

Hearing the confidence in her voice, Melanie smiled forlornly. "That's the difference between you and I. Me? I can never stand beside him, I'm too broken, too filthy, to be a … to even consider being loved by him."

"What do you mean?" Emily asked, surprised at Melanie's attitude. Normally, she was confident and strong, full of life, but right now Emily couldn't see a shadow of the student president in Melanie.

"How did you meet? Did he save you? Maybe from a thief or an assaulter?" Melanie asked.

"He … saved me from being raped," Emily said quietly after some hesitation. She wasn't sure why, but she felt fine in confiding with Melanie.

"Can you imagine if he was too late? If he saved you after you were … when you were most vulnerable?" Melanie asked and Emily froze. Her eyes were filled with trepidation at the simple thought of it. She thought of something and looked at Melanie nodded in response.

"That's what happened to me," Melanie confirmed, her eyes and voice were calm and steady, as though she wasn't talking about herself. "He found me after I was broken, after I was dirtied and tainted by traffickers."

Emily felt regret as she looked at Melanie. All this time, she felt that Melanie was a threat but right now, she felt guilty at how she naively treated and viewed her. The two were quite similar and she sympathized with Melanie, she knew what it was like to see, admire, someone but not being able to reach them, especially when their at a higher pedestal.

"I don't want much," Melanie said. "Just to be appreciated by him is good enough. That's why I'm not your rival Emily. I won't compete with you."

Emily sat silently unable to respond until Melanie continued.

"Of course that doesn't mean I won't seduce him," Melanie said in a lighter voice. "I'll be there to milk him dry when you're too exhausted. I said it before, didn't I? I’ll be the mistress, you can be the official girlfriend."

Emily glared at Melanie but, before she could respond, the sound of music reverberated through PA system across the room. Both listened to Jason sing 'Welcome to Wonderland' in silence, each of them caught in their own thoughts. When he was finished singing, Melanie cleared her throat before speaking.

"Besides, I think we should team up," Melanie said. "There's already two other tramps that have a head start."

"What do you mean?" Emily asked, her brows furrowed in surprise.

"Well, you see …"

After conversing for almost an hour, Emily left the office with a grim look in her eyes. What Melanie and her discussed made her realize that Jason never truly saw her as a love interest. He flirted with her just like how he flirted with any other girl, it was all platonic and not in the least intimate.

But I need to focus on myself right now. Shaking her head, Melanie thought about her symptoms. If I'm ill because of Accelerant then maybe that dealer will know what's happening to me.

Walking down the corridor, Emily began planning on visiting the arcade after school was over when she realized that she was surrounded. A group of four girls crowded around Emily.

"Hey, Queen," a girl, the one in lead, said. "Come with us."

Not again, Emily thought as she was dragged into a nearby girl's washroom. [3]

[1] Song by Dean Lewis, Half a Man. All rights belong to him

[2] Song by Anson Sebra, Welcome to Wonderland. All rights belong to him.

[3] Nope, not the same washroom as Alina, they're in different sections of the Academy. Sorry folks, no saving her from being bullied.

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