《Immortals: The Curse of Samsara》Chapter 6


A little over two weeks passed without any other major incident occurring in the Academy. Jason had his teaching position solidified after he had given a 'demonstration’ to the Board of Directors and he finally got his own office. He started teaching the Combat Class to all grades, giving the senior students a taste of what the first-years suffered. Even though he tortured them, Jason exempted Emily and other support-type ESPers from combat and forced them to instead practice their abilities on unconscious classmates.

Eventually, he became bored and decided to group all the grades into one class. Even against hundreds of students, Jason was able to soundly defeat them all, frustrating them to no ends. Soon, the students started to create their own squads, each one cooperating with one another to attack Jason from all sides. Jason endearingly allowed them to think that they had cornered him, before gleefully crushing them.


“Ungh, that was terrible. I know your brother is hot but he is one cruel drill sergeant.” Asami was collapsed on a lunch table complaining while the other three tried eating. Due to several students regurgitating their meals, Practical Combat class was rescheduled to before lunch break.

“Il est ... bon,” replied Michelle. “His training helped us work efficacement as a unit.”

“Not only that,” chipped in Emily. “Notice that the participants have had their reflexes improved? Some could even dodge a bullet now.”

“Argh, fine he's good. Whatever, let's talk about something more interesting! Did you know Elizabeth Hyde will be performing a concert here in sanctuary?!” Asami changed the subject to improve her mood.

“Wow, the Elizabeth Hyde? The famous rock-singer?” Emily asked in confirmation.

“Well she doesn't only do rock, she has a few soft songs too,” Alina added while Asami and Emily looked at her in surprise. “What?”

“Nothing. You just never struck me as a Hyde fan.” Emily explained.

“I'm not,” Alina sighed. “It's actually Jason who's her fan. He listens to her recent songs every now and then.”

“Huh. You think he's into that kind? You know, the gorgeous redhead kind?” Asami asked Alina with a silly grin on her face.

“As long as the girl is beautiful, it's his type. Trust me.” Replied Alina while Michelle had her head cocked the entire time.

“Who is this Hyde?” She asked making all three freeze.

“Uh.. you wanna have the honors?” Asked Alina to Asami and Emily.

“Sure,” Emily said, turning to Michelle and explaining. “You see, she's a popular singer worldwide and she has amazing songs and covers. She's also inspirational because she's blind but still pushes on and became a renowned singer. And to top it all, she's gorgeous.”

“Incroyable,” muttered Michelle. “Amazing willpower.”

“Yeah. Hey, maybe we should get tickets to see the concert!” Asami suggested bubbly. “We could even surprise Jason by inviting him!”

“Yeah… I dunno, it depends on him,” Alina hesitated, knowing Jason might not be available if the Council calls on him.

“H-hi Alina,” a voice said from beside Alina.

The boy who interrupted them, Ken, had plain brown hair that matched his hazel eyes and a friendly face that couldn't hide a speck of his emotions which was currently flushed.

“Ken! Um, hi! How are you doing?” Alina looked at the newcomer and embarrassingly replied while the other girls grinned, sheepishly watching the two with knowing smirks.

For the past few weeks, several boys from multiple classes approached Alina but ended up suffering from the extra attention Jason gave them. Most quit immediately but Ken, who seemed to be soft-hearted, did not. That was because of his willpower, which allowed him to survive longer than most, about eighteen seconds, in a one-on-one fight against Jason.


“Should we leave you two alone, 'Barbie'?” Emily teasingly asked. The nickname for Alina, Barbie, was also because of Ken. In fact, it was Jason who laughingly named her that after hearing Ken's name for the first time.

“No, I don't want to intrude. I just wanted to say hi. So, uh, I'll be going now. Take care, Alina.” Ken refused and left as quickly as he arrived.

“What?” Alina asked as silence descended on the table, everyone looking at her with silly grins.

“He likes you,” Asami teased, stretching the word 'like’.

“Maybe,” Alina replied.

“So … you thinking of going out with him?” Asked Emily.


“Non, that won't work, we will détenir you until you répondre.” Michelle declared while grabbing Alina's shoulders.

“Excellent idea! Ooh, let's 'detain’ her and go to karaoke. Make her sing till she confesses!” Asami suggested with a gleam in her eyes.

“That sounds like a great idea,” Emily agreed. “Don't complain, it'll be like a girls night out, Alina.”

“I - oh alright,” Alina surrendered. “Just lemme text Jason, let him know I'm not coming home soon.”

As the group discussed their plans, Jason was outside walking aimlessly when he received Alina's message. He left the academy to take a breather but ended up not returning, which was not concerning since he had finished his classes.

For a while now, Jason had been feeling uneasy despite the peaceful days. To him, it felt like the calm before the storm, and his instincts have never been wrong. Yet, despite having Ava monitor the entire city, she found nothing amiss.

As he continued walking, a soft singing soared through the air. Her ethereal voice beckoned him towards her, like a siren's song.

“Are you going to Scarborough Fair?

Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme

Remember me to one who lives there

He once was a true love of mine

Tell him to make me a cambric shirt

Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme

Without no seams nor needle work

And then he'll be a true love of mine” [1]

Jason pushed through a small crowd and froze when he caught sight of the singer. She was sitting down on a bench, leaning forward while slowly playing a violin. Her vivid red hair partially covered her face while the black sunglasses enhanced her porcelain skin.

As she finished singing, the crowd began cheering while she put the violin down. Then, as if sensing him, she paused and turned to look at Jason, a small smile on her red lips.

“Laddie,” she whispered in a voice only he heard. “It's been a while.”


Alina, Asami, Michelle, and Emily first visited a cafe, then went window shopping at a mall, and finally finished singing karaoke a little before sunset. As the group cheerfully headed to the nearby Bullet [2], Emily noticed a little girl, about five of age, laying in an alleyway.

“Hey,” she said, patting Alina's shoulder while gesturing towards the little girl. “I think she's in trouble.”

The others all looked at the little girl before rushing to check on her. As they neared the child, all four of them had their breaths taken away at her doll-like features. She had long pale blonde hair that was past her shoulder-blades. Her soft rosy cheeks puffed as she took deep breaths and her black dress was relatively clean.

“She was not here for long,” Michelle stated after studying her.

“She's just sleeping from the looks of it,” added Alina after checking the child.


“What do we do? We can't just leave her,” Emily said.

Alina was about to respond when she noticed something was off. Grimacing, she turned to look at the others.

“There's no time. You guys trust me?” She asked seriously.

“Course we do,” Emily said quickly.

“This girl is being pursued. Michelle, take them both to the Bullet. Pretend to be in a hurry, and get away from here as soon as possible. Keep hanging out together till we meet at my place after curfew.” Alina pointed to Emily and Asami as she spoke to Michelle.

“D'accord. But what about you?” Asked Michelle.

“Oh, I'll be ... hanging around,” replied Alina as she held the child firmly in her arms while launching herself upwards. Soon after, she used her ability to create an electromagnetic field to help her run upwards until she was too far high to be seen.

“Bien! Let us go now!” Michelle urged as the rest hurried towards the train station. Moments later people dressed in loose, casual clothes appeared in the front of the alleyway, asking questions to nearby passersby. Soon, they started to leave for the train station.

Alina waited for a while before leaping down and exciting from another alleyway. Using her holo-watch, she flagged an automated taxi and left the scene.


Jason led the red-headed singer to a bar and ordered some snacks and beer for her. The plate arrived with burger sliders, chicken wings, and mozzarella sticks with an artichoke dip at the side. However, the redhead ignored it all and gestured to Jason for the beer, then drowned half of the mug in one go.

“Ah, that hits the spot,” she said in an American accent, different from the Scottish accent she used when whispering to Jason.

“What are you doing here, Lizzy?” He asked impassively.

“Oh, I get all tingly when you say my name like that,” Elizabeth Hyde teased while facing Jason's voice. “Makes me want to cuff you again and...”

Jason ignored her reply and simply continued to watch her calmly.

“Oh don't be such a bore,” Elizabeth said dismissively while finishing her beer. She signaled Jason for more beer, which came shortly, while she continued talking. “Won't you have a drink? Or are you still avoiding alcohol?”

“Freya,” he said quietly, causing Elizabeth to pause.

“Looks like yer serious, laddie,” she replied quietly, her Scottish accent reappearing. “Would you prefer if I say I came for ye?”

“Oh?” Jason said interestedly. He looked at the woman in front of him as he thought of her. Elizabeth Hyde, her real name was Freya Reid, and she was the number one assassin in the world. She also was his mentor who taught him for a few years. And above all, she was his first lover who stole his virginity.

“Only beer and ye can make me speak like this,” She continued endearingly. “So maybe I got bored and decided to visit you, laddie. Just fer a night or two.”

“As long as your mission doesn't harm this city, I'll let you be. But if you disturb the peace around here, I'll come for you, as Fenrir.” He threatened as he prepared to walk away.

Elizabeth suddenly slammed her mug to the table, attracting the attention of those nearby.

“So that's your excuse?” She asked in a trembling voice as tears fell. Jason narrowed his eyes when he noticed her speaking in her American accent once again. “That's why you ditched me?! Because I'm blind and can't see the real you?”

Jason's eyes widened at her words and he noticed all the disapproving stares directed at him from everywhere. Elizabeth covered her face as she started sobbing while female patrons of the bar came to comfort her.

“Alright, if that's how you wanna play it,” he muttered. Right after, he put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a box.

“If that was true, then I never would've brought this, and I wouldn't have kept it for all these years,” Jason said in a shaky voice before going in front of Elizabeth and opening it. A large diamond ring lay in the box, it's gleam blinding the patrons around them while Elizabeth, who was sneakily smirking, reached out tentatively, and touched the ring. She was stupefied.

“I wanted to marry you. And I didn't care about anything else. Your age, your lack of sight, none of it mattered! But you said no, you were too scared. And it became too painful to be near you.” Jason tearfully said. His acting was Oscar awarding and he clutched his chest as he looked away from her in shame.

“And it hurt, Lizzy. It hurt. Like there was something stuck in my chest. I couldn't stand it, so I left. But right here, right now, if you say yes, then I'll come back. I'll be with you forever!”

“I … uh - this ...” Elizabeth stuttered while all the patrons started chanting: “Say yes!! Marry him!! Say yes!!”.

Jason watched all this with a twinkle in his eyes while waiting for Elizabeth's reaction, something the latter noticed. Soon, his eyes widened when he saw the smile on her face.

“Yes! Oh, Yes! I'll marry you!” She cried happily before turning to the crowd around her. “Is there anyone here that's been ordained? I'm so happy I want to marry right now!”

“I am!” Said a burly man, tears flowing from his eyes. “I was ordained by the Council here in Sanctuary. I have the official holo-docs right here!”

As the man stepped forward to witness them exchanging vows, a single word flowed through Jason's mind as he feigned happiness: Shit.

“Now, will the bride and groom exchange vows,” the burly man said while sniffing.

“I'll go first,” Said Jason as he stood in front of Elizabeth, continuing the act. “I was an orphan, and I never knew what love was. Or the warmth of … of someone holding your hands. You taught me what it is was to let someone in, to … to not be alone. I found my place with you and, in doing so, I became a better person. You bring out the best in me. You’re my goddess of love. My Aphrodite. My Freya.”

The only sound coming from the crowd were sniffles as Elizabeth slowly took his words in, tears filling her eyes.

“I’ll say it up-front. I never really saw you as a love interest, in the beginning.” Elizabeth laughed while tears fell from her eyes. “But slowly, as we stayed together, laughed … and cried together, I couldn't keep my eyes off you. And as you grew older, I couldn't help but fall for the man in front of me ... you. You are my hero, my lifeline. You swallowed my heart. Swallowed my whole world. Like Fenrir. You’re my Fenrir.”

“Alrighty, do you … err what're names again?” The burly man asked awkwardly while wiping his tears away.

“Jason Sage.”

“Elizabeth Hyde.”

A murmur swept through the crowd when they heard Elizabeth's name, recognizing her.

“Ah! I know him! He changed his name but he's the singer that did duets with Hyde!” A person exclaimed.

Soon another wave of murmurs rang through, as the crowd’s imagination played havoc with their thoughts.

No wonder their duets were all about unrequited love, The crowd thought. They loved each other for years but couldn't get together until now!

Shit, shit, Jason thought in the meanwhile. Did she plan this all those years ago? Fuck!

“Do you, Jason Sage, take Elizabeth Hyde as your lawful wife?” The burly man asked with a more stronger conviction than before.

“I do,” Jason said quietly.

“And do you, Elizabeth Hyde, take Jason Sage as your lawful husband?” The burly man asked Elizabeth.

“Yes, of course, I do!” Elizabeth tearfully replied, a sweet smile on her face.

“Then I now pronounce thee, husband and wife! You may now kiss the bride!” The burly man declared as everyone shouted while raising their beer.

“Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!” The crowd chanted again.

As Elizabeth moved forward to kiss Jason, he placed a finger on her lips, stopping her. Then, he knelt down and put the ring on her left hand's ring finger. Standing up, Jason lifted Elizabeth and passionately kissed her, spinning her around, while the crowd roared with cheers.

Soon, many people approached the two to congratulate them, while the bartender handed them both free meals and drinks. After a while the crowd urged them to book a hotel, even forcibly escorting them to one nearby while encouraging them to consummate the marriage.

“Tell me, how much of this did you plan?” Jason asked quietly as he nuzzled her neck his lust rising against his will.

“Truthfully, about a quarter,” Elizabeth whispered as she nibbled his ear. “That'll teach yer not to play with me, laddie. Cause now?

“Now you can't escape, baby boy.” Elizabeth finished in a loud voice with her American accent, causing the hotel's receptionist to blush. “A couple's room, please. Actually, do you have any honeymoon suites?”

“Mmhm, we do,” the receptionist nodded embarrassingly.

“Then we'll take your most expensive suite,” Jason interrupted while connecting his holo-watch to the hotel's payment system. “Send the bill to this pre-authorized account. Now excuse us, we're in a hurry.”

Jason swept Elizabeth into a princess carry and entered the elevator while the crowd outside dispersed.

I need to find a boyfriend too, The receptionist thought while she sighed dreamily.

As soon as the two entered their room, they both gave out a sigh.

“Murt! People here are shite scary,” said Elizabeth to which Jason nodded.

“True, I've never met such an enthusiastic crowd before.” He replied before looking at her.

Elizabeth tossed her white cane away while taking off her sunglasses. Her electric blue eyes didn't have any pupils but the way Elizabeth navigated through the room so easily made it look like she could see. This was one of her skills, Aura Sight. [3]

As Jason continued watching her, she started to unbutton her blouse, lighting a fire that began in his loins and started moving downwards. A hunger began filling his chest, nearly consuming his reasoning while his vision blurred.

“Oh?” Elizabeth turned to look at Jason, sensing his scorching glaze aimed at her. “Has it been that long laddie? Are you telling me you didn't bang or kill this entire time? Well, aren't I a lucky one.”

Elizabeth licked her lips as she approached Jason, who backed away.

“Lizzy, this is different. You need to stay away.” Jason said through gritted teeth.

“It's alright,” Elizabeth whispered as he stroked his cheeks. She leaned forward and kissed his neck before moving upwards. Jason breathed in her feminine scent as she continued her devilish wiles.

“I'll accept all of you, laddie. So just release it. Let it all out. In me.” Elizabeth's mouth reached his ears and she whispered seductively before biting his ear.

Jason grabbed her and pushed her to the door, roughly kissing her. Elizabeth pushed him backward while reciprocating his kiss. As they tried to dominate one another while stripping each other, they ended up banging into several pieces of furniture. Finally, Elizabeth guided Jason to the bed and pushed him into a lying position then started tugging his pants off.

After she succeeded, Jason responded by shooting upwards into a seating position and assaulted her bra covered breasts with his mouth while undoing her belt. As soon as he unbuckled the belt, he moved downwards, his kisses moving from her breasts down to her navel while he slowly, and teasingly, pulled her pants off. Finally, he reached her shaved garden and gently kissed it through her lace underwear.

Moaning, Elizabeth reacted by pushing him back into bed and falling on top of him. The two passionately kissed again while Jason's holo-watch began vibrating. Annoyed, he snatched it off and threw it onto the sofa, before climbing atop Elizabeth, kissing her again while kneading her voluptuous breasts…

[1] Scarborough Fair: Originally composed and sung by Martin Carthy and later sung by Arthur Garfunkel & Paul Simon, all rights belong to them. I think. I read that the rights belonged to their manager who tricked them or something but he passed away so it's sorta messy.

[2] A vactrain: it’s a train that can theoretically travel 5-6 times the speed of sound.

[3] Skills: They're are completely different from ESP abilities. ESP abilities have been confirmed to be a mutation caused by the Psionic Aether released from the Meteor Incident while skills are abilities certain people are able to comprehend magically.

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