《I Dream of Spiders》Chapter Six - Chief Brady Sullivan

“That cunt saw our faces! Not yours…ours! Is that why you’re not doing more to find her?”

I feel my hand twitch, aching to take Raylyn by the throat and squeeze the life out of her. I won’t allow Raylyn to insult my girl. She will be punished, but first I need to assess the damage and act accordingly. “She did see your face,” I say, caressing her cheek with my fingertips. Her skin is so soft and smooth…deceptively angelic. When I reach her chin, I take it and force her to look at me. Her eyes grow wild, tempting me to inflict the punishment she deserves. “They have all seen your face, sweetheart.”

Her head snaps to the side, out of my grasp. She stands, crosses her arms over her perky breasts and faces me. “They were as good as dead when we handed them over to their new owners,” she hisses.

She’s right. The fifty-eight girls we took possession of, trained and sold would never talk about the time they spent with us. We broke them beyond repair and any residual fight left in them would have been beaten out of them by their new owners. And because we were so thorough, we never had to worry about being exposed.

I walk over to the bar and grab a tumbler from the cabinet. I drop a few ice cubes into it while I eye the bottles Raylyn had lined up, though I already know what I favor today. As I pour the expensive amber liquid over ice, I think about my girl.

Where could she be hiding? Who is helping her? And more importantly, why hasn’t she gone to the police yet?

My internal monologue is interrupted by Steele. “She could be dead. You saw how much blood there was. Maybe it wasn’t all Mace’s. Maybe Mace got a piece of her before she took him out and ran.”

The man I hired for his muscle and because Raylyn found him attractive walks into the kitchen and helps himself to a beer from the fridge. “Her wounds could have attracted a bear or something.”

My beautiful girl isn’t dead. Fate wouldn’t allow it. I have finally found her. After all this time, she will be mine again.

I stare at the leather-wearing, skin-headed shit for brains and wonder how I have restrained myself all this time.

I will not miss him. Mace, on the other hand, I will be eternally grateful to. Because he found her.

Mace was tech savvy, conducting risk assessments on every woman we targeted for abstraction, and keeping our lucrative operation running like a well-oiled machine. It was Mace who would tell me with confidence, after weeks of research, if a girl was too connected, too important, too diseased, too easy to miss. He was also the one I put on constant lookout. To scour college campuses, bars, malls, parks, everywhere…looking for her. There had been women who had resembled her, laughed and cried like her. Some even had the same patch of freckles on their noses. But they weren’t her. Until #59. Mace had been certain #59 would make me happy, that she was who I was searching for. I couldn’t wait to see her again…and ruin her.

I set my tumbler on the counter, withdraw my revolver and shoot Steele between the eyes. He doesn’t fall right away, which I find interesting. Instead, he looks at me with that typical dumbass expression on his face, points to his head, and sways in Raylyn’s kitchen. A few seconds later, he drops to the floor like a sack of potatoes.

Raylyn doesn’t scream. She doesn’t even flinch. She simply goes to the bathroom where she retrieves a towel and begins soaking up the blood. I return to my drink. I’m sucking back the rest of it when I see her secure a plastic bag over Steele’s head. When she is finished, she walks to the sink, scrubs her hands, and dries them thoroughly. I pour her a glass of whisky for her trouble and hand it to her. She accepts it without hesitation and downs it in two gulps.

“Her father is dead and her one and only friend moved back to Japan to take care of her sick mother. Which means she has no one. No one to miss her. No one for her to run to…except for the police…to you,” she says.

I watch Raylyn lick a droplet of whisky from her bottom lip and I feel my cock move. I’m surprised that even after all this time she can still provoke that response. From the moment I met Raylyn in that club, I knew we had similar needs. Not an exact match, but enough to make it work. She likes the money, but what she craves, what she needs, is the pain and…the power.

Raylyn is so close to perfection. She loves to watch the women break. She is a devil hidden in plain sight. Just like me. To the world we are ordinary. She lives in a tiny Cape Cod in even a smaller town than Quarry Hill about twenty miles north of our haven. Her offshore bank account, like Mace’s, Steele’s and mine, is impressive, but we have been careful not to showcase our wealth in fear of drawing attention. Before I met her she was a nurse in a residential mental health facility tending to patients, taking their vitals, administering the meds their psychiatrists prescribed and assisting the doctors during procedures.

All skills that have come in handy.

“Did Steele do what I instructed?” I ask.

“Yes. Steele took care of Mace’s body and the cabin has been stripped, cleaned, and boarded up. Nothing can tie us to that place.”

I set my gun next to my empty glass. “But that’s not exactly true, is it?” I cup her face. “My sister is missing and she needs to come home.”

“We’ll find another,” Raylyn hisses. “We always do. It may have taken Mace four months to find this one, but I’m sure I can do better. Give me a few weeks. I’ll find you an exact replica of your precious…”

My control snaps and I grab her by the neck. “I don’t want a replica. I want her. My angel,” I hiss.

Raylyn gasps and tears form in her eyes. My cock grows hard at the sight. “We wouldn’t be in this situation. I wouldn’t have had to silence Steele. Mace wouldn’t have bled out if you had been more careful. You underestimated my girl and now you’ll need to be punished.” I watch her eyes dart back and forth. Her pulse races beneath my thumb. Such a shame that this is going to be our last time together. “On your knees, Raylyn. You’re going to suck my cock until I’m convinced that you’re sorry for causing so much trouble.”

She glares at me, which only gets me harder. I grip her shoulders and force her to her knees. “Now.” My zipper is down and my dick is in her mouth within seconds. But no matter how much she struggles in my grasp, that her eyes are filling with tears, I know she’s aroused, that if I dip my fingers into her cunt right now, she will be wet and ready for me. Such a dirty little whore. I grab my gun and hold it at her temple. She groans when I fist her hair. She moans even louder when I tell her that if she bites me she will join Steele, who is currently lying only inches from where she is kneeling. I fuck her mouth, never once lowering my gun. One, because I don’t trust her, and two, because I know she wants the blunt head of my revolver against that pretty little head of hers. She needs the fear. She craves it more than her next breath. Several hard thrusts and I come down her throat. She swallows it all and looks up at me.

The moment is bittersweet. I started this venture to make money, fulfill my needs, but most importantly to find my precious angel. And I have succeeded. I now have more money than I know what to do with and I will soon be reunited with Bree. There’s not a doubt in my mind that she will turn up. I let out an easy sigh. I wonder what my uncle would have thought about my accomplishments. My mentor would probably have lectured me for involving outsiders, that I had brought Raylyn, Mace and Steele along for the ride. He would have told me I was foolish to rely on those outside the family. Because that is how you get caught.

But I didn’t get caught, did I? I’m here, and he’s six feet under, which means the only family I have left is my sister.

I picture my sweet girl. Her chocolate brown hair. Her deep blue eyes. I envision those eyes filling with tears and fear. I can almost hear her whimpers turn into screams. Feel her fragile body writhe beneath me.

I stare down at Raylyn as she tucks my cock back into my pants and zips me back up. How I will miss those lips and deep throat of hers. I squeeze the trigger and watch my partner crumble before me. I take a few steps back, avoiding the puddle of blood that is making its way over to my shoes. I’m not looking forward to the hours of cleanup ahead of me, but then I think about my girl and I smile. She’s worth it.

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