《Rachel Kalos: World Protector》Chapter 15 - In the Library


A light dusting of snow had fallen over the night, covering the grounds of the Academy in a soft blanket of white. The air had a crisp feel to it that only made the cup of warm tea Rachel held taste even better. She sat, knees curled up, in front of one of the fireplaces in the Academy Library. All around her, students sat copying tomes, reading texts, and generally lounging about.

“So then, Artimae comes down from the Observatory and I kid you not, her hair was made out of worms! It was hilarious. Stars, she was so pissed!” Benzen let out a laugh as he reclined in one of the chairs near Rachel, earning him several glares from the studying students.

“All of that because she called your song ‘uninspired’?” asked Jerome from the neighboring table. “That is a little extreme, even for you.”

“I mean, what else can you call a song about the color of a frog’s warts?” Rachel said, hiding a smile behind her cup of tea.

“They were magnificent warts! Just cause you simpletons cannot appreciate the beauty of the mundane does not mean it’s not worthy of a song!” Benzen looked between his friends hoping to find some support. Instead, he saw only judgmental stares. “Fine fine, fine! I’ll go and apologize.”

Benzen stood up, muttering to himself as he gathered his things and stomped out of the Library. Rachel watched him go and then turned her attention to Jerome. Her heart sped up as she stared at the Paladin in training. This was the first time she was alone with him in months. What should she talk about? He was studying, so maybe she should just be quiet? But what if he thought she was ignoring him? Maybe she should ask about his studies? She knew the Paladins’ had a big project coming up maybe she could see if she could help?


Rachel gathered her courage and prepared to ask Jerome if he needed help when someone grabbed her shoulder. Rachel yet out a yelp of surprise, earning herself her own set of glares from the Library denizens. She turned and saw Ezah glaring at her.

“What are you doing here?” Ezah asked.

“What do you mean? I’m relaxing by the fire.”

That answer did not appease Ezah. The other apprentice stared down at Rachel, her frown deepening. “Did you forget? Come on, Rachel! You promised you would help.”

Rachel stared back in confusion. “Wait help with what?”

“Breaking into Little Miss Ice Queen’s house and, uh, ‘borrowing’ something of there’s,” said in an angry whisper.

“You were serious about that?” Rachel replied, swiveling her head around to see if anyone heard them. No one was paying them any attention. Even Jerome was absorbed in his work and didn’t seem to have heard anything.

“Of course I’m serious! This is an important assignment and, well,” Ezah looked down her face flushing. “I’m not good at parties, OK? They're a waste of time filled with people with more money than sense. Why should I waste my time there?”

Ezah raised her head, a look of pleading plaster on her face, “Rachel please tell me that you’ve at least talked with Alexia about this? The event is at the end of the week and if this doesn’t work, I’ll have to redesign my whole approach.”

Rachel looked at Jerome, furiously studying away, and regretted not starting a conversation sooner. “Fine,” she said as she stood up. “I’ll go and ask Alexia. No promises beyond that though!” she added when she saw Ezah’s face light up.

“You’re the best, Rachel! I knew I could count on you!”

With that Ezah left the Library, leaving Rachel to wonder how in the world she would talk with Alexia about any of this.

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