《Rachel Kalos: World Protector》Chapter 11- Katarina Gorbiz


Rachel’s breaths came in ragged gasps as she jogged the last few steps up to the teleportation circle with Al’tun following behind. The teleportation circle, situated in a large square dais away from the main Academy grounds, consisted of a series of carved glyphs arranged in a circle about four meters wide. Using the circle, the less magically inclined instructors were able to quickly take students anywhere on the continent for their lessons. It made it possible for Rachel to arrive on the Isle of Depstar- nearly two thousand miles from the Academy- right after lunch. She hadn’t counted on running into Ezah however, and so she was late arriving at the circle.

“Well, well, well. Look what the kobold dragged in.”

Rachel quickly tried to control her breathing and straitened her hair as she eyed the other Beast Tamer apprentice already there. Katarina Gorbiz stood nearly a whole head above Rachel and had the body of an oak tree with more muscles than half of the Fighter class combined. Her voice was filled with the soft drawl of the western coast, giving many people the impression that she was slow, but that only served to heighten the sting of her quick wit. She had joined the Academy the same year Rachel had. At first Rachel had tried to be befriend her, but from their first conversation on, Katarina made it abundantly clear that was not going to happen.

“I guess the rumors that you survived the Trials were true,” Katarina continued. “What a pity. I could have shown that chimera of yours what severing under a true Beast Tamer was like.”

“Al’tun would never obey you!” Rachel said. She felt a moment of pride as she felt Al’tun’s hackles rise.

Katarina’s Oogdar, Ziris, let soft, yet deep growl in response, her claws extending and retracting. With thick black stripes covering its scaly body and an elongated snout filled with razor sharp teeth, Ziris looked like a mix between a crocodile and a tiger and, from what Rachel had seen, was stronger than both beasts combined. Rachel wasn’t sure how Katarina had managed to Tame an Oogdar. The creatures were near legendary in terms of their ferocity and deadly grace, yet somehow Katarina had been able to leash one to her will.


“Ladies, enough!” came a booming voice from the far side of the circle. “I will not have you two fighting again, understood?” Professor Quill walked over from where he had been preparing the teleportation ritual, towards the two apprentices. He was a short, thin man. With his loose fitting field clothes and young face he looked more like a boy playing dress up than one of the most accomplished living Beast Tamers. His collection of Tamed beasts was world renowned; Rachel wasn’t sure that any other Beast Tamer had ever tamed nearly as many.

Immediately the two apprentices bowed their heads as identical blossoms of color appeared on their cheeks. “Yes, Professor.” They said in unison.

“That’s what I like to hear,” Professor Quill said as he returned to setting up the teleportation ritual. “You know how much I dislike it when you two fight. You are my most promising students. Actually, right now, you are my only students.”

“What happened to Darion and Fran?” Rachel asked. She had wondered where the other two apprentices from their cohort were. Darion and Fran were a brother and sister who had joined the Academy at the same time as Rachel and Katarina.

“They did not complete their Trial. Oh they’re fine,” said Professor Quill noticing the stricken look on Rachel’s face. “They made it back safely. Simply did not acquire the glo-bulbs in time.”

“They did better than I figured,” Katrina whispered to Rachel. “I’m always surprised that Darion can find the spoon for his porridge each morning.”

“You would know about that, wouldn’t you? I’ve seen the way you eat,” whispered back, returning Katarina’s glare with one of her own.

“So, for now, you two will be my only students of your rank. Ahh, that should do it.”


Professor Quill rose from floor just as the runes inscribing the circle began to glow with a soft yellow light. “Keep track of your beasts and hold tight, we’re on our way to the Isle of Depstar.”

Slowly at first, but rapidly increasing, the glow around the runes grew in intensity. Within a few moments, Rachel was blinded by the light. She reached out and grabbed hold of Al’tun’s furry body. As the light around her faded, Rachel found herself standing on the rocky shore of an island with a smoking volcano rising from its center. The coast was deserted beside the three Beast Tamers and their two beasts. The sky was another story.

Looking up, Rachel could see dozens of creatures circling the summit of the volcano. Even from this distance, their shrill cries carried easily. Wyverns. Specifically Gray Wyverns. The Isle of Depstar was one of the few places such a large colony of the creatures existed. Rachel tightened her grip on Al’tun. While less fearsome than some of their cousins, Grey Wyverns still had a nasty bite- quite literally- and Rachel did not want to mess this up. Not with Katarina watching.

“Well come on you two,” Professor Quill said as he began to jog across the shore. “Those wyverns aren’t going to Tame themselves!”

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