《Rachel Kalos: World Protector》Chapter 6- Mt. Krals


Slowly but surely, the trio made their way up the slopes of Mt. Krals. Soaring hills and breathtaking vistas spreading out in every direction became the norm. All while Mt. Krals loomed ahead of them. The glo-bulb was on the mountain of course. Both apprentices knew that the moment they stepped out of the portal. So it was with the end of the Trials in mind that they trekked, always upwards, towards the summit of Mt. Krals.

Rachel trudged up hills, fighting off the monsters and wild beasts that lived on the slopes of Mt. Krals. Snow elkin harassed the pair as they started their climb, Their many limbed serpentine bodies blending in with the snow until they launched their attack on the two apprentices. Their first encounter with the beasts had been a frantic affair with the pair of apprentices and Al’tun barely escaping. Eventually they learned that Al’tun’s Fire Skin was enough to melt the snow elkin. By the second day the once fearsome creatures became no more than pests. They would simply wait for one of the monsters to grab Al’tun who would Fire Skin them into a puddle of water. Rachel rushed over, praising the chimera. Alexia did not even acknowledge him, striding past them up the slope without a glance.

On the third day, a golem would have crushed Alexia if not for a well-timed Blast by Al’tun, shoving the monster to the side. Alexia didn’t even glance at the beast that nearly killed her. In fact, the Elemantist glared at Rachel for disrupting her stride. By then, Rachel had become used to that reaction. Alexia barely helped fend off any of the monsters they faced, never helping as Rachel and Al’tun battled on the slopes. Alexia only lent a hand when she herself was in direct danger. Even then, Al’tun nearly got himself killed numerous times trying to protect the future “World Protector” as she continued upward.


As they journeyed, Rachel tried to strike up conversations with Alexia. She talked about a whole host of subjects. From her desire to be a Beast Tamer, to her wish to see the Capital City, Rachel talked about anything and everything. And on anything and everything, Alexia ignored her, leaving their conversations one-sided.


By the morning of the fourth day, Rachel had given up talking to Alexia. The trio hiked their way up Mt. Krals in silence, with only the crunch of boots on snow and the howl of the wind filling the air. What footing they had was precarious and the path they followed snaked back and forth along the mountain side. Alexia led the way, not because she was any better at mountain climbing than Rachel, just that whenever Rachel or Al’tun would stop to catch their breath Alexia would keep walking, forcing the pair to jog after her.

It was during one of these moments, with a gap between the two apprentices, that a hoard of ice goblins sprang out from a cleft in the mountain behind Alexia. By themselves, each blue white goblin was not that much of a threat. But together, the little menaces could easily overpower an unprepared hero, let alone an apprentice. Armed with stone clubs and ice daggers, they could swarm over their prey and quickly end any hopes of becoming a “World Protector.”

The goblins had waited until Alexia had passed the small crevices they had been hiding in, and prepared to strike the Elemantist in the back. While ice goblins were excellent ambush hunters, they tended to only focus on the prey in front of them, oblivious to anything else. The goblins’ focus was wholly on Alexia; they hadn’t seen Rachel at all. For a moment, Rachel thought about staying silent, letting Alexia handle the ice goblins alone. If she thought she could handle the Trial by herself, let her. But as the ice goblins drew near, Rachel knew she couldn’t just stand by and let Alexia get hurt, no matter how arrogant she was.


“Alexia, behind you!” Rachel called out, startling the ice goblins.

At Rachel’s words, the Elemantist spun around. Before the goblins could react, Alexia raised a hand and cried out “Windstorm.” A blast of air shot from her outstretched hand, sending the hoard of goblins tumbling towards Rachel. She tried to dodge around the creatures, but the ledge was too narrow. She managed to avoid most of them, but the final goblin smacked into Rachel sending them both over the edge.

As she fell, Rachel grabbed hold of the icy ledge, slamming into the mountain face as she did. Dazed, Rachel tried to pull herself up, but her grip slipped and she slid down a few feet before she could grab onto a protruding rock and stop herself.

“Alexia! Help me!”

Alexia turned towards Rachel, and for a moment the two apprentices locked eyes. Then Alexia turned around and continued walking up the mountain. Rachel cried out again, but the Elemantist did not stop. Letting out a cry of frustration, Rachel reached up. The ledge of the path was just above her. She just managed to brush it with her fingers when the rock she was clinging to broke free.

Rachel fell backward, tumbling through the air. Before she had time to scream, Al’tun flew down and caught her on his back. Rachel clung to the chimera, burying her face in his warm feathers as he carried her to the ledge. He landed quickly, but it was a few seconds before Rachel lowered herself back to the icy slope. Ruffling Al’tun’s feathers, Rachel continued up the mountain, with Alexia far in the distance.

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