《I was reborn as a Cursed Swordman ?! [HIATUS]》Chapter 7 - How she came to like him and the will of a mother


Like promised here the second part of the Eva chapter! Also in the future there will be other chapter in the POV of Eva as a "Meanwhile" kind of thing. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it!


Chapter 7 - "How she came to love him and The will of a mother"

Because of this damn card, not only it was discovered I was able to understand words, it was also know that I stole some of my brother allowance... How is that thing supposed to know that?! Isn't it supposed to be connected to the world banks and show up your account? Or maybe it read what your acknowledge to be yours and have nothing to do with the paying function who is truly connected to the banks? But when learning I stole from him, my brother just laughed and let me keep it since it wasn't a big amount and since either way he rarely use the allowance our parent gave him...

A Sol is something around a dollar cents or a Yen so it's true that what I stole from him wasn't much, but still the way he was nonchalant about it really irritated me.

And so two years once again passed since then in a flash and I am now three years old. I was now able to walk and speak fluently, and since I was never able to swim since I was reborn I felt a sudden impulse to, unable to wait anymore I ran to my father who was for once home.

"Father!" (Eva)

"Oh! What is it dear, did you miss me?" (Orios)

Yeah right...

"Father I want to swim, where can I go to?" (Eva)

"Well, that came out of nowhere, as expected of the Saint of water I guess? AHAHAHAHAH!" (Orios)

After laughing what was a little laugh for him, my father hold his chin with is hand in a thinking pose... Is it that hard to tell me where to swim?

"Mmm, I'm sorry dear but the only place deep enough to swim would be the river part in the forest near here, but this forest is infested with powerful monsters like the werebears or cave trolls, it's not somewhere a little girl can go, it would be certainly okay if your where to go there with me, but I sadly don't have enough time to bring you there." (Orios)

"Hmpf! Then make someone build a pool here!" (Eva)

Not minding my tone my father started to retake is pose clearly thinking that I was asking for something quite difficult...

"Once again I'm sorry dear, but a pool is something that exist only in the west continent, not only I won't be able to find an engineer with enough knowledge about it to make one, the materials for it won't be something I can afford..." (Orios)

"Hmpf! Fine! Then I ask my brother to escort me!" (Eva)

"Huh?! Uh well that's kinda... Oh well it seem he's now quite able to hunt in the forest and recently he even come back home without even a scratch after hunting... Alright, if your brother is okay with that, then you have my approval." (Orios)

"Yes!" (Eva)

Not wasting any second I ran to my brother bedroom without even taking the time to knock at his door and rudely came inside. My brother was reading at the window and looked at the intruder with a smile.

"What is it Eva? Do you need me for something?" (Shun)

"Yes! I want to to escort me in the forest so I can swim in the river!" (Eva)


Explaining thing in a single line my brother responded once again, against my expectation with a simple.

"Sure why not. I myself go swim there sometime, but do you have swimwear?" (Shun)

"Ah? Why would I need something like that, I'm a little girl!" My brother asked me a really strange question... Don't tell me he have something for little girl? Or maybe it's me who is weird to think like that?

"I see... Well since I don't have one and I'm not a little girl we need to go buy one at the village either way..." (Shun)

"Oh I see... I guess it's okay then but I don't have any money to buy one." (Eva)

Since I already used the Sol I stole from him.

"Ahahah, it's fine, I can at least pay a swimsuit for my little sister. Since it should be around the time the monthly trader pass the village we should hurry up and go today."

"Okay let's go!"

My brother then took a small purse and hid it inside his cloth and we exited the mansion.

"Mmm your a little too small to walk such a distance, and if we take our time their the possibility we miss the merchant caravan... Let's do that..." (Shun)

My brother kneeled on the floor and put is hand on his back.

"Climb on my back, I give you a ride." (Shun)

I hesitate a little, but since it was necessary for me to go swim I hugged his back and he put his hand under my thighs. His back was huge for his age...

"And up we go, I go at full speed so hang on tight!"

As I heard that, he started to run at an impressive speed, it was really fun and more comfortable than I first thought it would be, close to half a hour later we finally arrived at the village, it was my first time here, a lot of people were in the street, most certainly because it was the day the merchant, who come around only once a month was here, still on my brother back we approached the crowd and slowly made our way to face the merchant.

"My! If it isn't the young sir! Did you like my recommendations?" (Merchant)

The fat merchant seemed to know and recognize my brother unlike the rest of the villagers who where wondering who were those kids.

"Ah yes, I particularly appreciate the biography of the legendary swordsman of the east continent." (Shun)

"Oh yes, I myself quite loved that book! But what can I do for you today?" (Merchant)

"I was wondering if you had any swimwear, since you also pass near coastal villages I thought you would be the one I should ask." (Shun)

"Why yes I do! I just didn't get them out since nobody never asked for one here. What size do you need?" (Merchant)

"One for myself and one for a three years old kid." (Shun)

"Okay give me a minute I go get you that!" After saying that the fat merchant entered the back of his carriage and started to search for the article.

"Why do you need swimsuit when there nowhere to swim here? Stupid poop!" (Little girl)

A little girl who looked a little older than me suddenly started to talk in a really rude way to my brother.

"Ahahah... There are one place to swim near here, but it's not a place most people can go..." (Shun)

Oh? He just sounded a little awkward... Is he bad to deal with those kinds of kids?


"Huh?! What is that supposed to mean?! Is that supposed to be a secret base or something? What a kid you are!" (Really rude little girl)

OH?! Just right now my brother smile cramped a little, this girl is good!

Hearing the commotion the merchant came back will holding two swimming one piece who looked like a overall made with thin fabric, his face getting a little pale, afraid that the situation get worse and he get involved in a mess with the child's of the lord of this region.

"Little Miss I think you shouldn't talk to him like that... Do you know who this young man even is?" (Merchant)

"It's okay... She is 'just' a little... Girl, who talk without thinking, there no harm done..."

Ohhh! Impressive! It's the first time I heard him talk with poison hidden in his words! She really succeeded in making him angry!

Decided, I gone down from my brother back and walked to the girl.

"What do you want?" (Rude little girl)

"I'm Eva! Eva Fenrik let's become friend!" (Eva)

Hearing the name of the little girl the villagers who were only looking at the situation amused until then, now started to sweat profusely since they realized the little girl was just openly insulting a noble child who also happen to be their lord son...

"Okay! You seem interesting! I'm Clara, nice to meet ya!" (Clara the previously really rude girl)

At that, my brother sighed understanding it won't be the last time he see the girl who was able to make him angry. After that Clara accompanied us after my brother was forced to buy her a swimsuit by me, and we all gone swimming inside the forest, well at least me and Clara did but my brother who wasn't in the mood anymore and worried about monsters just looked at us playing and even had to escort Clara back home...

Since then I started to go to the village with Allina escorting me, or forcing my brother to, so I can see him being harassed by Clara. And once again years passed in a flash and I'm now five years old, that's when two big incident who changed my view on my brother happened, as I was going to the village like I do a lot since I became friend with Clara, I found out that a lot a villagers seemed to be in foul mood.

Wondering what happened I gone to the playground where we were playing with Clara and the others village kids, but what I found there was Clara who was crying as the others kids were insulting her and calling her a liar while pointing their fingers at her.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" (Eva)

"Oh shit, it's Eva! Let's scram!" (Random kid)

As I interpellate them, the kids started to ran away, they were quite scared of angering me since the last time one of them did, I beat him with magic.

"Eva!" Clara suddenly hug me while crying.

"Are you okay? What happened?" I asked her in a gentle tone.

She then explained to me what happened to her, while playing in the forest near here, she got lost and found an abandoned mansion, since she heard the adult talk about it and calling it cursed she became curious and tried to come closer to look at it, but then she seen the ghost of a young girl who was looking at her through the window, afraid, she ran away and found her way back home. And since every kids in the village already heard the story of a ghost who attacked the village years ago, she thought she needed to warn the villagers about what she saw. Every villagers armed themselves and walked to the manor in a cautious way, they then searched the manor while being ready to ran away in a dash at the first sign of the ghost, but found nothing.

And now the villagers think it was one of the pranks of the little girl and since almost every adult remember in fear the ghost who attacked their home, they were quite pissed at the false warning.Those villagers make me really angry! Everyone around here know that, ghost is no joke material, and seeing the afraid visage of Clara as she was telling the story it was clear she wasn't lying! But still since they found nothing and Clara don't have ant evidence to testify her story, I can't go and give them a beating. And I don't have time to go there by myself either since I need to return to the manor now to be in time for my lessons...

I guess I have to use my servant... I don't like him but at least he's trustworthy. After going back home I asked my brother to go there and find evidence. He resisted for a time but after playing the cute and angry little sister it worked like a charm and he finally ceded.

After my lessons I decided to go to my bedroom to play, but then I saw someone approaching the mansion from the window, it was my brother and since he was already back he must had found something, I started to run to the entrance impatient to learn what he found there.

But that when something I didn't expect happen, he first told me that there really was something there, I was really happy hearing that and shouted "I knew it!", but it was soon followed by my brother grave tone, a tone I never heard from him before, and he started to say something absurd like, the villagers were to be forbidden to go there and that included me. Who does he thing he is?! Since when does he give me order? I started to talk back at him saying it was absurd that I leave something this interesting alone.

But... He looked with a cold glare into my eyes and said with voice even colder than his ones eyes, that if I were to refuse his terms he would make it so I can't walk and would keep me in the manor not letting me leave.

He was serious, that's what my instinct told me, a shiver ran up my spine, who was that? My brother is a gentle one who spoil me and is never angry at me. I only answered that I understood in a weak voice, it was the first time I ever spoke politely to him.

But what was this feeling, there was fear but another one who pained my heart much more, but I couldn't understand it, I really wanted to cry, it was really scary... Tears started to form in the corner of my eyes.

But then I suddenly felt his hand starting to stroke my hair gently, surprised I looked up and saw him showing me a gentle smile, he clearly calmed down and stopped being scary. Really relieved from seeing he was back to his spoiling and gentle self I hugged him with a little smile, but I did sob a little while hiding my face in his chest.

A week passed since this happened and when I look back at it, I felt rage rose in me, he really scarred me back there and I felt really hurt! I can't forgive him for saying thing like that to me! I will have my revenge...

My heart started to felt more and more anger as I continued to think of what happened that day, and while I was in the garden I suddenly saw his open back walking in front of me. Unable to contain my feeling anymore I acted in a way I would come to regret.

"In my name, elemental of ice do my binding and become the spear who shalt pierce my enemy, Ice spear!"

Hearing my aria he turned his head to look at what was happening and seen a ice spear coming at him, in a panic he tried to dodge by rotating his body since he didn't have enough time anymore to dodge any other way.

And the spear slashed at him across his back making a deep cut from the middle of his back near the spine and was going up until reaching his left shoulder blade.

"Aaahhhh..." Moaning in pain my brother fall to the floor on his stomach, and a large amount of blood started to flow out of his wound.

Seeing that I completely froze, what have I done? No it's not my fault, my brother is a superman he's always able to avoid my attack like their nothing... Why it's happening, I just, I just... What did I want? I don't even know, I didn't knew what to do and just attacked him out of frustration.

"It's okay Eva, everything going to be okay, go call Allina or mother they do something about it..."

Even though I was the one who made him suffer like that, he was still trying to reassure me, in panic I rushed to the mansion to search for someone in the house and rapidly found Allina, and call for her help, after rushing to take the medical kit she ran to my brother and started to treat his wounds by suturing it at an astonishing speed.

"I'm sorry! *Sob* I'm so sorry! *Sob*" All I could do was looking at what was happening, unable to do anything but sob and ask for forgiveness... Now that I look back at how I always acted when with him, even I don't understand why I was like that with him, maybe I always acted as to anger him, because I was more accustomed to peoples being angry at me than showing good will... And when he did act cold toward me all I felt was despair, because I didn't want him to hate me...

Yes, now I can acknowledge it, what I was feeling was something I never felt in my previous life, love... I just wanted to stay close to him but didn't know how, I just wanted him to spoil me and only me, it was love, but to say if it was familial love or something more even now I can't answer that... I started to despair thinking my brother would never forgave me, I did after all everything for making him hate me...

But once again my brother looked back at me and just smiled.

"It's okay, you just don't know how to deal with your feelings. I will never hate you for that."

It was quite shocking... Even though he clearly didn't have the power to read my mind, he read me like a open book, and he most likely always was able too, that must have been the true reason why he never got angry at me and the only time he did it was out of worry for me. In this world exist someone who is able to understand me, this simple fact made me cry even more than before but not out of grief of guilt but out of happiness...

Since that day, my brother gained a big scar on his back, and I completely changed and became even more of a spoiled child than before, but not in the same way, I just wanted to always stay by his side, we even started to bath and sleep together because of my plea, and when he tried to go somewhere alone I cried while rolling on the floor like would do any spoiled child worthy of the name. Those years were the most happy for me, but then armed knights came and destroyed this beautiful dream, like someone would glass.

A week passed since me and my mother were kidnapped, it was my birthday but it's not like we were in any mood to celebrate it... We were still on the road in direction of the capital and unlike the other days, something worth mentioning happened. A knight on a horse suddenly appeared from the direction we came from, his look was one of a madman and he started to shiver as he was giving a report to the knight captain who was leading this caravan, but it was incomprehensible rambling.

"A huge sword! He ripped them all apart while laughing! He even ate human flesh!" (Mad Knight)

Like that... Seeing as it was going nowhere the knight captain slapped him.

"Calm down boy! Explain everything one thing at a time! What happened to the commander and the rest of the troops?!" (Knight Captain)

"They... they died sir, everyone was killed and ripped apart... I only was able to survive because my friend pushed me down and I stayed hidden under his corpse..." (Mad Knight)

While saying the last line the knight started to cry in a pitiful manner.

"What?! Are you joking?! The commander was a champion and easily the third most powerful man in the kingdom! Who could kill him and a whole troops of Fifty knights?!" (Knight Captain)

"*Snif*... It was the boy sir... At first we engaged him near the mansion, where he already had killed a lot of knights but when he attacked the commander, the commander clearly overpowered him. But suddenly he ran away at an incredible speed. We of course started to pursue him, and following his trace we arrived to a village and after questioning the villagers they affirmed they didn't saw him that day, but they told us the boy was often seen going in the direction of the cursed manor hidden in the forest, whom he had forbidden anybody to approach. Since his step brought us near here and he didn't pass by the village we followed this clue and started to advance to the cursed manor the villagers gave us direction to..." (Mad Knight)

The mad knight started to try to retake his breath has he was now shivering from remembering what happened after.

"Continue!" The knight captain who couldn't believe a single boy was able to kill fifty knights and their commander pressed the mad knight to continue his story and explain how such a thing happened.

"When we arrived to the manor Thirty knights were sent inside to search for him and as to not to let him escape, six knights me included and the commander waited near the entrance of the manor, five minutes after they went inside we heard a knight screaming that he found him but his voice was soon followed by a high pitched sound and then a dying scream, after that a little moment of silence took place and this was repeated, we soon heard a loud high pitched sound that was followed by our men voices who where pleading for their life or screaming in pain." (Mad Knight)

"What the..." Clearly unable to believe what he was hearing the knight captain and those around him were starting to get pale.

"After a moment we seen him behind a window at the second floor looking at us while smiling at us, blood covering him from head to feet, and he jumped straight at us from there through the window, in a single moment he stood in front of us holding a giant red sword from whom was emanating a sick aura." (Mad Knight)

"Don't tell me..." (Knight Captain)

"Yes sir from what I heard of their conversation with the commander it was one of the five cursed blade... And most of all he didn't had red glowing eyes like in the stories..." (Mad Knight)

"What?! Impossible! The cursed swordsman has always been seen as weak by the other champions because not one of them were ever able to wield a cursed blade without getting possessed! And now you are telling me a little brat who just stopped sucking his mother tits is able to wield one without getting possessed?!" (Knight Captain)

"Yes sir... But from what I seen there no doubt about it... She even held him like a lover when he was crying..." (Mad Knight)

"Wait what? What are you talking abo... No, let's hear about that later, please continue from where you stopped..." (Knight Captain)

"Yes sir... When he appeared in front of us we charged at him to protect the commander, but in one swing he killed all of us but me who where saved by a friend and the commander who was able to block his attack. When he attacked, the sword ripped apart anyone she touched like she was eating them." (Mad Knight)

The knight captain found it strange he kept mentioning the sword with 'her' and not 'it' but didn't said a word as to not interrupt his story...

"It was a view straight out of hell, my comrades bloods and insides started to fly everywhere. After that he started to fight with the commander, it was such an incredible fight that I couldn't look away from it, they strokes and countered with such speed, all I could see was blurs and wounds who kept appearing on the boy as more time passed, from those wounds it was clear that the commander at the upper ground but after struggling for what seemed to be an eternity, the commander started to show sign of fatigue and finally was able to make a good strike against him after using a trick, I was starting to feel relief as I thought the commander finally was able to defeat this monster, but that when it happened..." (Mad Knight)

All the knight were holding their breath as they felt that what was going to be told was the way the boy was able to defeat the third strongest man in the kingdom.

"He retreated by jumping back with a roll and took a sectioned hand that was on the ground...

And bite it, eating a part of it..." (Mad Knight)

All the knight hearing the story started to hold their mouth as they felt a sick feeling rise in them.

"But what was the most surprising was what happened after, he clearly looked like in pain for a moment but in a matter of seconds he looked like new, not a wound staying on his body." (Mad Knight)

"..." The knight captain didn't even have the will to respond to that, since this story was growing more and more absurd by the second.

"Seeing that, the commander charged at him in despair, and in an instant the monster ripped his legs making them minced meat, after that he tortured him for a moment and when the commander died he screamed to the heaven that nobody mess with his family. He soon started to cry after that, and that when something even more absurd happened..." (Mad Knight)

What can be even more absurd that someone who healed his wound by eating human flash? Was what wondered the knight captain as he was looking older by the second as he was listening to the story.

"The cursed blade suddenly transformed into a girl and took him in her arms!" (Mad Knight)

"... I have enough of this joke! What did you drink before coming make your report?!" (Knight Captain)

"Sir! I swear to you everything I said really happened! Since even I had a hard time believing what I saw that day I took proof with me! Look!" (Mad Knight)

The mad knight brought out of his sack a hand who was starting to rot.

"Look! You can clearly see the mark of teeth here!" Said the mad knight as he was pointing to the missing part near the little finger.

"You..." The knight captain couldn't say anything at this pitiful scene, the knight didn't only looked crazy he really became insane.

"I also took the birthcard of the commander look!" (Mad Knight)

Duran Enylio22 Years Old / Dead1.123.158. S[tr][td3]Blessing & Prophecy[/td4]tr]

[tr]Iron monk / Champion of the god of the fist[tr]

[tr]Description: Your arms are one the toughest thing on this earth! They are your sword and shield! But be warned that if you werebearhug your lover you have quite the chance to kill her... That would be really sad.[tr]

Seeing that, the knight captain couldn't help but start to think the knight was saying the truth...

"Okay let's say I believe you... What happened after that?" (Knight Captain)

"They talked for a while but I was too far hear anything, after that they held hands and walked way..." (Mad Knight)

That! That was too much!

"WHAAATTTT?! They held hands?! Since he was at a vulnerable time, I passed on the hug, but now that?! Who's brother that bitch think she trying to steal! I won't let that happen!" (Eva obviously...)

"..." (knights and mother)

The knights and my mother couldn't help but stare at me because of my reaction to this story. Killing people while smiling? His smile is his strong point, of course he would smile even while killing! Eating human flesh? He didn't had any choice and even if he took a liking to it everyone have his own taste! But holding hand and hug a goddamn whore of a cursed blade!

"UNACCEPTABLE!!!" (Eva in full brocon mode)

The knight captain just looked at me with a weary look.

"Please... I beg you... Sit down and shut your trap..." (Pissed and weary Knight captain)

"... Yes sir..." (Eva)

Completely forgetting about my current situation, I screamed from my soul before remembering where I was and obeyed the knight before he get too pissed off...

"So... Let me recap, the boy get his hand on a cursed blade and was able to use it or her or whatever without getting possessed, then killed fifty knights, healed himself after eating a piece of human meat and then killed the third strongest in the kingdom, and finally his sword transformed into a girl and they walked away while holding hands, and the only thing we gained from that, is that ridiculous story, a little girl and her mother... Great, if the king don't kill us all that would be a miracle..." (Knight Captain)

"Oh! I forgot!" (Mad Knight)

"What now...?" (Knight Captain)

"The first time we encountered him near the mansion and the commander told him what the king ordered him, he responded that he will kill all of us before destroying the kingdom and torture the king before dismembering every person he hold dear in front him..." (Mad Knight)

"... If i'm not killed by the king for this failure I wonder if I can quit the order of knight... I always dreamed of becoming a herdsman, yep that sound good..." (Knight Captain)

A week later after learning that my brother was alive but accompanied by a goddamn thieving cat. We finally arrived to the capital, and were escorted to the castle, my mother being helped by two knights since she couldn't walk nor float because of the anti-magic cuffs. We finally arrived to the throne room where the one who was behind everything waited us while sitting on the throne.

"Ah! Finally they are here, two new powerful pawns! Is what I like to say but where is the boy?" (Henry the fourth... son of a bitch)

"Uh... About that sir..." (Knight Captain)

The knight started to recount the story he was told by the mad knight and told him about the proof he also showed him.

"Are you fucking kidding me?! You'r telling me we lost fifty elite knights and one of my best men, and now we have a rampaging cursed swordsman who is able to wield a goddamn cursed blade without getting possessed, and all we got from this disaster is a little girl and her disabled mother?! Someone take this fool away!" (Henry the fourth)

"No sir! I beg you! I only did as you ordered!" (Knight Captain)

"Enough!" (Henry the fourth)

Guard started to grip the knight captain and took him out of the throne room.

"NOOoooo!" (Knight Captain)

After a while we couldn't hear the captain anymore and the king heaved a sight. Guess the knight captain would never be able to become a herdsman...

"*Sigh* Someone bring here the slave dealer so we can hurry and finish this..." (Henry the fourth)

After waiting a little, soon a man wearing a hood all covered in black appeared holding a flask who contained a black liquid and a tall but thin brush.

"Here I am your majesty." (Slave dealer)

"Good let's start this." (Henry the fourth)

The king descended from his throne, pointed a finger above the now open flask, and made a small cut into it, to let blood drop into the flask.

"Good it should be enough sir, with who should I start?" (Slave dealer)

"Start with the child she's the most dangerous..." (Henry the fourth)

Am I really going to get enslaved by this bastard? I don't want this! Big brother help me!

The slave dealer approached me while a guard hold me by the shoulders not letting me escape, the slave dealer then ripped with a knife a part of my dress to expose my chest and started drawing sigils on it with his brush who was coated in the black liquid mixed with the king blood.

"Nooo! Please stop!" (Eva)

Not hearing my plea the man continued until he nodded satisfied of his work.

"In my name, elemental of darkness bind this being to the man who sacrified blood to you, and made this being his slave, Slave pact!" (Slave dealer)

After he finished his aria the sigils at my chest started to glow but suddenly stopped and disappeared.

"What happened?!" (Henry the fourth)

"It seem to have failed your majesty... But the sigils where all correct and I didn't miss my aria... Could it be that this child is a champion?" (Slave dealer)

"Uh? Yes she is,what of it?!" (Henry the fourth)

"I'm sorry to say your majesty that a champion can't be bind with the slave pact." (Slave dealer)

"What? Goddamn it!" (Henry the fourth)

Ahahah, you dumbass! Take that in your face!

"It doesn't matter! It would had been simpler to directly bind her, but her mother can still be bind since she is not a champion no?!" (Henry the fourth)


"Yes, if she isn't a champion or received a special blessing who say she cannot be enslaved then there no problem..." (Slave dealer)

"Good it was good thinking from my part to tell my knights to also kidnap the mother and don't kill her. Do it, she's going to become the hostage that bind her daughter." (Henry the fourth)

"Understood." (Slave dealer)

After saying that the slave dealer approached my mother who wasn't restrained since she was disabled, and brought close to her massive and opened cleavage the brush. But the king had forgotten one important thing, the will of a mother whose child was in danger.

My mother grabbed the brush from the slave dealer and broke the end of it with her teeth, making it into a sharp stick.

"Ahahah! What are you going to do with that? Stab me?!... Wait don't tell me." (Henry the fourth)

Mother then looked at my eyes and smiled.

"Eva, never lose hope, as long as your brother is alive he will come to save you, and my son isn't the kind of man to die before doing what he need to do!" (Felicia)

I really didn't like the way she talked it looked like she was saying her last word.

"Someone restrain her!" (Henry the fourth)

"Bye bye, Eva, stay healthy... my baby. NOBODY WILL USE ME TO HURT MY CHILD!" (Felicia)

And so my mother pierced her heart with the broken brush...

"Nooooooooo! Mom! Mooommm!" (Eva)

All I could do was cry once again unable to do anything, why is this happening?! What did we ever do wrong?!

"GODDAMNIT! This fucking family going to make me crazy! Just take the girl away and jail her somewhere!" (Henry the fourth)

At that moment I made a pact with myself...

"Wait please! We were wrong! Let me work for you!" Still crying I told this to the king.

"Ahahahahahah! Marvelous! It seem at least you have some brain. But what a cold little girl your are to think of yourself when you mother just took her life in front of you. But I like your kind! Alright I will let you work for me! Grow strong enough to pay for your family crimes and being worthy of serving me!" (Henry the fourth)

I will see my brother again...

"Yes your majesty! I can't thank you enough for your kindness" I said while kneeling, my forehead touching the floor.



Hell I sure wrote a lot more than I first thought I will for this/those chapters, I hope you enjoyed it and were able to better understand Eva mind and how much of a brocon she became, next chapter we get back to Shun ans Mysty! Stay Tuned!

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