《Excursion to the World's Heart - The Witch's Betrayal》Evicting Our Treasure


"Robin!" Robin's father's shout was followed by a violent crack from the door. Hearing that, Robin froze in silent fear.

But then, "Demeter!" His mother was also called, forcing Robin to reconsider his decision as he looked out, trying to understand what was happening to his father.

Fortunately, Robin didn't need to come out to know that; his door was forced open as well. Shocked, Robin dropped the kitchen knife he wanted to use to the bedroom floor.

His father's form was now clear before Robin's eyes, perfectly upright as usual but very different. Of course, the most unusual part was the metal armor that the man was holding.

However, the face of his father was also strange. They were red, embedded there was a rush of worry that Robin had never seen before.

Accompany that with the man's shortness of breath told Robin that something was terribly wrong.

And sure enough, "Put it on." His father threw the armor on the floor.

Robin stared in confusion "Wh ... what ...?" And asked as he occasionally throws the same gaze towards his mother, who was leaning against the doorframe of his room.

Unfortunately, "Put on this armor, Robin!" Robin's flustered gaze only drew anger from his father, who raised his voice, now making it clear that his sentence was an order.

Unable to do anything, Robin held his tears.

Slowly he put the armor on over his body with the help of his father, of course. It's the first time they've been so close physically in a long time, but Robin can't be happy.

Robin can feel it in the air, in the expressions of his parents. This is their last.

Inside the armor, his tears began to flow, hoping his father couldn't see him crying behind the helmet.

His father, who was now holding Robin's shoulders hard, "Now." Make sure Robin listens, "Listen to me carefully, Robin." And understands, "Get out of here ..." The cruelty of his own father, "... and never come back." That robbed him of his strength.

Robin trembled. He wanted to run and disappear, retry all this from the beginning. He wants one more chance, which is why his eyes run to his mother, who betrays his hopes.

Robin's mother averted her eyes with surrender. Robin must face his parents' decision alone, parents that Robin loved so, parents that Robin wanted to make proud.

Therefore, "But ..." He tried to find an opportunity only to be cut by his father, "Go, Robin!" The man squeezed harder, "Go away and never come back."

His father's voice weakened, "Forget us." Begging, "We are no longer your family."

Robin was petrified.

He wept over all that would be lost.

All of which will turn into memories that will now give him pain.


Finally, "I understand." Robin nodded.

His father released his body, letting him fall to the floor of the house. Then, his mother begun dumping his clothes into a large bag, giving Robin a look of pity but not of comfort.

Slowly, Robin's wardrobe emptied. All his favorite clothes are put in the bag alongside a few others before finally, his mother leaves the room.

Robin is alone, something that will soon be happening every day, every moment.

There is no hope of reuniting his parents or change anymore; Robin is too late to do anything.

Clouded with such thoughts, Robin regretted every decision he had taken to arrive at this point, whatever it is that had been involved.

He began to think of a more wonderful time, away from all the trouble, when their family didn't have to face any threat.

And here they are now, with the father lifting Robin to his feet and the mother forcing Robin to carry the now full leather bag.

Robin wants to falter and sulk. He wants to plant his feet on the floor and become one with this house so that he never leaves his parents.

However, "Father." Robin doesn't want to do it, "If I succeed in becoming a man ..." He prefers to ask, "... a man who fits your standards." Asking if there is a chance, "Can I come back?" A chance to go home.

Robin put on the biggest smile he could and raised his head to look directly at his father, who was looking at him teary-eyed.

This is the first time Robin saw the manly man wanted to drop tears because of Robin, "If that day comes." The first time in a long time that his father tapped Robin on the shoulder with love, "Then I will personally come to pick you up, Robin." The first time his father had smiled at him since.

Robin nodded with all his strength, wanting to convey his intention to do all he could do so that he could return to his favorite place one day.

Seeing this, his father released Robin, who then walked to the door of his room.

Robin stood there briefly wearing a smile, staring back and forth between his, "Father." And, "Mother."

He had a million words to say to them, "I'll be back." But for now, "Someday." That's all Robin can say.

Then Robin ran outside, jumping up and down, trying to trick himself, just like what his parents are trying to do now.

Arion clenched his fists hard, wanting to hit himself over and over again.

What kind of father am I!? He screamed to himself. He couldn't take it anymore; his hand slammed into the wall of his house, creating a hole in them.


His breathing was heavy and abnormal. Fortunately, his desire to destroy more things slowly subside as his wife, who was crying over their only child's departure, grabbed him by the shoulder.

The tears of the lover who had won his heart fell and broke onto the floor slowly until it became faster with the time that refused to stop.

Filled with pity, Arion grabbed his wife's hand back, pulled his partner onto the bed of their son, who is now out there thinking that his parents don't really love him.

While his wife wept and stroke their son's bed. Arion was busy blaming himself, staring around, looking for anything that could distract him from the heavy guilt.

But everything there belonged to the boy, "This ..." Except of course the sharp knife.

Hearing her husband, Demeter peeked. As she saw the sharp utensil from the kitchen that her husband was holding, "What is that?" Demeter had to ask, also seeking distraction from her grief and disappointment.

"Robin aimed this at his neck when I walked in." Arion replied, scratching the blade into his palm, finding fresh blood there next.

"You think he ..."

Arion nodded to stop Demeter from finishing her sentence. He doesn't want to believe that his son was about to do it.

Despite that, "We're failed parents, huh?" He still had to confess.

He laughed contemptuously toward himself and his wife, who then laughed with him until they fell onto their child's bed.

"Do you remember when we were debating names, Ion?"

Arion nodded.

"I told you we should've name him Robert."

"Oh, come on!" Arion raised his voice with a smile, "You're going to blame me, again?" He moved his head to look directly at his wife, who was doing the same.

"Of course!" Demeter proclaims, "Whose fault can it be?!" She then pointed to herself, "Me?"

"Exactly!" Arion replied, "You're too feminine to the point that our child is greatly affected."

"Me?" Demeter raised an eyebrow. "Feminine?" And asked in disbelief, "I beat you when we were teenagers!"

"What year is that memory!?" Arion protested, "Try me now!"

"Sure!" His wife's smile widens, so Arion was not surprised when she pounces him, starting their stupid wrestling match on their child's bed.

The two of them moved and turned, trying to force their opponent to stay under them for a while, but neither could do it.

The sun kept rising, and time continued to move until they finally stopped due to exhaustion. Arion was still laughing, while Demeter, who was above him, had a big smile frozen on her face. Then, her tears dropped again.


Demeter no longer looked at her husband, "He just wanted to make us proud ...." Her eyes looked at the past, "He just wanted to make us proud and yet we ...." As she listens to her son's sweet voice, "... we disappointed him." And his gleamingly passionate and loving eyes.

Demeter's words were broken by grief. She was confused, overwhelmed by emotion; Demeter was angry.

She was angry at herself, at her husband, at the world, at society, at the gods, and at all the others she could blame for what was happening.

"Ether ...."

"Shut up, you bastard!" Demeter interrupted, "After all, why do we have to drive him out when the Storm comes!?" And asked, "You can die if you want to die!" Finally realizing how wrong she was to let this son of a bitch who hated their child decide Robin's fate.

However, "They will take him!" Arion quickly retorts, "They will take him, and make him die with the other boys after I'm gone!"

"Why ...?" Demeter doesn't understand, "... who are they?"

"We plan to face the Storm head-on with all the military might of the capital."

"That is ...."

"... idiotic. We know, Ether." Arion gave a yielding smile, "But what other options do we have? Allowing that monster to destroy the entire city?" He threw a rhetorical question, "Absolutely not." Then answer it himself.

Demeter paused for a moment and think, then she understood. Something that Arion could easily read through the beautiful gleam that Arion had seen often in his wife's light blue eyes.

"So, they are going to replenish the entire city military next with forced conscription without much care?"

Arion smiled and nodded.

Then, "You fools." He feels pain in his stomach.

After done using her husband's stomach as a punching bag, Demeter climbed down from Arion's body.

"Dumb plan, Ion." Demeter repeated, "Take me with you." And continued.

"Wh ... what ...?" Arion's voice cracked with confusion, believing he just fantasized his wife's words.

Yet, "I said, Arion." Demeter repeats the same thing, "Take me with you." Now sharper.

Hearing that, "Don't be stupid!" Arion jumped out of bed, "I'm not taking you!" Standing in opposition.

"So, what!?" Demeter argued, "You're going to let me die alone and lonely after losing our child?!" Forceful, "Do you really think he's going to survive out there!?"

"I ...." Arion was at a loss for words, "... I ...." For while he didn't want to admit that his wife's last sentence sounded true, "... I'm sorry." He had to.

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