《Diaries of Nero the Halloween Cat》Chapter 89 - Night 89


NYYUUUGH… Another night on the Beach… It's fine... It's fine! It definitely does NOT suck that I'm sleeping on sand, surrounded by a motley of varying creatures who seemingly can't help themselves from snuggling up next to me. I love these creatures… They're my friends. My family… It's fine but... Get OFF OF ME! Oh my gosh… I'm so glad that the Wailing Keep Sama should be making his highly anticipated return tonight. This is too much. After shaking the others off of me, they slowly began to wake. I say that, but Budget Shark, Vana, and Hugo were definitely already awake. Budget Shark is playing with Serpents again, but Vana and Hugo are casually building the largest Sand Castle that I have ever witnessed. I… I could probably walk into it if I were in my smallest Cat form.

Upon further inspection, the Sand Castle is actually a Sand Keep. It's modelled after the Wailing Keep Sama, but it's a miniature size which neglected the downstairs, and also neglected to make use of ridiculous Space Magic. I suppose that I wasn't the only one feeling a little homesick… We all love the Wailing Keep Sama, regardless of his personality quirks… But just how the hell did Vana and Hugo even manage to make this?! First off, they're too large. Second, they don't strike me as the kind that are proficient in digging… But then again, maybe they picked up a few things from the Caterpillars? The Caterpillars are next lever diggers, as are the Rabbits. Maybe it's just… Something they don't feel the need to do meow that they're Flutterfairies, but still can? I suppose that I'll lose if I think too hard about it. It happened, okay?! It's done! Nyah!

"Soooo? How was it?" [Hugo] begged the question with a wide grin on his face as he puffed his chest out toward the Halloween Cat vacating the Sand Keep.

"...It was wondrous." [Nero] replied with a tired expression.

"Hah! It was probably even better than the original~" [Vana] chimed in with a snide expression.

"Don't push it." [Nero] shot back while side-eyeing the Monarch Flutterfairy.

"Hmph!" [Vana] retorted while turning her head away toward the Budget Shark.

"Told you~" [Budget Shark] let out before diving back into the water. To which, Nero assumed his larger Human form before picking his Lantern and Broom off of the ground.

"Anyway… Mr and Mrs Scarecrow, please guide the Snow Leopardkin Twins and the Ravenkin family back to the Lost Kingdom waterfall. Molag Dregora, please bring Jon and the Geckokin Woman back to the waterfall near Orpia. Crowli, Benji, Connor, Conrad, Robert, Vivian, and Edward… Please carry some of the Fish back to the Chasms. While in the Chasms, make sure to bring more buckets for the two Fishing parties to make use of… Before beginning to gather more Berries in the Lost Kingdom, so that you may bring them to the Goblins in the Forsaken Isles. White Beef Lady, please see to it that Jon and the Geckokin Woman can cook a meal of Fish for themselves with your Flame Paws. Mr and Mrs Scarecrow, please see to it that the Snow Leopardkin Twins and Ravenkin family can also eat their fair share of cooked Fish with the use of your Flame Charge. Everyone is to return here by dawn." [Nero] beckoned while raising his Lantern high… To which, bright orange flaming light gust out from his Lantern… And revealed the Clansmen.

"Another task!" [Benji] exclaimed excitedly.

"I'm going to sing the entire time~" [Robert] chimed in with a positive attitude.


"Very well, master." [Conrad] accepted the task gracefully before grabbing two buckets of Fish and departing alongside the other flying Clansmen. To which, the Scarecrows nodded before each picking up a Snow Leopardkin Twin and placing them on their shoulders; leaving promptly.

"I will not fail you." [Molag Dregora] declared with a terrifying expression as he grabbed the shocked Geckokin Woman and disgruntled Jon before beginning to slowly float away.

"...Was it really necessary to call me before they even caught a single Fish?" [White Beef Lady] shot back as one of her eyes began to twitch.

"Uhm… Yes? They're going to be hungry, so it's important that they eat as soon as possible." [Nero] sighed with a smile.

"Could you not have just ate together?' [White Beef Lady] groaned while rolling her eyes.

"...Probably~ But it's important that we make use of all the time we have. We have a lot of mouths to feed, and every moment not spent gaining more Fish is a moment wasted." [Nero] shot back while raising an eyebrow.

"Then perhaps don't force them all to return at dawn?" [White Beef Lady] offered her opinion with a casual expression.

"Let's make this clear. Those Fishing parties are not to be attacked by anyone. You are accompanying them to ensure that they are safe." [Nero] explained while shrugging his shoulders as he raised his eyebrows.

"But I want to spend time with Wilson!" [White Beef Lady] screamed with a childish expression.

"...Find Wilson and bring him along with you for all I care!" [Nero] shot back with an exasperated expression. To which, the Werewolf smiled before assuming her Wolf form and flew away.

...Jeez. It might prove difficult to have White Beef Lady become one of my representatives while I regain my power. She doesn't follow orders unless Wilson is involved… Wilson will need to become a Halloween Clansmen if this is to work. Wilson the Vampire Wolfenrine… Huh. I suppose after turning him into a Vampire, it was bound to happen eventually… But like with the Harpy Matriarch, I suppose that I expected to not ever feel the need to capture him. Then again, I could obviously just not feed White Beef Lady my lifespan. Conrad's still a suitable choice… I suppose it all depends on Wilson's decision. He needs to decide whether to be a Halloween Clansmen or not~

Oh! Benji would be a great choice~ He's ALWAYS been loyal and willing to do my bidding; from the very beginning. The Bats are all like that, really. They're happy to serve Allwe, through and through. Conrad and the Crows still do my bidding, but they don't exactly bring that friendly attitude along with them. I need representatives who don't absolutely terrify the populace. A friendly face for Allwe, to make sure that we aren't simply depicted as that evil Clan which decapitated the King. We need strength, and a positive outlook. No offense to Conrad, but he's probably going to end up becoming a catastrophe after I'm dead and gone; if I fail to bring him with me to Halloween. I love these creatures… I really do… But trust them with the state of Melchiadore? Trust them to care for my unborn child? I'm not so sure, not all of them anyway~ Molag can certainly never be trusted to see to the future of Melchiadore. He's brutal. He's quite literally the Bringer of Undying. He'll need someone even more powerful than him to keep him in line. Benji is a strong candidate.


Benji still has a relatively large populace of Bats who would probably follow him should he ascend to greater power. They're all still in the Chasms. My Bat farm. If he gains respect meow, among the citizens of Reygid… Then no one would question his eligibility to oversee Reygid should I perish. Molag has a huge populace to choose from. He can work with just about anyone, given that he slays them first. I'm honestly a little thankful that Molag Dregora lacks any real combat abilities on his own… Sorry Molag, I must apologize… But you're not exactly fit to lead. You're a certain doom flag. It is what it is…

"So… Are we going to do anything or are we just sitting here all night?" [Cetilla] groaned with a tired look on her face.

"Ah… Uhm… Well, we need to begin spending our profits from saving Ivand while we await the Wailing Keep's third coming. I'll probably go meet with a few Witches in the Forest of Witches to find myself a new Broom. What do you two have in mind?" [Nero] exclaimed with a look of uncertainty.

"My Ring is flawless, so I'll probably just buy more Candy for now." [Cetilla] sighed as she shrugged her shoulders.

"About that… Uhm… The Koalakin Candy Man no longer has any Candy right now." [Nero] explained with a guilty expression.

"Fine… I'll go find the Candy Man in Nidallia~" [Cetilla] declared with a dejected expression.

"Hmm… I'll join you~" [Chartreuse] said with a smile.

"Alright, let's go!" [Prussian] exclaimed with an excited expression.

"Good luck!" [Nero] said with a smile before handing one of the Diamond Coins to Cetilla before the three flying creatures departed through the night sky.

"I'll go buy some food to satiate Budget Shark's whims." [Hobgoblin Samurai Punk] declared while puffing out his chest. To which, Nero gave a Diamond Coin to the (Hob)Goblin King.

"Woo!" [Budget Shark] shouted while being chased by the Serpent in the water.

"Hmmm… This whole Tides of Tragedy ordeal is quite troublesome..." [Nero] sighed while visibly pondering.

"We'll stay here while we work on the Keep to see if the monsters remain at bay." [Vana] offered while shrugging her shoulders.

"Well… To make absolutely certain, Rosa; I would appreciate it if you chose to stay as well." [Nero] exclaimed with a sincere expression.

"I don't mind. It's going to take a few days before the paperwork goes through for the reclamation of my estate anyway~" [Rosa Firemane] sighed.

"You want to keep them company? I've been meaning to visit some friends down at the Adventurer's Guild." [Turtlekin Woman] exclaimed while glancing toward the Goatman.

"Ahahaha~ Throwing all the work onto me now, are we?" [Goatman] laughed before continuing…

"Go on ahead, I'll hold it down~" [Goatman] declared nonchalantly.

"Well, we'd best eat some Fish first~" [Nero] exclaimed before grabbing a common Fish and using [Flame Paws] to heat it.

"Found a new way to cook, huh?" [Hobgoblin Samurai Punk] begged the question with a smirk.

"Nyah~ It came to me in my sleep." [Nero] replied with a shrug.

And so… We ate. The Fish was fine, but it was nothing compared to how it might have been if Mary were present… Our dearest Mary… Ahh~ How I long for her cooking… While having our meal, I couldn't help but wonder what Cetilla would eat with the Harpies. I suppose that she'll just go off and buy them all a nice meal in Nidallia. I can't help but get goosebumps at the thought of what might happen should they refuse her service on account of being a Catkin accompanied by Harpies. Yikes. Something's telling me that the Dutchess of Doom might just add another tale to her legend over a simple meal in the very near future~

While we ate, we spent our time talking about the finer things in life… Our future in Reygid. Rosa believes that after she's claimed her position as the head of the Firemane house, she will be able to grow enough food to help better feed the Goblins and Harpies. No more Berries for days. Genuine produce, this time around. The Apples were a fine idea, but they're taking far too long to get started. Rosa's estate already has fruit trees of varying kinds, and it also has potatoes. It even has livestock, like Chickens and a type of cattle known as the Coworse. Apparently, one can ride them as a mount; or gain milk from their utters. I think it might be a mix between Cows and Horses. Interesting, but I'm not sure that I'd want them to be used as mounts. They're not very fast, according to Rosa… And also, we have literal teleportation gates at our disposal; and no real need to travel across vast terrain. It's fine. No mounts.

The Turtlekin Woman believes that some of the Adventurers in Reygid will be powerful enough to enlist as Monster Knights, but she also thinks that they'll be too greedy to accept our current terms. We need to start paying Monster Knights, I guess. It's just… It's so troublesome, because Monster Knights do not guarantee a profit. It's not as though we earn any Coins from having them… We simply gain more of an ability to protect our nation. It's not a lucrative business, protecting a Kingdom. We need a way to actually gain something out of the ordeal, and taxing the citizens is not something that I want to do. I promised that I wouldn't, for starters… But also, I feel as though the citizens deserve the right to not live in fear of some random nation attacking them. Wars are just silly, if you ask me; and I'm the freaking Witch of War! I know these things! I need a way to earn Coins from having added protection… But all that I can think of, is sending them into the Mummy Mansion as armies; in attempts at stealing from the triplets' father. It's a short-term solution, to a very long-term ordeal. I fully intend to reset the Mummy Mansion in order to destroy the Clock and later rescue those Clansmen… But if I do that, then their Coins will stop being duplicated… And the profit will disappear. It's terrible!

The Goatman believes that if we wish to truly rule Reygid in the future, we'll need some form of weapon... A secret weapon. Something that we can bust out in the heat of the moment, and surprise everyone while we lay absolute waste to our enemies. Something that no one would ever think to assume we'd possess, yet is also massive enough to make a fair maiden gasp… Something so absolutely terrifying, that people would begin to question just whose side it were on in the midst of battle. A true trump card. The Goatman is freaking weird, if you ask me. I already have a trump card, dude! It's [This is Halloween]! Oh… So WORLD CLASS Magic with YEAR LONG cooldowns just isn't cool enough for the Tier 9 Shield Breaker Goatman? Okay… So we need something bigger, and better. Hmmm… We have a whole damn civilization of Harpies at our disposal, sort of… It's questionable whether they would ever actually stand with us in a battle; but we're definitely comrades of some kind... No? Even the Harpies aren't enough for the Goatman? Okay… Uhm…

How about a massive, hulking Flesh Golem that I'll probably have absolutely no control over? No? How about several? Ding~ Yep… It's been settled. According to the Goatman, I should have Molag Dregora raise yet another Flesh Golem, or twenty... Before somehow managing to figure a way into capturing and detaining them until necessary. They'll be like catastrophe bombs, purposely kept at weakened states for when needed. Yikes... That Goatman is strange~ He's VERY peculiar. The last Flesh Golem we made… Or perhaps, I should say the last few Flesh Golems… They quite literally devoured each-other in attempts at drastically increasing their strength… And after being disposed of, well… It's no exaggeration to say that the surviving Flesh Golem could very well have been the end of Reygid. An entire Kingdom could have been lost to that monstrosity. A small Kingdom, but a Kingdom nonetheless. In order to keep them from devouring each-other and becoming too powerful to control, I'll need to have them separately detained. Absolutely no cannibalism until I deem it necessary!

Hobgoblin Samurai Punk is wholeheartedly against the idea, as is Budget Shark. Budget Shark believes that we're going to need to feed them, and henceforth… We shouldn't do it. Budget Shark wants more food, not less. I… I honestly don't know how to respond to him. Budget Shark's an idiot. The entire point to detaining a dozen Flesh Golems is so that we don't need to feed them, but it seems as though the point is beyond his wits. I wonder if they would starve? They're technically undead... But does that mean anything? Ouh... Flesh Golems are strange... Would it be cruel to test starving a Flesh Golem? I'm at an impasse... Hugo was actually all for the idea, but Vana knocked some sense into him after explaining that if one of them got loose; the Caterpillars might be in danger. Wait… Huh?! We're not going to freaking lock them up on the Forsaken Isles! That would be utter insanity! But then again… Where would we keep a dozen doom flags hidden from the rest of the continent, yet also within arms reach for a moment of potential tragedy...? Oh… The original Caterpillar Colony… Yes… It's all starting to make sense, meow… The original Caterpillar Colony is freaking massive, and it also has quite a fair number of complex tunnels leading all over, under the Lost Kingdom; yet above the Chasms… According to Vana, some of those tunnels even connect to those tunnels that I had spent a night with Cetilla in; while avoiding Lily. Incredible… We already possessed an underground railway to the Chasms, yet I had no idea. All that we need now, is to convert some of those tunnels into prison cells. Intense… But I can at least see the potential benefit in doing so. The war potential of Flesh Golems is incredible. We might not even need new Monster Knights if we can do this right~

We definitely wound up spending far too much time talking about our future in Reygid, but at least I learned something new~ Meow, it's time for me to go and visit Gretel and Rosina. I'm off to see the Witches~ The Hag's Hollow?! Here I come! Your favorite young, up-and-coming Witch is en route! A real Broom, this time; ladies~ I've got one mighty fine Coin, and immense power to replace! It would also be great, if you could show me the way to a store selling Spellbooks. Nyah!~

"Farewell, my companions! I shall return shortly~" [Nero] called out as he leapt onto his Broom, before ascending into the skies. To which, a few creatures could be witnessed waving him off.

Nyoooooooom~ Oh? What's that? Something is actually happening in the Magic Arena below me… I've flown all the way into the Forest of Witches relatively quickly, and I honestly didn't intend on stopping until arriving at the Hag's Hollow… But there's a pretty intense fight going on down there. Is it… A duel?! A duel between Witches?! Oh my… I want to see! Let's just take a quick peek… Descending, I was able to witness intense flame magic; facing stone-cold ice magic. Lame… Why is it such a basic freaking fight?! EVERYONE knows that flame magic beats ice magic, so what's the point?!

"You'll never beat me, you quivering wretch!" [Flame Witch with blonde hair] screamed hysterically before launching a fireball at her opponent.

Hey… What now?

"You're just angry because you'll never be as cool or level-headed as me, you pompous ditz!" [Ice Witch with black hair] shot back as she raised an ice wall to block her opponent's fireball.


"You're still jealous about my totally hot bod, you flat chested ingrate! No wonder you're trying to hide yourself behind that weak wall of frozen tears!" [Flame Witch] retorted as she slung several fireballs at once toward the ice wall.

...What the hell did I just float into?!

"Hohh yeah?! You're going to burn out before you even graduate you abominable SLUT!" [Ice Witch] screamed hysterically before casting a spell which rained several shards of ice down upon the Flame Witch…

"Ugh~" [Flame Witch] seductively gasped as her already overly provocative red dress began to be ripped to shreds under the shards...

Woah… I swear… Not a single shard actually dealt any damage… They just… Melted on her skin or something!

"You'll never defeat me with such a weak attack! It makes me question how you even got into this academy!" [Flame Witch] screamed before propelling herself forward through the use of her flames…

"I was thinking the same thing… Looking like that, I dare say you'd be better suited in a BROTHEL!" [Ice Witch] slammed back with a twisted grin before raising several large spikes of ice from the ground directly where the Flame Witch was about to land…

"Agh!" [Flame Witch] let out as her left leg was instantly impaled by a spike, spewing blood everywhere, and locking her in her place…

"Enough! This duel has been settled! The victory goes to Esmeralda Iceborne from Class 3A! Esmeralda! Cancel your spell immediately!" [Old Witch with black hair] beckoned after taking a stand from the crowd.

"Y-Y-You've... Lu-cked out this time… Bitch." [Flame Witch] groaned while visibly in pain. To which, the ice spikes evaporated; as if they had never existed… Leaving a large bloody hole in the Flame Witch's leg… Revealing her shattered bones, and letting her fall to the ground.

"This time? I'll win EVERY time… Tramp." [Esmeralda Iceborne] exclaimed with a haughty grin before turning to walk away with a whole lot of attitude… Leaving the Flame Witch to wince in pain.

"Prolisca! Are you okay?!" [Brunette Witch] asked frantically as she ran to the Flame Witch's side before beginning to help the Flame Witch to her feet.

"It's just a scratch… I'll be back on my feet in a matter days… Enough about me, are you ready for your fight with Orline?" [Prolisca the Flame Witch] groaned with a brave face as she accepted the brunette's help.

...I can't believe that the Flame Witch lost… Also, what the actual hell is wrong with this place?! First, the rampant displays of sexism against men… But now the brutal deathmatches as part of school curriculum, which also include absolutely brutal teasing throughout the entirety?! Also… Just a scratch?! You were literally impaled! I can see your freaking bones, yet the Teacher doesn't even seem to care! Oh my… Janus… Melchiadore is messed up… I don't even want to watch the next battle… I'm going to the Hag's Hollow. Oh… I've been noticed. It might be my haki, or it might be my incredibly good looks; but I've been noticed. Ugh…

"You there! What are you doing here interrupting a duel?! This place is only fit for Witches! Men shan't be tolerated!" [Witch] screamed hysterically as she began to fly up to meet the Witch of War.

"...I'm a Witch." [Nero] retorted with a flat look in his eyes as he slightly lowered his aviators.

"You're nothing of the sort! Not even Esmeralda has a chest as flat as yours!" [Witch] obnoxiously declared as she pointed a finger to the Halloween Cat's pecks.

"Actually… Just go ahead and check back in with your so called Council. They know of my abnormality. I'm a male Witch, I'm far more powerful than you, and I have a low enough patience to end your lifespan this instant." [Nero] yawned as he gestured for the Witch to vacate his presence.

"You… You DARE mock me?!" [Witch] exclaimed obnoxiously as if she were deeply hurt.

"I DARE you to educate yourself. Male Witches may exist, although are seemingly rare." [Nero] shot back while raising an eyebrow.

"Hmph! I'll have you know that I graduated third top of my class! There's absolutely nothing you could possibly tell me of Witches that I don't already know!" [Witch] explained with a pompous expression.

"Well… As I've already had my existence acknowledged by your Council, clearly; they are withholding some information from your curriculum… And your education has not actually included everything that you could possibly learn." [Nero] sighed while shrugging his shoulders.

"As IF! Leave this area at once!" [Witch] screamed hysterically.

"...I was literally already leaving." [Nero] shot back bluntly before turning to fly away.

"Hahhh~ Must be because you're not actually a Witch!" [Witch] retorted with a snide voice.

...Nope. I was trying to be the bigger person, admittedly I may have allowed some rudeness to slip… But this woman… She bothers me immensely. It's Witches like these that make me not want to spend my time in this Forest. This Forest of Witches… Which I should be freaking celebrated in, as the Witch of War… But yet almost always receive foul treatment in? The heck?! Also… Why does she not even seem to be afraid of me?! I should be releasing a terrifying haki or something? Why does it feel like my haki turns off from time to time?! Is it… No… Is she actually a similar strength to yours truly?!

"What level are you?" [Nero] asked without facing the Witch.

"Getting afraid?" [Witch] replied with a demeaning tone of voice.

"Level?" [Nero] asked bluntly while turning his neck to face the green haired Witch.

"772~" [Witch] replied with a grin.

"...Just know, that you're speaking to a level 21874 True Allwe Halloween Cat. I am named Nero Miki, and I am the Witch of War… Tonight, your lack of respect has almost cost you your very life… However; I shall spare you under one circumstance. Meet with the Witches Council, and explain to them that I have claimed dominion over the Beastkin Kingdom. There will be absolutely no more slavery for the Scarecrows." [Nero] beckoned with a terrifying look in his eyes.

"...You must be joking!" [Witch] exclaimed as if she were uncertain to the severity of the matter at hand.

"Absolutely not. Carry the message, and they will not only clear any doubts that you have; but they will also likely send you back to me with a new one." [Nero] replied with a determined expression.

"..." [Witch] tilted her head to the side.

"GO!" [Nero] screamed in a monstrously loud voice before immediately disappearing from the Witch's sight.

I flew as fast as I could, and honestly… It was frightening to try and stop at the right moment before slamming into the door of the Hag's Hollow… I almost died or something! I needed to be dramatic, but I also just REALLY wanted to get away from that Witch. She was painfully annoying, and I was one moment away from beheading her directly above the arena. It was a close call… The other Witches didn't seem to really notice me, which was strange… But I'm starting to think that it's because they're Witches. It's almost as if it's impossible to recognize haki's to individuals of the same class… Perhaps, they noticed my haki; but they didn't perceive it as an immediate threat? They simply believed it to be another Witch? On further inspection, I don't appear the same as they do; which utterly confuses their simple minds… But I still carry the same vibe? I suppose that it doesn't really matter~

"Ohoho~ He's back~" [Gretel] called out to Rosina with a smirk. To which… A loud noise came from somewhere nearby…

"Owww! HE'S back?!" [Muffled Rosina Voice] let out before fast footsteps began to grow louder until she had finally revealed herself peeking out from behind a curtain.

"He's back…" [Gretel] sighed with a nostalgic expression as she glared at the Witch of War.

"It's been so long… We were worried that you may have perished!" [Rosina] exclaimed with a worried tone of voice.

"Ah… Fear not, for I have survived." [Nero] replied with a smile, finally having understood the situation at paw.

"I knew you would… Boys being as rare as they are, and you're a Time Witch of all things!" [Gretel] exclaimed with a look of excitement before continuing…

"And you've even grown! So, how was it?" [Gretel] begged the question with a smirk as she raised an eyebrow.

"How was…?" [Nero] asked while tilting his head to the side.

"The Broom, but of course!" [Gretel] explained as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"He HAS grown…" [Rosina] muttered quietly while clearly sizing up the meow hunky and handsome Halloween Cat.

"U-Uhm… Well… It's a fine Broom, but I need something better now." [Nero] explained with a shrug.

"Well you've come to the right place~ We have all manners of Brooms!" [Rosina] replied with a proud look on her face.

"Just how much are you looking to spend this time?" [Gretel] asked with a smile.

"Hmmm… I've brought one Diamond Coin and 666 Gold Coins… But I also desire a high quality Spellbook, and a vast amount of Candy…" [Nero] explained while visibly pondering.

"A whole Diamond Coin~ You must have been working hard~" [Rosina] sighed with a smile.

"A Spellbook?" [Gretel] asked while furrowing her eyebrows.

"There's this Unholy Priestess following me, and I want to make sure that she has something spectacular to help her… Luna?" [Nero] sighed before raising his Lantern to the sky… To which, a smiling Vampire appeared before the two Witches.

"Ouuu! A Vampire!" [Rosina] exclaimed with a look of excitement before beginning to speak with Luna off to the side.

"Well… We don't actually sell Spellbooks… But for her? She'd need something prioritizing in the Dark Element… What she holds now is no use to her." [Gretel] explained while rubbing her chin and glaring at the Vampire.

"Do you have any idea as to where I might find something like that?" [Nero] asked while tilting his head to the side.

"Alright, listen… There's an Enchantress who goes by the name of Sillure Oplee, charming Woman; I'm sure that you'll love her. She lives in this Forest, and can often be found in the library at the Witches Academy. If you can't find a Spellbook, perhaps try having Sillure alter the trait of the one that Luna already possesses?" [Gretel] asked with a smirk.

"Are Spellbooks not commonly sold?" [Nero] asked while furrowing his eyebrows.

"Well… No. They're quite rare, as normally… They're only crafted by first rate Mage type Classes. They're not necessarily required by anyone aside from Priests or Priestesses, but the rare few may choose to attempt at recording the inner workings to their own spells… Making way for Spellbooks. Due to the premise of them, all Spellbooks are limited by the scope of their Authors. A Mage can only record that of which they've learned; hence why most Spellbooks are generally lackluster." [Gretel] explained with a calculating expression.

"...So because I'm a Witch… I can theoretically craft my own Spellbook?" [Nero] asked with eyes wide.

"Precisely." [Gretel] sighed. To which, Rosina fervently nodded her head from a distance.

"Does this mean that Luna would learn how to use my own spells?" [Nero] asked while tilting his head to the side.

"No. The Spellbook itself would not give way for the wielder to learn new abilities… But the strength bestowed to Luna would depend on the materials used to create the Spellbook, the accuracy of your own theories, the sheer number of abilities recorded, the quality of each ability, and the relativity for each ability's element when compared to Luna's own magical proficiencies." [Gretel] explained with a tired expression.

...Huh. I… Can create a Spellbook for Luna. My abilities are quite few… But many of them have been enhanced multiple times. I'd like to think that I have at least somewhat of a grasp on how my abilities work… And, well… I'm of Halloween, Luna's of Halloween; we basically share the same elements. Sadly, I don't actually seem to possess any abilities of the Dark Element yet. I could have learned some as starter abilities… But I neglected to. I might not be capable of crafting the perfect Spellbook for Luna, but it would at least be somewhat feasible for her? I suppose that if it doesn't work properly, I can always try to ask Sillure to improve it… No clue how she ended up being granted permission to use the Library at that questionable Academy… But okay~ It's settled. I'll try to craft a Spellbook!

"Alright~ Do you have any recommendations for the materials that I should use for a Spellbook being made specifically for Luna?" [Nero] asked with eyes wide.

"Night Thorn to make the paper, and Blood for the ink… No questions asked. Preferably, the Blood of a Unicorn." [Gretel] replied with a twisted expression.

...We've got a Unicornkin back in the Chasms… But Night Thorn? Really?!

"...Night Thorn?" [Nero] groaned.

"Heavens, boy… Night Thorn is a rare type of thorn which can be most often found in the depths of the Twisted Treant's domain. To obtain it, one must slay a Twisted Treant." [Gretel] explained with a tired look in her eyes.

"...Twisted Treant?" [Nero] asked while raising an eyebrow. To which, the Hag groaned...

"They lurk east of the Lizardmen Tribes… In that dastardly forest. Now, how about a Broom?" [Gretel] begged the question with an exasperated expression.

"Oh… Uhm… Yeah. If all that I need is to craft a Spellbook, then my budget for a Broom has increased immensely~" [Nero] mumbled while visibly thinking to himself.

"Great! So, I would recommend this Broom of legend for a fine Witch such as yourself… It was crafted from the remains of a mighty beast slain two centuries ago, and it fits your particular affinities… The price may be a little steep, but I have absolutely no doubt that you're the Witch it's been waiting for all this time…" [Gretel] exclaimed hysterically as she turned around and bent over before continuing…

"Oh no… She wouldn't…" [Rosina] gasped from a distance.

"For safety measures, I've ensured to keep this Broom locked away; as my mother instructed of me…" [Gretel] continued on, turning around to reveal a large piece of parchment wrapped around what one would assume to be a Broom…

"She is…" [Rosina] mumbled.

"I present to you... The Chaos Liannas String Dark Phoenix Claw Broom~" [Gretel] exclaimed dramatically as she unwrapped the Broom, revealing a violet Broom presumably crafted through smelted claws… Adorned with purple flames engulfing the brush, and bones consisting of the brush's cap.

"I can't believe that I've lived to witness it with my own eyes…" [Rosina] sighed, while glaring at the Broom.

It's… Beautiful. The handle has a hook shape, and there are detailed inscriptions running all along the shaft… The entire surface of the shaft is smooth, and after placing my hand on it… The flames at its' cap began to burn violently. The thistles are black, but the flames they emit are purple… It was meant to be. This Broom… This Broom will be my origin. I must have it! There's nothing else like this, that the Hag can offer me… It's my end-game for the continent. There won't be another opportunity like this...

"How much?" [Nero] asked while glaring at the Broom.

"One Diamond Coin, no less. I must warn you, this Broo-" [Gretel] began to explain with a look of uncertainty.

"I'll take it." [Nero] declared with a smile before handing his Diamond Coin to the Hag… Moments later, the Broom erupted into flames and engulfed the entire room for a split moment… Before all of the flames dispersed just as quickly as they had appeared.

[Soul Fusion Complete! 'Chaos Liannas String Dark Phoenix Claw Broom' has been fused with your Soul!]

"It has decided. This Broom is now yours, for all of eternity. Lose it, and you will lose your very life." [Gretel] sighed as she rolled her eyes.

...What now? Bro… This Broom is cursed. I might have made a mistake… But it's too late. I love it, regardless.

"Anything else that I should know now that I've sold my soul to the Broom?" [Nero] asked with a tired look in his eyes.

"Born from the ashes, this Broom can never be fully destroyed. Betray its trust, and it will be the end of you. Bring it the honor that it craves, and it will cross through worlds alongside you, carrying you through the most trying of times... Its' flames may wean, but it will never fail you." [Gretel] explained with a dramatic expression.

"...It will never leave my side." [Nero] declared with a grin.

"You'd best watch your tongue… It won't forget what you've promised." [Gretel] exclaimed while gazing at the Broom.

And so, I've meow left the Hag's Hollow. A pleasant visit, for sure~ The Chaos Liannas String Dark Phoenix Claw Broom… I suppose since I'll have it for eternity, I might as well give it a name. How about Lianix? Nyah~ Okay, Lianix Sama; you are meow my Broom. Everyone should treat Lianix Sama with the utmost respect, she's a fair maiden and is older than probably all of you. I have no idea how old Molag Dregora is, but if I had to say… Lianix is probably older. She's our elder, so pay her respect. Yosh~ Lianix, don't ever hate me… I promise, I'm doing the best that I can~ I wonder how much power you'd bestow me with~

Name: Nero Miki

Race: Cat (Halloween)

Weapon: Lantern (Delhn Glass, Siberite Tourmaline Lantern)

Mount: Broom (Chaos Liannas String Dark Phoenix Claw Broom)

Class: Allwe Halloween Cat (Sub Class: Witch/Tamer)

Level: 21874

HP: 109370/109370

MP: 571043/572086(+134606)

SP: 89/100

FP: 68/100

P. DEF: 820

M. DEF: 712

STR: 87496

INT: 285768(+67028)

DEX: 65622

LUK: 21874

AGI: 171456(+40212)


[True Allwe Halloween Cat+8], [From Another World], [Fish Mongerer+3], [Master of Disguise+4], [Mana Guzzler+7], [Candy Mongerer+4], [Master of Time+2], [Witch of War+7]

Abilities Learned:

[Flying Broom+4], [Soul Merge], [Clansmen Capture+2], [Hallowed Gate+4], [This is Halloween+2], [Wailing Keep+5], [Language Comprehension+1], [Shapeshift+3], [Barrier+6], [Daily Candy+5], [Claw Fishing+4], [Disguise+5], [Recovery by Sleep+3], [Enhanced Meditating+4], [Swim+3], [10 Minute Makeover+2], [Pumpkin Bomb+6], [Bonus Mana+5], [Time Skip+1], [War Meow+3], [Mana Claws+1], [Flame Paws+1], [Enhanced Smell+1]

Oh… Okay… Uhm… Wow. So, Lianix truly is a legendary class Broom. She's freaking insane. A minute ago, I had around 420 thousand MP, but meow? 570. Ridiculous. Lianix is quite literally 20 percent of my current strength. Even after losing all of my strength, more or less… I'll still be on par with a freaking Tier 12 Halloween Cat. I'll have practically no HP, STR, or LUK… But those stats might as well be useless for the majority of my needs. Lianix is a cheat. Why did Gretel even sell me this for such a low price?! Looking at it… I can't help but think Lianix should have cost me 10 Diamond Coins, no less. Turning around, I opened the door and decided to ask… Apparently, as I meow call her… Lianix actually spoke to Gretel some time after I had last visited her… And requested that Gretel attempt to sell me the Broom. The Broom SPOKE to Gretel, about ME… It's truly a cursed Broom… No offense, Lianix; you terrify me. She must have known that I was a Halloween Cat. There's no other possible explanation… Gretel asked about how much I was willing to spend, so she chose something possible… Just to get the Broom off her hands. The Broom that she had spent her entire life protecting… It's in my paws meow. After speaking with Gretel, I also learned that Lianix is indeed; a female. Cool, so I didn't screw up immediately by assuming a gender.

Flying back to Reygid alongside Luna was enjoyable. It might just be me, but the flame trail following after my Broom seemed especially mesmerizing. It's almost as if I'm a missile meow… Lianix must have a thing for the aesthetics. After returning to the Beach, I found that the others did indeed; need to fight off a few creatures. It wasn't anything major, but the Serpents that Budget Shark had become friends with; were no longer as friendly. It might have been different Serpents, but I suppose I'll never know. After arriving, they all immediately scurried off, and things became quite mellow. Yikes… Is it bad if I almost want to abuse this as a means to strengthen the Monster Knights? It's kind of dangerous, but worth it? I feel as though I'll be having a moral dilemma over this for centuries if I don't do it… So I guess we'll do it. At the end of the night, the Tides of Tragedy are essentially a Dungeon. Choosing to neglect it will only cause the problem to grow~

"You guys should stick around here, and train off of these monsters for awhile. If things seem to be getting out of control, just ask Luna here to come and fetch me. I'll be in the Wailing Keep." [Nero] declared with a smile from atop his mesmerizing new Broom. To which, a particular Vampire leapt down to the ground; joining the others.

"This is going to be good…" [Goatman] exclaimed with a twisted grin.

"I don't know how I feel about eating them… But they taste good." [Budget Shark] confessed while tilting his head to the side.

"With Luna here, we'll be able to make sure that none of us die~ I was worried about Budget Shark, as I can no longer heal him properly…" [Vana] sighed with a smile.

"Yeah… Those Halloween Clansmen are practically impossible to heal without Luna or Nero…" [Hugo] groaned.

"I'm going to become the strongest Countess alive, I just know it!" [Rosa Firemane] declared with a determined look in her eyes.

"Just how many Countesses do you think there even are?" [Vana] begged the question with a look of uncertainty.

"Alrighty then~ Good luck everyone!" [Nero] yelled as he began to fly away.

Okay… Time to destroy whatever remains there are of that wretched Castle… The flight was nice. I was able to witness countless civilians gaze up at my wondrous new Broom's visual effects. Lianix is going to be famous, I have a nose for these things. Perhaps infamous would be the better term… Hmmm~ She'll be a star, I know that much. Arriving at the Castle, I was met with the image of what could only be described as a post-apocalyptic pile of rubble. Welp… A crowd has assembled~ Everyone's curious about how I'm going to magically conjure a Keep, I suppose. Flying to the center of where the Castle previously stood… Stand back, people; this one's going to be a doozy~ [Wailing Keep]!

Moments later… A familiar sound caressed my ears… How nostalgic~ The sound grew louder, and louder… Bystanders may not know, but this is the sound that occurs from a whole damn Keep magically busting through the ground. I'd best fly a little higher~ Whew! That was cutting it close… A few seconds after I rose, the ground beneath me had gained cracks in the surface… Which erupted almost instantaneously, and a wondrous structure rapidly crushed through them. Within just moments, the structure had settled. It's my favorite large black Keep, with two large towers at each side of the entrance; and 1 smaller tower towards the back. Adorning the grounds near the Keep, are varying sized orange jack-o-lanterns growing from gigantic roots which have begun to sprout from the surface, along the Keep walls. The roots wrapped around the Keep, protecting its most vulnerable of spots; without obstructing entry into the Keep itself. Magical~ I love the Wailing Keep Sama. It's a love-hate relationship, but he's a pretty stand-up guy. He certainly knows how to make an entrance, with those dazzling black steel church-like doors~

"I present to you all, my highly esteemed Wailing Keep!" [Nero] announced while floating closer to the doors. To which, cheers arose from the crowd.

It doesn't really take up the whole area of the original Castle… So it's kind of still surrounded by rubble… But one can't be too picky. It's a Keep, and no one needed to spend weeks building it. That's what truly matters. Screw those hand-built Castles! None of that, not for THIS empire; thank you very much~ Opening the doors, I was met with a familiar sight. It's been nice, Beach… But I think I'll spend my nights in the Keep instead. On entry into the Throne Room, I realized that both of the Hallowed Gates had automatically duplicated themselves. It's the combo gate effect, quite useful. Oh? It would appear that Wilson and Kendra returned from Halloween… Have they been in there this entire time?! The heck?! I thought that Wilson would be with White Beef Lady right meow? Oh… Apparently, they left momentarily in order to eat within the Forsaken Isles… But for the most part, they've been in Halloween; perfecting their songs. White Beef Lady DID request for Wilson to join him in Orpia, but he declined to have more time practicing... Excited to be Bands(wo)men, huh?

It would appear that literally dozens of Beastkin have assembled in the Throne Room. They're… Waiting for an announcement? Okay… I didn't really prepare anything, but okay. I suppose this is what it means to be overseeing a nation. Taking my seat, I made sure to prop Lianix up to the Throne on my right side, and placed my Lantern on the armrest of the left. I'm ready. Kendra is standing off to my left with Wilson, Penny, and Christina... The Vampire Knights, and the Skeletons are off to my right… The lesser Scarecrows have also gathered in front of me; forming two lines as they knelt facing the audience. Is this… My protection detail? Nyah~

"Greetings everyone, and welcome to my home. As you can see, these are some of my Clansmen; representing Halloween. I would like to formally introduce you all to Penny, the Pixie… Christina, the Corocdae… Mick, Steve, and Andy; The Vampire Knights… Several of the Scarecrows, the Skeletons… And joining us; are two of the Monster Knights. Kendra, the Kitsune… And Wilson, the Wolfenrine. I must apologize, but the majority of my Clansmen and the Monster Knights are currently preoccupied with other matters. It brings me great sadness to admit that your Princess has not taken the time to introduce herself to us yet. I know that many of you may have some misgivings about me, and you're than welcome to feel you how do… I deserve to be feared, at least a little… Be that as it may, to make it up to you and show my good faith... Tomorrow night, I would like to formally invite you all to a very special occasion~" [Nero] announced with a smile before removing his aviators and taking a stand. To which, the crowd began to murmur.

"Tomorrow night… My Clansmen and the Monster Knights will be helping me hold a festival~ We will be performing numerous songs and a couple dances to entertain you all! The Goblins and Harpies of the Lost Kingdom will be joining us. You are more than welcome to bring drinks or food to celebrate the coming of Halloween to your illustrious Kingdom~ Dance all the night long, and mingle with your friends; perhaps even form new friendships among our people! Spread the word, all of Reygid will be welcome to join in our festivities. Let it be known, that so long as I live; perhaps even longer… The Lost and the Beastkin Kingdom will forevermore be united under the banner of kindness, Allwe! Now, do you have any questions?" [Nero] announced with a grin before taking his seat once more. To which, the crowd excitedly cheered.

Ahhh… It feels nice to be liked~ I wonder how long it will last… I suppose regardless of my treacheries, many are quick to forgive. It's not as though I WANTED to massacre hundreds of Kingdom Knights… They got in my way, and I wasn't in the mood to have patience.

"You killed my father..." [Small Bearkin Boy] courageously confessed with a blank look in his eyes after approaching the Halloween Cat from amidst the cheering crowd.

Oh. It must be one of the children to a Kingdom Knight…

"You're very brave for coming forward, little one… Your father was also quite brave. He chose to give his life, protecting a very terrible man… But he believed in that terrible man, and he was no fool for having done so. I have no doubt that you will grow up to be just like your father, so please… Do me one small favor, will you?" [Nero] sincerely requested of the Bearkin.

"...What do you want?" [Small Bearkin Boy] asked while tilting his head to the side.

"It's simple… Find me as many children like you, who have lost their families in my wake as possible. Bring them all to me, have them help you find more; and I promise to give you all a place to stay in this Keep. You will be fed, and raised; as if you were my very own children… I can assure you that no harm will ever come to you again… And one night, if you desire; you may choose to protect your people, as Monster Knights; or even as Adventurers. The choice is yours to make, but I personally hope to see you protect these lands and grow to be like your father; as this was your home before it was mine." [Nero] explained with a weak smile as he glanced toward the child.

"...Other children like me?" [Small Bearkin Boy] asked with eyes wide.

"Yes… You may not know it yet, but there are actually quite a few children living here in the Wailing Keep." [Nero] replied with a smile.

"Can I meet them?" [Small Bearkin Boy] asked innocently.

"They should be here tomorrow." [Nero] exclaimed with a gentle voice.

"Okay… I'll try to find more." [Small Bearkin Boy] declared with a determined expression before disappearing into the crowd. Moments later, another stepped forward.

"You speak of kindness, but you've torn many of us from our homes." [Foxwoman] exclaimed with a frustrated expression.

Oh. It's probably a Farmer. Screw those guys~

"And you brutally enslaved an entire race of innocent Scarecrows… Leaving them to brave the weather, and starve. I don't tolerate slavery, and as you can see… Scarecrows are among the Halloween Clan. It is my responsibility to ensure that they are kept happy. Live with the consequences of your actions, and brave the weather just as they did. Find solace in the fact that due to your ownership of the farm; you might not starve as they did. Perhaps, find a Tavern to rest in if you can't handle the cold." [Nero] shot back before placing his aviators back onto his face. To which, the Foxwoman Farmer stormed off in a fit of rage.

"I've never encountered such a commendable ruler... Willing to not only slay a King by his own hands and assume dominion over the nation… But to reform its most troublesome of quirks, take an active role in the commerce of the nation, hold a festival welcoming all within just days, welcome the newly found orphans made through his own actions with open arms, stand firmly in his own ideals, and even ask for absolutely nothing of his subjects but the faith that he would personally see to their protection AND the well-being of their economy! You've certainly impressed me, Halloween Cat!" [Rudou] declared after stepping forth from the already dispersing crowd.

"...Rudou. It's a pleasure to see you~ How goes the Trading Company?" [Nero] replied with a smirk.

"Ahh, you know how it is… Everyone wants SOMETHING from off the continent~" [Rudou] sighed while rolling his eyes.

"Hohh yeah?" [Nero] flamboyantly replied.

"Most certainly… Actually, tonight I came to visit you with a little bit of intel that I figured you might be in the mood for~" [Rudou] informed the Halloween Cat with a grin.

"If it's about more Catkin… I'm going to need some of a more powerful disposition than Milton." [Nero] groaned.

"Oh, no… I honestly haven't even found any more influential Catkin just yet." [Rudou] confessed while shrugging his shoulders.

"Oh? Then what is it?" [Nero] asked while tilting his head to the side.

"It's about a particular Lionkin… One of… Royalty?" [Rudou] replied with a quiet voice and a snide expression.

"You know where the Princess is." [Nero] muttered under his breath as he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Indeed… But this intel may prove somewhat costly, if you catch my drift~" [Rudou] sighed as if it were the most troublesome thing in the realm to simply inform his newfound ruler of his highly desirable secret.

"How much will it cost me?" [Nero] groaned.

"Hmmm… For anyone else, I'd probably charge 200 Gold Coins and no less~" [Rudou] confessed with a smirk.

"...But?" [Nero] shot back while tilting his head to the side.

"But for you… I might be willing to lower my price, given that you agree to some special terms~" [Rudou] sighed.

"...Which are?" [Nero] begged the question with a growing impatience.

"You see… There's a rising demand for products obtained overseas, but I'm incapable of meeting those demands… However, someone with your particular talents..." [Rudou] began to confess with a smirk before being brutally interrupted...

"You want me to move product overseas in your name." [Nero] replied before removing his aviators once more to reveal his squinting eyes.

"My… You certainly are sharp~" [Rudou] sighed.

"To be frank, it's not the first time that I've considered the matter…" [Nero] confessed while shrugging his shoulders.

"Oh, so we're on the same page; then?" [Rudou] begged the question with a smile.

"Indeed… But what does that do for your price on the intel?" [Nero] asked with a smirk.

"Well, I wouldn't see a reason to request any more than a mere 100 Gold Coins; given that you can prove useful in this endeavor~" [Rudou] shot back with a frivilous tone of voice.

"Hmph… Actually… I was thinking about the price being dropped entirely~ Let's make this clear, if I choose to help you move this product; I can make it happen immediately. No questions asked, all of the product will be delivered in full; within mere moments. I'll save you incalculable costs, and greaten the size of your shipments immeasurably... But I won't do so for free. You need to cut me in on the asking price… Or I'll simply do it on my own, as my own business; and you'll have found a very notable competitor in the industry which you could never even dream of competing with." [Nero] replied with a nonchalant expression as he glared up at the ceiling. To which, the Catkin sighed.

"What do you want?" [Rudou] begged the question with a tired expression.

"Half of all profits made." [Nero] shot back with a twisted grin.

"Fine… She's seeking safe passage across the seas, and is currently resting in my Trading Company." [Rudou] groaned while rolling his eyes.

"You were going to charge me 100 Gold Coins for THAT?!" [Nero] screamed with an exasperated expression.

"Ugh~ I know exactly where she is, and she's not expecting anything!" [Rudou] shot back with a pompous look on his face.

"She CAME to your doorstep, and asked you to get her off of the continent! It's not as though you needed to search for her, she came to you of her own volition!" [Nero] slammed back at the Catkin with a tired look in his eyes.

"You can't blame me for wanting to earn a little extra Gold in an opportune moment, you just demanded HALF of my profits!" [Rudou] retorted hysterically.

"A demand that you won't regret agreeing to~" [Nero] sighed while rolling his eyes.

"Well I'd BETTER not!" [Rudou] screamed exasperatedly before muttering…

"Half of my profits… Ridiculous." [Rudou] muttered under his breath.

"Half is more than fair enough. I'll be doing your job for you, all you need to do is organize the requests and point me in a direction." [Nero] groaned before placing his aviators back onto his face.

"Pfft… What do you charge Clive to sell your clothes, anyway?" [Rudou] begged the question while rolling his eyes.

"Half." [Nero] shot back with a smile, before picking up his Broom and Lantern, taking a stand… Leaving the Catkin in utter dismay.

"But all that he does is calculate the profits and hire a workforce?!" [Rudou] shot back as if in disbelief.

"Precisely... I conjure the clothing, and he sells them. I transport the products, and you find buyers for them. It's as simple as that. Half." [Nero] retorted with a flat voice.

"What am I even going to do with my workforce now that you're handling all the transportation?" [Rudou] muttered to himself.

"Have them clean your warehouse, greet your clients, sort your products after I've brought them, or perhaps… Establish a new business; like transportation for individuals off or onto the continent~" [Nero] sighed as he shrugged his shoulders.

"...I already DO transport individuals off of the continent." [Rudou] shot back while tilting his head to the side.

"Clearly not, considering that you just sold out your highest paying refugee~" [Nero] retorted with a smile before getting onto his Broom, and extending a hand to the Catkin; who hesitantly accepted and began to ride behind the Halloween Cat.

And so, I have meow learned of the Princess' whereabouts. It didn't take very long, actually. It was nothing for yours truly~ To be fair, it can't be very easy to hide; living as a Princess. Reaching Rudou's was a simple task, thanks to having him to lead the way. I'm still not entirely in the swing of things, since returning from the Mummy Mansion. That whole experience was more than a little jarring. On arrival, I was led up some stairs; and left to my own devices outside of the room apparently housing the sleeping Princess… How suspenseful… Attempting to open the door, I found that it was locked. Thankfully, the lock was cheap and I managed to break it by simply twisting the doorknob. It's not a big deal, but I'm kind of strong. Iron door handles are nothing for yours truly~

On entrance… I was met with a sleeping Lionkin. She appears more Lion than Human, just as her parents before her… She's smaller, that's for sure. I don't mean to pry, but it's time to wake up. You've been caught. You relied on a feline Merchant, when you should probably have sought a canine. No… I think the mistake was relying on a Merchant to begin with… Also, Rudou's a distant friend of mine; we drink together on occasion. It was just a mistake, no matter how you put it. I'm a Halloween Cat, Rudou's a Catkin; and you're a freaking Lionkin. We were practically bound to team up against you, oh superior feline��� Ah~ She's awoken. Perhaps my haki was the cause, as she's immediately swung into full on alert-status. Ready to pounce, are we? I wouldn't recommend it.

"You! What are you doing here?!" [Lionkin Princess] begged the question with a ferocious expression.

"Relax... I don't intend to murder you, but I will if you don't calm down~" [Nero] groaned.

"So what, then?! Intend to lock me up and keep me here for all of eternity?!?" [Lionkin Princess] screamed hysterically.

"Uhm… No? I think you may be mistaking me with your father on that one~" [Nero] shot back with a smile.

"Strip me down, and parade me through the streets then?!" [Lionkin Princess] screamed hysterically.

"...Woah. I would NEVER do that…" [Nero] replied with eyes wide.

"Undress and crucify me to the side of your ridiculous Keep?!" [Lionkin Princess] screamed hysterically.

"Okay, now you're just getting carried away…" [Nero] shot back with a tired expression.

"Am I?! The way you ruthlessly invaded our Castle multiple times, damaging it to the point of no return before beheading both of my parents and dropping their remains for all to see proves otherwise!" [Lionkin Princess] screamed hysterically.

"...I definitely did that, but I had my own reasons. You may not agree with my actions, but to be blunt; you don't even need to. As publicly announced, I have no intention of humiliating, or harming you unless you decide to stand against me. Your father invaded my home, and slayed my family; he had a King killed… So I killed a King in retaliation, and I murdered his family. You are the last of his lineage, your family's name is in your paws. Will you end your lineage now, or will you stand down and take a seat in my Dining Hall?" [Nero] begged the question with a determined expression.

"...You're lying!" [Lionkin Princess] screamed hysterically.

"If you refuse to see reason, then give me the chance to prove it to you." [Nero] offered while extending a hand to the Lionkin… To which, she shirked further back into the corner of her bed.

"I saved your father's life against my own better judgement, and he repaid me with treachery. I gave him 60 days to abolish slavery within this Kingdom, and he betrayed my trust. A few times, actually. I only slayed those who chose to protect him. Make your choice, it's I; the only Holiday Clan Leader on this continent… Or it is death." [Nero] declared with a grim expression as he continued to hold his hand out to the Lionkin…

"..." [Lionkin Princess]

"What is your name?" [Nero] asked with a weak smile.

"...Orianna." [Orianna] mumbled.

"Well, Orianna Reygid… I am Nero Miki. I am the one True Allwe Halloween Cat, and I represent a portion of the Halloween Clan. I desire to improve your Kingdom and put an end to the Mummy Mansion, as well as the Tides of Tragedy. I do not require your undying loyalty, I simply request a modicum of faith. Try living in the Wailing Keep, and act as the Queen to this Kingdom by my side. Swear your allegiance to Allwe until the moment that I betray your trust. Do this, and I will help you to ensure the safety of ALL your subjects... Given that they also stand down, I will not forsake you; or them." [Nero] exclaimed while still holding his hand out to the Lionkin… And was finally accepted.

"I'll give you a chance… But if I even sense a hint of malice from you, I'll…" [Orianna] agreed, before being brutally interrupted…

"You won't." [Nero] declared with a smile before quickly pulling the Lionkin out of the room, and down the hall.

"...We're going right now?!" [Orianna] asked frantically while she was forced into sprinting through the Trading Company. To which, the Halloween Cat only laughed.

And so, we flew. We flew all the way down to the Beach, albeit at quite the high distance away; for obvious reasons. While there, I explained my plan to make use of the Tides of Tragedy in attempts at further strengthening the Monster Knights. She was a little bit impressed, but also quite worried. I needed to inform her of my own back-up plan before she calmed down~ We ended up staying there for awhile, observing the battle. It was a fine time, she was impressed by the versatility of our Monster Knights… But she hasn't witnessed much yet~ This is but a small portion of the Monster Knights, after all. Budget Shark was bravely swimming through the water, devouring Serpents at impeccable speeds. Rosa Firemane was honestly the least impressive of the bunch, but I suppose it was expectable. She's a Fire type, dealing with Water types. It's not exactly her forté~ She spent her time clawing at the beasts which arrived onto the shore. The Goatman spent his time swinging a Dagger alongside her. He was probably just intending on watching her back. Can't have any Countesses perishing, after all~ Vana and Hugo stayed near the back-line, but were still ahead of Luna. Vana and Hugo seemed to enjoy letting out beams of green light, burning the beasts from afar; although the damage didn't seem to be very impactful. It was more or less just an early shot to help blind the beasts before Rosa and the Goatman gained an opportunity to seal the deal. In between each of their bursts, I think they also stopped to heal Rosa and the Goatman. Luna was healing Budget Shark from afar, but I don't even believe that he was being attacked very often.

Eventually, the Geckokin Woman and Jon returned alongside Molag Dregora. Strangely, White Beef Lady was not present; but I suppose she went directly back to the Wailing Keep. Shortly after, the Turtlekin Woman drunkenly stumbled back from the Adventurer's Guild… And all three of them joined the battle. Molag returned to Halloween. Jon was almost impressive, but definitely was not worth the wait to see in action~ The Turtlekin Woman was commendable, she began to block several of the Serpents from attacking Jon and the Geckokin Woman; who was honestly… Out of her element. She's too weak for this, I think. At least she's trying~ Jon's bullet's may have consisted of water… It was strange, and unexpected; as pirates would need to be capable of facing water types… No? The Geckokin Woman kept leaping all over the place, and jumping off of the Serpents… But I don't think it was doing any damage, she just sort of… Knocked them off balance. It was helpful, sort of? I don't know…

Eventually, the Snow Leopardkin Twins and the Ravenkin family returned alongside Mr and Mrs Scarecrow… Dawn was quickly approaching, so I decided to descend and scare off the Serpents~ After landing, Budget Shark happily declared that he would go and find the Wailing Keep; so that he could figure out where Hobgoblin Samurai Punk wound up placing his highly anticipated feast… As if he didn't just spend several hours devouring Serpents; leaving me utterly flabbergasted. Still though… If the Tides of Tragedy require Hobgoblin Samurai Punk or myself to be stationed here… We're in for quite the tedious few months, as I'm expected to prestige soon. How are we to hold the Tides of Tragedy at bay during the festival tomorrow night?! Oh Janus… I may have jumped the gun this time… Slaying that abominable King may have been a grave mistake.

If Hobgoblin Samurai Punk returned to the Wailing Keep rather than to the Beach… It's my job. I need to stay here tonight… Ugh! I was SO excited to sleep in my own bed again… But I suppose it's sand. I'll be in the Sand Keep, wallowing in my own despair if anyone needs me… [Shapeshift]... Don't mind me, you guys… Go on ahead and enjoy the luxuries of my Keep; it's fine… It's fine! [Daily Candy]! Oh… There's already a few buckets in the faux Treasure Room… Because just HOW ELSE COULD MY LIFE BECOME ANY MORE TRAGIC?! Good morning… Sleep well, Lianix… Relish in the fact that your new owner is an absolute failure living in a freaking Sand Castle. You've definitely picked the right Halloween Cat... For sure~

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